Some rules aren't meant to be broken.

Jelly x Filled x Donut

Two Thousand Club
IRECT LINK TO RP:I will post a direct link once I'm ready to start the RP. Please keep an eye out for that.

Plot: You were forced to move to a small town, because of something dark in your past. This small community is completely encased in forest. Everyone in town goes home before dark and stays there. You were warned to do the same on your arrival, but your curiosity gets the best of you one night and you sneak out.

In thee forest wait wolves, packs of them. Huge man wolves. They watch over the forest and what ever steps foot inside belongs to them. Doesn't matter if you're a person, or something else. Once inside they choose to do with you as they please.

Character Requirement:

Photo of looks:



Type: (Human, Wolf, Other.)

Story: Somethings about them, and their 'dark' past. This including a brief statement of why you moved to the town.


  • Men are wolves, girls are human (or anything other than wolves)
  • No god modding
  • Romance is much appreciated
  • up to 2 characters only
  • Must post at least three sentences per post. No one liners!
  • LITERAL WRITERS ONLY (Please be fluent in English)

My character:

Name: Peyton Jewel Bircarde

Age: 21

Type: Other. (she hides this)

Story: For a long time, she has been the way she is now. Her parents were murdered right in front of her eyes because of what she is, and now, she tries to shut out the world. She doesn't want to open up to anyone, or to be comfortable because she knows the moment she does HE will find her and kill those she loves before he tries to kill her. So, on the outside she may seem rude, and cold, but really she is fighting hard to protect. Peyton is also someone who will tell you how it is, and when she sees something happening she think's shouldn't she will say or do something. This attribute has gotten her in trouble quite a lot.
Hi there :) Here's my character:


Name: Florence Grace Fairchild (goes by Grace)

Age: 20

Type: Other (her brother is a wolf - she is something else)

Story: Florence grew up in 'no-place in-particular'. Her parents were archaeologists, so she travelled from place to place. Her and her twin brother were literally born on the road. At the age of 10, however, her mother died. Her father shut out everyone, even her - and sent her to live with her aunt and uncle in the English countryside. He paid for her education, and she attended the best school in the country. But at the age of 16, she was easily influenced by the people around her, and fell in with the wrong crowd. But once her father died of liver failure, her brother - the only constant in her life, realised that she was going the same way and managed to get her out of there. In his will, their father left them quite a lot of money, and her brother has taken her to America to be rid of that life once and for all.
Hi, was just wondering by what you meant with Wolf. As in an actual wolf or something more of a werewolf that is large and stands on his hind legs and eats people o_o
[MENTION=4394]TopKnot[/MENTION] Yes thats what she means. This is like the 10th time she has posted this thread....
Photo of looks:

Name: Rowan Blackthorn

Age: 17

Type: Other, not even she knows what she is.

Story: Her father died before she was born. Her mother was an alcoholic and didn't take care of her as a child. The government kept trying to take Rowan away but her mother was always able to convince them Rowan was okay. One day Rowan woke up and her mother was gone. She tried to call her but she didn't have her phone. Later that day her mom came home. Her clothes were torn and bloody. With no explanation they packed up and left. Rowan adapted well to the new town but her mother drinks more now than ever before. Rowan tends to be scared for her mom.

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