Some Brain Children in the form of ideas......

Doctor Disharmony

Senior Member
Alright. First things first, these are simply some basic concepts I would care to move upon. But before I do, I would also care to have some feedback and viable participants at hand. These consist of some fandom-based roleplays as well as a couple things that go completely out of the ballpark.

1: Imagine a time where you literally are not able to choose who you spend the rest of your life with. Yup, that's right, welcome to "The New World". To maintain order, peace, prosperity, and balance (as they claim to say) the government has issued direct orders as to who you will be "falling in love with". According to the program, when you are five years old they take your entire genetic makeup and compare it to a database containing every scrap of information about anybody anywhere. They use this to partner you up with another human being in the database, and every "Love Harvest" you and millions of other people are set to meet this person for the very first time. Here's the catch: While the world's government (that's right chicos and chicas, EVERYBODY participates. This means some diversity. You can have a character from any place in the world) displays this as something that simply gets rid of the heartaches of going through potential lovers, what they are actually doing is making sure you end up with a person who will provide perfect offspring and keep a world order (Hitler would be so proud).

That is why there are some people who are heavily against this. Others find it to be an amazing thing, no matter what.

This will be a wonderful love story taking arranged marriages to a whole new level, filled with action, adventure, intense science fiction, violence, romance, and much more.

2: A Hellsing based roleplay. As many of you should know, this is an extremely popular and famous anime/manga. If you are not aware of the series itself or its general concept, then this number is not for you. I would like to take cannon characters and mix them with OC characters and explore the depths of the Hellsing Universe on a whole new scale. It will be a very intelligent and fully literate roleplay. I don't mess around when it comes to one of my favorite fandoms of all time ^^

3: A Hetalia roleplay. I already have a sign up thread posted, but being that nobody has responded I felt I should put a note in here. I mean, C'mon, who doesn't love Hetalia?

In case you are interested, there is much more information located at the thread itself:

Like with Hellsing, this is a fandom I care deeply about and have full intentions of creating a truly wonderful and spectacular piece out of it.

4: Okay. Let's say that you are NOT, in fact, a fan of Hellsing. But let's say that you do LOVE vampires (not the sparkly kind, mind you). Then I propose an all-out war roleplay, between two different covens. This would be an extremely dark, violent, gory, deep, and politically invasive (hahaha) roleplay filled with humor and action. These would be REAL vampires, not the shiny fairy's as depicted in the Twilight series. They would be vicious and blood-hungry creatures attempting to control their inner desires (some of which who would not want to necessarily control them), who live and lurk within the shadows they create, who are unique in their strengths and weaknesses and powers. It would exploit the very darkness of both your mind and mankind in a fantastic epic.

5: A serial killer, slasher roleplay. Like, I dunno, SCREAM? I think it would be awesome to take it to a whole new level with all new characters (while we're at it, let's try to forget a sequel or two....)! It will also be a violent, gory, bloody, and thrilling roleplay. You're characters WILL get killed according to the order in which they are signed up, or if an even better arrangement comes to mind. This will take place a few decades after the last time Ghostface has appeared, a viola, here coems a new "prodigy" terrorizing the streets once again. All the characters will have a connection, and they will go down one by one because of it. You can be a cop or a student (I'll even allow a news reporter or two), and more importantly, we'll need a Ghostface.

Are you up for the challenge?

And more importantly......

Do you like scary movies?

Okie dokie, so just tell me if you are interested in any of these and if you would join were I to post a thread.
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Your first idea sounds interesting.

I'd also be extremely thrilled to be the killer in your fifth idea, if you'd have me.

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> :D That's fantastic. Just PM me your idea/s for the killer, and you and I can get planning and such. I will post the sign-up sheets for the Scream roleplay shortly.

And by the way......

I adore your signature. <3 
Here's the sign-up:

Because you're Ghostface, you will have to have a character sheet in there. It would actually be better if you had two or three characters, and then didn't tell anybody which character it was.

Just an idea.
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I'm definitely going to be signing up for your Hetalia Roleplay once I can decide on a character. (I've RPed so many of them in the past, it's hard to choose!) Quite frankly, I'm surprised no one has signed up yet.
Ya know, I am equally surprised. The fanbase is simply huge, so the fact that nobody previously signed up really shocked me.

But I do appreciate your joining. You are the best. :big grin:
I really like your first idea! I'm signing up for it right now and I would LOVE to see a Horror Roleplay, especially off of Scream :D !

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