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Multiple Settings Something light-hearted. MxF. Medieval vibes.

Anya Romanov

heart, don't fail me now.
Hey there! Thank you all for coming by. I've had a super busy year or so with very little time to write, so this may be against my better judgment, but I could maybe take on 1-2 other role plays right now lolz. Please PM me and do NOT comment here!!!

As the title suggests, I’m looking for something light-hearted. I want a good story that focuses on the relationship between our characters as well as the events of the plot. I’m not interested in heavy world-building right now, though I certainly don’t intend to be lazy or feckless with the plotting. I still want that good substance. Character choices that make sense. And, yes, I want romance. I really long for healthy romantic relationships... not that they have to be perfect by any means, but I find that a lot of people want dysfunctional relationships, forced conflict, assuming the worst intent from the other, distrust in their significant other... that's not what I'm looking for. A little bit of that here and there for the drama isn't so bad, but I thoroughly enjoy achieving a relationship where the characters mutually trust one another and fight for each other. I've had partners push for internal conflict between the characters, and after awhile, it's just exhausting and slows things down. So anyway!

Rules/About Me:
1. I’m a female just over thirty. I don’t fuss too much about age, and my content doesn’t usually restrict me from writing with minors. I will write with anyone who’s reasonably mature. CST time zone, and I’m not super worried about your time zone.
2. My only romance pairing is male x female, and I will happily play either as my main! I have a slight preference toward playing the male in most circumstances, but with the right partner and plot, I can be flexible. As a side note, I love platonic girl power and bromance pairings on the side! Bring them on!
3. If you’re looking for something dark, I am not the right partner for you. Some things I do NOT do: abuse, slavery, rape, adultery, big age gaps, and incest. I also fade to black if sexual themes arise. Please let me know what your limits are! I do tend to have violence in my role plays, and I'm usually down for a "fade to black" moment, so let me know if that's an issue. I'm happy to make adjustments! c:
4. If you can pump out 2 decent paragraphs per post and give me something to respond to, I’ll be happy. I usually write more than that.
5. Let me know your feelings on character sheets! I can do with or without them. If we use face claims, I do ask we keep it to real people/realistic drawings. While I don't mind a quick character sheet to refer to, I'm not interested in doing long, heavily detailed character profiles right now.
6. I only rp over PMs. I don’t do Discord.
7. My response time varies from a few times a day to once every couple of weeks. Please don’t rush me, but feel free to check in if it’s been a few days! Sometimes life just gets the best of me and I have to take a break for a while. It’s nothing personal.
8. I only rp in third person, past tense.
9. Pleeeeease don’t control any of my characters or make assumptions about them! I see this happen all the time, and it’s a big pet peeve of mine. Sometimes we may have NPCs that both of us play, but please don’t assume that’s the case with any of my characters.
10. I love communicating out of character to discuss the plot, our next moves, when our characters are going to start having feelings, etc. We don’t have to plan every single step of the way, but it’s helpful to have some framework in place.
11. A word about romance! Lately I've been craving something a little more fast-paced, not so much a slow burn. Mostly I want two imperfect but well-rounded people who have each other’s backs and are devoted to one another. That’s the goal; they may not start out that way. I do love drama and angst and having obstacles to their perfect lil romance, but forging healthy, strong relationships between real people is my jam c,:
12. Sort of a side note - I prefer for our main characters to be in their 20s.
13. When you contact me, please give me an idea of what you're interested in, what you prefer to play, etc. I probably won't respond to vague messages, and I really don't like playing 20 questions :c If it feels like pulling teeth to get something going with you, I might stop responding.

If there’s anything I should clarify, please ask! Communication is key. c:

Okay now let’s talk about genres! Before you read any further, here’s what I absolutely don’t do: fandoms of any kind, futuristic, sci-fi, high fantasy, zombies, apocalypse, animals, furries, supernatural, horror... and probably others.

So what do I do? Very rarely, I will do a modern setting, but at the moment I'm craving my true love, medieval.

By far my favorite! Setting-wise, I like to do a medieval AU in which we make up our own kingdoms but basically have the horses, primitive weapons, carriages, and patriarchal society enjoyed in medieval Europe. I’m super happy to play male or female as my main. My males are always skilled in combat, whether they’re princes, soldiers, noblemen, etc. I tend to play females from all classes, and regardless of their rank, they’re usually strong and independent (or will come into their own throughout the story). So that just gives you an idea of my preferences. A note on fantasy... if you're looking for fantasy elements to be a major component of the role play, I am not your gal! I would potentially be open to including very small bits of magic here and there, but tbh, too much of that gets me way out of my comfort zone and makes it less fun for me.

I have tons of plot ideas, but I thought I'd shake things up by listing some random words and phrases I like, lolz. Here are the vibes:

royalty | bandits terrorizing a village | formal ball | journeys gone awry | threat of war looming | wounded soldier | tavern brawls | caught in the rain | there was only one bed | forbidden love | exes who still love each other deeply | societal obligations and throwing them to the wind | a prince in disguise

And some pairings:

  • Guard x Princess
  • Nobleman x Noblewoman
  • Soldier/Nobleman x Commoner
  • Prince x Commoner
  • Rogue x Lady??? (Let me clarify: My favorite movie is The Mummy. What I'm picturing is a lady setting off on some kind of quest and enlisting the help of a rogue of some sort to help her, and somehow it's mutually beneficial for him, and they end up equally invested in this endeavor and getting into all kinds of danger and definitely falling in love...??? Idk!)
  • Gypsy x Soldier (or maybe disguised prince)??? This is a new concept for me, but I have some vague ideas I'd love to work out!
  • I've also had thoughts of playing out a sweet little whirlwind romance between young-ish characters (18-22), having them separate for one reason or another, and then reuniting some time later. Another vague idea with a lot to iron out!
  • An Outlander concept?? Someone accidentally gets transported through time to a medieval setting?
So I know those are super vague, but let’s discuss!! Basically what I’m looking for is a bit of adventure, a bit of danger, and a heaping dose of romance.

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