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Sorcha's Journal


Magic Eight Ball

I got this mod for Skyrim called "Take Notes" and it allows me to make an in-game journal, so I decided to write every day with a character, and this is what I came up with. I dunno if this is the right place to post this, but since it's my original work, I thought maybe this would be the right place: Last Seed, 29th, 4E 201My name is Sorcha Ash-Blood. My father Fjolti, was a Nord, with traces of other heritage, and my mother, Cairine, a full Breton. I have lived in the Reach at Druadach Redoubt my entire life, learning the ways of the witches- Alteration magicks to be precise- and preparing for the day I too would become a Hagraven. One who performs the rituals of Hircine, of Shoadh, of Kyne, of Pery, of Jephre. One who guards against the wrath of Hestra, protects us from Auri's blinding light, and guides through Orkey's shadows. It was my aspiration from my youngest days. My only work outside of this education involved occasionally traveling to Mor Khazgur, the northern Orcish Stronghold, where we traded furs and ingredients for ores and potions.Last Seed, 29th, 4E 201But everything changed when I was captured by the Markarth People and put into their prison work camp. There, I met many who knew life outside of the Reach. They told me of many great wonders- High Hrothgar, ever so tall, the College of Winterhold, a tower ancient and mystical, Whiterun, a city that stands above flat plains whose keep once held a dragon, Solitude, a city that rises above the sea... and of Falkreath. A land where therianthropes of Hircine have been known to roam. I seek these therianthropes so that I may learn more from the God of the Hunt. In Jephre's name I record these travels so one day they may live on in song and legend.. First, however, I must profess my sorrow.Last Seed, 29th, 4E 201Due to the Western Pass to Falkreath being blocked off by a battle involving a platoon of Stormcloaks, two Imperial contuberniums, with a few powerful mages supporting each side, I headed further east to try taking the Eastern Pass, stopping by Riverwood for a few nights of rest at the local Sleeping Giant Inn before continuing my travels further. While there, I met Hjoromir, a young Nord laborer living in the village. He... Invited himself to come along with me, and we headed back north to visit the city of Whiterun, for I had realized that seeking out werewolves alone may indeed not be the greatest plan. So, we hired a mercenary at the Bannered Mare, Aleldsen, a warhammer wielding Nord, to help us fight. But on our way back south...Last Seed, 29th, 4E 201Bandits calling themselves the "White River Gang" attacked us. We couldn't put up a fight. There were three of us, and at least eight of them. Hjorormir didn't even have any armor, nor combat experience.. Aleldsen was the first to fall. He stood vigilant in his duty as a mercenary, protecting us until his very last breath. Sadly, it was for naught. We escaped, we ran, but not too much further down the road we ran into another bout of trouble. Goblins. Not just one, not just ten, but twelve goblins. Iceblade and Frost Bite tribe to be exact- and they were fighting a territorial battle... But the moment they laid eyes on us? They sat their differences aside and attacked, killing Hjorormir, and nearly killing me.Last Seed, 29th, 4E 201I escaped, and finally found safe haven... However, foolishly, in our fear, Hjoromir and I had run north rather than south to the nearby city of Whiterun. My safe haven ended up being the old city of Windhelm, as I was to afraid to turn back and face the White River Gang. I decided I would stay there for some time, gather a group of adventurers, and head back to Falkreath by heading down and around through the Rift. And that bring us to today. I've been staying in Candlehearth Hall. I'm almost down to my last Septim, and I've got a short supply of Haralds as well. I need to find a way to make an income so that I can recruit new mercenaries to follow me.Last Seed, 30th, 4E 201Today I began cutting firewood in Windhelm and have been earning - Septims for each I provide. It is tedious work, but with time, it will get me the money I need. While working I heard a man who the people call Captain Lonely-Gale speaking of "werewolf tales." It was unexpected to hear such talk this far into the northeast. It is something I may look into in the future. And I... just realized. I have never been so far from home. I was captured on the 9th of Rain's Hand 200, and released on the 17th of Last Seed 201. And now, after only a short visit home, I am gone again and further away than ever before. I dearly miss my family and friends.Last Seed, 30th, 4E 201Oh, Phane, she was such a powerful warrior. My dearest friend, to be sure. Perhaps, at times, something more... But that was never to be. As a witch, a future Hagraven, I may never take a husband nor wife. Cairine... My dear mother. Sadly, she was never considered for a Hagraven ritual, but I love her even so.. I do hope she is well. She was away on a hunt during my quick visit after being released. And even Uthane, that scheming bastard- always getting Phane and I into trouble when we were growing up, and somehow getting off entirely free himself. I even miss him.Last Seed, 30th, 4E 201Duraz, my Orcish friend from Mor Khazgur. A friendship with an orc is an odd