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Some Casual RP partners


Cloud Watcher
I go to school and work and never really have much time to really do anything throughout the week but I really started to enjoy a lot of the work on this site. I'm looking for someone to RP with through pm, since i don't want to miss out on anything in a forum RP.

I'm interested in all sorts of genre but mostly interested in the following:( * by the ones I prefer the most)


Walking Dead

Slice of life/Supernatural twist**

Romance(I'm kinda sappy)*

Those are a few that I am interested in, but I am always open to new ideas, I have even been working on a bit of a story for a graphic novel I'm working on, if that something you'd want to hash out with me.
Hello! If you're still open, I'd be interested to do Romance rp with you( :) ) I have a few pairing ideas in mind, anyways.
S0vere1gn said:
Slice of life/Supernatural twist**
This is right up my alley, I wouldn't mind plotting with you/ going with the plot you had in mind. If you're still looking, that is!
Kal said:
This is right up my alley, I wouldn't mind plotting with you/ going with the plot you had in mind. If you're still looking, that is!
Ok ill pm you when i get off work because its a lot to tell and i rather type it out on my computer.
I don't know if you are still looking or not. But if you would like to do romance I would be happy to do that with you. If you would like to. :)
H8becomesyou said:
I don't know if you are still looking or not. But if you would like to do romance I would be happy to do that with you. If you would like to. :)
Sure I am just pm me your idea and we can work at it together
Lexie said:
I would love to do the slice of life with a supernatural twist
Well im always interested you can pm me your ideas and we can brainstorm a bit and start if you'd like

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