Pretzel Heart
Afterimage of Broad Daylight
Next we'll take a closer look at where you'll be staying.
How Dare You Show Ankles in Public!
We will use this thread to detail some of the social views held by the majority of Roserasians. Of course, in some communities things may be different, especially for Witches and arie who have their own histories and cultures. If there's some other topic you'd like to explore, don't hesitate to generate some discussion in the 'Political Gossip' thread.
How Dare You Show Ankles in Public!
We will use this thread to detail some of the social views held by the majority of Roserasians. Of course, in some communities things may be different, especially for Witches and arie who have their own histories and cultures. If there's some other topic you'd like to explore, don't hesitate to generate some discussion in the 'Political Gossip' thread.