

standard-issue human

I have officially decided that warm milk and everything else you read on the internet is complete and utter poppycock, and am forced to accept that sleep is for the weak.


As somebody who has endured bad headaches for three months as a posible consequence of not getting enough sleep, I beg to differ
As a feline I must have at least 30 naps in any 24 hour period, so I must object to your argument.

Captain Hesperus
I should probably say that this post was mostly early morning bitterness, as I had gone to bed and not slept a wink, and got up very early feeling very angry about it (such has been the case for about 3 weeks), and I'll admit, it probably wasnt the best thing ever to post *nervous chuckle*

I actually very much enjoy sleep, I think its wonderful

We just arent agreeing at the moment
I never sleep much unless I'm up for long periods of time. I average about 5-6 hours a night normally. Then when I'm up like 48 hours in a row from work, I pass out for about 17 hours of so.. xD

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