• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern somethingSTRANGE. [Sign-Up]

sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Character Applications

Be sure to read the rules! It is very important that the rules are read.

Remember that character applications are not first-come-first-serve, which means that anyone can apply and it doesn't necessarily mean because they applied before you they will be accepted. So by all means, if you are interested, please apply.

Please fill out the character sheet provided in this box.

Character sheets should be posted in this thread. Once it is completed, tag me (
@CRiTiCAL ERR0R) in the OOC thread. There, I will give you your acceptance or decline by tagging you. If you are accepted, I will edit your post to add your information into the BBCode exampled below this box.

Full name (first, last name):
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth: (most should be from Pasecoda, Oregon)
Languages spoken: (if just English, put English. Not required to know more languages)
Character Type: (human, paranormal, sensitive)
Occupation: (if a student and no occupation, just put student)
Residency: (don't need to fill out right away)
Reputation: (how the town sees you. Most should be in decent to no opinion status)

Height: (in inches)
Weight: (in pounds)
Hair color:
Eye color:
Appearance description:


Three good traits:
Three bad traits:
Describe in 2+ paragraphs

Likes: (5+)
Favorites: (optional)
Dislikes: (5+)
Aspirations: (2+)
Fears: (2+)

Strengths: (what they're good at)
Weaknesses: (what they're flawed in)
Talents: (special things they can do)

[sh]Paranormal (Paranormals only)[/sh]
If they are a Paranormal, describe what they are and what they can do here. Must be 1+ paragraph. Must include good things and bad things.

[sh]Sensitive (Sensitives only)[/sh]
If they are a sensitive, describe what they can see or sense here. Must be 1+ paragraph. Must include good things and bad things.

username: (each character will have access to "somethingSTRANGE blog" that will be IC 2. They can only call each other by their username)
3+ Facts: (must put facts about your character. Anything you feel is important to know)
Theme song: (please pick one song for now)

Your character's history in 3+ paragraphs up till their current time in Pasecoda.[/font][/size]

BBCode for Accepted Applications will look like this:



Face The Camera


  • a comment left by another user will be here. If its a small comment, add blank-space filler.

    a quote left by your character


Status ____Photo/Video ____Life Event

What's on your mind?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus est non quam scelerisque tristique aliquam nec justo. In vitae lorem odio. Quisque sodales vitae ex vitae maximus. In suscipit risus nunc, eget laoreet velit maximus porttitor. Cras vel euismod ligula. Suspendisse commodo dui ac arcu ultrices, id laoreet dolor imperdiet. Quisque molestie massa ac diam blandit semper. Maecenas efficitur nulla sed mi sodales, dapibus tempor dolor auctor. In fermentum lacus hendrerit justo pulvinar hendrerit. Nunc ut varius enim.

Vivamus lectus ex, vehicula eu nunc in, sagittis feugiat leo. Aenean dolor risus, scelerisque sit amet metus non, fermentum dictum nibh. Integer et pulvinar sapien, id ultrices odio. Morbi mauris orci, aliquet vel dapibus ut, cursus eget ipsum. Sed enim leo, consectetur id faucibus sit amet, vestibulum id leo. Curabitur egestas molestie ante, pharetra ornare sapien interdum vitae. Morbi molestie ex vel posuere pellentesque. Donec luctus orci viverra nisl tincidunt lacinia. Phasellus at consequat ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec at velit nunc. Integer nec tincidunt magna. Sed vestibulum vulputate ligula, in accumsan eros tincidunt at.

Donec odio mi, blandit in orci placerat, lobortis sagittis justo. Mauris ut est gravida, consequat turpis vel, condimentum erat. Curabitur sit amet massa varius odio laoreet pellentesque quis in lorem. Duis tempus tortor eget lobortis posuere. Praesent dui massa, mollis ac justo nec, interdum rutrum ante. In lacinia elit vitae orci commodo, ut semper nibh imperdiet. Ut dapibus tincidunt dolor, tincidunt tincidunt est.

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Face The Camera


  • a comment left by another user will be here. If its a small comment, add blank-space filler.

    (Post was deleted by user heaven.ASLEEP @ 11:16 01/31/16


Status ____Photo/Video ____Life Event

What's on your mind?

Emily Vale Liljequist saw the light of day for the first time on a rainy January day in the BB Sophia maternity clinic in Stockholm, welcomed by her family consisting of her father, Aleksander, a well-respected faculty member of the Stockholm University, her mother, Sofia, a former successful dancer and music teacher, and her older sister, Michelle. The Liljequvists residence was a luxurious and charming house, just a bit outside of the bustling inner city districts of Sweden's capital. While neither Aleksander nor Michelle ever were particularly artistic, the entire household, spurred on by Sofia, had a knack for the more sophisticated things in life, a trait that must've been passed down to the newly arrived nestling who grew up to become very appreciative of all forms of art.

Emily was a quiet but sweet child growing up. Most people who met the girl remembered her fondly, complimenting her well-behaved nature and understanding for responsibility. "Just like her sister" was a phrase commonly heard. And indeed, like her sibling, Emily was rather popular in the community. The Liljequvist sisters did well in school and participated in a variety of extracurricular activies. Whether it was their involvement in class, being respectful to their teachers and classmates, or carefully fullfilling their obligations in schoolprojects, the girls were universally liked and successful. In fact, Michelle even aquired a bit of recognition due to her excellent swimming abilities, and at one point even qualified for nation-wide competitions. While Michelle had long found and reveled in her athletic field, the youngest had been placed in ballet classes from an early age on - shortly after her eighth birthday to be precise - and was a promising prospect, with teachers constantly predicting her to become a star. Emily's mother, enarmored with her daughter's talent and the idea of her little girl following in her footsteps, unfortunately didn't realize that Emily did not enjoy the art of dance after initial enthusiasm, only keeping quiet for her parent's sake.

Despite the unfortunate circumstances of Emily's predicament, life went rather well for the Liljequvist. Their oldest daughter would leave home soon, spending a few years in Africa, while the younger one continued to do exceptionally well under the loving but strict guidance of her parents. Soon after Michelle had left for Johannesburg, Emily would turn 14. It would turn out to be a notable year. The teenager had several unusually reclusive phases, worrying her parents though they assumed it to be temporary moodswings. The stress and unhappines that had build up over the years finally started to tug at the young girl a little too much, causing little cracks in her mind, and eventually resulting in Emily suffering her first taste of depression. And while her parents took the girl's mental health very serious and immediately initiated the process of getting her examined by specialist, Aleksander's job had more or less forced the Liljequvists to leave their home, making the long way over the pond instead of allowing for Emily to be checked out - The United States were waiting.

For now, however, Emily's primary source of unhappiness had been put on hold and thus her mind actually experienced a positive amendment despite the lack of a professional opinion. The preparations for relocating to the USA - more specifically: San Franisco - and the effects of adjusting to their new lifes allowed Emily to feel relieved from having to uphold the facade and escape her mother's unshakable belief that the youngest daughter just had to be a dancer. At least for a bit. Life was different but more enjoyable than the girl could remember it being ing a long time. However, her old life would catch up with her quickly, as Emily's mother had long established contact with an old workfriend of hers who happened to have some pull at the San Fransisco Ballet School, one of America's most respected facilities. Needless to say, Emily was less than thrilled.

Despite her anxiety about the future and her now even more demanding lessons, she continued to go along with it, not having the heart to oppose her mother's wishes. Accordingly, Emily's mental state deteriorated once more. Her entire energy went towards trying to maintain her grades and performing well during dance class. As a result, however, her conviviality plummeted and Emily began to eat unhealthily low amounts over extended periods of time. Of course, this routine was doomed to fail, yet it went on for almost a year, until finally the whole ordeal took its toll. The offical report read that the girl got into an argument, which lead to Emily accidently hurting herself in the bathroom due to anger and carlessness. The truth, however, is a little different.

Emily indeed got into an argument, but she experienced the situation drastically different. She felt incomplete and scared. as if she was besides herself, while a wave of hopelessness washed over her. Running off into the bathroom, she intentionally hit the mirror and hurt herself. In the hospital, where she was examined, the girl was questioned as to what happened. Much to the shock of her parents and doctor alike, Emily accidentally blurted out her version of the events. It was deemed to be the result of exhaustion and stress-related anxiety. The family was given a few vitamines, the advise to keep her at home for a week and a confident pat on the back. "She'll be just fine in a week or two, you just see." they were told.

But she wasn't.

Incidents began to scatter throughout the next couple of years. Emily paid less attention during school, broke down or started to cry in her ballet classes here and there, and, for the first time in her life, was caught smoking cannabis with some of the unruly students. She was caught and brought home by an officer, much to the chagrin of her parents. Never had they dealt with such behaviour before and it shocked them accordingly. It was decided that continuation of such behavior was unaccetable. The mixture of what almost seemed like grief and her unstable and impulsive behavior had to be looked at - An appointment with a therapist was made quickly.

There, Emily told the psychologist how things seemed to her. She explained that she felt like everyone would leave her, how everything seemed scary and dangerous to her. After some questioning by the man, who could not make anything but wild guesses with such vague stamements, the girl vividly articulated not only her emotional state but also that she had seen herself in a different city, with people she didn't know. That she felt scared and alone. Oddly, she was with other people, specifically a girl she didn't recognize but felt comfortable with, but they'd then leave her alone. The girl finished by explaining that she somehow knew they wouldn't ever come back to her. After a few long sessions with more questions and answers, the therapist finally talked to Emily's parents explaining that he consideres Emily suffering from borderline personality disorder a possibility. The attachment issues, the unstable breakouts, the twisted perception. Quite a few things hinted at the diagnosis. Luckily, the Liljequvists were caring, and so they took the possibility of a mental disorder serious and provided for their daughter accordingly under the guidance of Emily's doctor. It took her a while to trust her therapist, but, while she continued to struggle with irregular eating and remained prone to phases of depression, her overall state of mind showed signs of improvement.

Still, in spite of her bettering mood, she remained experiencing visions of being elsewhere, only sharing them in the safe confines of her therapists legal boundaries, not wanting to be scrutinized for her experiences. These visions ranged from the city she had seen before to seeing her family's house from the outside while laying in her bed. This routine would go on for years with relatively little change. Emily continued to attend the San Fransisco Ballet School, struggle a bit with her grades and continue to indulge in unhealthy behavior, but the Liljequvist's family mentality being so focused on success and discipline ensured that nothing too catastrophical would break out and shake up the family as Emily was much too worried about disappointing her parents. Instead, she desperately waited for her quickly approaching 18th birthday, in hopes of using her newly gained adulthood to make up an excuse to "take a break". However, just a mere three months prior, Emily would experience the final nail in the coffin, convincing her she had officially gone insane.

After going to bed, Emily suddenly felt herself laying in bed, as if she was conscious, and simultanously seemed to walk down the street she and her family lived in. In this 'vision' the girl entered her home, went up the stairs and slowly opened the door to her room. Shooting up in her bed she couldn't help but turn her head. You can imagine the horror she felt as she looked into her own face. The two versions of herself seemed to exist independently, yet Emily felt both bodies at the same time. A shared consciousness with seperate bodies. This supernatural experience was the straw that broke the camel's back for Emily, leading her to conclude that she had to get out of her current life.

After turning 18, Emily reluctantly revealed her intentions to move into a place of her own and see what she wants to do in life. Eventually trying to soften her parent's concerns about her health and her career by promising to not stay away from any of her routine for too long, she received their reserved approval. Within a month the young girl packed her things and eventually landed a small apartmemt in Pasecoda, Oregon, a somewhat small city with affordable living space. Emily has not upheld much contact with her parents since moving out due to feeling guilty of lying and not wanting to face her parents. In return, Emily's often a little needy for attention and love. She does keep in touch with her sister via E-Mail quite regularly though.

To support herself until she can figure out what to do with her life, the girl has started to work as a waitress in a café called La Tete & L'Amour. With her faux-french grace, she was deemed highly suitable to the trendy café's image.
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Reserved for Crit's profile. WIP.



