So The Story Goes


One Thousand Club

Things are difficult for the Scotts children. Kendall, Jessica and Brendan Scott try to escape thier bitter reality with a fool proof plan - writing stories. Unleashing your creative side in a world that is on the brink of falling apart at the brittle seams, a world where you're the hero, proves a good way for the Scott siblings to escape thier financial problems, bitter it's-amazing-they're-not-divorced-yet parents, relationship drama and the hardship they face at school.

The Scott siblings live in two worlds. Both of them are falling apart, far from perfect. One of them is easy to fix - they can write thier way out of trouble. But in the other, trying to claw their way out of Hell only seems to dig the hole even deeper.

Who will fall apart with them? Who will get thier heart broken? Who will find their courage when they need it the most?







After-school Job (if any) :

School Status:



Relationship With Parents:


Kendall Scott - WalkingDisaster

Jessica Scott - Pleba

Brendan Scott - 14hca14

Jessica's friend - Brie Howard- WalkingDisaster

Jessica's boyfriend - 14hca14

Kendall's friend - Marella Faire - 14hca14

Kendall's girlfriend - Pleba

Brendan's friend - Pleba

Brendean's girlfriend - WalkingDisaster

Jillian Scott - Mom - 14hca14

Philip Scott - Dad - Pleba


Name: Philip Scott

Age: 38

Gender: male

Personality: Philip is easy to be around; he is relaxed and easy-going, in general. Once pushed, however, he tends to get angry and start yelling. Since his teenage years, Philip has never been very responsible. The habit sticks with him; although he tries to work hard for his family, he still finds himself slacking off on occasions. One of his biggest flaws is that he never thinks much of his mistakes; often he dismisses it and ends up doing the same thing over again. He dislikes facing problems; when the possibility of an argument arises, he knew he would much rather be drinking at a bar. Contrary to popular beliefs, though, Philip is actually very faithful to his family.

History: Philip has always been a darling to everyone ever since he was a child. His charming smile has gotten him far, from his parents' favorite son to the school's superstar athlete to prom king. His easy-going attitude earned him a lot of friends as well. Basically, Philip has never had to work hard for anything until he reaches adulthood. The hardship of real work hit him hard, but he tried for his "family" (which consisted of himself and his highschool sweetheart at the time.) Over time, he learned to adjust himself in the real world. His irresponsiblity, however, never really left him.

Occupation: works as a salesperson for a furniture company


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Name: Brendan Scott

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Brendan can crack a joke when he wants to but he always manages to stay on people's good side. It might be because he doesn't let anyone see his full emotions. He is the kind of guy that even when he gets mad at someone, the person walks away knowing they have done something wrong and need to fix it but still thinks he isn't actually mad at them.

Crush: Dizzy's person

History: He was born fifteen years ago and for practically as long as he can remember his parents have fought.

After-school Job (if any) : Not yet

School Status: He is in the popular crowd but he is the quiet one in the bunch

Appearance: Light Brown hair with blue eyes like his Dad's


Relationship With Parents: His relationship is a little strained because he has this need to really talk things through with people but he doesn't open up to just anyone. When his parents fight it makes it awkward for him to try and approach them with his strains especially when it revolves around the struggles he has watching them fight.


Name: Jillian Scott (Jill)

Age: 37

Gender: girl

Personality: Jill knows what she wants and will get it but that does not mean she is always rude about it. She came from a wealthy family and that means she has high-class tastes that she has managed to squash considering her situation, but she can't help missing things. She is very tired and stresses the importance of good grades and manners. She is very determined to make things better and work.

Crush: Husband (Kinda sorta)

History: Her family was very wealthy but when they discovered she was going to marry Philip they withdrew all their money and left her high and dry. Her parents have never met their grandchildren.

After-school Job (if any) : Nurse with terrible hours

School Status: She took online classes to get her nursing degree

Appearance: The picture below shows Jill at her absolute best but she is usually ridiculously tired


Relationship With Parents: Strained


Name: Marella Faire

Age: 17

Gender: girl

Personality: Very quiet and reserved, some call her motherly which isn't surprising since she has had to be her own mother

Crush: Nobody

History: Her mother is a druggie who barely ever comes home and when she does it usually leads to more fights. Her father is a drunk who can barely keep his job and she has to get his checks before he can find them. She has had to learn how to survive and avoid questions since she was five years old.

