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I got messaged after quitting by KSMI to start this. Some time after, I had chilled out.

Man left me on read for three hours after being salty over a post that wasn't even about them then replied only after I offered the GM position. Right. Didn't quit of course of course, only ignored the GM as the Co GM for three hours while surfing the website, had time to read every post and message but couldn't answer the question "We good?" right right.

"Seperates version" it's my story the fuck? I have like twenty hours sunk into this, how about you dude? How much time have you spent here?

I was slightly upset you were accusing people of something that didn't make sense, yes, because I didn't want the RP to get dragged down by your wild accusations. As for the PMs I had work duties to attend to and then I had to walk home through the city streets and I really didn't want to make myself look like a bigger target. As soon as I got home I saw everything that happened and responded to the offer since you seemed like you wanted nothing to do with the RP anymore and I didn't want you to feel like you had to.

Duwang Duwang
I appreciate that, but you don't have to defend me. I don't want you getting dragged in too.
Well uh okay KnightOfNight KnightOfNight , I'm not sure how well you are getting contacted over this, but Uncultured Uncultured made a group over 'what to do' involving the game. It seems like they haven't involved you in this in anyway which, to me, is kinda a dick move since you know Hunter made you a Co-GM and now they are just wanting to leave you behind in matters you should be a part in.

As for how I'd like things to proceed, ideally we could keep going with the mission. I've enjoyed the interactions I've been able to have so far, and to those who have gotten to interact with Kotone I hope they have had fun. I think we could keep this going but we really need to be transparent about these sorts of things and discuss openly and freely.

To anyone who read this post..please forget you did. This couldn't be further from the truth if it tried.

The RP was at its last stand, so I gave Hunter a suggestion. He could either let the RP die and quit being a GM, or ( my suggestion ) he could take a break, ditch the drama, and start small. Pick 5 people to participate in the RP until he felt comfortable to add more players in.

He then invited a few folks to a private conversation and had this to say.

View attachment 494082

On numerous accounts the topic of "Where is Knight" was brought up. There was absolutely no proof that Hunterjj didn't want Knight there, his response was that he was led onto believe Knight was avoiding him because of a number of ignored messages. This led Hunterjj to believe Knight quit, which was later proved wrong when Knight began posting in OOC again.

View attachment 494083

While it is true Hunterjj did jump the gun on that assumption, he was given a number of reasons to be led that assumption. Not to justify it all, but its certainly a possibility most people would consider if the same thing happened to them.

View attachment 494087

Well uh okay KnightOfNight KnightOfNight , It seems like they haven't involved you in this in anyway which, to me, is kinda a dick move since you know Hunter made you a Co-GM and now they are just wanting to leave you behind in matters you should be a part in.

So to finally lay the "And now they are just wanting to leave you behind" to rest? The only reason Knight was not invited by Hunterjj was because of his ( now proven wrong ) assumption that Knight quit, and or was ignoring his messages. There was never an intent to exclude Knight. Do not be fooled to believe otherwise.
While Hunter rn is obviously in a state of heavy stress and irritation, we have to remember that he has been receiving shots from multiple angles for a matter of days now. I have no intent on justifying any of his actions, but we have to realize that him getting to this point is not completely unwarranted. Hes at a point of low motivation right now, and thats why I wanted him to remove all the drama and start small. To focus on the only reason we all clicked on this thread to begin with: The RP. Then once he restores some of his confidence in running this place, he can begin working in more players if he chooses to. ( Refer to the screenshot above where it says "Thirdly" in bold ) Right there I mentioned contacting Knight. To see if he wants to work things out and stay on board. If not? Knight has shown interest leading the RP forward if it came to that. He could create an RP of his own for whom ever was cut out of this one.

But ultimately as it stands, a person who has had his drive to run an RP crushed is not fit to run a full RP with 15+ members. At least not so shortly after all this drama. So an alternative must be decided on.

Uncultured Uncultured , Scion Scion , KnightOfNight KnightOfNight
Just adding @s to anyone I directly mentioned in this post, but its directed towards everyone.
Scion Scion
If that's true, then it would also be after I asked for thread ownership and after he replied to said request.

Edit: I feel like I should also point out that Uncultured Uncultured set himself as invisible so it wouldn't show him as being in a PM.
Uncultured Uncultured
First off, yes, separate version. If you publicly, loudly abandon ship, don't address the guy you asked to help you run it when he's trying to actually run it after that, then try to have a restart with another group, it's a separate version buddy. But thank you for confirming I got that right. Shit's silly.

Second I've spent plenty of time roleplaying, if you wanna go there for some reason, but I wouldn't because you put 20 hours into this but still couldn't handle basic discussion about a "system" that runs entirely on your fiat.

Third, I hadn't even posted anything at the time. Everyone was moving on just fine, but then you didn't get an immediate response to some PMs and threw a tantrum. Not even gonna say I don't argue things but you can't blame me for ragequitting if I didn't actually post.