Face The Camera


  • a comment left by another user will be here. If its a small comment, add blank-space filler.

    I'm an equalist. I don't care who you are, or where you're from. I hate you just like everyone else.


Status ____Photo/Video ____Life Event

What's on your mind?

What you should know about Venn will be discovered as you get to know him throughout the roleplay.

Currently, you know he has been to Pasecoda for two weeks, and within those two weeks, has gotten into a confrontation with the Mayor. Not only does he seem like an outsider with a bad attitude, he has no identification (no wallet, id card, etc) or money on him. Mayor Coden had called him a delinquent, and Venn had retorted (very loudly at that), that it was "pretty fucking rude to call someone down on her goddamn luck a fucking delinquent. Why don't you take that backward thinking and shove it up your ass?" Needless to say, he isn't very liked by a good majority so far.
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Face The Camera


  • he's the only one who doesn't understand 'no shoes, no service

    always make the impossible possible


Status ____Photo/Video ____Life Event

Waking up and feeling bloody fabulous!

Ten years ago, the small hamlet of Pasecoda had little trouble from outsiders coming into their town. At most, it was just a temporary move with most slipping out of the fog to never be seen or heard from ever again. But, one particular stranger didn’t come in quietly. He came in way too loudly with swagger to back up his obnoxious entrance. Where he came from was pretty clear by his strong accent. A foreigner. Someone that “loved fish and chips, afternoon tea and biscuits, and hailed the Queen.” To some, the enigmatic Mister Crowley was someone of interest. A colorful character that changed the steady flow of small town life. To the rest of the citizens of Pasecoda, he was nothing more than an eyesore and a nuisance.

The rumor mill was at an all time high, surrounding the mysterious Englishman.

Some speculated that he must be some sort of criminal with the way he enticed. The older folks claim they have seen his mugshot on America’s Most Wanted twenty years ago! Others believed he must be some kind of failed celebrity that’s in hiding. There’s even a few that joked about the man being from some kind of royalty. There are plenty of absurd rumors about Mister Crowley but no proof to back up the claim. All they could do was attempt to play detective and figure out the man.

One of the first offenses Mister Crowley committed was purchasing the old antique shop in Downtown Pasecoda. It wasn’t just any ordinary abandoned building. Since being erected, every owner has met with a bloody end up until it became vacant in the late 80’s. And, now, a stranger rolls into town, buys it, and renovates it into a store? Even if a few dared to approach and tried to persuade Mister Crowley to keep the doors closed, it fell on deaf ears. He refused to bend to the will of the people. The older citizens decided to take things into their hands and start a campaign to boycott whatever commercial store was going up.

The second offense was, by far, the worst Mister Crowley had done. Rather than put up something run of the mill and mundane in the old antique shop, the Englishman converted it into a freak store! He advertised it as an eclectic antique store of the weird and bizarre. Having freaky taxidermy pieces in the window, worn out and distorted mannequins in period clothing, and “love potions” wasn’t enough for Mister Crowley. He even had the gall to take some of the “legends” of Pasecoda and mock it through making them into commercialized products. Many were offended by the spectacle, saying that Mister Crowley was insulting Pasecoda with the merchandise. He even brought a steady crowd of tourists into the town, selling these made up stories to them. This act had sealed his fate.

Within the first two years of living in Pasecoda, Mister Crowley became ostracized from the rest of the citizens and used as an example of what’s wrong with the town.

Mister Crowley’s third, and final, offense was his outrageous attempts to change the town! Whatever planted the very thought into the man’s head had caused too much problems for the mayor and the town meetings. Worse yet, it seems like he’s garnered a small group of support, backing up his plans. At most, it’s nothing more than a headache when Mister Crowley fights tooth and nail for change. No matter how much is presented in the town meeting or the rally of support, it’s always overwhelmed by the rest of the voices of Pasecoda: a resounding “No!”

Where exactly Mister Crowley gained support over the years isn’t a mystery… if you’re in the
know. Those that side with shop owner have received help from him in his time living in town. Somehow, he’s made life bearable for them, lending out his expertise and his own brand of support for them. What exactly Mister Crowley does for them is just like the very man himself: a complete mystery.

“Celebrating” ten years of living in Pasecoda, Mister Crowley is currently facing his biggest hurdle yet with the opposition.
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This application has been accepted and is waiting to be coded.


Full name (first, last name): Avalon Minas

Nicknames: Ava, Avie, Ave, Minas

Age: 23

Date of Birth: April 4

Place of Birth: Pensacola, Florida

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Greek American

Languages spoken: English, Greek

Character Type: Human

Occupation: Tattoo Artist and Student

Residency: 248 Asbury Circle

Reputation: Good standing


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 124

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Hazel green

Appearance description: Avalon has dark brown hair with slight waves that goes down to her chest and piercing hazel green eyes that look like she's staring into your soul. She has a slim figure with thin legs and soft olive skin that seems to glow when she has a good tan. Her eyebrows are always thin and well-done and her lips are pink and soft. Her cheekbones are not very prominent, but she has a rather defined jawline. She also has a cartilage piercing and a double ear lobe piercing as well as a few beauty marks behind her ear.

In addition, she got a tattoo of falling leaves on her back after her younger brother died from leukemia. She and her brother used to go to the park together to watch the leaves fall during autumn, and this was the first tattoo she ever got. She then got a tattoo of a compass on her wrist to symbolize her desire to travel the world as well as her internal compass to follow her heart after she graduated high school. This was when she decided to postpone her college degree to pursue her love for art, to the dismay of her mother. At the same time, she also got a tattoo of a palm tree along the side of her left leg to represent her home in Pensacola, Florida. After she fell in love with city of Chicago, she got a tattoo of the city skyline on the outside of her right foot. Finally, when she moved to Pasecoda, she got a tattoo of mountains on her right collar bone to represent the mountainous regions.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/marie4r.jpg.26a9e8b3ba262ba6fa26e442157663d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96077" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/marie4r.jpg.26a9e8b3ba262ba6fa26e442157663d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Wardrobe: Her fashion style is more on the casual, edgy side than the fancy, girly side. She is usually seen in her typical black leather jacket with dark jeans, boots, and a graphic tee or tank. She loves accessories, so she usually wears long earrings, necklaces, and/or bangles. Her favorite accessory during the summer is sunglasses, as she owns many different pairs of them. Oftentimes, even if it is not sunny, she will wear the sunglasses on top of her head simply as an added decoration.

Avalon rarely wears extremely girly or childish outfits such as bright sundresses and pale pink clothing, but when the weather becomes hot, she can be seen in some of her favorite dresses. Although she does not own anything floral, especially not floral dresses, she does have a few pieces of lace-y clothing in her closet.



Three good traits: Bold, practical, open-minded

Three bad traits: Impatient, unstructured, impulsive

Avalon is very bold, practical, direct, and perceptive. Filled with energy and curiosity, she is very open-minded and loves trying new things, often following her heart rather than her mind. She lives in the moment and tries not to worry about the consequences unless it's necessary, making her rather spontaneous and sometimes impulsive. A thirst for adventure is close to her heart and she loves new experiences.

Furthermore, her intuitive attention to detail helps her notice when things change, or when things need to change. Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to her, and she uses these observations to help create connections with others. Straightforward and upfront with her thoughts, Avalon is not afraid of confrontation and prefers to communicate clearly with others. She will stand up for what he believes in and voice her opinions regardless of the consequences. All of these qualities make her a rather likable person, as people can sense the sincerity and genuineness in her attentive, honest nature.

In addition, Avalon can be impatient, unstructured, and impulsive. She likes to move at her own pace to keep herself excited and often seizes the moment whenever she sees an opportunity, often ignoring rules or social expectations in the process. Because she is action-oriented and hands-on, monotonous repetition, hardline rules, and sitting quietly while being lectured at is certainly not enjoyable for her.

Underneath her bold exterior, however, lies a very kind and warmhearted person, often becoming quite protective of those close to her. She offers unconditional loyalty and care to those she loves, as she would be willing to do almost anything for her closest friends. Avalon is also very independent and follows her own intuition, refusing to rely on anyone else but herself. She values the freedom to express herself, and anything that interferes with that, such has hardline rules or rigid traditions, can make her feel trapped or boxed-in.



- Drawing/painting

- Art galleries/museums

- Listening to music

- Nature

- Running

- Hiking

- Stargazing

- Watching the sunrise/sunset

- Taking solitary walks at nights

- Trying new things (such as new hobbies or foods)

- Meeting new people

- Adventures and exploration

- Drinking to the point of being buzzed/tipsy but never drunk

- Smoking (cigarettes and marijuana)


- Art

- The outdoors

- New experiences


- Judgmental people

- Uptight people

- Narrow-mindedness

- Arrogance

- Violent drunks

- Math & science

- Winter & cold weather

- Rain


- Travel the world and explore as many cultures as she can

- Become a well-known artist


- Her other younger brother dying of cancer, just like his twin did

- Being stuck in a boring, meaningless office job for the rest of her life



1. Avalon is very open-minded and creative, always willing to try something new and able to concoct original solutions to certain problems. She is a flexible thinker, as she enjoys pushing boundaries and discovering new ideas. This makes her an adventurous, curious person.

2. She is very observant and perceptive of her surroundings as well as the people in it, often noticing the slightest changes in a person's habits or appearances. This intuitive attention to detail extends over to other patterns and customs in her daily life, allowing her to detect when things need to change.

3. She is a very sociable, outgoing person, as she loves meeting new people and getting to know others. People often feel very comfortable around her and she enjoys hearing about the various experiences that people have had.


1. Avalon can be rather impatient, as she likes to move at her own pace to keep herself excited and busy. Slowing down because someone else needs more time or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long can be hard for her.

2. This impatience can lead her to extend over her boundaries without thinking of the long-term consequences, making her an impulsive person. She often follows her gut intuition and can sometimes fail to think her actions all the way through.

3. Avalon can sometimes appear insensitive, as her brutal honesty and directness can come off the wrong way. Feelings and emotions come second to facts and tangible results for her, which means she sometimes has difficulty acknowledging and expressing her own feelings.


1. Avalon is very skilled in art, which includes drawing, painting, and sketching. She is able to produce uncanny masterpieces, her main motivation coming from what is tangible in her environment. As a result, most of her art encompasses landscape, objects, and humans.

2. She is also a pretty good dancer, as she views dance as another form of art. She feels pretty comfortable with her own body, so she is able to express that through her movements.


username: @ wanderLUST

3+ Facts:

- Her favorite colors are nature tones, such as green or olive. Clothing of these colors also bring out her hazel green eyes.

- Her favorite music genre is electronic/house music.

- Her fluency in Greek has declined over the years, due to her lack of ever using this language.

- For the first time in her life, she actually enjoys going to class, as she is finally learning about something she is passionate about: art.

- She is not very superstitious, as she trusts her tangible environment over some old wives' tale.

- Because she enjoys being in nature, especially for her paintings, and going on solitary walks at night, she sometimes ventures into the forest while it's dark to clear her head. Although she knows it is dangerous, she enjoys the dichotomy that she feels between both the peacefulness and the thrill of the forest at night.

- Although Avalon has started to resent her mother for not supporting her life decisions, she still loves her on the inside, even if she does not show it.

- She is extremely protective of her younger brother, Aaron, and would be willing to do anything for him. They grew especially close after the death of his twin brother, Austin.

Theme song: Modest Mouse - The World At Large


Avalon grew up with two happy parents in a middle-class family. Ever since she was a child, she had always displayed a love for art, starting from coloring the walls of her house with crayons as a toddler. As she grew older, she began to take art classes and draw in her own free time, producing many masterpieces. When Avalon was 5, her mother gave birth to two twin brothers, to the family's delight. She became very close to her younger brothers, becoming a protective older sister and helping them whenever they needed it. However, when she was 13, one of her 8-year old little brothers was diagnosed with leukemia and died six months later. As a result, Avalon got a tattoo of falling leaves on her back because she and her brother used to go to the park together to watch the leaves fall once autumn hit. After her younger brother's death, the entire family became extremely protective over the twin brother and feared that he too would be diagnosed with leukemia.

