Sonic the Hedgehog


Three Thousand Club

A map of Mobius (Archie) with a legend.

In the Archie Comics version of Sonic, the writers eventually revealed a similar "future Earth" idea to that intended for SatAM, presumably as a result of the Sega of Japan's decision to do away with Mobius and present it as Earth. Mobians were revealed to be by-products of a genetic bomb dropped many millennia ago by an alien race known as the Xorda. This bomb apparently caused some animals to incorporate a great amount of human DNA. The same bomb also created Overlanders (see below). Contrary to this "Mobius-is-Earth" retcon, earlier comics had stated that Mobius exists in an entirely different universe from our own that can be reached through the Cosmic Interstate, an intergalactic road that connects different universes and realities across time and space. A possible way to rationalize this is to state that the time between the various realities in Sonic is not always in sync. Though, the comics appear to conflict, between Mobius-is-earth or another dimension, you can combine both ideas into one. Mobius IS in another dimension and IS also a future Earth of this particular dimension. In this dimension, Earth had the aforementioned cataclysm and then evolved into Mobius.

Overlanders and humans in Archie

Attempting to reconcile the presence of the obviously human Dr. Robotnik with a planet occupied mostly by Mobians, the Archie writers created the concept of Overlanders, four-fingered humanoids in constant conflict with Mobians. The Overlanders and Mobians famously fought in a Great War, during which the traitor Robotnik Prime helped the Mobians and gained the King's trust. When Mobius was revealed to be Earth, the Overlanders were explained as descendants of human beings who evolved and overcame the Xorda's genetic bomb.

After their defeat in the Great War, a group of overlanders traveled to space seeking out a better life though their journey would eventually take them back to Mobius though not before having a chance encounter with the Xorda which would serve as the cause for the alien's return.

In addition to Overlanders, Mobius has a smaller population of somewhat friendlier humans, who are identical to modern-day human beings who do not share the feelings of racism towards Mobians that seem common to the Overlanders. They survived the Xorda bomb unharmed as they were on board a passenger jet in mid-flight during the attack and crash landed beside a giant mountainous cavern in which would eventually become the human built-city of Station Square. These humans were rediscovered during the time at which the comic's adaptation of Sonic Adventure takes place. Overlanders and humans, despite their minor differences, now occupy a common home in Station Square though as can be pointed out through several appearances in events that proceed the overlander retreat to space, it would appear that the presence of Overlanders on Mobius is not limited to just Station Square. The United Federation which Station Square founded is currently allied with free Mobians to fight the Eggman Empire.



Approximately 12,000 years ago, during the 21st century of the "old world" when Mobius was still known as "Earth", an alien race known as theXorda came to the planet to offer an alliance to its human population. However, the emissary they dispatched was captured, studied and subsequently dissected by a group of scientists led by Ivan Kintobor, a leading scientist at the time. Ivan had hoped to use the captured alien and its technology to produce the robot Isaac as well as numerous other creations. His methods however proved antagonistic towards the Xorda. To prepare for the coming disaster, mankind established several hidden cities to ensure that at least a fraction of the human race would survive. In no time at all, the aliens bombarded the planet with Gene Bombs with the intention of exterminating all life on the planet. All life, plant and animal, had its cells ripped apart and was melted into primordial ooze. However, DNA from the animal population fused with DNA from the former human population, causing Mobians and Mobini to appear out of the ooze. On the other hand, raw human DNA fused with each other, forming Overlanders. The planet Earth ended, and Mobius had begun. This is what is known as the first legendary Echidna Day of Fury. (StH: #124,#148)

Early History

Approximately 10,000 years ago, the planet suffered a massive environmental cataclysm. The Gene Bombs were supposed to preserve Earth's environment as it was when it was attacked. However, their interaction with the planet caused massive volcanic reactions, earth quakes, and massive storms, hurling billions of tons of ash and dirt into the air. This is what is chronicled as the First Day of Fury inEchidna theology. (StH:#148)

How the echidnas would have records of this time is unknown, as Mobians were still in very primitive stages or not around at all yet. It is possible they learned of this event from geographical remnants of the events, or they located records of it left over from the destroyed Earth's population.

