Amora Aurora
Professional Hippie
"An Ape Like Me Can Learn to be Human too"
So, hey there. This is probably the most pathetic and humble I'll ever be, and it's uncomfortable, so bare with me. You see, I've apparently been living under a rock and while I consider myself a detailed, advanced roleplayer, I'm shit when it comes to making things pretty.
I just want to be like the cool kids and create awesome character sheets and coding and all that fancy jazz, but it seems to be beyond me.
So, all you kind souls out there with brains much larger than my own, can someone please point me towards some sort of tutorial, or hand over a couple tips? Literally anything will help, I've scoured the bbcode and tutorials page and I'm pretty decent at those so far, but that's as far as my abilities reach. Right now, my character sheets are just colorful, centered paragraphs piled on top of each other in one long, boring post so, like I said, absolutely any sort of tip would help.
In general, I still want my character sheets to be simple. Nothing too complicating. Just maybe inside the colored box with the flowers or stars or whatever around the border and floating images and yatta yatta.
Anyway, if you actually manage to help my poor unfortunate soul, I'll owe you a favor that I will figure out how to repay at a later date when you need a favor from an internet stranger.