Because this tragic death occurred at the beginning of her adolescence, it took her a long time to recover from the emotional toll. She resorted to drinking, smoking, partying, hooking up, and doing drugs as a way to cope with her loss. However, through the support of her family and friends, she has learned to live her life to the fullest and follow her heart, growing emotionally stronger. This was how the beginnings of her adventurous and spontaneous personality began to form.

After she graduated high school, Avalon realized that she did not want to go to college immediately. She wanted to go out and explore the world first, hopefully pursuing her dreams in becoming an artist. Although her parents disapproved of her postponing her college degree, they knew that they could not change her mind. Her father understood her desire to travel much more than her mother did, which created high tensions in the family. This is when she got her tattoo of a compass on her left wrist to symbolize her internal thirst for adventure as well as a palm tree along the side of her left leg to represent her home in Florida.

Avalon found a job at a famous art gallery in Chicago and moved there right after graduation. Her love for the arts only grew stronger as she was exposed to the different artists and types of art at the gallery. She even got the chance to showcase a couple of her paintings during one of their events, allowing her to really expose herself as an artist. This is when she got a tattoo of the Chicago cityline on her outer right foot to symbolize her love for this city. After a few months of living on her own, she met a sweet, charming guy at the gallery, and they soon began dating, falling in love almost immediately. Although he appeared to be a very nice, caring guy in the beginning, after they started to date for a while, she saw how violent and aggressive he became when he was drunk. There had been a couple of times when he struck her physically, but he would always sincerely apologize and promise to stop once he was sober again.

Finally, after two years, she decided to break up with him because she knew that this was an unhealthy relationship. Along with this breakup came her desire for a change of scenery, as everywhere she went reminded her of her ex-boyfriend. As a result, Avalon decided to move to Pasecoda 3 years ago when she found a job as a tattoo artist and has lived here ever since. Recently, she has begun taking art classes at Pasecoda community college in order to receive a degree as an Art major. Her newest tattoo is one of mountains on her right collar bone to represent the mountains regions of Oregon

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Face The Camera


  • witch!!

    i know i'm odd, but what are you?


Status ____Photo/Video ____Life Event

What's on your mind?

Poppy Anabel Jensen was born on the gloomy 18th of October, 1999 in Pasecoda, Oregon to her mother, Christine Merit, a university dropout from Massachusetts become a housewife after Poppy's older sister of four years, Samantha and their father Frank Jensen, an experimental physicist from Oslo, Norway. Frank Jensen moved from Norway to Massachusetts to pursue a degree in one of the top recommended physics-based universities in the United States, his father's side of the family was of English descent, proving useful in that Frank grew up speaking both English and Norwegian. Christine also enrolled in the same university as Frank, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to study computer science, that was where they initially met and eventually fell in love. Frank and Christine had been dating for a year and a half when tragedy struck Christine's family, both her two younger brothers were killed in a school shooting which derailed Christine during an important time in college, causing her to fail all her following exams and naturally, drop out halfway through the year with the chance of retaking her exams in August of the next year but it all went down from there for her. Christine did not wish to continue studying and instead got multiple part-time jobs as a waitress and shop cashier, moving out from her dorm room in the Institute and staying with Frank in the apartment his parents were paying off for him as his family background was very rich and the Jensen's were proud of their son and all of which he had achieved. Since Frank's parents were paying off all the costs for rent and Frank had his own source of income which he used to pay taxes and necessities, Christine had heaps of leftover money from her 4-5 dayjobs, so with great amounts of unused money, a broken family and no future career, Christine fell into a deep depression in which she began to seek out comfort in the company of drugs and alcohol. In the meantime, Christine had cut off all contact with her remaining family out of shame and guilt for what had happened to her and spent most of her time in her boyfriend's apartment, alone, while he was out at university. They started to grow apart as Frank was barely around and when he was, he'd be studying or working on something for school, the two spent very little time together causing Christine to spiral even worse down the rabbit hole due to her loneliness. Frank being highly engrossed into his work, did not realize what was happening to his girlfriend at the time and assumed she was still grieving for her loss.

As the two were frankly adults and had been together for a very long time, they had been having sexual relations for a while now, but they were not married and did not plan on having kids until after university. That was the plan before Christine dropped out and found herself isolated from the world, stuck in a haze of drugs getting only worse and worse each day. Eventually, she was fired from her jobs because she'd always come in noticeably stoned or under influence, meaning she had lost her income she had been using to buy substances. Having been extremely addicted for weeks, maybe even months, Christine became a wreck, she had multiple nervous breakdowns and that was when it hit Frank what had been going on with his girlfriend ever since her brother's death. He insisted she see a therapist and that he could afford to pay for her recovery, but she denied and denied to the point where she'd lock herself in her room for days without coming out to eat, staying in bed all day and barely sleeping. In the midst of her temporary insanity, it occurred to Christine that she wanted a child, someone who could keep her company, something that would reconnect the mayhem that was her relationship with a man she did love, but was losing faith in her. The night that Samantha, their first daughter and Poppy's older sister, was conceived, was not intentional. Christine had punched a hole in the condom they used after finally coming out of her room and apologizing for all that had happened. A few days later, it was confirmed that she was pregnant. Lying, Christine told Frank the condom must have broken and that it was an accident, but that she didn't care and that the baby could possibly be a savior for her, something to bring her spirit back and give her life. Frank didn't agree, he didn't think Christine was mentally or physically capable of taking care of a child and hadn't even told his parents he was seeing someone, so telling them he was going to be a father was unthinkable. But he truly loved Christine, he believed maybe she was right and so he told her that in the time she was pregnant she would have to start seeing a psychiatrist and get herself back together in time for their daughter's birth at age 21. That was how Samantha Jensen came to be, and the horrible events to follow.

Samantha was born a few months before Frank was due to graduate university and get a degree, the first few months of Samantha's life were spectacular for the whole family, everything seemed to be falling into place, that was until Frank's parents told him that they were going to visit him for his graduation and stay with him for a few weeks in his apartment in Massachusetts. Christine and Frank didn't know what to do, they couldn't meet with his parents with a baby and a wife-to-be after years of not seeing each other. The Jensens had always been awfully strict so the idea was insane, and so a few weeks before graduation when Frank was given a job offer at a great lab for experimental physics in Oregon, the two packed their things and left the day Frank received his diploma, cutting off contact with Frank's family. They stayed in an apartment near the edge of Pasecoda only to rent a house around half a year later as Frank's job paid off well- the three were happy and Samantha was raised like any normal child.

Four years later, Poppy was born. For sisters, Poppy and Samantha got along extremely well, they had a connection unlike any other could possibly try to understand. The two grew up very close to one another and the Jensen family was the dream for any typical American. Nice house, great kids, great job, a tight-knit family who despite going through struggles managed to make it out alive. Everything was stellar for them up until Poppy grew old enough to start going into daycare and shortly after elementary school. Poppy would scream at strangers and insist that she didn't want to go outside because there were monsters and scary people. Sometimes she'd get along with kids just fine and at other times with others she'd spaz out and have a breakdown, crying and kicking and shrieking bloody murder. Eventually her parents took her to a doctor, who after hearing what Poppy had to say about the situation, falsely diagnosed her schizophrenia and suggested therapy and later on mild medication if it got worse. You'd imagine the medication would make Poppy go ballistic, but rather than making her crazier than people sought her to be, it dulled her ability to see Paranormals. This condition her family was led to believe that she had, was kept a secret only known to Poppy's parents and Samantha who was now almost eleven years old, heading into a protective stage of sisterhood where she was always worried about her little sister, wanting to make sure she was safe and feeling okay. However the secret wasn't kept for very long as when Poppy entered second grade and her class was sent to a 3 day long field trip, her parents had to explain to the teachers that she needed to take her regular dose of pills. Being young and innocent, Poppy didn't think that she'd have to hide the medication she was taking, and so the first night in her dorm room with 4 other girls, Poppy popped open the lid of her pills and gulped them down as she did every day. Her classmates freaked out, one went running to the teachers and the others went running around saying Poppy was crazy and that she was taking drugs. It was only after a few hours that the teachers called everyone down to an assembly to explain that Poppy was in fact not taking illegal substances and that she needed said medication for a disorder she had. From then on, kids in her class would stay away from her and go quiet whenever she walked into a room, no one wanted to sit next to her or work with her. Poppy of course didn't understand, everyone had always liked her for her happy-go-lucky nature and she got along well with all the other kids. She was practically a class and teacher favorite, who wouldn't love friendly, little, doe eyed Poppy?

Evidently, everyone, once people started calling her 'Potty Poppy'.

For the most part of primary school, Poppy was picked on and teased whenever her sister wasn't around to do something about it which was a lot, as Samantha was now finishing primary and entering middle school, so she wouldn't be able to save Poppy from the bullies in the school hallways as she normally did. Naturally, Poppy and Samantha told their parents what was happening and they went straight to the principal, but it wasn't like he could do much other than tell the kids off. To put it simply, it didn't work, in fact, it made the bullying worse. Poppy started feeling extremely rejected for something she couldn't control and isolated, she found comfort in staying alone in her room, indulging herself in a world of fantasy and horror. This experience and exclusion from people she thought were her friends, were what brought Poppy to finding her love for gothic clothing and the supernatural. From all the getting pushed into lockers, teasing, bullying and rumors, Poppy went from an extroverted, loud girl to shy and quiet. She stopped going outside and spent all of her time in her room, drawing, reading, writing and getting her hands on any horror film, book or comic she could find. Though she wasn't always alone, her relationship with Samantha was still strong and the two spent a lot of time together, they didn't share mutual interests but they bonded anyway. Samantha would teach Poppy how to sew and knit her own clothes after seeing how obsessed she was with gothic fashion and take her out shopping, using her allowance to take her to the cinema or to get jewelry. They were the best of friends, when they were with each other it was like they were the only two people in the world.

Things started getting rough at home, their father was offered a higher position in his job which meant he would be working many more hours and rarely come home until late hours and leave early in the morning. Christine was losing ambition and getting tired of doing the same thing everyday, cleaning and cooking while the kids were gone at school, watching TV while her husband was gone and eventually going to bed at around midnight and the cycle continued. Poppy and Samantha spent much more time together with each other than with their parents, like the two pairs lived on opposite ends of the spectrum. Christine faced her husband about being afraid of spiraling down into drugs and depression again, so in shock and worry, Frank suggested she stay in a psych ward temporarily as he was barely home and wouldn't be able to look over her. Angrily, Christine got into a huge fight with her husband and told him those places were only for crazy people and she wouldn't dare step foot in there, that they already had one daughter who was mentally unstable and they didn't need another psycho in the family. Poppy overhearing this, told her sister about it in tears, how she thought her parents didn't want her anymore because she was giving them a bad reputation. "
Listen," her sister told her. "You're not insane. The things you see, they're real, I see them too. I didn't want to tell you until you were older because I thought you would... I don't know... freak out, but they're not imaginary. I'm friends with one of them, they're not bad, trust me, at least not all of them. But you can't tell anyone, it's a secret only to those who know about them or can sense them. If you expose them, they'll come after you. I see them too, Poppy. I see them too." The next few days the family didn't speak much with each other except when necessary. Then, during dinner one day, Samantha faced her mother about what she had said about Poppy and how she thought psych wards were only for crazy people, how her sister was ashamed for something she couldn't help. Before Christine could say anything, Samantha lied about wanting to turn herself in to a psych ward to resolve a problem she had been having for almost two years; bulimia. She wanted to not only recover, but also prove to her mother that mental hospitals were not for lunatics, that she herself and her sister were not mad and that it's okay to ask for help. Samantha also said she wanted her mother to come with her and they could both stabilize their mental states. Flat out, Christine refused and went berserk, she completely lost it and had a nervous breakdown, having to be forcibly restrained by Frank. The following weekend, Sam was gone. Of course, what she had done was only fiction and an excuse to get her mother in a clinic, fearing that she would attack Poppy or do something worse. Not to mention, Sam had very strong Sensitive abilities that distorted her view of reality and the morphine they gave her there dulled that skill.