one, but she was different. She offered me refuge from Kyne's thunderous fury in the dead on night, when no other orcs of the stronghold would bid me entry. And Weylin of course! A friend of my fathers, and mentor to me in the art of swordplay, which is not my specialty at all, as I prefer the magicks of the Earth and a good axe.. But his lessons have helped me greatly in learning to defend against blades. I do miss him. And my father himself. Fjolti Ash-Blood. May he rest peacefully.Last Seed, 30th, 4E 201But alas, I digress. Today I have earned many a Septim. I shall be on my way within the week. My plan, as it stands, is this: - Hire a mercenary for my protection. This is downright essential. Even moreso now, as I read in the Black Horse Courier there have been reports of skeletons rising up and attacking those on the road between Windhelm and Riften. - Travel south through Riften, resupply, and then head west into Falkreath. - Seek werewolves, wherever they may be, and hunt them down, so that Hircine may see my prowess. - Commune with Hircine, and ask that he provide his gift to the warriors of my homeland.Last Seed, 31st, 4E 201My third day of writing in this journal! I have yet to miss one. One day long from now there will be detailed accounts of my travels, songs and stories to be spread around the fire. Jephre will be pleased, and my people will know more of their history. What a brilliant idea this journal was! Though, not much has happened today. Aside from chopping more wood, I have met two mercenaries- Delmene, a Dunmeri Nightblade, and Stenvar, a Nord Warrior. I believe both could be very valuable mercenaries. I should be lucky enough to make the Septims to hire them both.Heartfire, 1st, 4E 201Hearthfire. The time when Summer comes to a close, and Autumn begins. Only two days remain until the day of Tales and Tallows, where we rejoice in the stories of our ancestors, summoning them from flame to tell the tales themselves by sacrificing the fats of many animals to the Old Gods. The gods do not always allow them to come through to us from the flame, so in the years that they do, it is cause for great celebration. Today, however, was another normal day. I made great profit, and believe I should be able to leave for the south by the 4th of Hearthfire at the latest. Earlier, if I decide not to hire both Delmene and Stenvar to accompany me.Heartfire, 2nd, 4E 201I woke up early and worked very long and hard today, and have earned enough that I could hire both mercenaries and leave early in the morning tomorrow! However, I have decided tomorrow I will hunt alone in the area surrounding Windhelm to gather fats and honor my ancestors. Hopefully the gods will be kind, and will allow me to hear their tales. The last time they allowed it was during our celebrations at Druadach Redoubt in 197, when I was just fourteen years of age. I wonder if they will be successful back home this year? I must ask mother upon my return... Speaking of mothers, why do so many Nord children lack one?Heartfire, 2nd, 4E 201Today I met a young child named Sofie. She was selling wildflowers to support herself, and has no parents to call her own. Having no parents in this harsh world is not entirely abnormal... But usually, at least where I am from, when a child loses their parents, the community takes up the responsibility of raising and caring for them. This does not seem to be the case in Nord culture. I find it quite disgusting. If I could, I would take her under my wing, but I am barely hanging on in life myself. A child like her would not only hold back my mission, but would also likely be in a worse state with me rather than without me. I do hope someone helps her though...Heartfire, 3rd, 4E 201It is first light of the 3rd of Hearthfire. Today, I hunt. With my magick and axe, I shall bring down many a beast and call upon my ancestors. Blood of my blood, I call to you! I write this next passage as the sun begins to dip from it's highest point. I have fought three wolves, a fox, two horkers, four goats, and finished off one weakened sabercat. I have claimed fats from them all, and shall now return to Windhelm. I plan to perform the ritual upon the perch of the statue of the Nord god Talos which looms over the city. Not, of course, for the association with that "god," but simply because it is a good location for rituals. The Nords chose the location of their statue well.Heartfire, 3rd, 4E 201Kyne's thunder! I can hardly believe it! On my way to the perch, I was suddenly surrounded by NINE wolves. NINE. Never before have I seen a pack of wolves so large roaming so close to a city. Lucky for me, half were just pups. But I daresay, this was a challenge from Hircine himself! He chose to send those wolves my way to test my worth, and it seems I have succeeded in overcoming his challenge! I have high hopes for today's ritual!Heartfire, 3rd, 4E 201There was a time when the world was younger. When the trees were the tallest thing we could see. Great beasts and storms roared over the land, and we cowered before it all in wonder because we were so very small... Our small size hid our giant spirit and our vast future- times changed, and we grew. We learned to fly, and even, at times, hold death itself at bay. It would be a lie to say no great challenges remain, and Aetherius beckons. The changes we have wrought are, in point of fact, likely for the better, and