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Multiple Settings Social Distancing at Its Finest

Desert Rose

Adored Muse
What better way to practice social distancing than to have roleplays where none of that occurs!

What I'm Looking For
I'm stuck at home with a lot of free time on my hands. What better way to fill it than to roleplay. I do have another thread posted of roleplay ideas that I will be leaving up and editing here and there. However there are some ideas that I have a specific scene in my head that just plays over and over. So that's what I'm bringing to the table today. Literally opening scenes to plays in hopes to find someone suitable to my writing style.

  • 3rd person past tense.​
  • able to play villain type role (if established as being a villain type role).​
  • 18 +​
  • Okay with mature dark themes. (if you have triggers please let me know so I can avoid them).​
  • Able to have input on plot advancement and ideas.​
  • I've been slacking as of late but one liners really annoy me and would like at least a paragraph.​
  • I prefer to detail novella style rp when possible (I know we all can sometimes slack)​
Plots/Opening Scenes
These are ones you can respond with your own reply in pm or just pm me about further plot/character discussion.​
The changes weren't drastic enough for anyone to notice the downward spiral of one particular young new mother. When the baby daddy stopped coming around and stopped answering her phone calls and texts it destroyed her. She didn't have anyone else to tell her it was all going to be okay when starting up at her was a wailing child she didn't even know what to do with. Forced to raise the child as a single mother where giving up the child was looked down on the young mom tried to find any relief she could. It started at with something simple a few shots of alcohol here and there once the baby was old enough to at least put food in the microwave was when it all changed.

"Mom! I'm home." Emma walked through the door throwing her backpack by the door she slipped off her torn apart vans stuffed with tissue paper until she could grow into them. "Mom?" Emma questioned as she quietly walked on the old stained hard wood floor.

The 16 year old paused seeing her mother with a strange man speaking quietly with each other. She could see her mother had been crying, but that was really nothing new. Her mom always cried but never in front of others. Emma looked down as cold steel blue eyes scanned over the girl from her messy red braided hair to her torn cat socks. "umm.... Mom?" Emma questioned nervously not able to hold a steady gaze at the piercing blue eyes that dulled her own blue orbs.

'run, it isn't safe.....'
'who is this guy?'
'what a creep'
'Run! RUN! RUN!!!'

The voices.... always the voices that creeped up when Emma felt anxious. She didn't know a time where she didn't feel anxious. Emma watched her mother become an alcoholic, but lately that hadn't been enough. In search for something stronger her mother turned to other means. The teenager now had an Alcoholic and drug addicted mother, and the man standing in front of her was to blame.

"I'm gonna go work on homework..." Emma timidly said as she backed away. She never had homework, she always finished it at school. She doubted her mother even knew that. The teen figured she could be failing rather than getting straight A's and her mother wouldn't think anything of it. The girl stayed frozen too scared to move not wanting to turn her back on the two.

"Don't be shy. Emma come in and introduce yourself." Her mother scolded her as she walked over to her and grabbed her arm pulling her inside the kitchen and closer to the stranger. Emma looked at her mom as she gulped down tears that threatened the corner of her eyes.

"What you said.... right a lifetime supply?" Her mother quickly asked looking at the man with desperate eyes.

"A lifetime supply. We like to make sure whatever we put out is the most clean and euphoric fix you can get. However we have other buyers that want to use the same type of drug as a way to interrogate or something like that." The man answered while in one quick move stood up and grabbed Emma by the throat.

Emma squealed as her hands clawed at the giant one closing off her airway. Her eyes fixated on her mother as she cried and choked out. "Go ahead, take her. I just want to be happy." Those were the last words Emma audibly heard while the voices in her head screamed in fear and frustration before she swam into a sea of black the cold steel blue eyes imprinted into her mind.

Dull blue orbs opened to a clean sterile white room. Strapped to a table and an IV in her arm, Emma remembered she was a trade in for her mother's fix.
Trigger Warning: psychological horror/thriller, drug abuse, abandonment, abuse

Echoes of a hand coming into contact with flesh filled the chilled air that spoke of winter. The sun was down and the warm temperature was now beginning to slowly drop. Sounds of a sniveling middle age man could be heard coming from a back alleyway. A tall brute of a man held him with ease while a dark haired man whose hood hid his face made moves to assault the crying man's face. Standing a few meters away and off to the side was the only one that could help. Bright green orbs stared down at the pathetic man accompanied by a rather bored expression.

"I'm telling you the truth... I don't know anything...." The man pleaded looking into the green orbs for any kind of sympathy.

Psy was tall and had a slender build. He didn't look threatening or even a little bit imposing. Most were scared of the two men he constantly had with him. So why was the seemingly weak looking man the most threatening? On his streets, he was the king, and he determined whether you lived or died. It was a system that everyone knew, but no one talked about it. If you weren't part of the game, as psy called it, then you never spoke of it and acted like it didn't even exist. If you were apart of it all you had to do was obey, that should have been simple enough.

"See that's not the answer I need." Psy let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed his temples with his middle fingers gently massaging the pain away.

"He's giving me a headache..." The green eyed male turned his back to the pleading man straightening his vest. He adjusted the fedora and waved his hand before stuffing both hands in his pocket stepping out of the alleyway. He didn't pause or even give a second thought as the gunshot rang through the air silence following after.

Smart people didn't talk, and that was just how it was. "What a shame" The mid twenty year old sighed. The man was untouchable and he planned to stay that way. As he walked down the street he paused seeing a vacant house with a moving truck parked in front of it and lights on inside. "newcomers?" he questioned rather surprised. People were always trying to leave this hellhole so who in their right mind would move here? The housing market was on the cheap side but that was because no one wanted to live in the confines of a crime ridden town. Police didn't even seem to care, in fact Psy couldn't even recall when he last seen a cop around here.

It was only fair that he introduced himself right? Give them a chance to at least know what kind of hell they just entered. That would be the polite thing to do wouldn't it? Thoughts swam around in Psy's head as he started at the house. His two men now back at his side looked over at the fixation of their boss. "newcomers?" the big burly man inquired with a gruff voice before bellowing out a laugh. "Do you want to find out what's up?" the man in the hood asked.

"No." Psy spoke tearing his eyes from the light shining through the curtain and continued walking. The laughter of his partner faded as they both stared at him in surprise. "It's been boring... I want to play a game."

Both shuddered at the thought of the boss wanting to play a game. The two looked at the house with pity before following after their leader. The last time the man wanted to play a game it led to the deaths of 15 people and total destruction of two houses. Boredom was never sated in a nice way.
Trigger Warning: gang, abuse, drug abuse, violence I wouldn't mind this being an mxm or mxf pairing.

I'll be updating as time goes on. I have a lot in my head but I guess I'll start with these two and see what happens?​

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