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Fandom Soul Eater: A New Beginning

"Well I've never had my face groped as the precursor to a traditional good morning before..."

She tilted her head an amused expression on her face. She had been a bit surprised when he had bumped her face stretching. But her surprised had morphed in to first agitation and then amusement as he had felt around on her face for a moment before opening his eyes. There were some weird teachers in this school. Slipping her hand from her sleeve she adjusted her lip rings a bit, setting them to rights again. Rubbing the back of her head she made no move to get up.

"Please tell me you didn't spend all night in here again...?"
He lets his hands rest on the desk, but no so much to beckon her to leave. "Ah, well there is a first for everything." Calvin watched as she transformed her face, surprise, anger, and then amusement. He sighed, "Oh please, sleeping is not necessary every night. For one who spends so much time with Stein, you should know this.". He gave an accusing look, but softened as the girl was still on his desk. "So tell me, how did you and Break's session go?". He was genuinely curious, for this was a weapon of extraordinary powers, one that couldn't be taken lightly.
"I don't think Stein ever needed to sleep... As for me and Break... No one mentioned the guys soul was as bossy as he was... But I got him to relax enough to be able to fire with me in weapon form...so that's something I guess..."

She shrugged her head tilting to one side. She decided not to mention the fact that said test fire had blown a crater into the ground somewhere on school property. It wasn't her fault any way since she wasn't the one aiming. Sure they had made some sort of progress with their training session yesterday, managing to fire her was a big step for anyone hoping to be her partner. But what really mattered was if he'd be able to use her on the battlefield or was she going to get stuck playing the meister.
"Ah yes Break's soul is a little more overbearing then it should be, but it is good you are both making progress." Calvin feigned a happy look, for he was actually worried. Not only were Break and Cross going to be fighting a witch, but also 75 followers of the witch. "Have you tried wielding Break instead, he is a very agile weapon," He gave her a smug look, "It might just suit you.".

With this Calvin began shuffling through his desk, making himself busy for he had already completed all of his paperwork for the day. He gave a sigh, closing all the cabinets and turning to his board, making a few notes at the bottom. Looking back at Cross he awaited a response, for he had nothing better to do.
Atsoku awoke to the loud buzzing of his alarm, he was jolted a bit by the noise. He sat up abruptly and stretched his arms, he felt more refreshed than he had before. 'That certainly helped,' he let out a yawn, 'it's just about time for class to begin.' He hopped down from his seat and began strolling down the hallway; he started to mentally prepare himself for the day ahead, more specifically his mission.

He walked up the stairs and watched as all of the academy students trickled in the doorway, though he himself went upstream and outside.

He still hadn't had anyone who he was friendly enough with to sit next to and help him around others. Atsoku walked over to the same window he had on the first day of school and jumped up to it. He sat the a moment looking outside to make sure no one was around, he turned back and looked in the classroom to find only the professor and some girl. 'Interesting, she's in a straight jacket. She'll be interesting to see in action if I ever get the chance.' He waited there as other students began to enter the room.
"We tried that too... And I was thinking the same thing... He's light and fast, won't impede my movement much... And thanks to Stein I got the self wielding thing down pack..."

She chuckled leaning back far enough to flip herself off the desk and land on her feet. Rising up to her normal stance she leaned on the desk. A witch hunt wasn't exactly the best way to try out a tenuous partnership, but she lived for danger anyway. It would be one hell of a blood rush, and possibly and even bigger blood bath. The though summoned a wicked grin to her face, flashing fang sharp canines. She shifted her arm around a bit, and soon had her jacket refastened.

"Eh class should be starting soon... Hope you don't mind if I sleep through most of it..."
"Well with that in mind then I should be up for a show today." Calvin gave a smug to the antic girl. Watching her flip, "It is a witch though, and if you and Break don't show enough prowess as partners I doubt you will get further missions." He said this while leaning back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head, "In that case y'all will be stuck as my weapons,". He opened up one eye to view her expressio, as he put on a smug look.

Regaining his composure, "Today is just the basics, so if you sleep, just don't make it obvious.".

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