I got a rough plot idea which is open to feedback.
So basically we have 5 majors roles here:
So basically we have 5 majors roles here:
Exchange student: The sole exchange student from (Thailand) claims to have come to experience the American lifestyle and hopes that the country lives up to the hype. But what need does this new guest at your home have for sneaking out the window every night and coming back right before daybreak. And why does this guest speak like a beginner when you happened to overhear the student speak rather fluently without an accent to an ominous figure.
Host family child: You thought maybe having an exchange student join the household would douse the tension between you and your mother. Your father seems to have no say and is a silent observer to the abuse you receive from your mother. Things were never like this between the two of you. You wonder what ever went wrong during that fateful summer when you were at camp two years ago.
HFC's best friend: Always looking out for you.
Best friend's love interest: You got close to your friend's bae a month before they began dating. Because I mean come on, only the world's bestest best friend would run cross examinations to make sure (s)he's indeed the ONE. But off late, bae seems to be diverting his/her interest towards you. Why?...
The History Teacher: A new addition to the teaching staff. Young. Smart. Charismatic. What has drawn this young man to a laid back town like yours. What ties do the exchange student and teacher have?
(Maybe there'd be 2 exchange students idk)