The Survivor
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hello and welcome to my interest check! my name's scug, or mark if you prefer, and i've been roleplaying for 10+ years of my life. i wouldn't consider myself seasoned, as most of this experience was semi-literate at best, but it is the bare truth. i'm a little out of the swing of things, as life has tried its best to get in the way of my hobbies, unfortunately including writing and socializing, but i've managed to get ahold of the reins enough to start again ☆
i'm looking for long-term partners that i can both seriously write with and chat as buds. i'll admit i'm not much of a talker (autism and general social anxiety will do that to you, haha), but if you get me going i can infodump til the cows come home. i love gushing over mine and my partner's characters, and over moments in the roleplay that hit me in the feelers. if i get comfortable enough, i might make spotify playlists about our characters and their dynamics, or maybe even draw them if i'm SUPER comfortable – i'm not the best at drawing, but it helps me visualize characters better. aphantasia suxx sob
if you're interested, pm me or leave a comment!
i'm not the type to make detailed plots; i prefer having a general idea and building a plot with my partner. but if you're the type to do that, that's fine! don't feel too shy to pitch plots to me, no matter how detailed. i'm down for anything; mystery, action, sci-fi– really, anything!
i do have one requirement: the main (and even important side) characters MUST have an overarching goal of some kind. maybe that goes without saying, but i've had partners who didn't take that as a given, so i'm writing that here. each of our characters respective goals are an important part of our pre-roleplay discussion. you don't have to have one in place before talking to me – in fact, i actually prefer when we can work together to make our characters goals fit each other's, whether that be through them aligning or them conflicting :3
i'm fine with any pairing (mxm, mxf, fxf, nbxm, nbxnb, nbxf), though i prefer playing nonbinary or male characters, so fxf is a bit of a hard sell for me ^^; could be convinced
(the more * = craving)
(bold = part i'm willing to play)
(italics = character i'm looking for)
angst***** | medieval**** | isekai*** | superpowers* | mystery | low-fantasy | trope/genre deconstruction and/or reconstruction**** | romance*** | action** | drama** | crime | unhealthy relationships*** | found family | fantasy*** | coming-of-age | hurt/comfort*** | hurt no comfort****
DYNAMICS (not necessarily romantic):
knight & prince/princess***** | idealist & nihilist | martyr complex & aloof/callous** | hero & opportunistic "hero" | noble & commoner** | obsessed & in denial* | alcoholic & addict** | monster & human*** | closeted & unaware/in denial** | secret cultist & the civilian they have to sacrifice*** |
omori**** (kel, hero, sunny/omori, basil, mari, aubrey) | dialtown** (gingi, any of the dateables+roger, jerry, mingus, norm) | slay the princess (long quiet, princess/shifting mound) | mob psycho* (reigen, mob, ritsu, teru, shou) | the outsiders*** (i have a specific plot+oc for this book, just ask TT)
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