Story Something more?


The Ultimate Enigma
Years 2010-2011, Ages 8-9.

I was about 7 or 8 when something amazing struck my mind. A creature of an advanced civilization was created. The CyberDragon.

The making of the CyberDragon:

CyberDragons were about the size of a 11 year old, had dragon-like tails and wings, and these metal claws. They had a green epidermis, and croc-like heads. And in my days, They were pretty awesome. And right now, you’re probably thinking ‘Why do they have metal claws?’ Well, I was adding just a little bit of advanced things to it...

The Story:

The story is this little girl who lives out somewhere. There is no specific location whatsoever. And so, she is just hanging out at home when, there is this huge aurora of green flashing out from the sky, and impacting in a small field near her home. The parents were watching the superbowl with friends, so they never noticed. And what did she do? She told her family that she was going to her friend’s house. But, no. She went to the impact sight. When she arrived to the field, there was a cave-type of looking thing, with a major green flash coming out of it. So, she neared, and got closer until a strange artifact floating there right before her eyes reached out an arm of a green aurora to her body, slowly making her this green creature. She took the artifact, and hid it. She didn’t know what to do.

And meanwhile, in space, there is a massive spaceship the size of Earth, and yet, humanity doesn’t even realize they’re there. And that ship is the CyberDragon’s ship, having a war with another species. At the time they were the aliens from a popular game called Halo Reach.

They wanted to take control of the artifact that fell from the sky and yeah, turned the girl into one of the CyberDragons. The CyberDragons soon realized that a human has been transformed into one of them. What do they do? They take her in and train her for the war. She just can’t sit and watch her other half fight.

Years 2012-2013, Ages 10-11.

Now at these ages, there is now a pretty big difference.

New model of the CyberDragon:

Well, it isn’t called a CyberDragon anymore, I renamed it to a Cynan. These things are now 8ft. tall, and now have HUMANOID like heads. The only difference to the head is that they have two spikes pointing inward on the jaw-line, narrow nostrils, and a ring for a pupil. They don’t gain any facial hair or any of that stuff. Instead of five fingers, they have four, metal claws on both hands. Let me give more info on the metal part. The metal is called Ssypher Metal, which is found on the Cynan’s home planet called Cytoraph. The metal is unbreakable, unscratchable, and un bendable. But only by Cynanian technology. Their ships are made of this, armor, and weapons. The reason why they are not running out of this metal is because they have sort of like, ‘copying’ machine. And this is how they got the metal claws. One glorious day on Cytoraph, they had a large storage of Ssypher metal, until the enemy aliens leaked it out into the air. The explosions caused the dust particles of Ssypher metal to launch into the atmosphere, the Cynans breathed it in, causing the metal to fuse with their bones. And their claws were more durable, but the bones had small traces of it. Now, it’s harder for an organism to break a Cynan’s bones.

The Story:

It went to a little girl to a teen. Same story of the artifact falling, but the artifact is called ‘The Vetnus’. The Vetnus has the power to transform one lifeform into a Cynanian. But the original lifeform is able to keep it’s original body form, while having the power to become the Cynan when they want. But here’s the cool and sad thing. You’re original body ages, while the adult Cynan is immortal. So when your original body dies off, you are forever a Cynan.

Anyways, the enemy aliens are now called Xenons. They are the nastiest creatures that want to get their claws on the Vetnus. They have a humanoid like head as well, but huge top and bottom fangs that grow on the outside of the mouth, while the inside is packed with rows of razor-sharp teeth. They have slit eyes, and narrow nostrils as well. Their hands have four, very thick pronged claws. The fleet leader of the Xenons is Xer’Chi. And the Cynan’s is Chasik.

I have spent alot of time on this. I currently finished the Cynanian’s armor, and off to a drawing of the average Xenonian and it’s armor. Take this seriously.

Like I do.
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