After-school Job (if any) : She works at a Starbucks

School Status: She has all A's even though it is hard for her to study

Appearance: She has a very slight frame with pale skin. Marella tends to wear long sleeves and jeans to hide bruises

Photo: Christine Trachtenberg/xwherexdoxwexgo/Michelle Trachtenberg/Michelle_Trachtenberg_012.jpgRelationship With Parents: Strained and abusive

Other: Kendall's friend

Name: Matthew Jones

Age: 18

Gender: Guy

Personality: Matthew is a little bit quieter than Jessica but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have a good time. He tends to try calm Jessica down which usually gets him in trouble but he only does it out of love for her.

Crush: Jessica

History: Matthew's parents pushed at a young age for perfection. He is aiming for a baseball scholarship and all of his classes are extremely challenging which leaves him little free time.

After-school Job (if any): Works at a Sporting Goods Store

School Status: Quiet but popular straight A's

Photo: With Parents: They push and discipline him

Other: Military Family

Name: Kendall Scott

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Kendall can get pretty bossy. He can be a bit unpleasant, and easy to anger. Very over-protctive of his siblings, he is the type who will break a bone in his foot kicking the wall when frustrated. Despite his negative qualities, it is hard not to love him. If he were a dog, he'd be a German Shephard - irritable and over protective, but funny and loveable. Not much of a joker, but he does have a funny side. It doesn't show often, especially when he's at home.

Girlfriend: Callie Deems

History: Kendall hasfew memories of his childhood in which his parents get along. He will tell no one, but it is his one wish to get that back, and for a happy family portrait of him in highschool or college to be hung up next to the one of him in elementary school.

After-school Job: After school, Kendall works at a Borders a few miles from his house. Being a busy reader and writer, it is the perfect job for him.

School Status: Invisible. Kendall flies underneath the radar with his girlfriend and one good friend. He isn't picked on, popular, talked about or acknowledged. Dating Callie and being the brother of wo popular students, there are some who know his name. But, flying low is being comfortable for him.

Appearance: Taking after his father in body, opposite in mind, Kendall his pale blue-green eyes and light brown hair. He's tall and lanky, but is muscled and strong.


Relationship With Parents: The first seven years of his life were bitter-sweet. His parents would fight constantly, but would pay attention to him and his siblings. When he turned eleven and went to a middle school, they were constantly watching his grades and social life. At fourteen, they watched thier first-year highschool son like a movie -asking him questions, checking his homework, and watching his grades. He was a good student, but when he reached his sophomore year, hsi parents got busier, and soon stopped making sure he was doing well. That was how he liked it, and he was a bit of a trouble-maker at fifteen. His grades slipped, and that got him punished. His grade average is a high C, as he would rather be reading, writing or day dreaming.


Blair Rialto

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Blair is a sweetie with a goofy side. She has a humerous side a mile wide, and will always find some sort of opening for a joke. Despite this, she knows very welll how to be serious. Although she can be a bit shy once you first meet her, if she is comfortable around you, she will burst into random song, talk about any and everything, and will collapse into a fit of giggles. Always on stage, and always having fun. A natural performer, most people think she is afraid of nothing.

Crush: She suspects Brendan likes her, but she can't be sure. She has a slight crush on him, too, but will never admit it - not even to herself.

History: Being an only child, Blair gets a lot of attention. She likes it like that, and is a born performer - she si learning guitar and taking singing lessons. Her father left her and her mother when she was a baby, so she is naturally very attatched to her mother. Though she comes from a small, broken family, she is very happy and tries hard to understand what Brendan goes through.

School Status: In the popular crowd with Brendan. She is outgoing enough to be one of the top, but is in no way a "bad girl".

Appearance: Blair is a petite girl with slightly tanned skin. Her eyes are dark, with straight hair to match. As tiny and skinny as she is, she isn't very fit or active, and practically lives on junk food.



Brie Howard



Brie is a free spirit. She doesn't have a worry or a care in the world, and she'll always make time for her friends and family. Being as laid-back as she is, she is probably the clumsiest girl you'll ever meet. She has faint scars on her elbows knees and hands, but has clearly learned not to run anymore in converse. Brie can be very random, and in her best mood she's spntaneous and crazy. In her worst, she's hard to love and cold, but it doesn't last long. It's hard not to love Brie.


History: Grew up in the outskirts of New York City, her parents moved the family here, wanting to get away from big city life. Although she is not yet used to the environment, she is as adaptable as a mouse and has become almost as comfortable as she was in New York. She met Jessica at school, and probably needs her more then Jessica needs Brie, but she's happy.