Now at age 13, for around a year or so Poppy's home life was a big, confusing blur. Her father went back down to his former job position so that he could watch over his wife who was losing grip of reality, she had no friends at school and her grades were decent to say the least and she barely saw her sister who kept coming in and out of the mental hospital for many many months. However Samantha still kept the same cool, relaxed exterior and half-smile she always carried with her. When she was around at home, Sam would explain to Poppy how she could act normal around Paranormals and pretend as if she didn't see through their glamour, how to lay low on the radar and not make it obvious that she had abilities, but normally she said very little and didn't go into depth for whatever reason. Poppy didn't ask further than what Sam would tell her, and their interaction went down little by little, going from sisters to practically strangers. On May 12th, 2013 Samantha turned herself in once more to the local Pasecoda mental clinic, staying for an unusually long amount of time, normally her visits only lasted a few days or weeks but this time she stayed for over a month- and on June 28th the Jensen family received the news that in attempt to escape the clinic and steal the car of one of the co-workers, Samantha died in a presumed car accident.

Poppy didn't believe it for a second. She was convinced something had happened to Sam in the clinic that scared her and that she was killed by one of those... things. The police didn't look too far into the case, she was after all in a psych ward, and disclosed her death as an accidental suicide as there were no witnesses and the crime scene was Samantha in a car, smashed into a tree with a wound on her head so fatal it killed her. Her grades dropping terribly, Poppy failed the 9th grade, having to retake it and ignored her schoolwork, looking only into any information she could find about Pasecoda and the things she was seeing. She stopped taking her medication for schizophrenia and has since become a shut-in who rarely ever leaves the house and strays away from her borderline mad mother and her father who no longer enjoyed spending time with his wrecked family.
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Face The Camera


  • a comment left by another user will be here. If its a small comment, add blank-space filler.

    a quote left by your character


Status ____Photo/Video ____Life Event

What’s on your mind?

Glenn was born in the early hours of August 17, 1985 to Gregor and Aileen Rutherford, and all seemed well in the world. The couple had just recently moved to the town of Pasecoda after a hectic life in New York City, wanting to transition to a quieter and more secluded location. Three years after their first child was born, the Rutherfords found an addition to their family, though this time in the form of a girl. Brooklyn Rutherford, more commonly called Brooke, was named by her parents as a reminder of their time spent in the Big Apple. Glenn's father has always worked primarily as a barber while his mother spent her time as a pharmacist. The family never found themselves in any trouble financially, which luckily, allowed Glenn and his sister to live a fairly comfortable and carefree life. The two siblings had a typical brother-sister relationship, constantly butting heads in rather immature ways, even to this day.

Much of Glenn's early life was filled with curiosity and a sense of adventure. Consequently, it didn't take long for him at all to be well-informed of the town's layout, stores, etc. When there wasn't much about the town itself to learn about anymore, he turned to new things to explore. This was primarily done through reading, which also consumed a good amount of his childhood. Another one of his early interests, which was mostly his father's doing, was of baseball. His father, being a big fan of the sport, was frequently found watching games on television, and it wasn't long until his son ended up joining him. It's for this reason that he was the closest to his father than anyone else in his family, and he's usually the first he goes to whenever something happens.

It was evident, even at a young age, that Glenn would turn out to be what he is today. He'd commonly be found flipping through the pages of a magazine or newspaper, reading through any articles that caught his eye. He gained an appreciation for writers and how they translated their ideas into words. Word play was one of his favorites, being the kid who threw puns left and right in hopes of getting back a chuckle or more realistically, a groan. English class was, as expected, the class he took the most interest in growing up, and the one thing he truly excelled at. He never really had to question himself about his future or what he wanted to become, since it was clear what he wanted to do and that there would be no stopping it. After graduating high school, he immediately attended college to receive his degree in Journalism. Along the way, he landed an internship with a local newspaper company, which he still does some work for every now and then. Nowadays, he mainly works for an online media company, which is decently successful and has worked well for him so far.

There's no doubt that being born to two New Yorkers have rubbed off on Glenn. His coffee "addiction" is but one of many examples of the influence of his parents on him. While he doesn't get as frustrated or his parents as his parents can, his impatience and dissatisfaction are shown once in a while. He's heard countless stories about living in the city and does want to experience it for himself one day. Despite not having ever left his hometown, he does want to move and settle elsewhere someday. He's always had a fondness for Pasecoda, finding a reason here or there to stick around for a little while longer. His main goal before packing his bags for good is to bring at least some attention to the town in an article or something he writes. As of now, Glenn's still on the lookout for any potential big story, convinced that one of them will put Pasecoda on the map.
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Full name: Robert Nathaniel Koehler

Nicknames: Rob, Robby

Age: 27

Date of Birth: June 21st, 1985

Place of Birth: Pasecoda, Oregon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Ethnicity: Germanic-American

Languages spoken: English

Character Type: Human

Occupation: Bartender, Volunteer Firefighter

Residency: 11 Blue Mountain Rd.

Reputation: Good


Height: 73'

Weight: 170lb

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Appearance description: Standing at 5'10 and weighing 170 lbs, Rob would like to think he's in relatively good shape. He's not one to go to the gym, and he doesn't pay attention much to his dietary habits, so he's not exactly in peak shape. However, he does enjoy hiking and frequently wanders about the many of the mountains and parks in the surrounding area, which has helped to tone the long-legged, broad chested man. The long summers spent outdoors have also darkened his skin to a warm tan, though this often fades in the winter months.

A strong, bearded jawline, thick brows framing those warm brown eyes, and a wide grin are the most characteristic features of Rob's face. His dark brown hair comes out in curly, messy locks, which he usually tries to keep to controllable lengths, though there have been occasions where he needs a 'man-bun' to keep it under control. However, he does pride himself on keeping his beard nicely groomed and trimmed at all times, and has declared numerous times that he'll never shave it. While he currently doesn't have any piercings or tattoos, he does have a thumb-sized birthmark on the nape of his neck.

Wardrobe: Rob's 'style' is thoroughly casual and rustic, wearing clothes that he can move around and work in. Button-down shirts (Particularly flannel or plaid), wool sweaters, and jeans are the staples of his attire, along with a few t-shirts and shorts for hiking. During the colder times of the year he often is seen wearing a brown leather jacket, dark work boots, a grey knitted scarf/ cap, and tanned gloves. He does have a few suits for the rare special occasion, though he's hardly worn them over the years.






Three good traits: Gregarious, Intuitive, Laid-Back

Three bad traits: Indecisive, Malleable, Passive.

With his easygoing attitude and infectious smile, it's not hard to see that Rob is a people person. He enjoys spending time with almost anyone, whether it be tending to the patrons at the bar or the townsfolk he encounters throughout the day, nearly all of whom he's known since childhood. While having a naturally friendly disposition, he's not one to force his company on others, and usually knows when its best to give people their space rather than annoy them with his presence. He's also willing to lend a helping hand whenever possible, and has been seen driving home some of his more inebriated customers. Rob has a tendency of believing in the best of others, and usually isn't one to distrust or question what people say. This at times makes him a bit gullible, and though he often brushes such incidents off later on, it bothers him more than he lets on.

Being an outgoing individual, Rob is always up for any sort of activity, however, in social settings he's more inclined to let others speak than be the centre of attention, generally waiting for people to speak their mind before putting his two cents in. When he is called out to make decisions or to give his personal opinions, he usually avoids it by deferring to someone else or giving a neutral response. This indecisive nature can be problematic when he's forced to take charge in a situation without anyone else to rely on, though he usually can maintain his calm disposition. Furthermore, while he's down to hang out anytime, he usually leaves the planning to others, and is in many ways a 'go with the flow' type of guy. While not necessarily shying away from work, he's rarely been motivated outside of finding a decent job and enjoying life one day at a time. Rob believes himself to be an honest man, yet he has from time to time left certain details out if he feels it will prevent unnecessary tension.


Likes: Camping, Fresh Air, Alternative/ Jazz Music, Spicy Foods, Cards/ Video Games, Sci-Fi/ Fantasy

Favorites: Curry, Hiking

Dislikes: Shopping, Broken Dishwashers, Cigarette Butts, Rude People, Excessive messiness or clutter, Tofu.

Aspirations: One day Rob hopes to open up his own microbrewery/ bar based in Pasecoda or Portland. He doesn't need to make tons of money at it, just enough to keep paying the bills and put some money away for retirement. As well, he's considered eventually taking a trip down the coast from Seattle, Washington to South America, though he's yet to set a date for it and keeps pushing it to the backburner.

Fears: Failing to be there for the people he cares about, Being lonely.



-Empathy: Rob genuinely cares about the well being of whomever he encounters, and has little difficulty in reading the emotional states of those around him. Whether it be to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on, he consciously makes an effort to be there to support the people around him.

-Relaxed: Even in the most hectic environments, Rob always manages to maintain an easygoing smile. He typically doesn't get fazed when thrown into unexpected situations, and usually is the one to help mediate or calm things down in a tense scenario. In fact, simply being in his presence may be enough to ease one's internal stresses, if only for the moment. Of course, there are occasions which require him to take on a more serious demeanour, but even then he generally keeps his cool and rarely is one to jump the gun.


-Unassertive: Rob likes to keep up good relations with everyone. At the same time, this occasionally results in him taking more than his fair share of shit from others, whether the treatment is deliberate or done unconsciously. He rarely will comment on such things to anyone else, let alone do anything about it, and this insecurity of having people like him gets to him now and then. When faced with any real disagreement or confrontation, his usual response is to ignore it or else shut down rather than face it directly.

-Lazy: Outside of the workplace, this guy has hardly a care in the world. From paying the interest on his loans to doing laundry, it usually takes a fair bit of pushing and prodding to get him to do anything which doesn't immediately interest him, particularly things involving paperwork. Perhaps the greatest procrastinator in all of Pasecoda, Rob leaves almost everything to the last minute, going so far as to doing menial tasks such as cleaning so as to delay him from having to do more tedious work.

Talents: Rock Climbing, Socializing, Makes a mean drink


username: insertname_here


-While having dated girls up until college, Rob was in a six-month relationship with his friend Paul between first and second year. Though they didn't keep it a secret, they weren't open about it either, and he doesn't like discussing the matter much. Since then, he's only dated on and off, but nothing serious.

-Despite his laid-back, no worries attitude, there are times where Rob refrains himself from revealing some of his more 'embarrassing' quirks. These include, but are not limited to: Non-existent dancing skills (Not from lack of effort) , a marshmallow when it comes to movies, and being an avid fan of karaoke.

-Rob is a lover of all animals: currently his only pet is Tibby the tabby cat, who could get away with murder under his watch, but he'd like to get a dog eventually too.

-Though he's hardly a superstitious individual, he does get the sense now and then that he's out of the loop about something. However, he's got no clue as to what it might is, and it doesn't intrigue him enough to make the effort of trying to figure it out.

Theme song: Modern Man- Arcade Fire


The elder of the Koehler siblings by twenty minutes, Rob grew up with his 'baby sister' and their parents in Pasecoda. As a child he was largely raised by his mother while his father worked at the local lumber company, and the boy occupied much of his time roaming around and exploring outside. While the relationship between his sister and him wavered between childish disdain and mutual tolerance, it wasn't until they were in grade school that they began bickering on a regular basis. Much of Rob's time at this age was spent hanging out with his own friends while playing on the local soccer and hockey teams, both which he naturally excelled in. Academically he did fine, doing well in the courses he enjoyed such as English and History, but school was never a priority for him.

Rob's home life became more difficult towards the end of middle school, when his father was laid off from his job due to the company's financial strains. The family moved into a smaller house, their mother began taking shifts as a receptionist at the local clinic, and the resulting stress began to deteriorate his parents relationship. It was something rarely addressed by the whole family, but was present none the less, and Rob spent much of his free time either in his room or out with friends, avoiding the house whenever he could get away with it. Eight months later, his father took a lower-level position at the processing plant, but he worked long shifts and spent little time at home, and the bond between his parents never fully recovered. Around this period, Rob and his sister Anna gradually began to tolerate each other's company, and the pair found themselves coming to one another for advice rather than their parents more often than not. High School was hardly different for Rob than middle school- there were a few science classes he struggled with, he somehow ended up on the school's soccer team, and he no longer hated his sibling, but otherwise life was much the same.

