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Fantasy Sometimes the dark wins (homeless roleplaying)



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I just started the forum. I will have more soon! thank you for looking at this....... Sometimes the dark wins!
open to everyone. Use rpnation's dark mode to see text.

time: 2099, August

Cities: Black (zone within Sakai) and Osaka (Sakai)

Locations: kfc, bed/bath/beyond, lady salad maid cafe

zones: Umekita, and Black, Osaka Super Station 2

LORE: Osaka - Wikipedia
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chapter 1: post 1 and 2 together
It was a cold and rainy twilight in Black as i lay in my cardboard lg refrigerator box in the subway station on 5th street as i smoked my vape. once again the station was packed from passengers afraid to leave because they didn't want to face the elements as if rain water was realy toxic. that was nothing more then necromancer disinformation that had people living in fear: it was a lie. worse then a Clinton it was one lie after another. I hoped something would run them all out of here.

it was a cold, dark, raining time, about 7pm, and dusk. mostly Japanese subway passengers stood inside the large subway station to afraid of rain as if made of sugar! i lay in my cardboard washing machine box looking at their faces, filled with fear, and their belief of disinformation that the rain was toxic. once again necromancers had the city of black in their crosshairs. i watched them all as the subway station filled as i hit my cherry flavored electronic pin. after about one hour, two males, teens, Japanese and Japanese-korean was the other? maybe about nineteen? they started fighting over brawlhalla, and how one was wrong about something i did not understand. the two Japanese want to be gangers hit it out on eachother for 5 minutes until they came our way. one of them pushed the other onto the trashcan next to my box. Ace's eyes x'ed out and little emotes appeared over his head. those teens made a serious mistake, and they didn't know any better. i knew what would happen next, but i did nothing. truth is: i couldn't help them. within seconds, up out of the trashcan came a green evil-looking monster with red glowing eyes. it grabed the funny clothed teen closest to the trashcan, and pulled him down inside the trashcan like a portal to hell. ''get away from my trashcan,' oscar screamed as he pulled the poor teen down inside the trashcan down into where-ever it leads. poor teen never saw it coming. everyone seen what happened and was live streaming on tiktok and youtube. people screamed and ran: suddenly their fear of the rain being toxic was gone: washed away, replaced by a fear of a human eating trash monster: as they all ran upwards to the street: they all ran down 5th street as fast as they could. not a one of them lookng back, can you believe that crap? Ace smiled happy the station was empty again. 'thank you oscar',' i said and knocked on the trashcan three times. after all three knocks is the subways station secret code, or maybe they can only count to three? whatever! oscar lifted the lid so all i could see was his red eyes peeking out. 'no problem, bill', oscar said, and then returned down inside the trashcan.
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chikan, post 3
When i was young, about 12, and a few months i lost my parents. it was a car crash that killed them both. few days later i found my homeless brother ace, and now i follow him around. i am 45 now, my brother is two years older then me: and my brother is a clever person for a homeless person. my brother ran away at 10 years old because he developed bloodmoon powers. i never got bloodmoon powers and i doubt i ever will. i wouldn't be homeless if i had my brothers powers, but he only uses bloodmoon powers for good, and for food. in the end he makes sure i get enough to eat for 30 people, and its making me gain weight. today we are at the kfc because of my brother. a nice Japanese woman, dressed in a nice red silk dress, in her early 20's, give ace ¥5000. i have a love-hate relationship with kfc.

i am at kfc for the sixth time this week, and i think eating chicken, over and over since we where young is starting to drive bill crazy. he has ordered the meal he is eating for six days a week for nine years. i think i need to start suggesting a new food hangout? i need to take better care of my brother, and maybe we could eat better food? healthy food? maybe?

'Shoot: is that, five-oh, in the parking lot outside,' i asked ace? the keikan looked mad as he stepped out of the car. suddenly ace spotted the woman in the silk red dress, and pointed. little emotes appeared over my head for a second. this woman must have called the police on us, and we quickly got out of the kfc, and headed down the side street. we ran to the next subway station and quickly got on a train filled with female students all wearing school uniforms: school must have let out? there was to many of them, there was no room to breath, it was hard to move towards to door, and it upset me. i was breathing heavy from my run from kfc. somehow i relaxed, and it took me three minutes to catch my breath, and my heart beat stopped racing. i became upset when we came to the next station, and somehow, even more of them, about 15 more got on! i couldn't get off the train for nineteen more stops because the train was so packed. finally on the nineteenth stop a large number of them got off. i found it easy to breath better, and my heart returned to its normal speed as i looked around. there was still eight girls on the cart when ace started screaming. there was five pink heart emotes flying around his head. i have no clue what he is talking about.


