Soiree at the Golden Pond [Ancient Glory]


Junior Member
To All:

You have each been invited by you sires to attend a gathering at Elysium - by invitation only - hosted by Vibius, the Rex Sacrorum. A few of you were told kindly in person, others threatened into attending and told to behave civilly, and others simply informed it would be best for you to attend.

The place is the Golden Pond. So called for the gold-plate molding and caps on the pale marble with which the bathhouse was built. It is a chill night; the torches on the walls and the braziers on small columns - a notice to keep one's Beast in check - keep the dark away with a flickering orange glow.

A band of musicians, jugglers and tumblers offer entertainment. A gaudy display of status and wealth, for any Kindred capable of keeping so many ghouls could never want for blood.

The host is surely one such Kindred. Vibius stands in front of his juggler, head back, mouth open in laughter. He is lean and handsome in a long vermillion toga, trimmed with a golden border, which comes near to his bare feet. His black, oiled hair woven with chains of gold and ruby charms sways behind his head.

The source of his good humor is a tall man, built like a tiger, with smooth obsidian skin. He is dressed queerly like the men of the east, all in billowing colorful silks and golden chains. Around the two are a small ring of the Kindred a warm silver cup of blood in hand, pulled from casks preserved by the magics of the Augurs, listening passively to the conversation and laughing along.

There are near two dozen Kindred there by the time you begin to arrive. Youths dressed in nought but gold chains and flowers woven in their hair serve blood flavored with the slightest hint of opium or a taste of their own.

As with all Elysium, no one may go armed except those of the Legion, who are charged with keeping the Peace of Rome.
Despite his tendancy to sometimes sit and do nothing, Plotius was actually looking forward to this event. It's rare for one such as he to be in the presence of such powerful Kindred, and he was intrigued by the invitation, that he actually wanted to know, without too much prodding by his sire.

He didn't really have much in finery, so he put on the set of ceremonial clothes he had, which he usually only used in the rites of the Cult of Set. Not knowing the rules of ceremony much, he arrived to Elysium on time, and tried his best to stick to the shadows, not wanting to draw too much attnetion to himself, feeling self-concious, despite, or maybe because, being invited.

Lucius arrives clad in a simple white toga, hair swept back. What use has a blind man for embellishment?

The only jewelry upon him is the mask, the bone-white mask that seems to emerge from beneath his skin at the temples to cover the space where his eyes should be, like the upper half of a thespians mask. A pair of bloodstones glimmer where eyes should stare.

Lucius listens, carefully, for a voice he knows, to greet - and with unnerving accuracy, accepts a goblet of blood from one of the youths.
Quintus Julius Serenus

Serenus arrives immaculately attired in his finest toga, eager to scope out the lay of the political landscape and what can best come to his advantage. Accepting a goblet of blood he stalks through the party like a young tiger in the jungle, easing himself in to the ebb and flow of the crowds. A polite bow here, a grasped hand there, a nod and smiling word to another person... Serenus is in his element.

The hunter stalks.
Lucius Deretius

"Another night to serve. Raaa why must I go to this party ? I hate politicians" thought Lucius approching the Elysium.

He arrive front of the legionnary who guard the building and has to make the thing which hates most : drop his weapons. After 2 shorts blades and 2 knifes placed in the table, the Mekhet enter in the party room with a disappointed face but do his job, watch. Wearing a black tunic embroidered with gold.

"If the party is boring, I already gain a beautiful tunic"

Looking all the guests, he focus himself in the host. Again a Julii or a Daeva, again one powerful kindred and again an arrogant noble, certainly.

"Well let wait and see"
Adiega Lugurix

Adiega had stalks towards the Golden Pond, cursing under her breath in her native tongue. A distiguished looking man in a toga brushed against her in the street and glared at her and she snarled at him. He backed off. When her sire had tracked her down and demanded her attendence at the Elisium she had snarled at him where he could go shove it. Unfortunately she was well aware that the Gangrel legionnaire could rip her to shreds where she stood. So here she was, approaching the Golden Pond. She was sure she made quite a scene, stalking her way through the toga and silk robed crowd in her worn leather armor, her one allowance to decorum having attempted to pull her wild mane of black hair back in a silk cord. She was pleased with the look, not in the least because it exposed the deep scar that slashed angrily across her left eye. She was a young woman, atleast in appearance, seeming about seventeen years of age. She wasn't tall, standing about five feet four inches tall, but the arms visible from the ending of her pauldrons to the beginning of her leather bracers were pure wirey muscle. She moved like a predator, not the reserved, aloof predators that populated much Rome's Necropolis, there was something of a barely restrained animalism about her.

"Weapons please," the Legionnaire at the door demanded. With a monumental effort she kept her temper under control and whipped out her axe, surrendering it to the gaurd, along with the long knife on her other hip. She could feel the mans eyes follow her as she entered the Elysium, could imagine the derision in them, not only an unrefined Gangrel, but not even of good Roman blood. Filthy northern barbarian. How I would like to rip his throat out, she thought. Stepping through the door she looked in disgust at the gaudy frivolry surrounding her.