Shortly after this cataclysm, the event known as the Coming of the Chaos Emeralds (which lead to the extinction of the Mobosaurs) occurred - a direct result of the Gene Bombs' radiation blending with beryl deposits deep within the planet's surface. This gave birth to the omnipotent beings known as the Ancient Walkers and provided immortality to Mammoth Mogul, when one of the descending Chaos Emeraldsembedded itself in his chest. (StH: #148, TMS: #3, SMM)

The origin of the Chaos Emeralds has been brought into question given that Isaac was revealed to have corrupted data. However, given the robot's accurate recollection of other known events, his history of the Chaos Emeralds is considered canon until directly proven false in the comics.

The Days of Fury continued to affect Mobius for thousands of years, right up to modern day. TheEchidna Tomes describe them as "natures way of adjusting to environmental changes it undergoes over a certain duration" according to Athair. Prior to the Day of Fury which happened in the year 3235, Athair stated the last recorded Day of Fury happened some "twelve hundred years ago". (KtE: #12)

Approximately 9,700 years ago, the Echidnas were already well developed in their colony of Albion. TheAlbion Knights of Aurora found themselves defending the planet against the wizard caste known as theOrder of Ixis, which was bent on world domination and was subservient to their founder Mammoth Mogul. Despite the Order's incredible powers, the Albion Knights successfully defeated Mogul during theForgotten War, effectively wiping out all of the Order of Ixis. However, Mogul and three members,Agunus, Nusgau, and Suguna, survived the Forgotten War. The latter three wizards eventually merged to form the individual wizard Ixis Naugus thousands of years later. It was also during the Forgotten War that monstrous creatures of various species, collectively known as Mutates, began to appear across the planet, though in limited numbers. (StH:#66, #67, #163)

The 300 year period between the Coming of the Chaos Emeralds and the Forgotten War is based off Mammoth Mogul's look when he was 300 years old, depicted in the Mecha Madness special, due to him having the same look during the Forgotten War depicted in StH: #163. This is only a rough estimate.

Developing Societies

Approximately 1,000 years ago, Dave, an Echidna from Albion, ventured out into space, exploring Saturn and its moon Europa on the Monolith. (KtE: #12, #30)

Approximately 600 years ago, a White Comet hurling towards Echidnaopolis in the continent ofDownunda was discovered by the Echidna scientists Jordann and Kayla-La. Using their knowledge of the Chaos Emeralds, the two scientists managed to use the Chaos Emeralds' powers to lift their city into the sky, after the Fire Ants dug underneath the city to separate it from the continent — thus creating the Floating Island. (StH:#34)

Meanwhile, the other Mobians learned from the Echidnas on how to structure themselves into societies. One Mobian, Alexander, decided to pool the various groups resources and knowledge together to form a single society. While the Overlanders proved too violent in nature to be included, and the Echidnas chose to exclude themselves from joining the group, the other Mobians pulled together and createdMobotropolis - the first multicultural city on the planet. (StH: #71)

Modern History

Approximately 17 years ago (3220):

Approximately 16 years ago (3221):

Approximately 12 years ago (3225):

Approximately 2 years ago (3235):

Approximately 1 year ago (3236):

Current year (3237):

Shadow dashed across the city of Mobius with his jet ski shoes active. He hadn't felt the same lately, he felt as if he was missing something, like a piece of his memory... Again, only on a smaller scale. Shadow stopped to take in his scenery, Mobius was indeed a beautiful place, certainly nicer than G.U.N. HQ.
silver comes out of the portal created by the chaos emerald that he found in the future he sees shadow "hey shadow have you seen sonic around".

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