Songs in the Depths of the Sea (Mermaid RP Sign-Ups)

Assassin Of Fate

New Member
Ever been standing on the shores of the ocean, at night, an heard a song? A song that seems to flow through your soul and fill your head? If you have, you've heard the mermaids, unearthly beautiful creatures who swim deep in the depths of the oceans and have been told to lure sea men to their deaths. But these creatures, so misunderstood... They don't mean to lure humans to their deaths, they only wish to soothe the human's souls, and maybe even befriend them. Finally, they've figured a way to interact with humans without luring them to their deaths. They've learned to switch forms so they may walk the Earth, and befriend the humans. Character Sheet Name: Age (Look-wise): Gender:

Human or Mermaid?: Looks: Personality:

Ocean (North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Artic, Antartic, or Indian Ocean):



Name: Wysteria Windsong

Age (Look-wise): 18

Gender: Female

Human or Mermaid?: Mermaid


Personality: Wysteria is shy and kind in nature but can be very defiant in some cases.

Ocean: North Pacific

History: She doesn't remember very well.
(If you're still interested in this RP even though it seems no one's replied, and no one else does, maybe we could do a 1x1 or something? I think this is an interesting idea.)

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