School Status: Being the best friend of a cheerleader and party girl, Brie is an active party-goer, but doesn't consider herself popular. However, others would. Her grades are decent, but no spectacular

Appearance: Tall and skinny with blonde hair and brown eyes. Some think she isn't a natural blonde because she dyes her roots brown


Jessica's friend

Name: Jessica Scott

Age: 16

Gender: female

Personality: Jessica is short-tempered; she doesn't tolerate whining or complaints or criticisms. They should just deal wiht it, she thought. Because screw them, that's why. In reality, she is actually quite sensitive, but her temper gets to her and hides her softer part. Her pride, too, prevents her from admitting her weaknesses. Only those closest to her would know when she is hurt; it goes unappreciated, though, because she hates being pitied and gets extremely frustrated when someone goes all sympathetic on her (or anyone, for that matter.) Jessica loves her family a lot and wishes more than anything that her parents would make up somehow, but their quarrels can be so irritating and she doesn't want to deal with them. Partying is her favorite hobby, but if she were to be honest, it is her best outlet of anger and emotions. Things become easier to deal with when there's alcohol in her system.


History: Jessica vaguely remembered that her parents used to fight less, once upon a time. There are blurry memories of them looking like an actual family; her parents did fight, but only from time to time. A long time ago, they used to be normal. Jessica hangs on to these memories like they're her secret treasure, as things got worse and the world changed around her.

After-school Job (if any): works at a frozen yogurt shop at the mall; she hates the job, but it pays (and God knows their family needs it.)

School Status: Jessica, being one of the cheerleaders, hangs out easily with the popular bunch. Her party animal status makes her well-known in the school. Confident, she never gives much thought to those who dislike her (and there is a lot of them.) In her mind, she's way better than those people, anyway.

Relationship With Parents: apart from the difficult feelings she has watching her parents fight (about pretty much anything and everything, she added), her mother's strictness irritates her to no end (Jessica can barely scrape a passing grade, and for her, swearing isn't unusual.) For some reason, however, there is a special connection she only feels towards her mother. With her father, they get along well. His laid back attitude allows her to rant about whatever she wants to him (although that doesn't happen very often) while he would just smile and nod (and listen, sometimes.)

Appearance: Jessica has her mother's dark eyes and blond hair, until she dyes it.



Name: Callie Deems

Age: 17

Gender: female

Callie, some would say, doesn't have a single mean bone in her body. Her approach to pretty much any problem is to laugh it off. Dismissive, she doesn't recognize others' flaws or her own, causing her to seem naive to the world. She is charitable and forgiving, and sometimes forgetful. There's a lot for her to learn in the world, and she is fine with that. She loves badminton, and would always play it in her free time.

Boyfriend: Kendall Scott

History: saying Callie's life is easy is an understatement; she surfs through it with an effortless smile and loving parents who would grant her pretty much anything she wants. She is a smart girl, academically-inclined and all, and can get a B+ without much of an effort. She has a fair amount of (great) friends, although not popular, she is content with it.

After-school Job (if any) : none

School Status: Callie has decent friends and pretty much everyone likes her (enough.) She is beneath notice of the popular, but is never bullied and is satisfied with that.

Appearance: long blond hair, brown eyes



Name: Ryan Colbert

Age: 15

Gender: male

Personality: Ryan is a loud, confident jock. He has an ego about as big as North America, and isn't afraid to say that out loud. Self-centered, he always believes himself to be right, no matter in what situation. He isn't a bad person, although he can be blinded by his confidence. In reality, he is honest and hard-working, self-assured as he is. A firm believer in fairness and equality, he hates cheating and never takes shortcuts. In sports, he plays fairly and is a good sportsman. Ryan can be blunt and doesn't realize it when he says something that may be offensive. He would quickly apologize, though, if someone points it out to him.

Girlfriend: a cheerleader named Laurel

History: Ryan was born to a fairly wealthy family, with hard-working parents and a brother who is only a year younger than him. His parents are caring and love their children very much, which is why they work so hard to make sure they have a comfortable life. They are rarely home, though, and they don't realize that Ryan misses their company more than he lets on. This is one of the reasons he craves attention so much. After a while, however, he accepts the fact that his parents simply do not have that much time and begins spending more time with his friends instead. This works out fine, and everyone's happy.

After-school Job (if any) : none

School Status: he's popular and a jock (plays for the football team.) He has tons of friends and knows almost everyone in the school, hangs out with all sort of people, from freshmen to seniors, and spends a lot of time with members of the football team.

Appearance: brown hair and eyes



Other: Brendan's friend
(Oh, Callie is perfect for Kendall.... xD Mmkay, I'll fill in the holes for my form, and possibly start..If I can think something up...XP)
(She's cute, too xD I love it....

