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Fandom 🐑 🌟 sleepytime junction 🌟 🐑 // multifandom ad (craving: marvel or korra)

problems disorder

i don't know why i'm like This™ either
Roleplay Type(s)

normally i do a whole bunch of coding with lots of rules and plots which are important to me but i've been having really severe brain fog and fatigue lately so
here's to the quickest and dirtiest ad i have the energy to post right now

i am: kit, van, or pd. take your pick, pick your poison, i don't care what you call me
i am: queer, late 20s, she/her, tired, got that mental illness
i write: third person, present tense, multipara, 650-1050w average, 200w-3.5kw range, asking for a ~200w minimum, doubles (triples if you ask nice)
i play: all genders, all sexualities, canon or oc. my pairing's side will be queer m/f canon/oc. your m canon doesn't have to be queer, but my f oc is. i will play whatever for your side.
i will: write fandoms not listed here for your side of the roleplay. let me know what you're interested in, and if i know it, we can do it.
do not: spoil me on things | talk or write or meme about: smoking, drugs, alcohol, substance abuse, sexual assault/abuse | expect lemons/smut/erp as i probably won't write it with you | be rude | god mod my characters | be impatient. i'm going through a lot.

looking for: mcu/marvel, baldur's gate iii, gargoyles, star trek, harry potter, avatar: the last airbender, or the legend of korra

looking to write against: tony stark (marvel), gale dekakrios (bg3), tony stark as david xanatos (gargoyles), oc? tony stark? something else? mmmmmmaybe riker (star trek), sirius black (hp), oc?? (atla), bolin or mmaybe lin or varrick but i'd prefer bolin rn(lok)


my marvel knowledge:
mcu phases 1-3 | wandavision | tfatws | black widow | loki s1 | shang-chi | a few episodes of what if | hawkeye | insomniac's: spider-man, miles morales, spider-man 2 | into the spider verse (but not across the spider verse yet)

marvel highlights i'd like to write for you: yelena, thor (tdw and ragnarok characterization), quill (gotg-gotg2 characterization), sam, bucky, loki, variant loki, peter parker (mcu or insomniiac), agatha, scott, yon-rogg, jimmy, may (mcu), steve, etc

things i'd like to do with the plot: phases 1-3 are my preference (but i can do what i know of phase 4), obviously i don't want to work with iweg the way it was written (if for no other reason, i want to keep tony alive (barring ONE exception and that's fucking with variant bullshit from lokki s1 but no s2 spoilers)), putting my oc in tony's life pre-iron man 1 and working through the films (obvi i would reciprocate w/ whatever self indulgent shit you wanted for your side considering how self indulgent this is), doing something with the insomniac series, doing something with gotg/gotg2 (firefly influence maybe?), throwing yelena in pre-phase 4, i also have an alternate timeline of stopping iweg before it begins that i like to play with if you're interested, i'm also open to ideas or split roleplays

baldur's gate iii

my baldur's gate knowledge: i've finished act 1 and 2, and i'm in act three. i've done shadowheart's quest, gale's quest, i've broken into a bank, i've gotten minsc, and i've done a few other small things here and there. i still need to do astarion's quest, wyll's quest, things for karlach, beat up lorroakan, etcetc. i'm running a good-aligned tav. i have not done dark urge. please do not spoil durge for me.

bg3 highlights i'd like to write for you: wyll, karlach, astarion, lae'zel, shadowheart, aylin, honestly almost anyone. i won't write gortash. i won't write the emperor. i don't know a whole lot about raphael as the last time i saw him was outside the city, i've yet to go fuck his shit up and i know there's a big bit of character reveal or somethiing upcoming

things i'd like to do with plot: anything, honestly. i have a pre-game plot with my oc and gale being childhood friends that i'd love to do if you're open. if you're not we can just play along through the game? or we could even do an au. i'm open to it. and although i'm playing as tav, i see my oc as more of a companion than tav, so your oc is welcome to be tav if you want, or they can share being tav, idm.


