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Multiple Settings Song Inspired Original Roleplays


Working on It
It's really easy for me to be inspired by songs haha. So ive had a few ideas that have been in my head for awhile now, may as well write them down! I love all pairings MxM, MxF, and FxF! if you have suggestions or anything let me know! I love working with others to create great stories!

Inspired by:
A is an average person who uses pot, alcohol, and tobacco more than they should. they live in a small apartment, have a stable job, meals, and some money to play around with. Yet, they aren't content with their life. something is missing in their life and they cant tell what. Thus they spend their life in this odd limbo of going to work and then going home and getting smashed. A feels a bit numb, the most human interaction they get is at work. Nothing changes until they hire a new employee at the office A works at. B is kind, energetic, and a hard worker. A can't help but be attracted to B, opposites attract must have been true after all. Now it's up to A to figure out how to get B to love a washed up person like them.

Inspired by:
A is a mage who loves to learn about new magic. With this passion, A travels to find magic all over the world. A has stopped at a small snow covered town to rest. However, while at the local inn they hear about the bewitched woods. The woods have so much magic inside it that it never snows there. Rumors say there are magical plants that can be grounded up for many types of potions as well as a fountain thats water could break any curse or spell. However, those who go into the woods disappear and are never to be seen again. Even though A knows death might be an outcome from going into the woods, they still wish to go. A tries to find people of the town to join them in the exploration of the woods but none would go with. Thus A finds other travelers to accompany them into the woods. A goes into the bewitched woods with their group and they are immediately separated. While A is researching the plants and fountain, their group members are being slaughtered by something in the forest. It's not until everyone but A is dead that B goes to A. A never thought that they would see a demon in their lifetime, but there B was with the blood of A's friends on them.

Inspired by:
A is senior in high school. They have normal grades, friends, and participate in after school activities. A is enjoying their life and can't wait to graduate in a few months. One day at school A is called to the principle's office. A is informed that their mother had been in a horrible car crash and was now in a coma. Once A received the news, they were sent home. A does not have a father, just their mother. A is extremely concerned and is constantly cursing themselves for not being able to help their mother. A week after the accident, A begins to start having dreams about a random person in pajamas and a cape. The dream constantly repeats and A doesn't understand why. A continues their normal school life and checks up on their mother everyday. One day at school, it randomly began to snow heavily in the middle of May. On their way home, A finds B standing in a park. B has the same exact face as the person in their dreams. With their life being so crazy, A decides that maybe B has some kind of answers. There must be a connection somewhere A has to believe it.

Inspired by:
A is a top model who is currently number one for being the most beautiful person of the year. While A has fame and fortune, they are terribly lonely. Whenever A gets into a relationship with anyone, the person only likes A for their looks and fortune. A's relationships only last a month, and they've gotten used to it. A gets into a relationship, has fun with the person, and then the person leaves A. That is until A takes a vacation outside their country. in their vacation, A talks to the locals who just see them as a pretty face and not a celebrity. B a local fisherman/woman decides to shoot their shot and asks A on a date after a few rounds of conversation. A believes that it will be just like all the other times and agrees on the date. However, A notices on the date that it is indeed different. B is actually caring and honest with A.

Inspired by:
The world has ended. It was sudden without warning. The end started in Russia, when a girl began to murder numerous people at once. This girl would be known as the "goddess of destruction". The girl traveled all over the world killing as many people as possible. Now that the world is almost void of humanity, she stopped killing. No one knows where the girl has went or what caused all of it to happen. All that is left of humanity now are camps that are spread throughout the world. Each camp differs depending on their ruler, but most have a common theme. This theme being that there are lowly workers and higher ups. The workers provide for the higher ups and return the higher ups give them safety withing their camp walls. A is a worker who has grown up in their camp and is absolutely sick of it. The workers live in poverty and the higher ups have gotten most of their workers addicted to a drug. Thus the higher ups can pay them in drugs instead of food, water, or shelters. Determined to have a better life, A leaves the camp. (I havent thought of a role for B but we can always discuss and figure something out!)
Your first plot, I absolutely adore and I’d love to write as B if you’d be interested. (:
I also really like your first plot as well, though I kind of prefer the A role, if you'd be down for that at all? If not, the one about the top model also interests me a bit!
I also really like your first plot as well, though I kind of prefer the A role, if you'd be down for that at all? If not, the one about the top model also interests me a bit!

Yeah I’d be down for that! I think I’d be really cool to see how the roleplay turns out! PM me so we can talk more about it in detail!

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