Story Small, very small. (Story I thought of)


(I respect all religious views, remember that)

Part 1 - Ultimate Fate

14.7 billion years ago, there was a very, very big explosion. Known as the Big Bang, this was described to be the start of the Universe. A tiny ball of infinite mass and infinite energy, exploded faster then the speed of light. It went from the size of a golf ball, to the size of the Earth in a millionth of a millionth of a billionth of a millionth of second. So in other words, fast. The first primary force ever to emerge was Gravity. That was important to everything, in the Universe. It would form stars, which would form life. But, the real action was in the subatomic world, 377,000 years after the big bang.

1 Proton, 1 Electron. That was all it took to create the most important thing ever to exist in the Universe. Without it, no life would exist, nothing. That thing, is Hydrogen. Without Hydrogen, no other elements could exist. Even if other atoms were created and then Hydrogen were to disappear, all would fall apart. This first element made up 75% of the Universe. But, soon enough, Hydrogen put part of himself together, and got his sister: Helium. They loved each other. The brother, Hydrogen, and the sister, Helium, scoured the Universe, exploring it.

However, over millions of years, the Universe was starting to mature. Stars were formed, and were amazing things. Hydrogen and Helium had created them, along with their Supreme Ruler. They didn't know what or who their Ruler was, but they knew that he was important. The Ruler was generally keeping most things together. But over time, more and more elements began to form. Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Fluorine, and Neon. They were all elements like Hydrogen and Helium, but the one after another had more atomic mass, and was 'heavier'.

Finally, over many many many years, the Periodic Table was officially finished. The last element, Ununoctium, was the heaviest. Over millions of years, all of the elements respected the Council of 10, basically what the first 10 elements had called themselves. But overall, the most respect was to Hydrogen and Helium. As you know, Hydrogen made up 75% of the Universe, and Helium 24%. That's more then all other elements combined. Everything was all fine and dandy, until some of the heavier elements started showing off their strength.

Specifically Plutonium and Uranium. They pushed around the other, lighter elements, not caring that those lighter ones created the two. The Council of 10 met together to try and do something, and resorted to getting the elements that had the highest atomic mass, even higher then Uranium/Plutonium, to stop the two. Eventually, there was a War between the Council of 10/a few other elements, and the heavier ones. But something unexpected happened.

The Supreme Ruler of the Universe, finally emerged in an angry state. The elements still didn't know who he was. There was no entity to describe him. The voice just came from nowhere! Finally, the Ruler told the elements that if they could not live peacefully, he would crush them all. The elements stopped all fighting, and discovered their Ruler's name: Gravity.

The War stopped, but Plutonium and Uranium searched for ways to conquer the Periodic Table. They needed a way to cancel out Gravity, or they wouldn't succeed. Gravity had nothing to do, except for sit and watch and control. But if there was another force that was equal to Gravity, then there would be no 'Administrator', and Hydrogen would be helpless to stop Uranium and Plutonium.

After years and years of searching, they found Gravity's reclusive cousin. After a lot of questioning, the cousin of Gravity finally revealed her name: Magnetism. Magnetism showed how she could cancel Gravity easily. She didn't defy it, buy just put up an equal amount of pull to make Gravity fight. And this, was a good plan.

Uranium and Plutonium returned with Magnetism, and called upon Gravity. The voice of the Gravity was transformed into a shining ball of orange light, similar to Magnetism only her light was a deep purple. Magnetism attacked Gravity, and they were going to be in an endless fight. Leaving Uranium and Plutonium to destroy Hydrogen, once and for all.

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