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Snoozy's Looking for RP Partners! (ALWAYS Open)


Certified Insomniac
Hey you! Yeah you, with the nose!Snoozy here with a killer craving for roleplays!Here's a little bit about me, and my rules of roleplay:ABOUT ME:

  • Female / 19 years old
  • 9+ years of roleplay experience
  • Full-Time college student, so might be slightly slow with replies, BUT will not go over 24 hours with no reply.

  • [Insert standard "no Godmodding/partner's character control/Mary Sues/Gary Stus" here]
  • Paragraph/Script Format allowed, just let me know which one you're more comfortable with.
  • Continuation of previous one, PLEASE no one-liners, or worse, one-worders. I've had a few of them in the past, and my anxiety just acts up so bad, because I feel like you're really not into the roleplay and I don't know how to respond to it. If you're not into the rp, just let me know, don't just send one sentence or one word replies, please and thank you.
  • I roleplay in 3rd person, NOT 1st. I don't consider myself my characters, I prefer to see them as their own separate bodies, with their own personalities, likes, dislikes, etc.  
  • Willing to make new characters (I always do, I have like 70+ characters because of this XD)
  • Will NOT use canon characters. I don't have a problem with roleplays with canon characters, I've just had issues with people getting very angry with me if I didn't roleplay the character 100% accurately, so I'm just not going to do it to avoid that for anxiety's sake. All my characters are OCs/FCs.


GENRES - I have a lot of anthro, human, and supernatural characters, most of them fitting into fantasy genres. However, I am very open to the suggestion of other genres, so feel free to ask!


PLOTS - I don't have any specific plots in mind, I'm really open to suggestions! 


Feel free to reply here or PM me directly ANY TIME if you're interested! 
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Always looking! I have no real preferred gender pairings, though I don't do MxM often, BUT I have no issue with it!

Awesome! I'll get a list of some of my ideas together and PM them to you ok? We can sift through them and see what you like ^^
I'm pretty interested in RPing a fantasy sort of thing. I have a unique setting in mind though, if you're interested in something that's fantasy bordering on pirate adventure, I'd be more than happy to PM you.
I'm down for a good Fantasy Role-Play, I've got plenty of characters to use, we'd just need to come up with some sort of plot. When I've got additional time tomorrow, after work, I'll drop you a Private Message and we can discuss possible ideas. (Maybe list some of our favorite characters, and try to make something based around them.)
@Ashurayx Thank you so much! Gotta show some Agent 707/Luciel Choi love  ^_^  I'll PM you my skype user

@Fog Fleet Captain Sounds interesting! Please PM me your idea whenever you get the chance! :)  

@The Secret Archives Awesome, no rush, drop me a PM whenever you get the chance and we'll discuss! ^ ^

@gogojojo331 Thanks! The frog's name is Larry, don't bother him, he's not a part of this thread, he doesn't wanna be a part of anything, so don't bother him.

@Shinohara Sweet! Please drop me a PM with any plots you feel like you'd be interested in when you can! :D
6 hours ago, snoozySashimi said:

@Ashurayx Thank you so much! Gotta show some Agent 707/Luciel Choi love  ^_^  I'll PM you my skype user

@Fog Fleet Captain Sounds interesting! Please PM me your idea whenever you get the chance! :)  

@The Secret Archives Awesome, no rush, drop me a PM whenever you get the chance and we'll discuss! ^ ^

@gogojojo331 Thanks! The frog's name is Larry, don't bother him, he's not a part of this thread, he doesn't wanna be a part of anything, so don't bother him.

@Shinohara Sweet! Please drop me a PM with any plots you feel like you'd be interested in when you can! :D


Can I hold him?

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