Solar - Eclipse Caste- miniska claimed by Mistdancer [Dreams and Nightmares]


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character- Miniska

age- 18



eyes-Bright blue

Nature- savant

Class- Courtier/ diplomat

Lunar companion-?

Familar- kalase-ocelot

Eclipse Caste

Str: 4 Cha: 3 Per: 2

Dex: 4 Man: 3 Int: 2

Sta: 3 App: 3 Wits: 3

Melee: 4

Thrown: 1

Presence: 1

Resistance: 2

Survival: 2

Lore: 2

Occult: 2

Athletics: 2

Dodge: 3

Stealth: 2

Bureaucracy: 1

Linguistics: 3

Ride: 1

Sail: 2

Socailize: 2


Dodge: Ranged Attacks 2

Melee: Sword 2

Stealth: Sneak 2


Cult: 1

Familiar: 2

Influence: 1

Manse: 3

Panoply: 3

Wealth: 2

Essence: 3

Personal: 15

Peripheral: 46

Willpower: 6

Compassion: 2

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 3

Valor: 2


Essence Plethora

Spirit Charm that increases the Perepheral Essence pool by 10.

Principle of Motion

5m, 1wp, Spirit Charm

This grants the character a number of extra actions equal to your Willpower. It cannot be stacked with itself. Extra actions can be used at any time and can be used as regular actions to attack, dodge, parry, or use non-reflexive Charms. Every action is performed with the character's full dice pool, and the character can split her dice pools to perform flurries in the course of their attack.

First Melee Excellency

Cost 1m per die, combo-ok, instant

The Solar is prohibited from increasing their pool beyond their (Attribute + Ability) with this Charm.

Bulwark Stance

5m, combo-basic, until next action

This Charm causes the character to ignore penalties that apply to his Parry DV until his next action.

Dipping Swallow Defense

2m, combo-ok, instant

This Charm is used in response to an attack. It allows the Exalt to ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry DV when resolving the attack. Her Parry DV is still 0 if it is inapplicable, but takes no other penalties.

Heavenly Guardian Defense

4m, combo-ok, obvious, instant

The character invokes this Charm in response to an attack. The attack must be expected, and the character must have a weapon in hand. This Charm is a parry that perfectly defends against any attack, even if it is unblockable.

One Weapon, Two Blows

1m, combo-ok, one action

This Charm adds one to the Rate and one to the Accuracy of her weapon until her next turn.

Solar Counterattack

3m, combo-ok, counterattack, instant

The solar invokes this Charm after using her Parry DV against an attack. This gives the Solar a counterattack.

Monkey Leap Technique

3m, combo-ok, one scene

For the rest of the scene, the character can jump iwth a movement action instead of a miscelanious action, and doubles the length of all jumps.

Graceful Crane Stance

3m, combo-ok, One scene

This Charm lets the Exalt auto succeed on any valid Athletics action to keep balance. Moreover, this Charm allows the Exalt to keep her footing on any surface at least as strong and wide as a human hair. She treats it as a three-foot-wide ledge cpapable of supporting a thousand pounds of weight.

Oxbody Technique

This permenant Charm adds one -1 and two -2 health levels.

Spirit Detecting Glance

3m, combo-ok, one scene

Spirits such as demons, ghosts and gods often move through the world in dematerialized form, completely hidden from all observers. This Charm lets the character see, hear, smell and feel - but not touch - dematerialized creatures.

Spirit Cutting Attack

1m, combo-ok, obvious, instant

This Charm enhances an attack, makiing dematerialized creatures within the attack range valid targets. The attack deals aggravated damage to spirits, materialized or otherwise.

History- Miniska is the second exalted of her house in 4 generations with her great great grandmother being the first eclipse solar. Being from a House that was mostly made up of scribes and libarians the idea of a solar decenting from it was slighty far fetched. The honor it brought was more then welcomed and the position of higher office in the King's service more so. But with the increase came more responsibilty and Soft quill was away more then with her family. Her absence was painfully noticed by her childern and grandchildern but that was the price for their comfort and greater wealth that soft quill earned. Her death while handling a treaty between to warring clans in the south cause an uproar and swift punishment to the offending party. Soft quill was mourned for many years after and the next generation grew up knowing of her deeds and gental nature. Miniska sat and listen to the tales and wondered what Soft Quill was really like cause aside from the fact she was her decentant little aside from that was really known.

Tales and exploits were fine but hard truths and facts made more sense to her great great grand daughter. Those answers and many other things were made clear to miniska when she was cleaning a part of the liabary in the older section of the building. While wandering the halls of books,scrolls and musty tomes of forgotten lore she came across an old journal. By the look of it it was very old and penned in a fine script upon closer inspection miniska could make out the date of the last entry was about Seventy years ago. Looking around while holding the leather bound book miniska noticed the space and its contents were akin to the private workspace. The way in was gone as well that was something miniska hadnt counted on happening.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_11/female50.jpg.e8eb1aec6f091d4cc5822f391deac154.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_11/female50.jpg.e8eb1aec6f091d4cc5822f391deac154.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_11/3052989388_36340078ed.jpg.974c9aa6bd3c677b57c72ef2b99a1c4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_11/3052989388_36340078ed.jpg.974c9aa6bd3c677b57c72ef2b99a1c4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I've taken a moment to write out the costs and effects of your Charms in case you don't have a book for them. Just pick out your weapons and armor, and we'll get you into the story. 8)
Continued from first posting -Miniska's history

The entrance way to the work space cause a moment of panick in miniska before she calmed down to look around. The book and its lettering glowed brightly and increased till the whole space was lite up like the sun suddenly appeared. A large fire bird shot out from the book's binding and flew up to the ceiling. It turned and to miniska's horror it screamed and attacked. Miniska tried to flee but the doorway hadnt returned which made escape or help reaching her impossible. Screaming miniska fought back as the bird attacked her. The cuts and burning on her arms cause miniska great pain but more so she was bewildered on why this was happening. In a desprate attempt to make it stop miniska voice her plea " Please if i have given offense i beg you to relent. I am sorry for offending you or your master fight should be the last resort to this matter." The attacked stopped but not before miniska was struck in the forehead. Miniska was blindside by the light dazzling before her eyes and darkness was coming quickly to claim her. As she lost her grip on reality miniska heard a clear voice in her ear "Welcome daughter this is one of many tests for you in my service."

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