Okay, I guess I'll start on a Saturday morning......Give me a few minutes, and I'll get the first post up =))

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Okay, give me 35 minutes....)

The light streaming in through cracks in his blinds woke Kendall up. Oddly enough, he wasn’t tired. He checked the digital clock next to his bed. It was only ten. With a groan, he rolled over and closed his eyes, and after laying there a few minutes, he finally realized he wasn’t tired. Plus, he had to work in a few hours….Feeling twenty years older, Kendall got out of bed and stretched his arms, walking into the hall and to the bathroom a few feet from his room.

After he brushed his teeth and sorta-kinda-maybe fixed his bed-head, he walked downstairs, wishing he was tired. It was Saturday, for crying out loud, and he only slept until ten. That was odd for him, he usually slept past noon - or until some one came in and yelled at him that he slept through breakfast AND lunch. Even Saturday mornings suck……

As the lanky teenager walked in to the kitchen, he wondered if anyone else was awake. If his parents were, they were at work already. Nothing unusual there…..If there was nothing at all for him to do, he’d just go back upstairs and read.
Music was blasting in Jessica's ears as she inspected her nails. The blue paint was peeling off, she noted with a frown. It was nice, or at least that was what Brie said. But then, she didn't want to repaint the same color twice. Behind her, the washing machine whirred as she weighed her decision. A new color, or should she go with blue again?

Just then, she saw Kendall walking down the stairs, still in his nightclothes. Glancing at the clock, she was surprised to see that it was only ten. Kendall usually slept past noon. He looked tired; his eyes seemed heavy and his hair a mess. He glanced around for a moment, his motion sluggish as he dragged his feet against the floor. Jessica remained unnoticed on the couch, watching him.

After a little while, he made a move to go back upstairs again when he spotted her. She took off her headphone. "What? Aren't you even going eat first? Seriously, your reading fetish creeps me out," she said, waving a hand in the air. When he continued to just look sleepy and not move, she rolled her eyes. "For God's sake, Kendall, I'm not your mom. Go help yourself. Oh, we ran out of cereal and I was too lazy to go shop for groceries, so go with Cream Of or something."
Kendall sighed and leaned on the counter. “Good morning, Jess,” he said, and wondered how he had missed her sitting on the couch. Maybe he really was tired. He definitely wasn’t a morning person. “In that case, I’ll probably go shopping later…Wait, I’m working. Oh, hell, I’ll pick some things up on my way home…Do we need anything besides cereal?” He babbled as he motioned towards the cabinets and pulled out a mug and a bag of roasted coffee beans. He didn’t add that he wanted to see Callie - it had been a while since they went out, he’s been busy. He would call her after work. “Do you want anything while I’m up?” he asked Jessica as he pulled out the coffee pot. Kendall was definitely a coffee person, and he usually ignored Jessica when she was like this. Which was most of the time, and sometimes Kendall lashed back. Nope, he was definitely tired…..

"Just cereals. Maybe eggs." Jessica said absently, already back to deciding the color her nail paint. Not blue, she decided, wondering why she took so long to get something so obvious. Why would she want to use the same color again, anyway? Pulling out two bottles of pink nail paint, she held them in front of her, one in each hand. The left one was a lighter shade of pink, while the other was darker and had a hint of purple to it. "Kendall," she said, gesturing to the bottles as he turned around. "Decide."
Kendall sighed as he looked the small bottles of colored nail paint up and down. "I don't know...Believe it or not, I'm not a girl, Jess," he told her as he filled the coffee pot with water. "Go with the darker one, I guess. It's less ugly." He put the pot in its cradle and pulled a notepad out of a drawer. In rough print, he wrote, Cereal, Eggs. Checking the fridge, he found no butter. "It's ridiculas I have to do this," he mutered just loud enough for Jessica to hear as he scribbled Butter underneath Eggs, then checked the water for his coffee. It was almost boiling, so he poured the beans in to the paper cup at the top.
"It's just groceries, Ken. Oh, and can you maybe try to pretend you're a year older and buy me some wine cooler? Dad's beer sucks. Gives me bad breath." Jessica glanced between her two nail paints and put the dark one aside, pulling out the cap of the lighter one. "And quit insulting my nail paints. Your dear little girlfriend uses it too, as I recall."
Kendall sighed. "I really hate that you drink, can you not ask me to feed that habit?" As Jessica mentioned Callie, he felt his cheeks go a bit hot. "Leave CAllie out of this. The difference between my sister and my girlfriend is that my girlfriend doesn't ask my opinion on what color she should paint her nails," he pointed out, and poored the hot water into a mug, spooning in the newly ground coffee and some sugar. "I really love how you ask what I think, then throw my wisdom aside," he taunted. He was never too tired for taunting his siblings.
Jessica watched her brother's cheek flushed with a smirk. "Sensitive topic, huh, lover boy?" She shot back, eyes on her nail as she wiped the blue paint out. "Don't worry. I don't know your girlfriend that well, anyway. It's hard to taunt you about her when I can barely remember what she looks like." She looked thoughtful for a moment, as if trying to search her memory for Callie's face. "She's the brunette, right? Or is it blonde?" The washing machine stopped whirring and made a noise, putting Jessica's train of thoughts to a stop. She heaved a sigh. "Know what, I'll totally go shopping for you if you do the laundry. I seriously hate it."
“Do the laundry, Jess,” Kendall said, his temper flaring. Was she implying that he was practically dating Marella, or was she genuinely confusing his girlfriend with his best friend? Ugh, sisters…..He put his spoon in the sink and leaned on the counter, taking a sip of his coffee. It burned his tongue, but at the moment, he really didn’t care. At least he was ingesting caffeine….

