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Fandom Smile Bomb! (ISO Yu Yu Hakusho)


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Transparency Note: This account is an alternate account for a preexisting account. This note is here to avoid possible confusion. It was made to branch out from my usual searches.

Hello hello! Beetle_Cat here (Not a Miraculous thing, I just really like Beetlejuice and Cats) ! As stated above this is an alt account to do some branching out. For various reasons I don't want to share the other account. This account will mainly be focusing on Fandom based content anyway. Hopefully this does not scare anyone off, but if that makes you not interested I understand. Now onto introductions, rules, requests, and all that other fun stuff.

Feel free to call me Beetle or Cat, whichever comes to you naturally. I wouldn't say I am a RPN veteran but I do know my way around well enough. I have been writing for around 6 years now, and I expect I will still be writing ten years from now. Hopefully. A little more on me, I work part-time, but at the moment I am house sitting for family so I have quite a bit of free time, which has been spent binge watching show of my old favorites with the family cats, hence the birth of this search thread. I plan to keep things short here in this search because I have never been very good at making them. However, after reading everything and you have a question in mind, I will be happy to answer.

About Me:
- 21 year old female writer that lives in the PST (no need to match)
-I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and my characters will often be as well
-I am not stranger to writing male and female characters
-I enjoy writing romance, and have experience writing MxF, MxM, and FXF
-Not a Novella writer, but I can write 6+ paragraphs (1k+ words) with details galore. But I am trying to let myself be more flexible.
-I enjoy OOC, it is a big part of rping for me. Even if we don't talking about ourselves, I want to build plots, headcanons, and gush around the characters. It fuels my interest in the characters and their story.
-I am okay with dark/mature (Not NSFW, obviously) topics, especially since in Yu Yu Hakusho there is death and duels to the death, but I see no need to get graphic with it.
-I am ghost friendly, this is mainly Fandom and hyperfixation based so I understand if you lost interest or just need to dip for whatever reason
-I generally prefer to stick to PMs because I have writers anxiety
-It has been a while since I am done this, so again if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask

-At least 18+, though not far into my twenties I am still in my twenties so I do not feel comfortable writing with anyone under the age of 18. I encourage the young writers, but I have aged beyond that group
-Okay with long term, I enjoy writing stories that we can keep building upon
-I want to write Oc x Canon, and I am looking to double so I can also give you attention. I don't have a lot of experience with Oc x Oc or Canon x Canon but I would be willy to try for your half
-At 2+ paragraphs, I am trying to be more flexible but I will not be doing one liners.
-Build the story with me, share your ideas and interests. I am not kidding when I say I want to gush about our characters together
-I am looking to write romance, if that is not obvious
-I would appreciate if you are ghost friendly as well, but not entirely necessary
-No writing sample required but if you choose to DM please don't send just a 'Hi' tell me a little about yourself, and what you want to do.
-That's all I can think of for now, but I will add more if anything comes up will looking for partners

Now onto the fun part! The actual hunting portion. I recently binge watched all of Netflix's Live Action Yu Yu Hakusho just to see how it faired compared to the Anime/Manga. And surprise, surprise, I am not reaching the anime (Currently in the Dark Tourment Arc s2). It has been a while since I have read the manga but I intend to pick it up again. With that being said I am fine with the story taking place in either the Netflix universe or the OG Anime/Manga universe. I have a love for both. If you have only see the Netflix show please do not feel the need to have seen the anime and vise versa. Down below I will list who I am looking for and who I will play.

Looking for: Hiei, this angsty demon has had me in a choke hold since the ripe age of 13, and that has yet to change. I will also be happy with Kurama.
Willing to Write: Kurama, Yusuke*, Kuwabara*, and Botann. Note these are the first to come to mind but I am happy to try my hand at anyone (within reason) and do the research to refresh my memory. '*' These characters are canonically teens and I am fine writing teen characters in romance IF they are paired with a character in their age group.

Feel free to post here or send me a DM! I hope to see what comes about.


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