She timed her arrival well. Late enough that near everyone was already here. Arria's slim form graced the entrance of the Elysium, poised at the threshold for maximum effect. She waited until several people had turned towards her to tug the azure blue scarf from her head. The shimmering material fell to her shoulders, revealing golden curls tumbling from the crown and coiling against her delicate collarbones, down the low back of her pristine white toga. A simple golden cord laced around the lower half of her torso accentuated her figure.

As she walked in, a lean thigh could be glimpsed from beneath the soft folds of her toga. Arria had especially requested that a slit be sewn high on one side of the skirt to allow her to move with ease. And slip she did between the crowds, a serpent winding around in her element, bestowing smiles and light touches as she went. Her eyes raked over the bodies of the servants, weighing their merits in her mind before accepting a fine goblet of blood.

Her sire, Asoka, didn't have to do much convincing to get her here, a soft whisper of words in her ear was all it took. Arria was always more than willing to be amongst the elite of the Kindred, and she did like indulging her sire now and then. She reveled in the lavish parties that they threw and would have been here sooner if she wasn't delayed by the attentions of her pets. For mere mortals, they were a source of great delight to her, something she indulged in frequently. She did so enjoy how they vied for her attention.

Here though, her eyes roamed freely, pausing to take in those that were particularly striking or ethereally beautiful. Such pretty things to see. She raised her goblet at their host. Vibius was always such an enchanting man.
Publius noted the arrival of the other Kindred, though he still kept to the shadows, and only his sire's admonitions kept him from using his power over shadow in this place. He disliked Arria and Serenus, mainly for the ease with which they seemed to draw attention to themselves, something he's been unable to do even as a mortal.

He sympathized much more with Lucius and Adiega, who seemed to be uncomfortable with the party.

Thinking things over, he took a goblet from a nearby tray and drank deeply, before starting to move towards Adiega. His initiation to the CUlt of Set made him more friendly to the outsiders, usually more than to his fellow romans...
Quintus Julius Serenus

Serenus saw Arria moving through the crowd and permitted himself a small smile. She dances it differently, but we hear the same tune. He was vaguely aware of Arria through his sire's connection to hers, and thought it best to open the dialogue. He glides through the crowd, his face the picture of delight at seeing Arria present. Standing before her, he bows deeply.

"Salve, lady Arria. May I say you look divine this evening? Venus herself would be hard-pressed to match you." He flashes her a friendly smile. Not a hint of fang.
Lucius Deretius

When he see Publius trying to find his place in this luxurious world, Lucius smiled, feeled reassured that he's not alone in this case. Socialization is not his speciality but he took a goblet of blood and began to talk with the Mekhet.

"Two Mekhet in the same party in the Elysium ? How incredible, isn't it ?"
Publius Plotius Philus

Plotius was slightly annoyed at the interference of Lucius, he disliked the man's focus on combat, when there is so much more to explore in this state, but he was also annoyed of being intterupted from approaching Adiega. As poiltely as possible he turns to Lucius and says "Two Mekhet? My sire is standing over there, and I'm sure yours is somewhere around here as well. Are you sure the blood you have hasn't been tainted with some of the drugs some of our mortal neighbors so love to indulge in?" he says this with a smile, trying to hide his fangs.

Arria's eyes sweep over Serenus' body from head to toe, noting the fine toga that he wore and how well he filled it. Her lips curl into an amiable smile, she knew of him and how he was making his way up the ranks in the Senex. It always helped to have such connections. Her father taught her that. With a graceful tilt of her head, she greeted him. "Salve, lord Serenus. It's good to see you here tonight." Her eyes stare pointedly at his body. "If you're not careful, one might believe that Mars decided to grace us with his very presence."
Quintus Julius Serenus

Serenus flashes that tone-perfect smile. "Please, just Serenus. I am but a humble servant of the Camarilla, after all, with no title beyond that yet. Might I inquire after the health of your sire? I believe he and my Dominus were associates in the past, but I've never had the good fortune to meet the man."

His words are honey, but Serenus takes it all in. Every movement, every gesture. Even as he speaks, he centers his mind, letting all grow calm and still inside himself, until his vision shifts slightly and he sees the swirl of colours that would tell him everything about this woman's emotional state that he might need to know.

Activating Aura Perception to study this woman's aura. No cost, roll is Intelligence+Empathy+Auspex - her Composure.

3+2+2-3 = 4 dice.

Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 8 0 5 1 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

re-roll 10: Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 6 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Two details of colour can be gleaned from Arria's aura.
Lucius Deretius

A little smile appear in Lucius face but his glance is still cold

"Please, they are Mekhets but they are too rich or powerful to be consider like that. Did some Julii or Daeva speak with you honestly ? Are you always invited in this sort of party ? If I'm in wrong, forgive me, you are not a Mekhet commoner"

"Very well then, I shall call you Serenus, but I must insist that you call me Arria as well." Her smile was engaging, reflected in her eyes though that isn't what Serenus is seeing. Just past the edges of her golden hair and the outline of her smooth skin, color danced. A glimmer of violet, thin and pale, radiated around her forming a misty outline, fading at the edges around her lithe figure.

