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Realistic or Modern something strange;; overview

main overview

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something strange
a city off the southern coast surrounded by mountains and the sea, Mokpo is a port city located in the southern peninsula of Korea. the city has multiple ferries which go to multiple islands near the coast. due to this the city mostly strives on tourism.

one of those islands is jindo, one of the more popular tourist's spots as the island is rich with history and the hometown of many successful individuals. but the main attraction is between spring and summer where the natural phenomena of the sea parting occur, connecting the island to the nearby island.

other than the season of tourism the rest of the year the island remains quite peaceful, or so it appears.

jindo is an island rich in history. the island also has its shares of secrets. while the island remains as a peaceful island getaway to most tourists there are also some who are attracted by the strange happenings and urban legends surrounding the island.

this rp will mostly involve residents and those who visit the island coming in contact with these urban legends or superstitions surrounding the island. the rp will be set up with various arcs or "episodes" which will revolve on a different urban legend and plot each time.

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