(I don't get it, sudden dead muse....XP)

--- Merged Double Post ---

“Do the laundry, Jess,” Kendall said, his temper flaring. Was she implying that he was practically dating Marella, or was she genuinely confusing his girlfriend with his best friend? Ugh, sisters…..He put his spoon in the sink and leaned on the counter, taking a sip of his coffee. It burned his tongue, but at the moment, he really didn’t care. At least he was ingesting caffeine….

(I don't get it, sudden dead muse....XP)
Jessica shrugged. "Fine. Get the wine cooler for me, then." When Kendall refused to respond, she pouted and said, "Come on, Ken. It's light stuff, really. And you know I don't drink that often anyway, 'cause mom hates it and everything. So just this once?" She knew he hated it that she drank (pretty much everyone in the family does, anyway) but it isn't much. And Dad drank as well, yet he told her not to. It wasn't very fair, now was it?
Brendan awoke to the sound of the old washing machine and people shuffling around the kitchen. It sounded like someone had thrown a boot in the dryer but most likely it was just banging against the wall. He hated having a room right next to the kitchen an laundry room especially since it was so small but it was so much better than sharing one with Kendall. Sighing he finally sat up tossing the blue bed sheets to the side and thumping out of the and into the bathroom. He had to pass through the kitchen to get their but he just jerked his head as he passed Jessica. It was too early to say Good Morning.
"Hey, Brendan," Kendall said as Brendan walked by groggily. He sighed and looked at Jessica. "I am not buying my little sister alchohol, so forget it." The mere thought of alchohol made Kendall feel sick. It was like poison, and the last thing he wanted to ever do was poison his little sister, and she knew that. He took another sip of his coffee, and decided it needed more sugar.

(Damn writer's block....)
Brendan rolled his shoulders and nodded to Kendall. Of course Jess wanted alcohol again. He wasn't going to lie he had drank once but he had hated. It had made him feel sick and out of control. He hated that feeling, he already had so little control in his life he couldn't cause himself to lose anymore control.
Jessica frowned, clearly annoyed. Then, Brendan appeared from his room, looking as sleepy as Kendall did before. Gosh, they sure looked similar from behind. "Brendan," she said, causing him to turn. "Grab something to eat, won't you? And maybe tell Kendall that just coffee isn't enough for a breakfast." She shot Kendall a look, then went back to painting her nails. Dad and Kendall did it all the time, drinking only coffee in the morning, which sucked. Because even she knew that it wasn't healthy.
Kendall rolled his eyes. "Come on, Jess, don't be like that. How would you like it if Brendan or I came home drunk? It's not fun watching that. I am not going to buy my sixteen year old sister alchohol," he said sternly, and finished his coffee. "Brendan get some breakfast," he demanded, Jessica ahving put him in a bad mood.
Brendan just growled shuffling into the bathroom. He hated waking up to a fighting household. It was bad enough his parent's fought couldn't his older siblings just hold it together. It wasn't that hard, he didn't start that many fights but then again Brendan did not talk much.
Jessica got up from the couch; Kendall was mad, and she didn't like dealing with him when he's like this. "I'm going to finish the laundry," she said. She'd have to go to work after that, maybe after that she could see Matt or something. Anything but coming home, really. Her brothers always gave her stern looks whenever she brought up something about drinking alcohol, and she wouldn't be surprised if Mom and Dad end up fighting again.

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