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Fantasy Soal Online Out of Character Chat

Umbra Regalia

There's no place like
Feel free to chatter about in here while I work on the thread ^^
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mmk, well all of us are ready to start. If you need, I can start it off but if anyone else wants to it's fine ^^
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"Heh finally the servers are online! Yes!"
Kano lied down on his bed. He activated the necklace the his mind transferred to the console. At an instant he was in the game. His caracter was already created since he is an Admin and played the beta. An aura of red thread like magic exploded at his spawn point.

xD I'll update everything in media arts tomorrow (so in the morning, around 8 30 am eastern, leave a note to how much everyone earned in notes? If you dont mind ^^)
I've actually got a question regarding the leveling system, would it be easier to base it how many dungeons that we've finished? For example, if a single person who is at Level 1, completes a dungeon on their own, should get half way to Level 2? Then, at Level 2, it takes four dungeons to complete Level 2 and ascend to Level 3. Then, Level 3, it takes eight dungeons to complete Level 3 and ascend to Level 4. Then the pattern continues on from there? Maybe I'm thinking too hard... I'm not sure. That's just my opinion though. you guys are the admins of the MMO and can judge it however you wish.
it is a very good idea, so we may use that in higher leveled characters since its pretty hard to keep track of paragraphs and stuff. We'll keep it in mind ^^
[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood](are there lvl reqs for gear?)

[/QUOTE] I never covered this? :o well the most used in games itself is theres diff weapons for diff areas. You can get say a lower stat sword in the first area of the game, and progress towards stronger weapons and all that jazz.
For your case, the lvl requirement will be around lv 4, since it's legendary for that area. A common weapon would be lv 1, uncommon lv 2, rare lv 3, legendary lv 4, mythical lv 5. These are easier to guage in the first maps >u< hope this works for you guys?
(we cant go with kanos idea cos theres like... 200 levels in the game :l yeaaaah... who feels up to making 200 words for levels of weapons?)
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia](we cant go with kanos idea cos theres like... 200 levels in the game :l yeaaaah... who feels up to making 200 words for levels of weapons?)

I would, I'm a writer, so words are my specialty. I'll PM you a list once I have them. I'll separate the levels in my own way, you can decide if you agree. I'll get back to you.
Think about it in games standards though. No good with that. I mean.... How about there are uncomon, rare and legendary for all lvls but it all has lvl requirements. Like of you get a realy good weapon, you have to get to a certain lvl to equip it. That would make the most sence

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