Sonic the Hedgehog: The Darkest Hour


Three Thousand Club
Dr. Eggman has invented a time machine to erase all the defeats he has taken in the past due to Sonic and his friends. But Sonic the Hedgehog arrived on the scene when Eggman was about to go back in time, and destroyed the machine, causing a large explosion resulting in time, space and reality shifting into a nightmare. The world has now been split into three different territories, the first half filled with a barren hellscape of fallen buildings and flaming monsters and lava everywhere. The second half being a land filled with destroyed buildings and nonstop water all over the area. A small portion underground belonging to the Sonic group. The skies belonging to Dr. Eggman in his Egg Carrier. What side will you choose?

Shadow ran across the flaming half of the city, dodging the fire balls and flaming creatures attempting to get to Iblis. 'So this is what Silver went through, the feeling of dread, like nothing would ever happen to make this world better, I understand now. I understand what it means to feel completely hopeless.' Shadow thought to himself skating across a building and taking out a flaming worm. He stopped moving when he saw a large flaming tornado, he stood there and crossed his arms, he had found Iblis. 'I've never had to face him alone before... What should I do?'
in the ocean world, the sounds of something large bursting out of the water explodes greatly as a mighty dragon like warrior appears roaring like a monster. ''sss...this world will belong to chaos!''. the dragon explodes out a roar of water energy, shooting it towards the sky like a massive fountain. ''sss the worlds will belong to chaos, and only chaos!'', with a final crack of his tail he leapt up, and shot straight towards the ocean swimming to the deep.
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Shadow uncrossed his arms when Iblis finally revealed itself. It was big like it always was, Shadow was a little more than frightened. But he had to be strong, he was the Ultimate Life Form, he wouldn't let Professor Gerald, or Maria down. He made a promise that he intended to keep, somehow, someway, he would find a way to stop this madness, and change the world back to how it was before. Shadow prepared himself for battle, shifting his legs and bending his knees slightly, raising his arms in an offensive manner, he waited for the first attack to be made.
Silver landed next to Shadow and gave him a thumbs us to let Shadow know that he was here to help. This whole scenario was confusing to Silver but he dealt with it. They needed to all group together but for now he'll stick with Shadow.
Metal Sonic was flying in the skies, looking down below on the pitiful world. Sonic the Hedgehog had really messed it up this time. This was all his fault and Metal Sonic will ensure that Sonic will pay. Metal Sonic looked and saw a giant sea creature rise out of the ocean. Dr. Robotnik contacted him.

"Metal Sonic!" he screamed, "Look at the creature rising out of the sea. Analyze it and return."

"I will do this," Metal Sonic replied, and rocketed towards the sea creature.
Shadow looked over at Silver, when he did a thumbs up, Shadow nodded and refocused his attention to Iblis. Iblis did finally make a move towards Shadow, he slammed his giant fist onto Shadow with which Shadow dodged it and fired a Chaos Spear into Iblis's fist, who immediately threw his arm back to protect it from another attack.
Samuel was sitting with Cream & Cheese eating some pie Vanilla made for them. Cream smiled at Samuel as Cheese flew around him. Vanilla came and joined them as they all enjoyed each others company.
Sonic crossed his arms and stared off into the distance of the ruined city he looked back to when he was stopping Dr. Robotnik and destroying the time machine, Sonic sighed and then his eyes snapped opened when he saw the large creature Iblis from afar. Sonic balled both of his fists and hopped from building to building and began to grin his way toward the monster.
Metal Sonic was soaring in the skies when a giant lava monster rose in the flaming world. He radioed back to Dr. Robotnik.

"Anomalous creature detected. Three hedgehogs present, fighting anomalous creature. I will assist."

"No, you can't help Sonic!" Dr. Robotnik yelled back, but Metal Sonic had already shut off his radio and was flying his way there.

When he got to Iblis, he saw Sonic racing towards them and Shadow and Silver engaging it in combat. Metal Sonic hovered over the battle, and eventually divebombed and punched Iblis in the face. He landed and revealed himself.

