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Something to think about.


New Member
Greetings, fellow roleplayers.

Today, I present to you several ideas I wish to roleplay out via the OnexOne option on RPNATION. These ideas are purely fictional and most of them are crafted up by me. There may be borrowed things from movies, books or TV shows, however, that is just to liven up the roleplay.

Here are some rules that I want you to fit in. If you cannot, don't bother reading the ideas even.

• Be gosh darn descriptive.

Hold it right there, laddie. Can't conjure up the magic to write a post longer than one sentence? Then scram, for the love of everything that's evil and tainted. In my adventures I do not seek companions who cannot wield the magic of words. I would require someone skillful enough to conjure up at least a whole paragraph of descriptions, character development, actions and dialogue. If you can't do that, don't bother reading anything here. Just... Just go. Don't turn back. Go and never come back to this place. Ever. This shack is off limits to you, mister!

Adult content is meant for adults.

If you wish to have smut in your roleplays, you're in the wrong shack, pal. I'm not into sexual activities. Not for a long while. I ain't even legal yet, for crying out loud.. I am not judging you in any way, it's just that I do not like smut in fantasy settings.

Take damn control!

Remember, it's not MY roleplay. It's OURS. Don't be afraid to add a monster jump out from a bush or a magical trap screw us over. It's meant to be fun for both of us, isn't it?


Don't throw fifteen exclamation marks into your yelling quotations, don't use such things as LOL, ROFL and so on. Don't spell rapper as raper, don't imply that my idiot knows something, because I do not possess an idiot (In case you didn't understand that, separate your from you're).

• You ain't no God.

Don't mind read, don't kill everyone in one blow, don't stab everyone you see. Be a person, not a God.

Now that that's out of the way, please, follow me into the plot chamber.


--Watetsu: The Sewers of Hope--

Synopsis: Dating back almost a millenia the Watetsu have been alongside humans, in shadows. Using these spirits of past lives humans soon discovered a way to get rich or lose everything - Watetsu fights. A Watetsu is a spirit of a past life in an alternative dimension and these spirits are the only way of communicating with the other world. Upon death, the spirit from the other world turns into a Watetsu, a magical spirit in our world, Earth, capable of things no ordinary man can do. Humans used their powers to their advantage all around history, however, only recently they discovered what it can bring to the table. Watetsu used to be means of gambling - put Watetsu's against eachother and see which one comes out the winner to see if you lost all your money or won a lot. Now, humans have discovered that they can fuse themselves with their owner, thus gaining their abilities. This brought the Watetsu tournaments. However, to get to one of these tournaments a long process has to be completed. We are two people who happen to possess Watetsu's and are a part of the "Shadows".

NOTES: The "Shadows" is basically an alternative life Watetsu owners have, fighting against eachother in areas not known to the ordinary eye, in order to hide their abilities.

More will be told upon peeking interest.

interested? i post every day usually, mostly twice a day, if thats okay with you. of course since you seem to have a very high standard in quality i might not post everyday as i am prone to writers block. as for my grammar i can spell and i don't text talk. i can not guarantee that i will put my comma correctly in a prepositional phrases, but i will try with my limited skills in the english language to meet your requirements.

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