Upon graduating high school, Rob applied to take bartending courses at the local college at the behest of his parents, who insisted on a post-secondary education despite the families financial woes and Rob's disinterest in continuing his academic studies. In addition to taking a student loan, Rob spent much of his free time working as a dishwasher at the local pub to help cover his expenses. Their parents also divorced at this time, their father moving to a single apartment closer to his job while their mother stayed in their old home. The young man's life took an abrupt turn late in his second year of college, when his father suffered a severe workplace injury, passing away weeks after the incident. Over the years, the relationship between Rob and his father had waned, yet despite this distance between them Rob took his death rather hard, privately regretting to this day that he hadn't made more of an effort to spend time with his old man. It was a trying time, one which he doesn't discuss frequently, but somehow he finished the year with decent grades and eventually earned his certificate. Following graduation, he became an apprentice of sorts to the bartender at the Sleeping Bear pub, where he's worked ever since, tending to both the regular townsfolk and the bustling college crowd.

Recently, his mother moved into an apartment closer to her work at the clinic, and the two see each other on a semi-frequent basis while Rob continues living in the old house along with Anna and Tibby the cat. While Rob currently works at The Sleeping Bear pub as the main bartender, he's convinced the owner, Mr. Grayson, to let him help with the management of the establishment so as to gain some experience. He's also been in contact with Sam, an old friend from college, with whom he's collaborating with on starting their own bar and microbrewery (Sam being involved in the financial/ entrepreneurship aspect), and are in the process of determining if they're eligible for a loan.


Full name: Anna Katarina Koehler

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 27

Date of Birth: June 21st, 1985

Place of Birth: Pasecoda, Oregon

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Germanic-American

Languages spoken: English, German, French (Poorly)

Character Type: Human

Occupation: High School Teacher

Residency: 11 Blue Mountain Rd.

Reputation: Neutral


Height: 66'

Weight: 140

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Appearance description: Barely standing at 5'5, Anna is a woman of average stature. Though not necessarily fit, she does get some exercise walking or biking to and from town, and coupled with a semi-healthy lifestyle manages to stay in decent shape (Though privately she'll admit she'd like to 'tone-up' so to speak). In the warmer months she spends as much time as possible enjoying the sunshine, but she's more prone to getting sunburns than tanning, though she's got a thin dusting of freckles on her arms and face.

Framed by the crop of short brown hair short, there is little softness in Anna's face. A sharp jaw, straight nose, and high cheekbones are the some of the most prominent features, the mouth a thin line twisted into a perpetual frown. Her eyes are dark and piercing, accented by the faint shadows beneath them, and seem to lack all the warmth of her brother's. Anna has no piercings or tattoos, and for makeup she sticks primarily to cover-up, mascara, and a little blush.

Wardrobe: For work, Anna maintains a semi-professional attire consisting of black dress pants/ skirt, a plain dress-shirt or blouse, and a blazer. She is somewhat more casual outside of the classroom however, usually wearing straight-legged or skinny jeans along with loose blouses, casual button downs, and long sleeved sweaters. She has a few t-shirts and sports shorts she sometimes wears on laundry days or when out on a biking, in addition to a small collection of casual and formal dresses. Closed toe flats or walking sneakers are what she most often wears, exchanging them for thick boots or sandals as needed (She avoids high heels whenever possible). In the winter, she has a black, hooded pea coat, a red wool scarf/ hat, and black lined gloves.





Three good traits: Ambitious, Diligent, Perceptive

Three bad traits: Blunt, Fastidious, Reserved

Anna has always been a serious sort of individual- from the time she was a child the girl seemed older than her years. Regardless of her personal views of someone, she's always attempts to be polite to strangers and those she doesn't know well (though she can't say the same for those she knows), and isn't one to concern herself with gossip. While not closed off, Anna is mindful of what she shares with others, though she's unwilling to take bullshit from anyone. Those who don't know her well might say that she's shy, or even uptight (Which she can be now and then). However, she's more open with her friends and family, doling out sarcasm if the occasion calls for it, and when engaged in discussion can be quite the chatterbox, though she sometimes gets embarrassed for her shift in demeanor.

If nothing else can be said of Anna's character, it is that she is unyielding in her drive to make her goals a reality. In a sense, she is more product vs. process oriented, focussed on reaching the destination rather than the journey itself to get there. However, this ambitious nature also results in her being over-critical of herself, particularly when making choices which don't directly relate to her long term goals. A pragmatist through and through, she likes things to make some form of logical sense, and when something doesn't work out, she's bound to investigate further and find the root of the problem.

No matter who she is dealing with, Anna is unflinchingly honest, although she usually has the tact to say it without seeming straight-up rude. She exudes a quiet sort of confidence, a notable presence, and when the need arises she can get people's attention and take the lead in whatever needs to be done. At the end of the day, despite her stern demeanor, she does care about the people around her and tries to support them, whether it be through offering advice, tough love, or a shoulder to lean on.


Likes: Alternative/ Post Rock/ Contemporary Music, Cooking, Late-night talk shows, Puzzles, Tea, Reading.

Favorites: Apples, Music.

Dislikes: Super-sweet foods, Marking, Hypocrites, Perfume, Lateness in any shape or form.

Aspirations: Continue her education and go on to teach at a great university so that she may nurture passionate students, as she once was. Financial stability, and the ability to afford to travel, is also something Anna greatly desires.

Fears: Spending the rest of her life stuck in this town as a deadbeat, failing to make any significant contribution to society, losing her purpose and ending up directionless.



-Analytical: Anna's greatest strength lies in her inquisitive nature. There are few things that go unnoticed by the woman, and usually has little difficulty in connecting the pieces to see the larger picture. While some may find such things tedious, Anna takes pleasure from critically assessing a situation and deducing the inner workings of people.

-Persuasive: In both the written and spoken word, Anna has a knack for putting things in an eloquent fashion, and knows how to work people to suit her own needs. While lacking her sibling's charisma and charm, she makes up for it through compelling arguments and an unyielding stance, twisting others words against them should they ever slip up.


-Stubborn: While her determination is often her greatest attribute, there are times where it works against her as well. Once her minds set on something, it takes a considerable amount of effort for anyone to change it. This also applies to her work in that when she has a certain approach or plan established, it's unlikely that she'll deviate from it, even if there's an alternate method which may be more effective. She also doesn't like to give up once she's started a task, and regardless of how futile it may be she'll keep at it to the point of obsession.

-Social Situations: Naturally reserved and blunt when speaking to others, Anna doesn't exactly come across as a friendly individual. Though she tries to be polite, she has little patience for idiocy or incompetence, and does not sugarcoat or hold back in giving others critical feedback (Even when she's not asked to offer it). This coupled with her moments of condescension can make it difficult for her to connect or sympathize with others.

Talents: Baking/ Cooking, Kickboxing, Music.


username: koehl.13


-Prior to moving on her own, Anna's parents convinced her to take a self-defense class, and ended up doing kick-boxing for the next 2.5 years. She's admittedly rusty, but is still capable of defending herself should the need arise.

At the suggestion of one of her former professors, she's recently had a research paper published in the fall for a Music Theory Journal, and has since begun work for a second paper (Though making time to work on it has proved difficult).

-Besides her work and regular email, Anna hardly uses social media, deeming it too tedious to keep track of.

-It's common knowledge that Anna disapproves of the 'indulgent' spending of the town council, particularly for festivals and other local events. She primarily blames Mayor Coderre and his grandiose ways for this and often (privately) questions how the man got the job to begin with.

Theme song: Varúð- Sigur Ros


The younger of the Koehler siblings, Anna grew up with Rob and their parents in an old two-storey on the outskirts of Pasecoda. With her mother being the primary caregiver while her father was away working, Anna naturally grew closer to her, often following her around as she ran errands or did work around the house. As for her brother, her liking or disliking him changed on a daily basis, and for much of their younger years the two were generally indifferent to each other. While she tried out sports, dance, and all the rest, the only recreational activity she stuck with was piano lessons, later joining the school band and the book club. For the most part though, she was content to spend much of her time with only a good book to keep her company.

Though she did excellent in most of her classes throughout school, the girl was notably shy and insecure at this time, and was bullied from time to time throughout middle school. She frequently spent her lunches reading in the library with a few other like-minded students, avoiding unnecessary social contact and shutting herself away as a method of self defense. This also coincided with her father losing his job, and the culmination of this stress from her home and school life resulted in her growing more distant from her family, and was out of the house more often than not, usually at the library or wandering around town alone. The situation at home improved over time, but the relationships with her family remained somewhat tenuous, with the exception of her brother, whose company she grew to value immensely. In high school she became somewhat more sociable, but tended to remain distant even amongst friends.

Ever since she was a teen, Anna has dreamed of leaving Pasecoda to pursue her passions of Music and Science in Seattle or Portland, desperate to get out of the too small town. However, despite being accepted into the schools which she applied to, her parents stated that they could not financially support her academic goals. Despondent in light of the situation, the zealous graduate was seemingly resigned to her fate. She moved out of the house, took some courses online, and was hardly seen by anyone during this period. In the middle of her studies her savings began to run out, and following her father's death she ended up moving back home with Rob, much to her chagrin. While her brother mourned their father's passing and subsequently became closer to their mother, Anna coped differently, seeming emotionally detached from the situation, and abandoned her grief counselling sessions almost immediately, deeming it fruitless. She's taught Music and Biology at the local high school for the past few years to pay-back her loans, and is saving up to eventually continue her career path and leave her home town for good.
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//Joins the WIP bandwagon for the time being


Full name: Seth Douglas

Nicknames: N/A

Age: Thirty (30)

Date of Birth: May 13th 1985

Place of Birth: Pasecoda, Oregon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Fluid

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Languages spoken: English

Character Type: Human(?)

Occupation: ███████████

Residency: (don't need to fill out right away)

Reputation: Estranged


Height: 72

Weight: 173.5

Hair color: Medium Brown

Eye color: Blue Grey

Appearance description:

The majority of people who have gotten the chance to encounter Seth in some way, shape, or form, tend to associate his overall appearance to that of a generic description of a cockatoo bird. Much of the resemblance comes from his unkept, "go-with-the-flow-crazy" hair and all too eager eyes that demand the attention of anything they happen to fixate upon. There are also the relative, seemingly spiteful few who take extreme measures to go as far as equating his look to the manic behavior of a chicken running around its pen — with or without its head cut off. A scruff of respectable length clings to his face, (he claims it keeps him warm and fuzzy) adding dimension and a touch of color to his complexion that literally pales in comparison. His solid stature bears no body modifications and/or the likes.


In a nutshell: Whatever the hell (heaven knows) works for him.






Three good traits: Quaint • Generous • Keen

Three bad traits: Idiosyncratic • Delusional • Obsessive




• Pie

• Soda

• Jokes

• Compliments

• Scented candles


• Cherries


• Green eggs & ham

• Bullying

• Cynicism

• Butterflies/Moths

• Reflections


• Be a movie star/supermodel

• Work for the FBI

• Win the Nobel Prize

• Own a fruit orchard

• Join the Olympics

• Own a pet dog and name it “Sam”

• Go viral on the internet

• Become a better person


• To never dream again


Strengths: ███████████

Weaknesses: ███████████

Talents: ███████████

Paranormal (Paranormals only)


Sensitive (Sensitives only)



username: CherryBomb96

Facts: ███████████

Theme song:



I have read and understand the rules of the roleplay.
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Full name: Kurbus Callan Eberlein

Nicknames: "Genius"

Age: 17

Date of Birth: November 27th, 1998

Place of Birth: Pasecoda, Oregon

Gender: Cisgender Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: North-American/Latin

Languages spoken: English, bit of Spanish

Character Type: Human

Occupation: High School Graduate, Gas Station Employee

Residency: (don't need to fill out right away)

Reputation: Kurbus has a pretty good reputation, he's well known as a nerdy genius kid by those his age and considered a friendly guy by older/younger citizens of Pasecoda.