should not be condemned out of hand. But as we stand here, masters for better or for worse of our world, I look back to those days when giants still walked the land. And my heart aches because now we are the giants. And the world seems so small.Heartfire, 3rd, 4E 201It is late night now. I am transliterating this message from the notes I scrawled earlier. I am inside of my room at Candlehearth Hall, warm and comfortable. The ritual today... was a success. I do not know who I saw, but he was not any ancestor I know of- tall, shrouded in light- it was difficult to see him at all. And his words made little sense to me. Giants do walk the land. I saw one on my way to Windhelm... But I am young. Perhaps one of the Hagravens will be able to tell me the answer whenever I return. He touched my hand as he faded. I know not why.Heartfire, 4th, 4E 201In the early hours of the 4th of Hearthfire, I found both Stenvar and Delmene. We head out as the sun rises, to Riften! Travelling through this marsh, I have seen a range of creatures- various kinds of wolf, mammoths, giants... It is much more populated than I expected. We came across a ruined fort filled with skeletons. I presume that must have been the place those travellers mentioned in the Black Horse Courier a few days back must have died. The flora is quite interesting as well. Very, very different from that which I am used to in the Reach.Heartfire, 4th, 4E 201We took refuge in a cave at the end of what Stenvar told me was called the "Stony Creek." It was a horrid idea. The cave was infested with bandits. Stenvar and I barely made it out alive, and our Dunmeri friend disappeared entirely. I am not sure if she died, or if she fled out of fear, but I did not mind seeing her go. We had not become close, as it had only been half a day since we left Windhelm... But I am annoyed to have wasted all those Septims on hiring her. Stenvar and I retreated to a nearby Imperial encampment. They did not welcome us with open arms, but have allowed us to spend the night here. We shall rest for the night, and move forward tomorrow.Heartfire, 5th, 4E 201We shall set out into the wilderness again today. I doubt I will write much, as I hope to push forward to Riften quickly. Skyrim.... truly is a harsh place. Stenvar has passed. I am alone, writing this mere hours after we set out, and days away from Riften. Gods, protect me. I call to my patron Jephre for guidance. I call to the mother Kyne for fair travels. I call to the father Hircine, with hope that his beasts may guide my path. This journey... will not be an easy one. Heartfire, 6th, 4E 201After clashing with some skeletons, escaping some giant spiders, and making the intelligent decision to not go into the various caves that crossed my path, I have made it to Shor's Stone. Not all the way to Riften, but close. It can be my safe haven for the time being. Losing Stenvar to those damned dog fighters may just be my death sentence, but I am not willing to give up just yet. It is the 6th of Hearthfire. On this day, we celebrate Kurrot. It is the celebration of the end of our Tales and Tallows, and is the most sacred summer day for the creation of a Briarheart. I will not be celebrating, for reasons that should be quite apparent.Heartfire, 7th, 4E 201The eastern path to Riften goes through Fort Greenwall. Which, apparently, has been deserted by the Nords and has been left to the bandits. I had to take an alternate route, heading down the western road toward Ivarstead. It is now the dead of night, and I have taken refuge in the den of drug dealers. They sell horrible smelling "red skooma." It is quite disturbing. Everyone in here is coughing and vomiting, and yet they keep asking for more. I plan on spending as little time here as possible.Heartfire, 8th, 4E 201The 8th of Hearthfire... I grow weary of this roundabout travel. Today, I plan to take a risk. I will go off the road and head directly to Riften- a straight shot. I have prepared a incantation in the name of Jephre. I hope for guidance on this journey through the autumnal wood. I have provided a Common Tamrielic translation: "Hail to the fallen, hail to the dead! Hail to the brave who fought till the end! For those who fell, shall yet guide those who live! Sing in rejoice for those who survive! Keep them alive!"Heartfire, 9th, 4E 201Well, I am alive, but my plan of a straight shot to Riften was a failure. I now rest at the Heartwood Mill after being pushed back east and across the river by a horde of spiders. There is a carriage here, and a ride is tempting, though simply going to Riften would cost me two hundred Septims... I suppose it is better to be poor and alive, than have pockets full of gold and dead... So tomorrow I will pay his price, and take the carriage to Riften. But today, I will rest, and help the kind woman, Grosta, and her child, who run this mill by chopping wood for them. It is the least I can do in return for their refuge.Heartfire, 10th, 4E 201While working at the mill, some Imperial bastards ran through and killed the local guardsman. What right do they have to do so? None. He did not profess a side in the war. His role was but to protect the local townsfolk. The local guards should not be forced into involvement in this conflict. It is a tragedy. Grosta tells me his name was Odan Alansen. I shall remember his name the next time I cut down a damned Imperial soldier. I write this