Fourth, I'm not sure how I was going for the perfect character while actively, heavily limiting myself, which you even said I did. Going by your own example of a taijutsu user with low strength as suboptimal uh, you did notice that both KnightOfNight KnightOfNight and Kloudy Kloudy fit this exact mold, right? Knight especially, low strength and speed even, yet both characters made up for that in jutsu use with massive amounts of utility and application. System gamed, per your own reckoning and view of strength as integral to taijutsu balance, and you didn't even notice.
The question was why I didn't include you in the original convo. The original conversation started at the same time or before when you messaged me. Everything after was people asking me why you weren't in the chat, which is the fact that at the time I made the chat I thought you quit. Everything here requires copious explanation for some fucked reason. Tired of it.

Zerohex Zerohex

"I limit myself now make me stronger than everyone because of limits"

Youre hypocritical. You want to limit yourself but wanted two Jonin stats and a high Chunin stat. Everyone has weaknesses associated with their build man, I got a taijutsu fighter that can't take a hit. That's a limit chief, you wanted to be a jonin+ level fighter in a RP not built for that, and when you didn't get your way you became hyper critical of everything. I should've just full spread denied you at the rim like Dwight Howard as soon as you fucking demanded two 1 tier traits under the guise of balance.
KnightOfNight KnightOfNight Oh it's fine

clarinetti clarinetti Btw, in regards to your last post, ummm Kotori is gay.
Ahhhh, my apologies, I didn't catch that in the CS- I saw the phrase "His tendency to flirt with just about any[one]" and based Naoko's assessment of him off that- shouldn't have made the assumption. If and when this whole affair is settled and we know what the future of the thread is, I will revise my post accordingly to reflect this.
Ahhhh, my apologies, I didn't catch that in the CS- I saw the phrase "His tendency to flirt with just about any[one]" and based Naoko's assessment of him off that- shouldn't have made the assumption. If and when this whole affair is settled and we know what the future of the thread is, I will revise my post accordingly to reflect this.
KK great. I should have been more clear anyway. Btw great post!
The entire point of the system was to set up a common sense based way to guide the strengths and weaknesses of characters. However for perfectionist weird bastards more concerned with issue trolling the GM than posting, this becomes a field day to flex the keyboard muscles.

I didn't leave the RP in a fit of rage, it was a calculated decision after thinking over whether or not I was having any fun at all, considering I spent more time handholding your dumbass through a relatively intuitive system than actually posting as my character. The last straw was me getting ghosted, but dealing with elitist pseudo intelligectual repetitive idiots that have zero understanding on the issue of the "balancing" they critique was the main part. The ironic part is that, for someone who views the power structure as complete bullshit, you spent more time agonizing over it and pushing for change in MY RP than actually contributing anything of value to the story with your trash ass cliche character.

Oh and this was 100% directed towards Zerohex Zerohex

Plus here is a great bonus. Entire plot laid out so, if yall gonna continue this it ain't gonna be off the back of my story.

So fast forward to the hot springs. Kakashi and the gang find some items that have the smell of the group on them. Kakashi summons the dogs and they track down the group.

A tough fight ensues as the enemy have multiple Jonin level fighters, one is taken alive and interrogated. Duwang's character comes into play here as his mind is sifted through. If he drops then I'll just have Kakashi do some old fashioned torture or perhaps someone can genjutsu the shit out of him.

Turns out that the group is from the cloud village's equivalent of Root, sent to destabilize the Leaf economy and military in preparation for a large attack to knock out Leaf power perminantly and to steal the recently sealed Nine Tails, using the weakened state of the village (because of the Kyuubi attack and the bombings) to make quick work of the Leaf.

The last guy who is alive gets an opportunity to kill himself and does, rather than being taken alive, but not before the group extract the name of the officer who gave the order as part of, more or less, a data dump by this last bomber. It's a small detail, but it's important.

Fast forward. The Leaf prepares for all out war and Danzo has lobbied effectively for a first strike, to soften the Cloud Village, so that the Leaf can win decisively.

However, behind the scenes, something is discovered. The officer who gave the order looks a whole hell of a lot like a kid from the academy that Kakashi schooled with back in the day (they have pictures of the cloud Jonin because leaf intelligence knows who is who in other villages through typical spy presence).

Kakashi, being damn near a supergenius, is able to connect that dot upon looking through the files leaf intelligence has provided on the case. Furthermore the family situation of this officer is oddly similar to that of the academy member, with parents of similar ages and similar appearance.

This would seem like just a coincidence, but this kid, along with his family disappeared years ago from the Leaf village and were never heard from again and now live in the cloud.

From leaf intelligence gathered from clerical files in the Cloud, it's found that they emmigrated to the Cloud over a decade ago under different names after vanishing from the Leaf, and that the kid enrolled in the academy there, starting from scratch as a ninja.

While the rest of the village prepare for war, the gang go on a stealth mission dressed in plain clothes, and capture the Jonin anbu officer upon secret orders of the Hokage, who has a hunch that all is not as it seems and being more of a pacifist in his older years, looking to avoid war.