Height: 70 inches

Weight: 150lbs

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Light brown

Appearance description: Kurbus is an all-around good looking guy for someone who doesn't put a seconds thought into his looks. He has a dark brown buzzcut which he never lets grow out too long as he absolutely cannot be bothered to deal with having to style his locks every morning, thick & bushy eyebrows to match and big, puppy-like light brown eyes. Kurbus has a slight tan accompanied by the occasional break out of zits and several moles around his forehead and cheek area. He has perfectly straight teeth from wearing braces and a pointy "pig" nose. He's at the average height for a young male after his growth spurt from when he was 14, having gone from a chubby 5'4 kid to a skinny 5'10 young man. As mentioned, Kurbus was a somewhat 'pudgy' guy in his younger years, he never actually lost all the weight rather when he grew 6 inches, all that fluff he had simply stretched out, leaving him a lanky and slender frame with no abs to brag about. Lastly, Kurbus has a very young appearance (granted that he is) and the face of a cute child, the kind grandmas want to pinch the cheeks of and say 'aww, who's a good boy?'.

Wardrobe: Flannels, lots of striped and checkered flannels whether long or short sleeved are Kurbus' signature look. He dresses like any typical lazy teenage boy with graphic tees and plain hoodies, not putting much effort into his 'style' if you can even call it that as he mostly picks any random items out of his closet that don't stink. Despite repeatedly wearing the same clothes 3 days in a row and keeping jeans he's had since he was 12, Kurbus is a relatively clean boy and has good hygiene. His attire is quite childish, he owns several shirts and sweaters with cartoons on them or funny sayings and you'll always see him sporting colorful and strange combinations of clothing. He's never bought a single pair of skinny jeans and for the majority buys baggy, plain jeans and has a nice collection of sneakers ranging from Vans to Hi Tops to Converse.





Three good traits: Intelligent, friendly, humorous

Three bad traits: Wimpy, anxious, butterfingered

The first word people use to describe Kurbus is usually- 'gutless'. His cowardly, some might even say child-like, demeanor shines through easily in that he's extremely jumpy, startled by just a small sound out of the blue or a dog barking. Things like gore, insects or otherwise scary animals make him squirm and cringe, it's also not a rare occasion for Kurbus to pee his pants or, embarrassingly enough, shit himself out of fear whether it be because there's an odd looking shadow in his room or because he watched a PG-12 horror movie before going to bed and he'll immediately faint at the sight of blood. Although ghosts, monsters and supernatural related things or anything of the like scare the living crap out of Kurbus, he's a complete skeptic who doesn't believe in anything he can't see, touch, hear, sense or smell. This atheist mindset he has originates from his lifestyle, to always rely on logic and the science of reasoning rather than instinct as he likes to plan things out carefully and in detail, knowing exactly where, what and when everything is happening. Because of this he hates surprises and being in situations where he's not in control or aware of what's going on, that said, Kurbus is only helpful in one area: Using his brain. A great part of Kurbus that defines his personality is his intelligence, he has a natural talent to rapidly grasp ideas and hypotheses, only having to take one look at a chemistry textbook to memorize an entire formula and store it somewhere in his mind. Academically, when Kurbus was still in education he had outstanding grades and his AP classes pushed his GPA to a 5.0 which he maintained throughout his entire high school career. Not only is he brainy at subjects like science or mathematics, Kurbus is highly observant and capable of noticing small details that may seem irrelevant or useless to the average person. His quick perception and intellect comes from his capacity of dwelling himself deeply into a subject he's interested in and spend hours or even days researching said subject, learning everything there is to know about it.

However, Kurbus isn't your usual coldhearted genius with no sense of empathy who isolates himself from the world. If you set him apart from his high-developed mastermind, Kurbus is just another teenage introverted hermit who never leaves the house out of pure social awkwardness. Kurbus does enjoy the company of others, in fact he loves people and tries very hard to make people like him but inevitably failing and making a fool of himself with his perpetual clumsiness. He really is a sweet and kind-hearted guy, but somehow he always seems to end up doing the exact opposite of his original goal, messing up by saying something inappropriate not realizing how wrong it sounds, smacking someone by accident or touching something he shouldn't have resulting breaking something else. Better said; he's a klutz, but everyone shrugs it off because he's so unbelievably adorable. Of course, 'adorable' isn't exactly Kurbus wants to be seen, he believes himself to be strong and manly but really it just comes off as a kitten trying to bite something to death. The kitten clearly has the cold-blood murderous instinct of a predator, but at the same time it's this cute little animal and all you want to do is stuff it in a shoebox and shoot a video of it for grandmas to watch on YouTube.



Likes: -Watches

-Orange Juice






-Amusement Parks



-Pokémon Cards



Favorites: -Food

-Video Games

-Comic Books



Dislikes: -Smoking





-Hot weather

-Horror Movies

-Anything mildly scary



Fears: -Any type of horror movie



-The dark.

Aspirations: -To win a Fields Medal

-To make a breakthrough in the world of physics


Strengths: 1) Kurbus is a remarkably smart individual. He has an incredible memory- some might even call it photographic memory- and is able to quickly understand difficult concepts, see patterns in events, link connections and scheme exceptionally developed plans.

2) Although Kurbus has in no way, shape or form any type of upper body strength and fighting abilities, his skinny and gangly physique allows him to hide easily and squeeze into small spaces. He has little stamina, but the little weight he has to carry and long legs grant him the skill to run/sprint exceedingly fast.

3) It is fact that Kurbus is unusually anxious, but as he's a person who relies heavily on logic rather than intuition and thinking rather than feeling, he remains calm in tough situations, maneuvering through problems with rationality and common sense. He doesn't let his emotions take over him when under pressure and is both careful and precise with his choices, analyzing every probable scenario and a backup plan with it.

Weaknesses: 1) Kurbus is awfully fearful. He's easily startled by things like a cat suddenly meowing, seeing a scary looking shadow or a creepy cartoon monster. It's not only just that he's jumpy to the utmost ridiculous of things, Kurbus goes to great lengths to stray from anything that could harm him or be a possible danger in any way. Just the thought of seeing a gash wound, blood or a clown can make him cringe and give him the urge to vomit.

2) Despite being able to remain in a collected state when under stress, Kurbus is driven by his strong loyalty and fondness towards his friends and family. He could never willingly harm/kill anyone he cares about even if it's necessary and would risk his life and those of others to save those close to him. Emotionally, Kurbus is incapable of leaving behind anyone he holds dear to him and although his moral compass points to the direction of doing what's good for everyone, he'd rather save one person he loves rather than a thousand strangers.

3) Kurbus is undoubtedly pinned as the weak link in any group, he's painfully human and other than his incredible IQ he doesn't have any distinguishing talents or amazing skills. Mentally, Kurbus has a difficult will to break but physically, Kurbus is fragile and powerless, often being used as bait or dragged along as luggage since there's not much he can do to help.

Talents: 1) Anything that requires understanding and applying equations such as physics or mathematics, Kurbus excels at and he actually rather enjoys finding the answers to problems.

2) It may not be considered a useful talent, but Kurbus has been taking drum lessons since he was around seven and although music isn't his passion, he's pretty great at it and has been in a few bands at some point in his life.


Username: @supercoolguy_98

Facts: -His favorite pizza topping is pineapple

-He skipped two grades and graduated high school at the mere age of 16

-He was supposed to be born a twin but his brother Edras died in the womb

-He can understand a great amount of Spanish due to his mothers Latin roots but can only speak it to a small extent.

-He has an inactive YouTube channel where he used to post a series called 'cOoL sCiEnCe wItH kUrBUs!!' when he was 11

-He drives a blue Jeep

-He's short sighted and wears contacts

Theme song:
Destroya- My Chemical Romance



I have read and understand the rules of the roleplay.
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Face The Camera


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    a quote left by your character


Status ____Photo/Video ____Life Event

What’s On Your Mind?

Borne from a rather large forest fire originating in north-central Oregon, Enya first wandered from the raging blaze in the form of a lizard, slowly wandering across the state while letting her immense naivety and curiosity guide her. Somewhere along the way, she encountered a married couple residing in a cozy summer cottage nestled in the mountains. It was her first time seeing humans, and out of her awe at the experience she decided to transform into one. The family took notice of her and took her in out of pity, believing her to be a runaway. Soon, her ineptitude in a social environment and her inability to speak caused the human family to become suspicious, but the last straw broke when she accidentally engulfed a stack of important papers on a desk in flames. As she laughed out of excitement, the husband became enraged, quickly doused the flames, then tossed Enya back out to the elements. Oblivious to the man’s anger, she once more wandered off, having grown bored.

Eventually, Enya’s wanderings took her to what appeared to be a dense fog, through which she meandered aimlessly until she reached the small city of Pasecoda. Upon arriving, she began her first journey into a human city, taking in the fascinating sights, sounds and smells with wide eyes. Her curiosity, however, soon got the better of her, as she began to investigate several humans and buildings very intrusively, earning her several scoldings from the locals. Finally, when everyone was fed up with Enya’s invasive perusing, the local authorities were called upon, after which she was picked up and escorted to the police station. They attempted to verify her identity to no avail, even going so far as to check missing persons rosters for the county, only to come up empty-handed. As a last effort to make headway with the mysterious young girl, they called upon a trusted local Psychologist to see if he could get her to talk.

When the Psychologist, Derek Lain, arrived at the station, he was immediately shocked by Enya’s presence. Derek was not simply a Psychologist, but also a Paranormal, able to sense other Paranormal beings and Supernatural abilities. Realizing the little Salamander could not speak or understand human speech at all, he discreetly offered to take custody of Enya, to which the police agreed readily. From this point, Enya lived with Derek in his home, where he spent the next few years teaching her about human language, society, and culture, all while keeping her out of the eyes of other, possibly dangerous Sensitives and Paranormals.
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This application has been accepted and is waiting to be coded.


Full name (first, last name): Dr. Derek Lain

Nicknames: Des Age: 38 years on paper, (1291 years actual)

Date of Birth: May 24, 1978, (725 A.D. actual)

Place of Birth: Pasecoda, Oregon (Actual Birthplace: Forest of Compiègne, France)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity: Appears African American

Languages spoken: English

Character Type: Paranormal

Occupation: Psychologist/Therapist

Residency: 32 Laurel Lane

Reputation: Well Known and Liked


Height: 6 feet 4 Inches

Weight: 192 lbs

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Dark Brown

Appearance description:

Derek has kept up a top physical form throughout his lifetime, and, despite his age, is easily stronger than most human men his size. He tends to hide this, however, as bearing supernatural strength is definitely abnormal and noticeable. Upon his back are a pair of wings that he always keeps hidden, having instead a rather large and gruesome scar pattern in their place. His wings, when revealed, take on the appearance of tree branches sprouting in various directions, with a leaf-like webbing strung between them. The wings are too damaged for him to take flight, however, having been destroyed some time in his past.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c75dceb2b_DerekWings.png.746bb93aa351cd8c9314102964f0ada9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c75dceb2b_DerekWings.png.746bb93aa351cd8c9314102964f0ada9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Derek most often wears long sleeve jackets and pants to make sure the scars on his body are hidden. While he's had many different styles of dress throughout his life, he prefers sweater jackets and slacks during the cooler parts of the year.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/DerekSweater.jpg.23458ed819585793d9f83b0b39030b8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/DerekSweater.jpg.23458ed819585793d9f83b0b39030b8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/DerekSlacksShoes.jpg.1e18c9217cb45d0a7be68ccbaf052091.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/DerekSlacksShoes.jpg.1e18c9217cb45d0a7be68ccbaf052091.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/aldis-leverage.jpg.4c0d0cfdc51a486bc8dfe315241bac77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101659" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/aldis-leverage.jpg.4c0d0cfdc51a486bc8dfe315241bac77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Aldis-Promo.jpg.1c1f62eb0415f95c35b289c93287ae46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Aldis-Promo.jpg.1c1f62eb0415f95c35b289c93287ae46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Three good traits:

Optimistic - Even in the worst situations, Derek is very head strong and motivated to pull through, never once worrying about things going wrong.