on the carriage to Riften. Hopefully we arrive before nightfall.Heartfire, 11th, 4E 201The carriage arrived in the dead of night, of course, and wolves attacked me at the gate, of course, so I headed to the local inn, got a room, and slept the night away. I had a dream. An elf of pure white, a frightened young Khajiit, and an old Nord covered in furs. I could see none of them clearly- those are the best descriptions anyone could provide. I am not sure what to make of it. Yet another question to ask the hagravens when I return home.Heartfire, 11th, 4E 201I assaulted a damned Hestra worshipper. "Dibella, Dibella, Dibella!" Walking down the streets of Riften hearing that madwoman cry out to her god. It was aggravating. Hestra, or as the Nords call her, Dibella, is not to be trusted, and not to be communed with. I had to get rid of her before she got all of the city slaughtered. But, I failed. The guards grabbed me, and here I sit in the Riften Jail. A sentence of a week. Quite low compared to my stay in Markarth- however, I am told by the prisoner across from my cell that this is normal here. Low sentences, so much so that even a murderer may be out in a month.Heartfire, 12th, 4E 201Waiting in my cell here, it makes me miss the freedom of my home even more. Phane, oh, Phane... how I wish I could see you again. Her steely grey eyes are all I can think of as I lie here waiting for my release. Her long hair, the blackest of blacks, her pursed lips, her serious and reserved, yet creative and assertive demeanor... I dream of the day we shall see each other once more. Perhaps I will have found a way to provide our warriors with the gift of lycanthropy by then. Perhaps I will be able to offer such an honor to her. But for now, I shall simply sleep, and dream of her ever so subtle smile.Heartfire, 13th, 4E 201They do not feed me enough in here. It is evn worse than Markarth. At least they wanted us healthy enough to work... It seems Riften intends to let their prisoners rot. In the past three days I have been given one slice of disgustingly spoiled cheese, and one small bowl of water.. And that was on the first day. I am lucky to only have days left to my sentence. A man the guards call "Twice-Killed," in a cell below me, keeps shouting about a Maven Black-Briar. A name I had heard around town a few times before being thrown in here. She seems to be quite influential, at the very least. I tried talking to him, but only got "piss off, bitch" as a response... Auri blind him. Heartfire, 14th, 4E 201I wonder what Uthane would do if he were locked up in a place like this? No- no. I know the answer. He would try to escape. I cannot imagine someone with flaming red hair, and a scar cutting across their face being able to blend into a crowd very well.. But he would find a way to do it. He would escape. Should I try to escape as well? They have not given me any food or drink in four days. This is my limit. Either they provide me with some now, or I die. Should I escape? I think I will try. Heartfire, 14th, 4E 201We did it. We escaped. Why do I say we, and not me? Because I met a khajiit along the way, and he decided to tag along. I'm not exactly sure how this Inigo character got out of his cell, but me? I was lucky enough to have found a lockpick in my bedding- likely leftover from the last resident. I am not sure how long I will allow this odd khajiit to follow me, but for now, we shall travel together. First, to Ivarstead, where the guard will not likely recognize us, to resupply. And then, finally, to Falkreath.Heartfire, 14th, 4E 201We travelled quite far today, and our venture thus far has not been at all difficult. Two wolves crossed our path, and that was all. We are now camping outside a former bandit stronghold called Treva's Watch. The prior inhabitants were staying in this camp up until today. Their fort was taken from them, and they sought help in reclaiming it. I decided to offer them aide in return for shelter (and some Septims of course), so, Inigo, me, and the people of Treva's Watch marched on the bandit stronghold together. We slaughtered them all, and in exchange, rather than Septims, I recieved simple lessons in the casting of life detecting spell. We will rest here tonight, and reach Ivarstead tomorrow afternoon.Heartfire, 15th, 4E 201Seeing this khajiit fight, move, and talk as we travel to Ivarstead... Could the khajiiti people be blessed by Hircine like the therianthropes? I would not be surprised. However, they worship the wrong gods. They surely do not have Hircine's favor. But my people will. Very soon, we will reach Ivarstead. We shall resupply, take a look at the legendary Throat of the World, and head straight into Falkreath. Ivarstead... It feels so small under this great mountain. _____________________________ Andddd that's that. Idk. Do you think it's any good, as a fictional journal piece? I tried to keep a consistent storyline, but I'm not the greatest writer, and consistency can be kind of tough with the random events of a video game.

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This was neat! I kinda wish I had something to be able to do this with my character as well, but considering I play on an XBox without a keyboard, I think that would be an issue... (x

But I enjoyed this. I'd read more, especially if there were different characters as well. (:

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