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Fantasy Slayers: Modern Maniacs

Jane glanced at Amelia as she entered the room. She waved at her slightly before turning hr attention back to the front of the room, waiting for Mr. Grey.
"Dude where is Grey at, I'm kinda anxious to find out what he needs to tell us. Another mission maybe?"
"Maybe. I just wonder what the hell it could be since we're in school right now." Jane commented.
"There's not much point in speculating," Amelia said dryly to Jane, who she finally stopped ignoring. She still had not taken a seat. "We'll find out soon enough. No need to get worked up over it," she said, sounding rather ironic, like she herself had been speculating. Amelia was afraid Mr. Grey was going to yell at her in front of the others.
Conner quietly walked into the room. He didn't take being ignored as an insult. When that happens, people either don't like you or just don't want to talk. He figured it was the second one more then the first.
(Morning :D )

Takao looks up at Mr. Grey wondering why they would need the rings. "What's the mission now Grey..and Why during school?"
"Would you have some respect, Taco?" Amelia asked Takao angrily. "We may know Mr. Grey outside of school, but he's our teacher and our boss. At least call him by his title," she said in a huff, crossing her arms and looking away. "Manners," she muttered to herself.

"Sorry, Mr. Grey," she said after she had regained her composure. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
"Taco? When did you start calling him Taco?" Conner asked confused. Mr. Grey calling them in for something was important and all. But he had his priorities.
"Taco" He laughs a bit. "Good one partner." Takao looks a bit disgruntled and kind of brushes off the comment she made to him.
Jane nodded in agreement with Takao. "Yeah...I was wondering that, too." She added. "And shut it, princess," Jane commented to Amelia angrily, already having lost any sympathy from earlier today. Mr. Grey raised a hand. "Enough, children." He commanded. "I used my...'skill' to sign you all out a bit early, and nobody will ask why, not even your parents or guardians. There's a graveyard nearby the woods that's showing signs of...well, frankly, I'm not sure. But I need you to check it out." He said.
Amelia gulped. "A graveyard?" she asked, her eyes widening with fear. "Are we talking... undead things? Zombies and skeletons and ghosts?"
"Ooooh, a graveyard! Bring on the undead...or zombies...whatever you wanna call them!" Jane said brightly, eager to take her on 'arch enemy' foe.
(Hey i'm going dark for a bit guys, Got errands to run.)

Takao looks up and the word graveyard. "Well I suppose its finally time to kill the undead." He laughs
"The undead, much easier to kill. Just shoot them in the head and they are dead, again." Conner said. 'Who knew playing Call of Duty, and the zombie mode at that, could be useful.' Conner thought to himself.
"So we just roll in, kick some undead ass, and we're out?" Jane said, stating her look on the mission's overview. She glanced back at Luke ( @Huntrey ), "I guess now you get to impress me." She said to him. 
"Short way to out it...but yes, Jane. I'm afraid that the corpses have been corrupted...by magic. Dark witches and warlocks lurk within the city's shadows. I believe that someone has conjured up the dead from their graves. It's up to you to take on the threat and find and slay the undead. As for the ones who brought them back...I have no trace on them." Mr. Grey said.
"As if my performance with the trolls wasn't enough." Luke gave her a smirk, but it wasn't there too long. Her remark about only be Slayers, nothing more, made him want to take on the leader position she pictured him as.
Jane smirked back. "So, how do we get there?" Jane asked Mr. Grey. "I'm assuming we just get in a circle and you poof us there?" She asked him. "Well...yes. Perhaps I'm already too predictable," he said and gestured for them all to join him in a circle. "Now remember, once you get there, put your rings on, you'll find that your weapons will be re-equipped when they're on." He said, Jane nodded and took one of his hands, holding her other hand out for someone to grab onto.
Luke got up, approaching the circle and took Jane's hand, without making eye contact. His eyes were steady, trying to formulate a plan, a layout, something of a formation. Undead are slow and strong right? Meaning we take them before they get close, but only a couple of us have longer range capabilities. He resumed his thinking while waiting for the others.
Jane did the same in her head. She thought of how the undead typically move, based on her new knowledge, they can be both fast and slow, depending on how long they've been 'dead'. A few bashes/shots to the head should do the trick. But how many are there gonna be? Will we be outnumbered? She thought.
Conner took Luke's hand. This would probably be the easiest mission for a while. Zombies were simple, usually slow and maybe the occasional sprinter. Aim for the head, and problem solved. He knew picking the shotgun was a good move.
"Mr. Grey, you said something about dark witches and warlocks," Amelia remarked, the wheels of her mind turning. She walked over, but didn't take hands. "Why not strike at the root of the problem instead of the branches?" she asked. "I, for one, think it would be more worthwhile to research the methods these undead are being brought back and then stop the ones responsible," she announced. She started to step back hesitantly.
"Ms. Larson, please do not try to sound like your knowledge of things of this matter is greater than mine. As I said, I have no trace on the dark witches and warlocks of whom are responsible. And for now, there are undead running amuck at the graveyard. Would you rather hundreds of people get attacked and die?" He questions her. "Now please...join the circle."
(Basically since lunch Jane's made Luke wanna prove himself (I think lol) and Mr. Grey called us all to his room and told us that there are undead at a graveyard and we need to go slay them. And we're all getting in a circle so he can transport us there)

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