Intuitive- Derek has a talent for finding solutions to problems, being able to see multiple sides of a situation and determining an ideal course of action.

Protective- While he doesn't have blood relations to speak of, Derek views his closest friends as his family, and will protect them even at the expense of his own well being. This is especially true when it comes to keeping Enya safe.

Three bad traits:

Proud- Even though he doesn't view himself as better than other people, Derek's pride causes him to hold himself to a very high standard, and when his actions do not meet that standard, it bothers him greatly. He sometimes dwells on his mistakes and failures for long periods of time.

Lone Wolf- Having been alone for the majority of his long life, Derek has a bad habit of "going it alone" always trying to accomplish goals by himself and on his own terms. He isn't bad at working in a group, but feels more secure doing things by himself, without having to worry about others, which can place him in precarious predicaments.

Lenient- Despite the evil Derek has witnessed in the past, he tries to find good in the darkest of hearts, believing that everyone has the capacity to do right if they try. This is by far his greatest flaw, as he will do everything he can to spare his enemies, even if such choices will end up hurting him.


After living for so long and studying in the field of psychology, Derek has a very deep understanding of humans and their culture, having learned to integrate into their society and live among them. He's learned to be able to handle many different types of personalities, although he is occasionally caught off guard. Generally, he is a kind, thoughtful, and open minded person. He cannot tolerate people who knowingly put themselves and others in bad and/or dangerous situations, and can get quite irate at such behavior. Overall, Derek has a very laid back and relaxing personality, and seems to relate to people quite well, finding it very easy to make friends even among strangers.

There is a wall between his outward personality and his true self. While it is easy to get close to him, he has a tendency to tactfully redirect conversations away from himself without alerting people. He also has no apparent interest in forming a relationship any closer than friendship, despite his warmth and good looks. Derek will, in fact, outright evade any advances and romantic situations, and while appreciating those who find him attractive, will not reciprocate. In these ways, Derek is like an open book with missing pages, and doesn’t seem to mind leaving it this way, to the disappointment of those who would like to know him better.






Walking around at night

Visiting places and businesses around town

Listening to Music

Playing Guitar and Violin

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Taking Enya to different events around town

Visiting the Mystery Emporium

Meeting new Paranormals and Sensitives


Teaching Enya about the World


Seeing close friends die

Hurting people

Relying on others

Cigarettes or any smoky odor

Overly sweet things


Protect the people of Pasecoda and other paranormals from harm.

Give paranormals a future in human society.


Paranormals with ill intent

Living Forever



Self Defense - Over the course of his lifetime, Derek has learned multiple martial arts and combat techniques to protect himself and the people he comes close to. Combined with his body strength, this makes him fairly formidable.

Wordplay - Derek is an incredibly skilled speaker and can come up with very convincing arguments for many a topic. This is because of his studious nature and long history of learning.


Leniency (See Bad Traits)

Loved ones - He will go out of his way to keep everyone close to him safe from harm, going as far as to sacrifice his own well being and health to do so.

Talents: Violin and Guitar - Derek is a highly skilled musician, and is well known for this around town. While he has dabbled in many different instruments during his life, these two are, by far, his favorite.

Paranormal: Fairy

Derek is an ancient fairy who's lived well over a millenium, a member of an immortal race that has blended in to human civilization. He has the ability to change physical form to adapt to new environments and cultures, and has physical strength substantially exceeding that of humans. While, in the past, Derek was capable of flight, a certain event permanently damaged his wings, so flying is no longer possible for him. His vitality is connected to nature, so he needs to remain in an area near plant life or else risk losing his immortality. His wings produce a dust that contain very potent magical effects, and can be used in Glamour potions to help paranormals blend in to society. As a paranormal himself, Derek has the natural ability to sense other paranormals, however he cannot discern their abilities until they are used.


username: TheMainLain

3+ Facts:

Derek has been living in the Oregon area for over 500 years, and in Pasecoda for about 200 years.

Derek had a wife and a child long ago, but they passed away for varying reasons. He’s been single ever since.

He helped fund and design the Pasecoda Heritage Hall, a historical museum, under the previous name Jonathan Alders.

Theme song: [media]

Derek's history is a long one, his birth dating back to the early Middle Ages, just before the reign of Charlemagne, King of the Franks. His life began at the foot of a small beech tree in the Forest of Compiègne, where the other fairies were often born, but he was considered unusual. While most of his brethren had wings with characteristics from local fauna, such as insects or birds, his wings took on the shape of the tree's branches and the colors of its autumn leaves. His family was rather large in those early years, consisting of nearly 40 fairies, who all worked together to preserve the forest and its denizens with their magic. It would not last, however, as at second half of the 8th century, the King of the Franks led a campaign against the Saxons of Germany, which resulted in much deforestation of Derek's home. During the war to come, a great many of his family passed away from sickness, caused by the damage, while others were forced to flee in many different directions.

Much of his life involved running from the axes of mankind as they seemed to follow Derek in his journey across the continent. He barely managed to survive, jumping from forest to forest and eventually finding Europe's west coast. Lost and without a place to turn to, Derek stayed put for many centuries, eventually choosing to blend in with human society by taking on human form and name. His life fluctuated many times during this stage, both affected by damage to nature around him and human diseases such as the plague, but ultimately he survived. Finally after surviving for almost 800 years alongside humans, he'd lost patience. By this point, civilization had expanded vastly, with more and more roads and cities being built over once natural regions. He turned his eyes to the sea, after hearing news of new land in the distance, and decided to join the voyages to the New World.

The trials he faced on the ocean were many, being surrounded by nothing but water and having to endure the plights that seafarers often died to. Eventually, the ship he stowed away on in his smaller form found land, and in a mad dash, Derek left the sea for the comforts of the forest, escaping as far as possible from humankind, beyond the boundaries of the colonies that would one day form. His flight took him to the area named Oregon by eventual settlers. Now neatly nestled away from the reach of humanity, Derek lived a quiet life here for many more generations, enjoying the cool comforts of his new home.

Somewhere around the middle of the 19th century, settlers were passing into and through Oregon in droves, most notably the Coden Logging company led by Nathaniel Thatcher. Once again, humans had arrived to destroy Derek's home. He was tired of running, however, and instead decided to settle in with the town under the name Isaac Harrison. During this time, Isaac came to realize that most of the humans simply were trying to survive same as he was, and while he didn't place faith in them, understood that they weren't all as bad as he thought.

Isaac dedicated the majority of his time helping build the community and a better well being for his new neighbors, which led him to meet a young woman by the name of Phebe Thomas, daughter of the local bar owner, with whom he was on good terms. Isaac and Phebe grew to be close friends, an experience the fairy had never had with a human before.

With the approval of Phebe's father, the two eventually married according to her family's beliefs, and settled in to a new home. With Isaac being well known and liked among the other citizens, his time with Phebe was prosperous as he worked alongside the town leadership. As the Coden Logging Company grew more prosperous late in the century, Isaac grew increasingly weary from the death of areas in the surrounding forest, and his health waned into illness. Doctors could not properly diagnose his condition, due to his vastly different immune system. At nearly the same time his illness began, Phebe was discovered to be pregnant, and many months later, bore a healthy human girl, who seemed to share none of the paranormal characteristics of her father. Eventually, Isaac's condition passed, and his vitality returned, allowing him to once more support his family, as his child, Keri, grew under their care.

Sadly, certain strange circumstances caused the death of Phebe during the late 1870s, leaving Isaac to care for their child alone. Now widowed, he spent the next decade continuing his work and raising Keri until she was old enough to function on her own. By the time he realized he would outlive his own child, Keri'd already become ill with a severe case of cholera, to which she would eventually succumb. Devastated at the loss, Isaac isolated himself from the rest of the town, continuing his mourning for almost an entire year. It was from this point on that he decided to never again fall in love, believing that he was destined to live on while the humans all around him perished to disease and old age.

After many more generations, and name changes, the fairy now known as Derek continued to watch over Pasecoda, a relic of the past forced to continue on into the present. He began to oversee the arrival of other Paranormals and Sensitives in the city, deciding that his best course of action would be to ensure a future for those like himself. At the turn of the century, in early 2006, Derek got wind of a new arrival in town, a boisterous man with a penchant for the bizarre named Roland Crowley. Upon their first meeting, in the shop full of little oddities, the he immediately knew Crowley was not simply some eccentric baboon. Derek sensed the magic flowing around him, and was instantly on edge, worried as to what the man's goals might be. Despite this worry, the two became acquaintances with a mutually beneficial interest in the local paranormals and sensitives, with Derek agreeing to provide materials for the wizard's potionwork. To this day, the unusual pair continue their partnership in producing Glamour and providing other services to the mythical population of Pasecoda.



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Full name: Timothy Thral

Nicknames: The Grey Wide Shark


Date of Birth: December 8th 1964

Place of Birth: Greenhorn, Oregon



Ethnicity:Half Irish, Half American

Languages spoken: English

Character Type: Human

Occupation: Pasecoda Bank Manager

Residency: (don't need to fill out right away)

Reputation: Trusted


Height: 67

Weight: 231

Hair color: Grey-white

Eye color: Blue

Appearance description: Timothy is your standard Fat Cat business man, his balding head could reflect enough sunlight to blind a mole, the remaining hair had lost its colour and even the grey was fading into a gross whitish colour. As a well known business man, he is always clean shaven, often seen shaving in between working hours to keep his look fresh and professional if he is called out of the office for any reasons. Unfortunately due to his obesity he tends to sweat through his suits and needs to wipe his forehead often to stop sweat from pouring down his face.

Wardrobe: The Grey Wide Shark is rarely seen out of his black pinstriped suit, which students joke that he can’t get out of. These suits are usually paired with different ties, be it stripes spots or plain colours. Occasionally he wears a different coloured dress shirt, which tends to result in him taking off his suit jacket



Good Traits

Assertive, Optimistic, Tenacious

bad traits:

Unhealthy, Slight Insomniac, Sore Loser

If there’s anyone who can think of something and will do anything in their power to see it through, it’s Timothy Thral. Thrals ideas have often brought income to Pasecoda, and those that have not have usually ended with enough cigars to send the smoke detectors howling in the most unholy hours of the night. Many citizens of Pasecoda have come to Thral for financial aid or with financial problems, and he has almost always seen the good aspects and assisted them with their problems, not asking for much in return.

Unfortunately, Thrals weight had become a problem in the past years, despite diets and healthy eating he just hasn’t lost weight and often lies awake at night, thinking about how long he has before he suffers a stroke.


Likes: Whiskey, Cigars, Money, Aiding the needy, Challenges, Street food

Dislikes: Diets, Dietary tips, green energy, being out at night, new music

Aspirations: Put Pasecoda on the map, Retiring and moving to Ireland

Fears: Dying because of his health, Hospitals, business complications



Charming: Despite the Bank Manager being old, fat, and balding he could always hold up a good conversation and would always crack a joke to bring a smile to someone’s face

Determined: If anyone would see something through to the end, It was the Great Wide Shark. There had been stories that the projects he had seen through had been financed not only by the city but partially from his own fortunes, be they successes or utter flops.


Fitness: What, you thought the fat cat could sprint? Hahahaha move along

Miser: What else would one expect from a bank manager, He has seen enough debt in his life and knows better than to throw money around, money that he doesn’t have.


Artistic: Timothy has a soft spot for anything art, he tends to buy pieces from local art exhibitions and hangs them in his office, he also enjoys painting and playing the piano.

Pool Shark: Despite his obesity, Thral can play a mean game of billiards, snooker, and darts where he can find games, he rarely lets anyone in on his pub game secrets though.