Her expression softened a bit when he inquired about her sire. Arria's eyes searched the room as she spoke, looking for that familiar figure. "Asoka should be here somewhere. I'll be sure to introduce you once I find him. I've heard him mention your Dominus a few times. It would be quite the honor to meet him." Her gaze met his once more, her smile as warm as it could be for their kind.
Adiega Lugurix

Grabbing a disgustingly gaudy goblet of blood from a nearby table and startling a nervous ghoul in the process Adiega stalked over to one draped wall and leaned against it, surveying the room. There were a few familiar faces, there always were, even among this crowd, but she had yet to spot her sire, a blessing that she severely doubted would last the night.
Lucius Lupus

The noise of the Elysium forms a rich tapestry for the seer, some voices familiar and others merely noteworthy - there, the voice of Julius Serenus. Oh, how the man could talk. Lucius strides over with eerie grace, weaving deftly among the crowd towards Serenus and... Arria. Interesting.

"Salvete, lord Serenus, lady Arria," he greets them, bowing elegantly. "I trust this evening finds you well?"
Quintus Julius Serenus

For a brief second Serenus' composure slips, but as fast as it had slipped the movement is gone. Filthy worm. Needs must, I suppose. Smile, Serenus. He'll hear it in your voice.

"Salve... Lucius Lupus, isn't it? I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met. Are you enjoying the Elysium?"
Lucius Lupus

The bloodstones glitter disconcertingly, and the Nosferatu smiles. "Lucius Lucretius Lupus, at your service, Senator. We have not met, as such, but I have enjoyed your speeches immensely. I expect I am going to enjoy it, thank you. And you?" He sips from the goblet, and tilts his head down, and up, as though politely surveying Serenus with those disturbingly... lively gems.
Quintus Julius Serenus

Serenus refuses to be unnerved by the way the rubies seem to follow him. "It's been... diverting. Pleasant, certainly, but I suspect there will be business to attend to at some point.... and is your sire well? Gaius Saturninus has spoken highly of him." Well, spoken of him anyway. That he would sully himself to speak of a Worm at all is high praise.
Lucius Lupus

Lucius nods, still smiling as pleasantly as he can manage. If he heard anything in Serenus' voice, he does not show it.

"Indeed, he is, thank you for asking. I should not be surprised if he is here, somewhere. They are all here, somewhere..." Lupus pauses briefly, as though ensuring a quota of mystery and crypticism that befits his station.
Quintus Julius Serenus

Serenus rolls his eyes. Honestly, Worms. Give them half a chance and they act like they're capable of rational thought and intelligence.
Publius Plotius Philus

Dreanyth said:
Lucius Deretius
A little smile appear in Lucius face but his glance is still cold

"Please, they are Mekhets but they are too rich or powerful to be consider like that. Did some Julii or Daeva speak with you honestly ? Are you always invited in this sort of party ? If I'm in wrong, forgive me, you are not a Mekhet commoner"
"True it is that they are rich and powerful, but that is part of the gift of our state, that we grow rich and powerful as time goes by. And while it is true enough that do not get invited into such parties often, I do find myself out of place here, and would rather prefer the shadows rather than the spotlike, unlike Serenus, or Arria, for that matter." And he points out the two talking together, and a smirk forms on his face as he sees Lucius Lupus join them.
Quintus Julius Serenus

As he glances away from the disconcerting bejeweled blind gaze of the Worm, Serenus scans the room, looking to see who else he can recognise here... and notices two vampires looking over at him. One is pointing and smirking. He cocks a perfectly arched eyebrow at them, before shrugging, half-smiling and looking away. Deretius and Philus. It seems we're all here.... except that savage with the unpronouncable name... oh, no, she's here too. Interesting. I wonder what the old guard has planned for us?

Politely he returns his gaze to Arria, his face the picture of rapt attention, smiling faintly as he reads the colour in her aura. No deception here; this woman is genuinely excited to be present. It would be so easy to make eye contact, a simple twist of the mind and a few soft words and she would serve... No, Serenus. Not yet. Her sire is a friend of Saturninus, and powerful in his own right. This is not the time for foolish power plays. Bide your time and use the skills you earned the old-fashioned way.

In case it's necessary to spot everyone, I'll roll perception.

Wits+Composure: Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 9 8 5 8 2 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

That should cover me.

She made a polite enough murmur of greeting to, oh what was his name again? Lucius Lupus was it? Arria stared at the mask and the cold ruby stare within, recoiling a bit. She never failed to notice him whenever he turned up at the Cult's gatherings. It was that mask of his, it always stood out in a sea of faces. Suddenly feeling as though she were chilled, she arranges her shawl around her shoulders a bit more, letting the other two talk. She does, however, catch Serenus glancing at a few other vampires and follows the direction of his gaze. One of them looks vaguely familiar, likely from the Cult. The rest she dismisses for now. Another glance sweeps the room, looking for her sire before it returns to Serenus with a small smile of her own.

Wits + Composure: Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 9 9 6 4 3 ] (TN: 8)

(To see if Arria could see what Serenus glanced at)

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