Through ninja magic (yeah its weak idk I'll think of something) they discover that his mind has been sealed, replaced by a false personality (like Sasori's henchman) and that he was programmed to give this order to his men once the seal is triggered from afar, and that, the entire life and life's goal of this man were implants by a third party.

The Jonin is brought to the Leaf village under the cover of night and his mind is examined. The technique used is very similar to seals utilized by root.

So root becomes a suspect in the bombings as their handy work is apparent and the call for war is suspended by the Hokage who orders further investigation on the origin of the bombings. Danzo and his shadow group deny involvement fully, claiming that their techniques had clearly been stolen by the cloud, and used on their own men. It's bullshit but it buys him time as the statesman gets the benefit of the doubt by the Hokage.

It is at this time that the Uchiha are taken out by Itachi. However, in this version the attack is framed not as the massacre of the Uchiha by one person, but of a platoon of "Cloud Ninja" (root members) led by Itachi, a "Cloud spy" who attacked the clan to weaken the forces of the Leaf dramatically. This takes care of the Uchiha problem for Danzo and also serves as further fuel for the push for war, and it keeps the time line steady.

This is done by Root to ensure that war will be started as public pressure for a full scale attack mounts on leadership who are called cowards by the people for not defending themselves against the Cloud who maintain their innocence (the people view this as just blanket denial to continue chipping away at leaf power without retaliation).

If the bombings werent enough, the massacre of a clan will be. That's the logic of Danzo who now holds a hand off position after killing two birds with one stone, letting public pressure do the work.

To replace the power of the Uchiha in the coming war, Danzo sends his men to contract the fledgling Akatsuki organization, still young, and not yet betrayed by the Rain village in this time line, promising them that it will be a quick and clean coup of the Cloud and that afterwards the Land of Rain will have a huge amount of outside assistance and a perminant alliance with the land of fire (hollow promise).

That's where I'm at right now.
KnightOfNight KnightOfNight What is the absolutely most recent post?
That's the rest of them.

Uncultured Uncultured
Since you insist on still being rude, I'm going to stop being nice to you. If I had continued this RP, I was going to go in a completely different direction because your story amounted to "and then they go here and fight and afterwards they go there and fight" without taking player actions into account and I even told you this.
I have to admit, I don't know how much longer I can take this sites notification system. I mean I missed most of the conversation here and what's going on in the rp until KnightofNight mentioned me.
Yeah the site notification system is pretty damn annoying.

But like, really the story was just essentially random encounter after random encounter with no real rest periods? Also what if they felt the other village was right? Like why is only one character mentioned out, what about every other character? Like all the players should have had moments to shine and achieve things using their abilities and having things happen based on their histories and what not. It seems pretty rail-y for something that wouldn't be rail-y.
Eh.......wow. Uncultured Uncultured I know you probably feel like you've been put through the wringer, but you're doing a service to absolutely no one by slighting someone's character, or tossing insults. You've shown alot of patience over these few days proving that you want this to work, but right now you're proving that you want to dump it in the trash. If your intent is just to explode, and let everything die then tell me now.

We can spend all day time-stamping and trying to prove who is right, but at the speed things are crashing none of it will matter.

These are the options.
- Retire the RP
- Pick a select few to continue the RP with until this whole thing is in the past. If Knight is one of them, maybe he can offer suggestions to improve the story's experience.

- Create an RP of your own if Hunter decides to Retire everything.
- Let this all die and let everyone move on.

These are as simple as your options are. No more feud has to come from this.

Everyone here has to remember that there are people who genuinely just came here to have a good time RPing in the world of naruto. If we can't stop the feud for ourselves, then at least end it for those folks. Let there be at least one Naruto RP they can go to have fun without being railed by OOC battles. Please.
Oh I'm completely done at this point as soon as this thread cools off I'm gone. I was gonna tentatively see who would continue things but it went into the dumpster and now I'm just being entirely toxic for the fun of it. After being called incompetent by an idiot, albeit in a politically correct way, it's only right that I get my shots off.

I really hope yall go far with the next iteration. Make sure to ask as many pointless questions and mild critiques as possible everyone so that KnightOfNight KnightOfNight can spend hours every day answering and debating pointless shit. Let me tell you that it's a great feeling, especially when people tell you your explanations and solutions are shut without ever giving any input on a better solution because they have the imagination of a cliffside.
That doesn't sound very done to me. Also if the person that has you so mad is an idiot, what does it say about you that you care so much about their opinion?
I shall answer your question with one of my own.

Fearlesstiger Fearlesstiger Kloudy Kloudy Duwang Duwang Scion Scion KSMI KSMI Zerohex Zerohex clarinetti clarinetti rennuelaw rennuelaw Ixacise Ixacise CNHart CNHart
Now that Uncultured Uncultured has finally decided to let go I am free to continue on my own. If I do this I will have to make a new thread and wont be able to continue with this story (but we can keep the character interactions if you all want). With these things in mind, how many of you will follow me?

Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have had enough answers to decide.

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