“If you invest into your ambition, you can make it real, whatever ‘it’ be ”



Timothy Lives alone with his Basset Hound (Bathazar)

Timothy has never been Married

He collects Meteorites

Timothy worked as an Inspector in Pasacoda in his younger years, but was often teased with the nickname ’Spec Thral’ or Spectral

Timothy often spends his evenings in the local bar telling some stories of his time as inspector which no one seems to believe but find them enthralling.

Enjoys mystery novels (Mainly from Arthur Conan Doyle) and believes every mystery is solvable without Supernatural explanations.

Theme song:



There is much to say about Timothy Thral, he was born in the mid 60’s in Pasecoda Oregon to Arthur and Rosemarie Thral. In his childhood many of Thral’s friends had told stories about seeing creatures in the night, and he often stayed up late at night to try and spot something outside to no avail. His school life had not been anything all too spectacular, his grades where slightly above par, he rarely put the time into his work to make it any better than it was.

During this time Arthur Thral had taken up arms in Vietnam where he tragically lost his life, and so Thral had grown up with his Irish mother, explaining his partial Irish accent. Due to the loss of his father, Timothy had to watch his mother become an alcoholic; he spent most of his free time away from his home, working in local stores.

In his younger years he had worked as an Inspector in Pasecoda before resigning from the force due to injuries preventing him from performing. The Citizens of Pasecoda believe he had tried to stop some criminals who where passing through, and that the entire situation had happened late at night, but In reality he had been cleaning his weapon and had shot himself in the leg, causing him to be hospitalized for several weeks and unable to work in the field again. Somewhere inside the police station is the file that explains what happened, but no one has found it, nor looked for it as Thral had always been such an honest man.

From that Point on Thral focused his life on banking and making money, Pasecoda where he funded the building of a bank and immediately began to plan improvements that would eventually have to be made.

Unfortunately his passion in work and his injury had lost him multiple chances at a love life and slowly began to change his physique.

With 37 his hair had began to gray and bald, and he had reached a weight of 180 pounds. Despite multiple attempts at weight loss they easily faltered and more often than not added holes to his belt.

That brings us to modern days. Over the past few years Timothy had been funding multiple projects for the small town of Pasecoda, usually ending in prophet, He had even generously donated to the town to make this year’s groundhog day festival more extravagant than the last, as it was one of his favourites.

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Full name: Oyuki Onna

Nicknames: The Snow Woman

Age: 23

Date of Birth: December 21st

Place of Birth: Tokamachi, Japan

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual

Ethnicity: Japanese

Languages spoken: English, Japanese

Character Type: Paranormal

Occupation: Unemployed

Residency: 12 Coronet Run

Reputation: No opinion


Height: 69 inches

Weight: 171 lbs

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Brown

Appearance description: Often referred to as beautiful, Oyuki is somewhat of your standard Japanese woman. She has dark brown hair that falls to the middle of her back, which stands in stark contrast to her pale skin. She usually has some sort of unusual makeup on her face, especially around the eyes. There isn't much of anything that immediately jumps out at you, so she just looks like an attractive, generic woman.


Oyuki is most usually seen wearing a white turtleneck sweater atop a pair of black loose fitting jeans. Occasionally her outfit will fluctuate to a short black dress, or a light solid color t-shirt, but for the most part, she wears her sweater nearly every day.




Three good traits:

Three bad traits:

Describe in 2+ paragraphs


Likes: Snowstorms, things involving the occult, weaving dreamcatchers, modern fashion, and binge watching reality TV. Also enjoys ancient history.

Dislikes: 75+ degree weather, cheesy romance stories, large crowds of people, surprises (such as parties, surprise gifts, etc.), dwelling emotionally in the past.


-Reach an equilibrium between her normal life and her Paranormal form, instead of them being two distinctly different forms.

-Release a personal fashion line.


- Getting lost in a crowd, literally or on a theoretical scale.

- Eternal isolation



- She has a knack for design, whether it be clothing or crafts. She often seems to put an ancient spin on it.

- Despite her sexuality, she has a silver tongue, able to allure people with slight ease.

Weaknesses: (what they're flawed in)



If they are a Paranormal, describe what they are and what they can do here. Must be 1+ paragraph. Must include good things and bad things.


username: (each character will have access to "somethingSTRANGE blog" that will be IC 2. They can only call each other by their username)

3+ Facts: (must put facts about your character. Anything you feel is important to know)

Theme song: (please pick one song for now)


Your character's history in 3+ paragraphs up till their current time in Pasecoda.


Full name (first, last name): Magnolia Stelle

Nicknames: Maggie

Age: Appears to be in mid-twenties

Date of Birth: September 18th, 1994

Place of Birth: Woods outside Pasecoda, Oregon

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Ethnicity: Looks Indian/Middle Eastern

Languages spoken: English, Latin

Character Type: Paranormal

Occupation: Florist, Stellata Blooms

Residency: (don't need to fill out right away)

Reputation: Generally liked


Height: 63’

Weight: 125

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Dark Brown

Appearance description: Maggie is the embodiment of a Star Magnolia tree, with her human form somewhat reflective of that. Her skin is a deep and warm brown color, similar to the color of magnolia bark. Black lashes frame kohl-lined inky eyes. They are large and very reflective, almost pearly.

Much like the small Star Magnolia tree, Maggie stands slightly shorter than most. Though not delicate, she is in overall good shape. She has a compact frame, accented by curves. Maggie’s face has been described as “sweet”, with wide eyes, a rounded nose, and an ever-present smile. Her hair is long, reaching her elbows in slight waves. There is a streak of soft white underneath, the same shade of the magnolia blossom. It is only visible when her hair is completely up, which isn’t often. It usually hangs loose, with part of it pulled away from her face and tied in a small knot.






Maggie’s attire can best be described as whimsical or even bohemian. She wears earth tones...primarily white, the same color as the blossoms of her tree. Her wardrobe consists mostly of flowing dresses and sandals. Typically at her flower shop, her dresses will be knee length. The Star Magnolia is a winter blooming plant, so she has a high tolerance to the cold. So in the colder months, she wears longer skirts and sleeved blouses or sweaters but does not own a winter jacket.






Three good traits: friendly, optimistic, empathetic

Three bad traits: over trusting, self-conscious, guarded/paranoid at times

Magnolia can be described as a generally friendly person. She loves the company of others. She is quick to lend a hand wherever she can. Maggie likes to believe the best about everything and everyone. Her outlook on life is unflinchingly positive. She feels her best when she is with other people. Her personality is sweet and kind, seeking to make people feel heard. In her mind, everyone has a story. Nothing is as simple as black and white. To her, everyone deserves friendship and someone to listen.

She loves to learn to the stories of others and believes that people are inherently good...and that they are capable of change. This undying faith in goodness can be negative, as she is quick to trust others even when it may not be the best decision. Her blind trust is almost naive at times. Maggie's love of people is coupled with a deep desire to be liked by them. She is concerned with how she is perceived, and can often be roped into doing things she doesn't necessarily want to do because of need to be liked. While she is quick to trust other people with things like promises and claims, the one thing that she doesn't speak about is her fear. She doesn't indulge often in in-depth conversation about herself very often because of paranoia that people will see through her cracks and consider her to be nothing of worth, that her fear is something laughable. She worries that people will view her as childish and weak. Maggie lives alone (aside from her cat) and finds that she gets lonely easily.


Likes: gardening, making salves and balms out of plants, being outside, rainy weather, aromatherapy, folk music, meditation

Dislikes: meat, being rejected, television, excessive alone time, littering

Aspirations: learn the medicinal properties of all of Pasecoda's native plant life and figure out how to utilize that knowledge, make Pasecoda a more beautiful place through planting more trees and flowers, learn to move past her fear of being rejected/disliked

Fears: being alone for the rest of her life, someone cutting down her host tree, pollution getting too severe.



Hospitable/kind. Maggie is someone that makes those around her feel at ease. She is easy to talk to and very attentive. When you talk to her, you know that she's listening to you completely.

Loyal. Maggie stays true to those who need her. She is loyal to her friends, and is quick to give them support.

Graceful...in both senses of the word. Very light on her feet, Maggie is agile and quick. She is not clumsy in any sense of the word. She moves with a sort of fluid grace. It is because of this litheness that she is able move quietly in a situation in which she did not want to be noticed.


Over-trusting. If you tell Maggie something, she'll probably believe you unless she has a real reason not to.

Anxious: Maggie gets anxiety about the idea of being disliked. She is rarely open to talk about that anxiety, which just causes the weight to be even heavier. This desire to be liked can also cause Maggie to be in situations she doesn't want to be in because she doesn't quite know how to say no.


Maggie is exceptionally gifted with plants. She knows many of their uses and qualities, creating various products from them. Her knowledge of healing herbs is useful in the creating of potions, medicinal salves, and balms. She loves to diffuse different plant oils for aromatherapy purposes, and knows how to arrange flowers into beautiful bouquets, decorations, hair pieces, leis, and other things.

Paranormal: Forest Dryad

Maggie is a tree nymph, more commonly known as a dryad. She is the spirit of a tree...specifically the
Magnolia Stellata, Star Magnolia. She has a human and spirit form. Her human form has always looked like that of a twenty-something woman, and will never change or age. She can travel in her spiritual form and from an outside perspective it looks like a gust of wind blowing several magnolia leaves. Since she is the spirit of a tree, she has the ability to communicate with plants. Not in a conversational way, but in a spiritual and reviving way. She is able to bring dead plants back to life, and call out plants from seeds to accelerate growth. Magnolia's life is tethered to her tree. If it is ever harmed, she will feel that pain as well. If it is cut down, Maggie will also die. If she dies in her human form, her tree will wither away.


username: MagStelle

3+ Facts:

Maggie is a vegetarian. She doesn't need to eat in her human form, but if she ever has to in order to keep up appearances...she always avoids eating meat.

Maggie has one cat, Juniper, named after the shrub native to Oregon. Juniper followed Maggie somewhat soon after she first took her human form, and has been with her ever since. She is a long haired calico.

Maggie has always been fascinated by human relationships. She often reads novels that are based on families, romance, or other human interaction. She herself has never been in a romantic relationship. It's something she has wanted because of how beautiful they seem, but the thought also embarrasses her. She wonders if she is capable of it.

Theme song: Willow Tree March- The Paper Kites


Maggie is a relatively young forest dryad, her tree only thirty years of age. Once her tree moved from sprout to sapling years ago, she was old enough to take human form. When she was still within the confines of her plant, she could feel the people around her and hear their voices. It was the start of an incredible interest in humanity. She wanted nothing more than to live among them, to feel as they felt. Their closeness and depth of relationship was something that fascinated her. She knew of no other dryads in the area, and the solitude of her time as a seed and a sprout is something that she tries not to think about.

When she was finally able to take human form, she quickly found and moved into Pasecoda, the city closest to her woods, and has spent her entire human life there. The feeling of being surrounded by other beings that could hear her and talk to her, unlike the trees in the woods, was both overwhelming and freeing. Maggie has lived in Pasecoda for nearly all the twenty years she's been alive, not wanting to ever leave the only place where she didn't feel voiceless. As soon as she found a home within the town, she put her sapling in a pot and replanted it in her backyard. The Latin name of her tree,
Magnolia stellata, was something she wanted to keep in memory of her time in the forest...and so her moniker of Maggie Stelle was created.

Maggie's strong skills lies within nature and plants. Thus, she opened Stellata Blooms, a flower shop that sells bouquets as well as a selection of herbs and handmade plant products (such as creams, salves, etc). For other paranormals, Maggie also has a variety of potions and salves available to made upon request.

Since her beginnings in Pasecoda, Maggie has loved her peaceful existence in the area. She spends her days taking care of flowers and making products within her shop. In the evenings (if there are no plans, festivities, or events going on), she spends time testing new salves, reading, and listening to calm folk music. Her home is filled with the sweet and earthy smell of flowers, diffused from oils that calm her nerves. Each night before going to sleep, Maggie sits outside by her tree with a cup of tea and meditates. Some nights, she sleeps within her home. Other nights, she rests within her tree. Lately, she has been sleeping in her home in order to feel more human.

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