my gargoyles knowledge: i'm somewhere in season 2 i think? the last major arc i remember is the whole island of avalon stuff and king arthur and then the european gargoyles and also an amusement park with japanese gargoyles? oh and the like future arc. i need to finish the rewatch but i haven't yet

gargoyles highlights i'd like to write for you: goliath, elisa, both? oc? whoever

things i'd like to do with plot: honestly i'm just disgustingly weak for the fact xanatos is 100% canon confirmed based on tony stark and i saw that shit from a mile away (prompting me to google if he was because it was just TOO SIMILAR there was no way he wasn't based on him. and then he was. and i felt vindicated akjhdfg). so i just... would like you to write tony stark in place of xanatos. whether he remains a villain or not is up to you, we could redeem him, we could retain xanatos's vibes, whatever. i just. listen. i'm mentally ill about it, okay. i recognize this alskdjfhg anything else is up in the air i'm down for whatever

star trek

my star trek knowledge: tos, tas, the first two abrams films, the first four(?) of the original films but it's been forever since i've seen them, most of tng but my knowledge on it is spotty after the first season (as i started a rewatch last year and i'm only on s2e2), and like.. two episodes of ds9?

highlights i'd like to write for you: data, geordi, kirk, au kirk in tng??, whoever

things i'd like to do with the plot: honestly? i just love space shit. i love living on a spaceship sci fi settings. we don't even have to conform to a single season if you don't want, i just am feeling nostalgic about "found family lives on space ship, shenanigans at 11", which is also why i mention gotg and firefly up in mcu

harry potter
disclaimer: no i don't agree with jkr, i do my best to clip out the fatphobia and the transphobia and the homophobia in her lore building.

my hp knowledge: all the books, most the films (only seen the first fanbeasts), the first three original console and pc games by EA (which are some of my favorite), most of legacy (didn't finish it, but plan to eventually)

highlights i'd like to write for you: james, harry, remus, hermione, draco, oliver, neville, luna, ginny, lily, ron, jacob, one of the twins, whoever you like (except severus)

things i'd like to do with the plot: honestly? anything. i love starting in year 1 and going through their lives, i love adding college years onto the hogwarts cirriculum, i love doing marauders era, golden trio era, doing golden trio era where my oc is harry's godmother and was involved with sirius pre-azkaban (perhaps even engaged), i'm down for anything honestly

avatar: the last airbender / the legend of korra

my atla/lok knowledge: all of atla, all of lok, all of the atla comics, turf wars for lok

highlights i'd like to write for you: asami, zuko, korra, kya, iroh, iroh ii, bumi (lok), sokka, katara, jin, june, whoever

things i'd like to do with the plot: pro bending pro bending pro bending pro bending. my lok oc is a pro bender and honestly??? if a lok plot doesn't have pro bending in it i don't want it. book 1 is my favorite in lok (and also my favorite characterization for bolin) and i would love to just hang out in republic city and do pro bending sports anime bullshit. i'm happy to continue through the series as well if you'd like, but i do want to start in republic city if we do lok and have a large focus on pro bending. (also honestly i'd love to do something where we make amon the series wide threat for lok instead of just the book 1 threat. the longer lok went on the more i didn't like the vibes of it, and i still like the show but not as much as a full story as i do atla, and there's plenty of things i'd love to change if you're down).

for atla we could do anything, though i do have an au plot that i'm fond of where instead of winning in atla, aang gets kidnapped, willingly lets the avatar spirits pass through him (forfeiting all bending) to prevent the fire nation from having the avatar as a weapon they could use, and the rebellion having to go underground. smash cut to ~20ish years later where all of the gaang are hot 30 something rebel leaders and my oc, the next avatar in the water cycle, is now a young adult and has been discovered (though she's been hiding her bending for years). when i am not so. eepy bo peepy banana fanana seepy i can expand on this more if it interests you. but if it doesn't, no worries! we can follow the show, the comics, w/e. i'm down for anything atla really. and anything lok for that matter, as long as again, pro bending is involved for lok.

how to contact me

PMs, obviously. but if you're interested in email or discord, i've got those on my other current ad
i'll write over rpn pms, discord servers, and emails preferably
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for those waiting on a response for me, i hope to respond tonight or tomorrow
i just haven't been feeling well

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