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some idea's


New Member
Idea #1.

Scene: modern day Egypt

My character: Egyptian god named Issa


Over the years Egypt has become one of the seven wonders of the world, and as such the gods who should be feared by all have become nothing but myths and fantasies. Places that were one sacred have become tourist attractions nothing more. Sacred utensils and treasures have been taken to show around the world in museums.

The God's have watched as their land has diminished into nothing and are angry. They want their land and the treasures taken returned. They choose a God to send to earth to start this "revolution" per say and the God chosen was Issa.

Storyline: I haven't really decided on where I want this to go, I'm open to suggestions.

More ideas to come. :)

I would like to roleplay with you, if that would be okay? I really like your idea, it's intriguing and it seems like a good foundation for a roleplay. :)

I would PM you if I could, but unfortunately I am new to the site and I haven't been able to produce ten posts yet, so I can only write here.

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