Viewpoint Something I learned.

I actually used to wait until someone came up to me and replied to my roleplay checks. But since I grew up I decided to be braver than that and actually reply to other people because I thought that would be a selfish thing to do in my case. I do understand why I did that is because I was usually shy and was afraid people would judge me.

Now here I am! Finally growing up! It's a hard process and it like tears and sweat but when you look back then you'll laugh it off. Since I'm still 15 and such I did do that and laughed a ton. I guess growing up is not that bad. I still feel like I have late-adulthood of maturity though even when I'm a small little kiddo! It truly satisfies me to see such confidence in myself and others.

How was it for you? When you grew up.
Do you mean “grow up” in general? Or do you mean when did I learn to be more assertive about my requests?

Cuz I started roleplaying at around 18 so I was already “grown up” for the most part. I didn’t really have any anxiety problems with contacting people, there was just a learning curve where I figured out how roleplaying worked in general.

I think it did take me a year or so to stop taking criticism personally. I think everyone starts out being a little self-conscious and anxious about their skill set. It took me a year to get over that and realize that roleplaying isn’t a competition and that you get better at it over time just with practice.

I think my “scared newbie” phase was relatively short ironically (as someone who suffered from actual anxiety at the time). I think that helped though, I already knew how to recognize unhelpful spirals and talk myself down.

If anything my early issues where less my own skills and a lot of toxic people taking advantage of my being naive and unwilling to cause a fuss if they acted like jerks.
Do you mean “grow up” in general? Or do you mean when did I learn to be more assertive about my requests?

Cuz I started roleplaying at around 18 so I was already “grown up” for the most part. I didn’t really have any anxiety problems with contacting people, there was just a learning curve where I figured out how roleplaying worked in general.

I think it did take me a year or so to stop taking criticism personally. I think everyone starts out being a little self-conscious and anxious about their skill set. It took me a year to get over that and realize that roleplaying isn’t a competition and that you get better at it over time just with practice.

I think my “scared newbie” phase was relatively short ironically (as someone who suffered from actual anxiety at the time). I think that helped though, I already knew how to recognize unhelpful spirals and talk myself down.

If anything my early issues where less my own skills and a lot of toxic people taking advantage of my being naive and unwilling to cause a fuss if they acted like jerks.
Yeah becoming mature and such and take your responsibilities but also assertive could be cool as well!

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