"I am Metal Sonic. I will assist in your battle against Iblis."
Sonic looked over himself and saw Metal Sonic begin to attack it, Sonic halted and then watched but could not believe it. "Well talk about a surprise!" Sonic said smirking and then dashing off at lighting speed and hopping off Metal's head. "Hey there bucket head long time no see!" He said before spinning and hitting the hand of Iblis before it could attack.
your character can be in the Sonic's underground base, or currently a neutral just trying to find somewhere safe 
Shadow looked over at Sonic then at Metal Sonic, he thought back to when he had been in Blaze's realm and fought Metal Sonic. he had tried to change him because they were similar in a way. But Shadow had failed and had to destroy him. He wondered if this was a new Metal Sonic, or the original that the doctor had once lost control of. "Flashy entrance, as always Sonic."
Sonic smirked and waved at Shadow and Silver. "What can I say I love to make a impression!" Sonic said before dodging the incomign attack from Iblis again and hoping from building to building. "I don't know why but...this guy feels so familiar.." Sonic mumbled looking up at the monster named Iblis.
suddenly from out of the shadows a figure began to come out of the ground. It appeared to be Shadow but with green lizard eyes and purple streaks in his fur. Also the shoes and gloves rather than being red were purple. He looked over at Shadow and cocked his head to the side demonically. "Well well, Shadow... Silver... Sonic..."
"Mefilis! What are you doing here?"

Silver said looking at the demon that had deceived him into trying to kill Sonic. He hated Mefilis but he hated Iblis more.
Shadow looked at Silver then back at Mephiles, who was Mephiles? He knew Silver when he had come to stop Eggman Nega. But this creature Silver seemed to know, and Shadow felt he was familiar with the creature as well, also he felt he knew Mephiles, but he knew they had never met before.
Metal Sonic gazed at all of the creatures and the hedgehogs. They had all gathered here. But the anomalous creature was more important than eliminating the hedgehogs.

Metal Sonic gazed at Sonic, who was rushing and jumping and running as usual. Sonic's step on his head had brought him down to a lower level, but he brought himself back up and thrust right in Iblis' face. Then he wound around Iblis' head, right foot grinding a painful path around its skull. Metal Sonic, upon creating a weak spot in Iblis' head, stuck his arms out. The plan was to have Sonic launch himself at Metal Sonic, and have Metal Sonic throw Sonic as ball into Iblis' head, injuring Iblis greatly.
Shadow caught on to Metal Sonic's plan before Sonic did and reacted immediately. Shadow launched himself at Metal Sonic hoping Metal Sonic would adapt his plan to Shadow rather than Sonic since they can do the same things.
It took Metal Sonic moments to recalibrate the plan to Shadow. Metal Sonic grabbed Shadow's hands and spun him around, creating a yellow whirlwind. Eventually, he fired Shadow into Iblis' most sensitive spot, then shot up in the air to slam down on Iblis when Shadow was finished.
Shadow immediately went into spin dash mode and collided into Iblis's weak spot forcing the flaming creature to take many steps backward and howl in rage and pain. Shadow landed gracefully on his feet and watched Metal Sonic's next moves.
Metal Sonic saw that Shadow was down and divebombed straight inside Iblis. His warning sensors were beeping madly, talking about the heat, but Metal Sonic had trained himself, adapted himself to withstand lava. He bounced around inside Iblis' skin and shot out, making Iblis roar again. How was the thing still alive?

Metal Sonic floated in the air. "Shadow the Hedgehog, I request to make an inquiry on how we are to defeat Iblis."
Shadow looked up at Metal Sonic. "So far we haven't been able to find a permanent way to kill this creature, what kills it temporarily is the destruction of the green jewel on it's forehead." Shadow reported trying to sound as professional as he could so Metal Sonic would understand.
Sonic smiled seeing the team attack,sonic knew he had to go and bring in some damage as well. Sonic dashed at Iblis's blind side and grinded up toward his head. Sonic in mid air spun and came down with a booming axe kick causing the monster to stagger. "Woohoo!" Sonic yelled as he landed and dashed to avoid the flaming boulders.
Metal Sonic nodded as Sonic and Shadow distracted Iblis. He rose up and delivered a simple concussion blast at point blank range at the green gem. It didn't work. Iblis punched Metal Sonic and he flew back, crashing into a wall. Metal Sonic raised his head. He was running low on energy.

"I regret to inform you that I require some -bzzt- rings," he said, "Furthermore, it appears that the -bzzt- green gem is shielded. Perhaps you could use -bzzt- some sort of -bzzt- Chaos ability to disable the shields."
Sonic chuckled at Metal as he dodged the fire "Aw come on Rust bucket is this what egg head goes through when you need an extra kick" He said tossing a power ring toward Metal and then turning his attention at Iblis.

Sonic looked at Shadow and nodded, "Hey you got an emerald right you may haft to use chaos control create an opening..the I'll give it a light speed attack!" Sonic spoke.

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