'CHIKAN, i got a full CHIKAN! She gave me CHIKAN!'
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bed, bath, and beyond
Please use rpnation's dark mode to read white text!

Evil comes in many forms, and often is right around the corner. i lay in my cardboard box drinking a warm can of blizard c-1000 lemon drink, and watch as subway passengers come and go. its a nice work day in Black, and no rain. suddenly my brother, bill, leaves his new cardboard box and walks away to the other end of the subway station while smoking his chocolate flavored cigar.

Today was a good day as of 3 pm.. early in the morning i found myself a new cardboard box behind the bed store. within bath and beyond: too? what was beyond?

Being homeless still scares away even the natives. two old Japanese men, about in their 60s: sitting on the blue plastic bench got up rather quickly as i sat up my cardboard box along a subway stations wall. chance favored the bold as they left food, smokes, and drinks on the bench. Finders keepers, losers weepers i said to Ace with a smile on my face: ear to ear. after two hours of i-spy with my brother: a American white red headed female, dressed like a maid gave me a business card wrapped in a American 50 dollar bill. an hour later i saw a pink cat with red eyes coming out of the train tunnel, up onto the station. i slowly tried to walk over to the cat on the other side of the station, but it ran away, scared, or just not liking people in general. it ran through the station, up tne steps, and out onto the street above. i then headed back to my cardboard box.
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gamer with a gun
Using my dead fathers gym membership card: we head to the gym to work out and shower. i got us a new set of clothing from the red cross, and put them in my hello kitty pink backpack. i do not like hello kitty, but when homeless: you take what you get, or find. to get to the gym we must take this subway for about 15 minutes. bill is sleeping, and i sit next to him. according to bill's laws of homelessness, i must take my turn watching over him as he sleeps. law 1,009 reads that we must take our place, taking turns watching over eachother or people will take what you have while sleeping. when i sleep, he will watch over me. someone must have cleaned the train, the inside of the cart kindof smells like bleach.
there are two black haired Japanese girls, wearing blue and white school uniforms playing together on Nintendo Switch. at the other end is a white male American with brown hair wearing clothing from the Gap. the American is using a straw to insert a strange white powder up inside his nose. three minutes later he starts stairing up the train towards us. i pretend not notice and watch the girls playing a co-op game, something like a new version of Animal Crossing. i look back to see he has got up and stands only 5 feet away. he is within my 6 feet range to defend myself, but he has not done anything threatening to us: YET? three minutes later he yells: I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU. SOMEONE NEEDS TO UNALIVE YOU TWO.
just as i was going to defend myself, i hear the sound of a gun. the sound wakes bill from his sleep. i watch as bullets fly into his chest, and blood spills out. he falls over and quickly dies as the train stops at a empty subway station. one of the school girls has a plastic gun from a 3d printer. she then points the gun at me. He wanted to off us because we are gamers. it was self defence, she walked us to the door, and tossed us out into the subway station. she stood in the doorway until the doors closed, and the train drove off.


What just happened? should we call one, one, nine? explain?

A male American was going to off us. however two gamers thought he was talking to them instead. he was meaning homeless, but leaving out the word, homeless, made him sound vague. as if maybe he was meaning gamers instead!

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brown dress bully
Bill recently collected 50 American dollars. the card with the money has an address for a maid cafe. the card is in english text. this cafe must be American owned? we decided to see if we could spend the money there, because kfc and jomakix will not. we intend to try the Caesar salad, since i have never had it before. we are walking down 2nd street that is on the outermost edge of Black. we are only three blocks away when a Korean girl, about 25, comes out of the electronics store. she is dressed in a brown cotton dress to her knees, with brown boots. she intentionally blocks our path. you know, down the public sidewalk. no matter the direction she blocks us, like a troll wanting gold before we can cross the bridge.

