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Multiple Settings Some Ideas?


Titleless Warlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(This is pretty much the same thing as my post on the Off-site ad section without all the Discord plugs...)

Greetings one and all, and thank you for stopping by!

After not receiving much in the way of responses from my last thread, I figured it's about time I start fresh as I continue to look for potential RP partners.
To anyone out there who remembers me from my not-so-reliable past as an RP partner, I won't make any excuses, I apologize.
That being said I am really hoping to get some wonderful stories going as my love of RP and writing style has gotten so much better over the years!
lets go over a some Ideas I have to RP, Some new, Some old, should none of these ideas interest you, feel free to share your own, Im always on the hunt for ideas!

For sake of clarity, assume I would like to be Character A, in the following idea.

Character A is an orphan, a misfit, and by definition, Insane. Character A isn't a bad person, just off the wall and very different.
Character B is looking to adopt, for whatever reason they have, and Chooses character A, and soon learns why he hasn't been adopted.
For My next Idea, it can take place in the world of X-men, or something entirely new.

A family of Six sisters who all of powers, have to deal with keeping it on the down low as they go through their daily lives.
(You can play anyone you like in this scenario, Friends of the family, new friends, whatevs. But the six sisters are mine! :) )
And my last original idea for the time being is as follows

Your character (YC), has taken a job as a baby sitter for boy whose "Family" is going on "Vacation". It's soon apparent this boy posses special and frankly, weird powers.

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