Your Friendly Role-Player
(I'm open to any changes or suggestions if your interested)
When the demons return to the world of light its up to our OCs, Sonic and the others to send'em back to hell. In this Excellor created blood roses that can resurrect a fallen mortal, but to acquire one will require a dangerous venture through a damned version of a Zone. There are many demons, some of them good, most pure evil. Plus some angels.
This takes place years in the future our heros are experienced against the demons, already having defeated them several times, ready to face them again. But could the demons have a ace up there sleeve this time to finally steal the Master Emeralds power and destroy the universe?
Tails and Cream now uses laser weapons, trained by shadow to be excellent shots, Amy wields a laser pick-axe. Though Sonic, Knuckles and most the cast are too stubborn to change there ways and continue to use there natural strengths.
Dr.Robotnik and Tails work hand in hand to create new, ground breaking technologies to combat the ever growing menace. Including demonic sencing unmanned Egg130s (AC130s), turrets, barrier defense systems, and much more!
When things seem there darkest and most hopeless.
Heros will rise to meet the challenge.
Heros will rise to meet the challenge.
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