Ace and i are headed north along the edge of Black headed to a 'american' maid cafe? i know maid cafe's have cosplay and roleplaying staff, normally as maids. if we need to cosplay to enter: we can say we are cosplaying as crazy homeless aliens from another planet. i hope they accept American money, since no one else will any more. almost there we discover a Korean female blocking our path. she sticks out her hand, jumping in front of Ace to block him, every time. she is another bully in a dark brown dress, picking on homeless people. i wanted to ram her. knocking her down would give us enough time to run away. if i had gone all Onaga, dragon king on this girl: she would call the police. since police do not listen to the homeless, we would be the ones spending the night in police holdings, not her.


This girl is only three feet from me. i do not care what she wants, money, or to fight us? normally i don't use my Bloodmoon unless its for good reasons. this will be my first act to use violence with my ability. i lock her in so she can not move. a shocked look covers her face that she cannot move. How are you doing this, asked in a scared tone. i bring my right hand up to my shoulder, as she does the same. she tries to take back control of her moving hand but is unable to. i lightly slap myself in the face, and smile as she does the same. i see a tear run down her face, and then i let her go with my ability. she runs away screaming. WIZARDS, WIZARDS ATTACKED ME! WIZARDS! we then continue walking down the sidewalk.


Wizards? i wish!
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Lady Salad Maid Cafe
We walk in and sit down at a table. the maid cafe is clean, and brightly lighted. there are three Japanese girls working here, in black and white maids cosplay. strange it may sound, all three of them having blue hair. i hope they accept a American 50 dollar. the short maid walks over to our table once she takes the order of the man in the corner. there is a black American man dressed in a purple suit at a table in the corner of the cafe. the short maid, who never gave me her name sets two white plastic menus on the table. Do you accept American, i asked with a smile. Yes, master, she said, and pointed at the menu. it reads along the top of the menu that the cafe accepts both Japanese and American currency. she walks away and another maid walks over. Hello, master. My name is servant Axxis. let my know-of when you are ready to order, she said, followed by a curtsy. We both want the Caesar, meal, thingy, i said while feeling stupid, i wasn't sure what it really was. Master, that two Caesar salads, with what dressing, she asked and i was unable to speak.

We go into the strange cafe. it reads: that they accept both American and Japanese money on the door. inside, there is to much light. there are four Japanese maids working at the cafe. my brother walks past the reception desk, and picks out his own table instead of waiting to be seated, and i follow along with him. i see this place has another customer on the other end. my guess, is African American, all dressed in purple: as if he just finished church. once at the table, a maid comes over and sets two menus on the table. my brother talks with her about money, and she runs off, acting offended.
I want the Caesar, i said to my brother who wasn't really paying me any attention. a minute later a smaller maid with blue hair walks over to the table. Hello Masters, my name is slave Arixus, let me know if you see anything you want to order, she said in a almost evil tone. my brother orders food for us both, as he normally does. So, two large chicken Caesar salads masters? what dressing would you like master? would you like bread-sticks? she asked as his face turned blue, and little question mark emotes circles around his head for a second showing he didn't know how to answer the question. Yes, bread-stickers, and normal dressing, i said with a smile. She looked at me and let out a giggle. You call ranch, normal, too, she said and laughed before walking away. i turned to face my brother, and put on my invisible serious thinking hat. So you finally used this mirror power of yours to defend yourself? i thought you was only using it for good. so we could eat? she was a bully! some crazy daft punk twit! two minutes pass. she was so dumb, she thought we was Harry Potter Wizards, i said to my brother.


She was going to hurt us. i am sorry. i didn't mean to upset you. i will be more aware next time, and i will call the police instead.

One minute later a maid comes over to our table with our orders. this food is in plastic bowls, and plastic silver-wear. she sits it on the table, and i hand her the American 50 dollar bill. the food is green health food, and tastes really good. i eat the salad, then the crazy bread sticks, and then i drank the highly sugared tea, i didn't even know came with the order. as i drink my tea, i notice my brother is bord, and waiting for me to finish. his food is gone, and he must have inhaled his food.
this is our new place to eat. i love this food, i said before finishing the last of my tea.
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