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Looking for Long term partner

Cherno Lux

I am looking for a partner who is willing to do one of these plots:

  • Two Russian snipers (Any Gender) in World War II in Stalingrad fight off the Nazis as a team not split. Later they are forced to move to a subway station in order to escape the bombing runs, when the two are in the subway station the Russians are pulling out of the city and the two are one of few to be left behind so they must fight till the get they find a way to escape or until the Russian come back.
  • Two American soldiers try to escape Vietnam after their helicopter has crash landed, this causes them to be in the war zone under enemy lines. The soldiers have to navigate/fight their way out of the war zone and to a U.S. Military base.
  • A character lives in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains and a blizzard is occurring and the other character is a lone hiker who gets lost and seeks shelter in the cabin before an avalanche.

If you are interested just PM me and tell me the topic, enjoy.

BTW if you want romance then tell me before rp starts.
I'm pretty intrigued by your first idea. Though you specifically stated you were asking anyone who would be interested to PM you, I still haven't reached the required amount of messages in order to have this option available, let's see if I can send you one now...
[QUOTE="Cherno Lux]A character lives in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains and a blizzard is occurring and the other character is a lone hiker who gets lost and seeks shelter in the cabin before an avalanche.

I would love to do this with you.
[QUOTE="Cherno Lux]I am looking for a partner who is willing to do one of these plots:
  • Two Russian snipers (Any Gender) in World War II in Stalingrad fight off the Nazis as a team not split. Later they are forced to move to a subway station in order to escape the bombing runs, when the two are in the subway station the Russians are pulling out of the city and the two are one of few to be left behind so they must fight till the get they find a way to escape or until the Russian come back.
  • Two American soldiers try to escape Vietnam after their helicopter has crash landed, this causes them to be in the war zone under enemy lines. The soldiers have to navigate/fight their way out of the war zone and to a U.S. Military base.
  • A character lives in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains and a blizzard is occurring and the other character is a lone hiker who gets lost and seeks shelter in the cabin before an avalanche.

If you are interested just PM me and tell me the topic, enjoy.

BTW if you want romance then tell me before rp starts.

Hello! I know you said to just private message you if I was interested, but I just joined this site so I am pretty sure I am too new to do that. I have been role playing for a long time on other websites however.

All three of these possible plots look awesome! I am very interested. And I am online quite often.

Let me know if you would like to write with me. I can play any gender, and am willing to do romance or leave it out. Whatever you are up for.

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