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My name is Smouse and I'm 18 with about 4-6 years of experience with RP (4 active, 2 on-off). I live in the U.S. (Eastern timezone) and have only lived in two of it's states my whole life. I got into roleplay through a friend of mine who invited me to a group of hers. Ever since I have been hooked! I started off as a one-liner but now I can write a page's worth of responses (usually 3-5 paragraphs though).

Other than just roleplay, I'm a wanna-be-comic writer. If it were realistic I would be a comic artist right now but it wouldn't pay for my future bills. Still, I've always been that type of person who has to create in order to move by. So what better way than to do it with someone? Some other things I enjoy are reading, sleeping, anime.manga, and staying on my phone until I pass out.

I'm a very chatty person so I love to talk OOC! I love to talk about ideas for roleplays, for the current one, the characters, just everything. I am patient with responses too. I try to be since everyone has their own life to live. It's not your job to reply to the roleplay. It's only a hobby. Though I do encourage communication! If you're going to be away for 5 days, I would like to know simply so I don't leave the conversation or anything. I don't need any details but just a heads up would be nice.
What I do look for:
  • Literacy
  • Ability to write 3-5 paragraphs (I'm lenient with responses but this is the length I usually expect.)
  • Open to communicate ideas for the roleplay
  • Active
  • Patience
  • Willing to play more than one character
  • Willing to be M or F

    What I DON'T look for:
  • Rudeness
  • Ghosts (unless your character is one)
  • Smut
  • Close-minded/stubbornness
  • People who can't reply at least once a week
  • Doesn't actively listen to or respect my boundaries
  • A relationship (seriously use Tinder not this site)
Heads up, I typically do MxF roleplays and usually take on the F role; HOWEVER, I am looking to branch out and try taking on the M role and would be interested in doing FxF or MxM. I'm just more used to MxF.
  • Romance (almost always included as a genre in my RPs, though usually to liven the roleplay and not as the main focus.)
  • Horror
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Supernatural
  • Slice of life
  • School life
  • Tragedy
  • Fluff
  • Modern
  • Victorian
  • DemonxHuman
  • VampirexHuman
  • PrincexCommoner
  • IdolxNon-idol
  • StudentxTeacher
  • Prince of schoolxClassmate
  • Arranged marriage
  • GhostxHuman
There's more things I'm into but this is sort of a gist of the things I can or would do with someone. I have more in-depth plots so if you're curious just ask!
Yandere, a Japanese term that is a conjunction of two words. Yanderu(sick) and deredere(infatuated). Together the two words describes a person so in love that they are essentially obsessed and are willing to go to any extent for their loved one. This right here, ladies and gents, is my darkest pleasure with roleplay. I'm not really sure why. I like romance so this sorta checks that off but I'm also a huge horror fan so I guess it's the best of both worlds. Since it's fictional too it's always fun to see the extent of what these lovers would do for the love they have. Of course, only in fiction is it ever nice to see.

Normally, I prefer my partner to be a male yandere. I usually take on the female love interest for them. Recently I have been wanting to branch out more so I'd be fine with trying to be the male yandere, a female yandere, or even the male love interest. Usually when I do roleplays like this I seek to be the female love interest. If you happen to be interested in this specific category I do have some limits with exactly how far your character can go in the roleplay, which include:
  • No suicide or attempts at it
  • No extensive gore cause just killing everybody does NOT make you a yandere. Not a good one anyways.
  • No attempts to kill MC
  • No smut.
  • Excessive bullying (that would make it more tsundere I guess and I imagine that the yandere would rather protect their love no matter what and not want to hurt them.)

    Anything not discussed above is probably okay. More can be discussed. The stuff I look for in a yandere character is:
  • Delusional: They will twist reality to fit with what they want it to be. EX: The love interest rejects the yandere. Instead of accepting the rejection, the yandere believes someone convinced the love interest to turn them down.
  • A reasonable backstory: There's got to be a reason they are the way they are. They can't just be like "lol sry dont tuch my senpai~ uwu *Stabs*" constantly and not have a reason for it. If they were completely normal before than why are they acting like that all of a sudden? What triggered that inside of them? Were they ever normal? Why aren't they? There needs to be a good background because that is part of what makes a good character.
  • Reasonable behavior: I like intelligent yanderes. Ones that are oblivious towards the "wrong" in their acts but know how to execute them without getting caught. If a yandere is just to kill like 3 people in a school, do you really think they won't be caught? With cameras, witnesses, etc. there's just too much to consider. Someone who can reason their way out of a situation using other tactics such as blackmail, kidnapping, etc. instead of just going in for a kill makes it more believable and also a more interesting story.
That's about it when it comes to yanderes. In general I am a fan of darker roleplays so even if a yandere isn't involved I'd be up to do an idea with darker themes!
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i'd like to rp with you but unfortunately i'm only capable 1-2 paragraph posts (at best)
I'd be interested in a thriller, school life, or mystery rp, but I'm open to whatever you'd like to do as well. I'm trying to challenge myself with more romance writing (a genre I generally avoid, but I admit it has its uses). I look forward to a potential rp.
Hello, I’m Xiv. I’m a pro creative writer focusing mainly in horror/suspense. I’d love to RP with you. I am more than capable of any length responses and am available nearly all day, everyday. I think we could come up with something interesting if you’re interested.
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Hello, I’m Xiv. I’m a pro creative writer focusing mainly in horror/suspense. I’d love to RP with you. I am more than capable of any length responses and am available nearly all day, everyday. I think we could come up with something interesting if you’re interested.
Sure! Just send me message 😊

i'd like to rp with you but unfortunately i'm only capable 1-2 paragraph posts (at best)
We can casually rp?

I'd be interested in a thriller, school life, or mystery rp, but I'm open to whatever you'd like to do as well. I'm trying to challenge myself with more romance writing (a genre I generally avoid, but I admit it has its uses). I look forward to a potential rp.
Yeah of course! I should challenge myself to do more things without romance. Usually it isn't the center thing of every roleplay though so it doesn't get too boring for me. I'm more plot oriented if that makes sense. Just send me a message!
Yeah of course! I should challenge myself to do more things without romance. Usually it isn't the center thing of every roleplay though so it doesn't get too boring for me. I'm more plot oriented if that makes sense. Just send me a message!

For some reason I can't pm you, so you may have to form the pm thread.
Hello! I would enjoy doing a Yandere Rp, However, I am not the best at BEING the Yandere, so I would prefer to be the love interest. I would like to point out that If you want me to play as one, maybe we could double up? We could both play as Yandere to the others, love interest.

I would be fine with playing multiple Side characters as well as being both genders. I am better with being male but I can play a female.

I will try to respond once a week but I will alert you if i will not be able to.

I am flexible with my post length so I can do 3-5 if you wish.

And Finally, I am always willing to communicate plots, If one plot proves boring or too much, we can change. I don't take it personally.

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