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Slowly-paced realistic RP


Aspiring Storyteller
Hello there!

Well, I am looking for certain partners that would be up to roleplaying something more slowly-paced, light and realistic in which the character are diverse when it comes down to ethnicity, background, gender, sexuality, etc. A thing worth mentioning is that romance isn't something I am too good at or familiar with, though it is still a genre I would be delighted to explore due to lack of experience.

When it comes down to plots, lately I have come to realise a storyline involving /a/ boarding student/s or simply foreigner/s in a new country is an idea I crave to possibly try out. Naturally, I am always opened to discussion on this matter.

When it comes down to simple "requirements" as to potential partners:

No one-liners (please)

I enjoy writing multiple paragraphs at times so it would be nice if the other rp did the same

I get it that people have busy lives (since it's the same case with me) thus frequency is not something I am too concerned about

Quality over both quantity and frequency~
Hello, I am also very interested in this. I love detailed realistic role plays, that take their time and not so to the point.

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