So what do you think?

Stacie Laster

New Member
Dream Dictionary:

I am thinking of like a sleep study for a group of people suffering from night terrors so to speak. Where they become victims of their nightmares and try to find a way of escaping the dream world that they become trapped in ( keep in mind these are only basic ideas once I have people interested I will go further, but I would like to at least start with 5)

Mirror World: ( Images)

Is a world hidden behind the mirror. More to come if I have participants.


Is based on the universe where humans are trying to colonize a planet because earth is about to be destroyed. There will be objectives to meet and problems to over come. The goal is to repopulate to survive.


This will be about a group of people that are stuck traveling through dementions trying to find a way back to their regualar demention from where they started. Each week ( depending on particaption) will host a new demention. Time frame will depend on the players.

Cyber Chase:

A group of gamers caught in a game of actual survival in the cyber world. Will they escape or become trapped or possibly die the in the game world? You tell me ( I would like at least 5 people interested.

The Haunted:

Will be an RP where people fight ghost. Depending on participation I will give new weekly cases to solve. I would like at least one other co-host if not a few and at least 5 people to start.


A group of people trapped in a location trying to find a way out of a supernatural location rather it be ghost, or other.


I think it would be cool to do a take of the movie SAW where you are trying to survive a serieal killer sceen.

Prison Island:

Will be set in the future but not to far where an island was founded as a place to dump the worlds worst criminals rather then place them in prison. Mind you men and women alike are placed here so they might or could have off springs. There is no hope for escaping as a prisoner but if you are an innocent ( one born of the criminals but are not a criminal) there might be hope. Which are you an innocent or a criminal?

Here are some basic ideas if you have anything you can add creatively or would like to participate in one of my ideas let me know. If you need a co-host or would like to help co-host one of my ideas please send me a message. All ideas are general because I will put a lot behind which ever gets the most attention or any that gets a lot of response.

Well the rest is up to you I will be waiting to hear from you. Also if you see any that is similar that I may join let me know because I am still looking for an RP to join.

Life After Death:

A zombie takeover is about to rock planet earth. There will be a lot for charaters of all interest to participate in as well as a score board announcing high achievers for the week!

PLOT: The take over happens about medium speed and is world wide. There are many ways to play including a zombie. I will be starting will one state working from there to world wide, there are many attributes to this situation that I am working on.

Okay North Carolina is the state each state will contain 5 major cities ( the most populated) one main character per city. This will be the main location for the action. For instance a mall setting for the Charlotte city in NC.


PLOT: This is a town in Alaska that seems normal to the naked eye but it has it’s secrets and those known are that it contains the talented or skilled people. Those that possess special abilities in some shape or form. It is the one place that werewolves, demons, elves, humans, vampires, and anything else you might can think of live. It is usually a peaceful place, that is the treaty among the talented that is signed before dwelling in such a place but that doesn’t mean that it is perfect. Solve weekly mysteries and visit different places. We have many adventures that await you.


PLOT: Set in mid-evil times there is a war against good and evil. Isn’t that they way these things always start out? Actual is was a rather peaceful world until the Cordelia was introduced now the world is let struggling to get along and return order to the damage being created by the Cordelia. Will it happen who will win? Are you on the good or bad side? Will you take the Cordelia for yourself? What are you elf? Human? Hybrid?

They will or might all be comming soon but which would you like to see first? If anyone wishes to help with hosting please let me know.

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