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Multiple Settings Some ideas I've had. Pm/Post if you're interested.


New Member
Update: I'm not taking any partners right now. I'm full.

Hey. Just some ideas that I'd like to roleplay out with other people. Lemme know if you're interested.

First things first, some things to know about me:
I like roleplays that take a longer time to get to places. Lots of back and forth. But if you're not into that, I can pick up the pace and move the plot along. But I like pointless rambling plots that are more character focused too.

You need to understand that my characters don't represent my real-world values. I'll do my best to respond to you IC and I want you to do the same. That being said, I'm not looking to roleplay with overly bigoted characters or something like that. NPCs are a different matter.

I'm not looking for instant romance plots. We need to build up to that. I am totally okay with sticking to platonic relationships only; I'd actually prefer that. MxM, MxF, FxF, I'm fine with everything.

Your replies should be readable. I don't have perfect grammar or English and I don't expect you to but it should at the very least be readable. Know how to move things forward. If you're just summarizing my post from your character's POV then I'm going to lose interest.

Don't be scared to add to stuff. I want to know your opinion on where our RP is going. It's okay to make up random NPCs and locations and events and whatnot, so long as it's all plausible and fits in with the setting. After all, a RP is 50/50.

Replies should be at least once per week. Or two. Or three. If you ghost me I don't really care but I'm basically always going to have the last response. That being said, I'm really not looking for something that lasts at least a month right now. Can we please get beyond three posts? Hahahaha.

Character death is good with me. So are consequences. You charge in blindly 3-1 you're going to get roughed up. Or killed. Or maybe you have a machine gun and they don't so you get away scot-free. But now the police are after you, unless you're here on a tourist visa and there's no witnesses at all. Basically I want some semblance of "realism" going on. I want our characters' actions to have impact on the world. We go on a killing spree and we get bounties on our heads. We save a village from famine and we get free lodging in the future. Stuff like that.

I mostly play one main character but add in NPCs. I can play more than one if you want me to though. I've played like maybe six at the most—I am not doing six again unless you have a pure silver tongue.

SUPER OPEN to dice but I have literally 0 experience with that.

I don't know any formatting yet so bear with me. I'm also sure I forgot some information but that can come later after we start planning our RP and whatnot. Onto the plots! Stars equal my interest. They aren't super fleshed out so add your input if we decide to roleplay together. If none of them interest you but I interest you as a partner anyway, feel free to share your plots. Oh and I can play on either side so basically I don't care which character I am.


Plot 1. Modern? Setting, Slice of Life-ish, Zombies **

You killed yourself. And yet, you're still alive. You can move, speak, think, and even eat—that is, if you don't mind that sandwich rotting away in your stomach. Not to mention the flies. Or the need to sleep in a fridge, lest you end up like Michelle, who had her eyeball decay and slip right out into her pasta right in front of her unsuspecting date. But unlife isn't so bad, especially with support from the local branch of the Beyond Life Movement.

*We'll play as two members of the undead.
*The overarching plot I was thinking of went something like this: The government has finally managed to get their hands on one member of the undead. In their efforts to understand this supernatural disease, they inadvertently end up creating hostile? zombies. Unlike our characters and other members of the Beyond Life Movement, these new undead have the ability to infect others. Some of our group see this as a positive, others a negative.
*Only people who've died from suicide become zombies but not all people who've killed themselves do so. With the new government enhanced ones, it doesn't matter.
*Our bodies rot. Maybe at a slower pace than regular corpses.
*Maybe if enough people show interest, we can make a larger group based roleplay on this?

Plot 2. Fantasy setting. Bounty hunter. Werewolf. Potential romance. ***

You're taking a werewolf to hang (or maybe I am. I don't care which character I play). Problem is, there's no physical evidence that they're a werewolf. And they keep denying it too! But being the (in)experienced monster hunter that you are, you know a filthy werewolf when you see one. Your plan? Rough it out with them until the full moon. Bounty says alive or dead and when Lady Luna raises her head, you're skinning this mongrel for a hundred and fifty silver crowns.

*One of us is the hunter, the other the werewolf.
*Doesn't have to be pure swords-and-sandals. Rifles, handguns, wild-west shit.
*Maybe the werewolf is real? Fake? Either one is interesting.
*Potential bonding over the month till the full moon? Or maybe one of us gets gutted at the end? Totally fine with character death here.
*There's no real plot to this beyond what I've written up. There's loads of different ways this can go. Holing up in a cabin, taking the werewolf along your other bounties, letting them go early when you discover they're telling the truth, prisoner escape, etc.

Plot 3. Futuristic setting. Android. Human. *

You wake up on board the Andromeda, a civilian space cruiser recently refitted for military purposes. The problem is, you've awoke too early (or too late). There seems to be no signs of life anywhere, besides one faulty android with their skin peeling off. Clearly there's been an attack of some sorts but with oxygen levels running low, your main priority becomes escape.

*Alien attack ala, well, Alien? Space pirates? Asteroid crash?
*This would be good for dice I feel. But I don't know how they work.
*Dead Space vibes.
*Maybe we can just continue on after the escape and make it into something more. Maybe the escape is only a really small part of the rp, say like the opener, and we can change this into some sort of space-western. Our escape pod crash lands into a backwater planet, we need to raise money to get a better ship to get off, we turn to bounty hunting, etc.

Plot 4. Fantasy setting. Undead. Human. Revenge plot. **

When you awoke from what seemed to be eternal slumber, you had a knife in your chest. A fancy one too. The first and only clue towards finding your killers. Unfortunately for you, time is running out. Corpses seem to rot quite easily, even if they can walk and talk. And you're not sure what happens when you're just bones but it sure isn't going to make killing your killers any easier. You team up with a sympathetic soul/curious alchemist/random drifter/someone who remembers you/etc to find your murderers before it's too late.

*You (or I) rot. Maybe slower than usual. Maybe we can embalm you. Maybe we can stuff you in a coffin filled with preservatives during the day.
*Amnesia is a must for the zombie character.
*Who knows, maybe you did something to deserve it.
*I have this image in my head of Player 2 just carting around Player 1 in a caravan/coffin/wheelbarrow during the day so they don't rot from the sunlight.
*Character death for sure at the end. Maybe Player 1 just rots before their revenge and they need Player 2 to carry on. Player 1 can just end it there or continue with another character.

That's all I have for now. Anyway, let me know if you're interested.
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I fell in love with 4. A dramatic revenge story where both characters need to rely on each other for different reasons sounds compelling, and the inevitable decomposition adds a really cool element of time management to the whole thing. Still need a zombie to cart around? I'm already researching human decomposition... Just in case I needed my search history to be even MORE incriminating!
I fell in love with 4. A dramatic revenge story where both characters need to rely on each other for different reasons sounds compelling, and the inevitable decomposition adds a really cool element of time management to the whole thing. Still need a zombie to cart around? I'm already researching human decomposition... Just in case I needed my search history to be even MORE incriminating!

Yup! I take it that you're offering to be my walking corpse then?

For anyone else, Plots 1 and 4 are off the list for now. I think I'm pretty much done for finding partners actually, unless you want to do Plot 2.
Heyo! I'm really interested in doing plot 2 with you if you'd be willing to have one more partner. I really like the idea of taking the werewolf along for other bounties, drawing out the journey more and forcing them to build some sort of weird relationship over gutting a monster or two xD
Hi, I'm also interested in plot #2 if you still need one

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