Story sneak peak


New Member
Avie surveyed the city, shocked. It looked unfamiliar and apocolyptic.
There where toppled ruins of the skyscrapers and buildings, piles of ashy dust which she could only assume where disintegrated bodies. She shivered at the thought and squeezed Danella’s hand tighter.
They walked around cautiously, looking at the rubble. “Look at that thing.” Danella whispered, pointing at what looked like a robotical bird, crumpled up on the ground. A glowing green substance was oozing out of cracks in the metal, steaming as it touched the sidewalk.

Avie crouched down, careful not to touch the goo. There was a few numbers finely imprinted under the robot’s wing.


“We need to write that down.”

“Why? It’s probably just a serial number.” Danella said.

“I have a feeling.” Avie told her.

“Whatever you say.” She muttered, reaching into her backpack for a pad of papers.

Avie spotted a rusty purple car parked next to some rubble. It had dents and scratches in it, but it looked mostly intact. She dragged Danella (who was still examing the bird) towards it.
“Whatttt?” She said, stretching the word out.
“I see a car. We have to check it for life.” Avie said. She pulled open the door, which seemed to be warped.
The car, to no one’s suprise, was empty. The driver’s seat was torn, spilling fluff onto the floor mat. She it swept away, plopping herself onto the seat, ignoring the springs poking into her back and bottom.

Danella nudged her over and climbed awkwardly through the car, setting herself onto the front passenger seat.

“Literaly just use the other one.” Avie said, rolled her eyes.
“It was locked.” She suddenly groaned. "These seats are sooo uncomfortable.”
“Whatever. At least we have this thing.”
“What are we gonna do? You can’t drive.” Danella said.
“I can. And we can’t stay here. There’s not gonna be food for too long. Or power.” Avie noted, glancing towards a fallen telephone pole.

“Do you even know how to?”

“It looks easy enough.” Avie grunted, crossing her arms.

“And where are we gonna go?”

“Wherever it’s not destroyed.”
“Okay, go ahead and drive then if you know so much about it.” Danella said.

Avie surveyed the buttons and pedals, straining her mind to remember how to start the car. She looked around for the keys, which where conviently stashed in the cupholder.

“Here we go. Don’t blame me if we crash.”

She twisted the keys, and the engine sputtered a few times and then rumbled on. Gas pedal on the right. Brakes on the left. Parking lever here, radio there.
She pulled the lever and the car jerked backward, startling her.
Then she smirked triumpantly at Danella, who just rolled her eyes.
“You still have to actually drive it. That was just backing up. Anyone could do that.”
“Even you?” Avie challenged.

The car earned a new dent that day.

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