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Digital Some My Old Digital Art

Chicken Pot Pie

Bread-Senpai's one and only Kohai!!!! >////<"
This is a thread where you can share your old art whether it be traditional or digital!
Here is some of mine!

idk.jpg - (2017) idk, minimalist art
From Planet Neptune (Movie Poster).jpg - (2016) From Planet Neptune, movie poster
some halloween.jpg - (2017) For Halloween, realistic portrait
kittywabow.png kittywabow2.png kittywabow3.png - (2015) kitty with a bow, transparent bg art
Prey..jpg - (2014) Prey, video game "screenshot"
From Planet Neptune (Movie Poster 2).jpg - (2016) From Planet Neptune (2), movie poster
Animal Crossing (Anime-style).jpg - (2017) Animal Crossing Opening, console game fanart
BENNY!!!.png BENNY!!!2.png - (2015) Benny from The Lego Movie, transparent bg art/movie fanart
Disney-style deer..jpg - (2014) Bambi fanart, movie fanart
There you go, some of my digital art that I considered "old" because I've improved more ever since, and still am!
I'm really hyped to see some of yours, RpNation!
:closed eyes open smile:
Aw, I love the expression you’ve managed to put into the faces! If that’s your ‘old’ stuff, your new stuff must be incredible!

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