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So there's his girl


RP Fever
And she loves to RP.

I am brand new to this site so I hardly have anyone talking to me at the moment.

I would like to inform you all that I love to roleplay. I can do just about anything. The main thing I am looking for in a roleplay is maturity. I usually use young adults as my characters because I myself am a young adult.

I have been writing since I was a 14 and am now 21 years old.

I can do just about anything. Here's an idea of the things I like:

Anime (tops my list <3)

Some Fandoms, if I know them. (I don't like playing a chara I'm not familiar with. Just ask)



Everyday Life

I would love to rp with anyone interested but I have some rules just like everyone else does.

1. The main thing I'm picky about is the format.

I like to have a book text format for my rps like below:

Lucy walked over to Gabriel and kissed him softly. "Thank you." She smiled and rested her hand on his chest.

2. Sometimes I'm on all day long, sometimes I go a day or so without getting on, please work with me. If I haven't responded to you for some weird reason please resend or inform me of doing so so that i can get back to you.

3. I don't mind doing MxM MxF or FxF. I prefer playing a female but will play males, I'm actually quite good at it too (lol)

4. Let me know of any idea for the rp that you have and you want me to follow along. If I don't catch on just send me a quit OOC and ask. I'm very flexible.

5. I have done up to 4 characters at a time and I think that's my max. I love using 2 characters at a time but I also so just one. If you're using only one character but bring in a momentary character or two to move the story along thats great. If you want to later on add more characters that fine too, I'll do it as well.

6. I don't mind Graphic. I am not a big cuss word user but as long as it's not over the top I'm good with it. I don't mind sexuality, within the site rules of course. Site rules being fade to black when past kissing.

I think this concludes my post. Please don't be afraid to send me your ideas for rps. I go along with almost everything. :)
Hey there!

I'm pretty new here myself, would you be interested in perhaps roleplaying sometime? I am also an anime lover, So I can only imagine the amount of Roleplay's we could do. c:
Well, It would depend on what fandom you wished to play out?

Which in turn depends on what we have both watched or familiar with.

I don't suppose you have any suggestions?
This sounds perfect, I would love to do some rp with you! You seem like a perfect match for me! haha :)
Pride said:
Well, It would depend on what fandom you wished to play out?
Which in turn depends on what we have both watched or familiar with.

I don't suppose you have any suggestions?
Hmm, I've watched alot.

I liked Amnesia

Vampire Knight





[QUOTE="wizard justin]I would like to do the rp.

I've also seen Swort Art Online if that's what you're looking into. :)  

[QUOTE="Sora San]This sounds perfect, I would love to do some rp with you! You seem like a perfect match for me! haha :)

Okay what are you thinking?

Anything specific you have in mind?
Okay what are you thinking?

Anything specific you have in mind?
Hmm, I am pretty much open to anything really! Maybe a Fantasy or a Romance? Haven't done one of those in a while :)

[QUOTE="Sora San]Hmm, I am pretty much open to anything really! Maybe a Fantasy or a Romance? Haven't done one of those in a while :)

Okay :) Im going to start an open an RP and send you a link to it where you can put in any characters you have in mind.

I'm new on this site so I'm not sure how things work here.
HIllzie said:
Okay :) Im going to start an open an RP and send you a link to it where you can put in any characters you have in mind.
I'm new on this site so I'm not sure how things work here.
Haha I am new too, so yeh! Sounds good to me!
Hello, I'd enjoy any RP you'd like, although I prefer a Medieval, or more accurately, fantasy setting. Guns and technology just bore and annoy me, and take a lot of the possible role-play actions out of every-day life. I'm up for most anime fandoms, aslong as I can grasp the scope of the world it's in. I'd rather not play as named characters, but instead create our own inside of that world. It's always better to be original. I also agree on your point of reply-style. Just toss me an idea, and we can work on it together to make it an enjoyable RP for the both of us. And as an afterthought, I do prefer romance-style RPs.

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