Slatnemele High

From what I can tell, pretty much everyone's on the same boat, give it a couple of days before you decide to drop out
I know, even I started school today. But I agree with Captain Hesperus. Please? If you really need to drop it then...

And I'm going to have the slatnemele time table in my signature. I think that'll help. ^.^
As you can see, in my signature I've got the time table now, so it's easier to go to all the lessons without having to keep on making spoilers on what's the next lesson. ^.^

There is an almost audible tightening of Lata's jaw for just a moment before she relaxes.

"By no means did I mean to insinuate that the value of this research was anything less than extremely important. I just thought the Dragon would be suited better for a more pratical application of your considerable power. Let the tomes be researched by those skilled in researching"

If there was any tension, it had long melted away. Lata stopped her walking atop the globe and gently floated down to the floor.
"Perhaps your....friend is right. This is a rather weighty subject and time is getting on.", Alistair speaks up, oblivious to the moment of tension in the air, "If you want, you can leave these books here and come back after classes. I'll be here 'til quite late, most likely."

He looks around at just the shelves surrounding them, noting the disorder amongst them. If the rest of the library was in a similar state it could be a full-time job, just organising the shelves into some kind of order.

"Your choice, of course.", he said, with a shrug and turned to head back to his desk and the cooling pot of tea that awaited.
I shrugged at Lata, and continued reading the book that was in my hand.

The ogram script is an ancient language that is long forgotten in modern life...

I sighed, and closed the book. "Can't we just google 'ogram script translator' or something?" I commented, sarcastically.

I grimaced as the librarian commented, "Perhaps your....friend is right. This is a rather weighty subject and time is getting on. If you want, you can leave these books here and come back after classes. I'll be here 'til quite late, most likely." Out of all the things Lata was, she definitely wasn't a friend. A friend is some one you can understand. And I could definitely not understand Lata. I sighed inwardly, and patted the cd in my pocket. If it had been hidden, of course it was important right? And if I had found something what was the point in wasting time scanning books that had nothing useful? "Maybe you are right... let's stop, we can come later right?" When no one was looking I mouthed at Aoibheann, I found something, then put my finger to my lips and mouthed, shhh.
She looked at Lata curiously, wondering if her friend had certain memories in mind when it came the issue of iron. And of several, painful instances in their childhood. She was never sure if Lata hated her for helping her out when others attacked her or if she was grateful for the help, or both. Either way, she was difficult to pinpoint.

"I'll have James source the iron."

"Should be fairly easy to do."

She noticed that Crystal was trying to get her attention. For her part, Jessica seemed, bemused and nonplussed by the sudden change in events. And then, of course, there was the matter of Tai's family's murders to think about as well. She had half expected him and Soul to show up at her rooms for lunch.

"You can't just google Ohgam script, it's an ancient and dead writing, I don't even think Google would recognize it. But yes, I think lunch is about over and we should probably be heading to class. We'll do some more later, after the afternoon classes are canceled for the day. Why don't you stop by my rooms, bring Jessica and whomever else and we can discuss things. I have iron tongues and we can keep any drawings you end up making under those, it should be safe in the meantime."

Jess: Everyone across the board is going to be slowing down on their posting so don't feel too bad if real life gets in the way, no one expects it to come second

Aso, I've been forgetting, I erred originally and it's not ogram but Ogham. Sometimes I say something wrong in my head and I write it like that and then I'm reminded it's not pronounced that way when I see it written again.

:/ Okay, Ogham. :pp
I shrugged, I thought Google knew everything. I picked my bag up, and got up, and turned to Aoibheann. "Well, yeah, that makes sense. Well, I'll see you after school." And don't let the rest come. I tried to mouth at her. I smiled at Aoibheann. Then I turned to Lata and said, "You are childish yet funny. It was nice to meet you."I smiled at her too, and walked out of the door, taking Jessica with me. I spotted one of the kids I had seen before in the spirits lesson and water lesson. I started following her, to the fire lesson.
Aoibheann turned and looked at Lata. "You all right? I didn't feel as if you'd want for anyone to know. We prolly are going to need your help with this, and she can deal. She's just new and scared and has no idea what it means to be an Elemental or why you might be interested in accumulating her." She looked guilty then. "And I might have said something that might have given her the impression that you might be someone she might want to avoid."
Alistair returned to his desk and watched as the Dragon and her young friend left for classes. He wondered about her family line, did she have Elemental blood in her history? If so, how much and which elements exactly? Maybe even El- no, Fair One blood? He sipped at his tea, made a face and gently spat it back into the cup. Cold. He decided he would pop out during the next lesson and buy a coffee maker. And some quality coffee beans. Pre-ground coffee was nice, but he much preferred the taste of beans he'd ground himself. His coffee grinder was still boxed up in his rooms, but he could get that on the way back. Yes, he remembered that the Librarian's office behind the desk had a small sink, more than enough to fill a jug in. With a nod and a smile, he'd made his decision. Once the library was back in order, life at Slatnemele would be...eye-opening.
"I wouldn't have expected anything less of you hon." Lata snaps a little. "I suppose you and Katy here had a grand time scaring the Dragon off from learning anything other than basic Air patterns."

She was certain that Crystal was out of hearing and felt much more free to speak her mind. "And though I appreciate not mentioning my fathers unfortunate heritage, I don't think it has any bearing on this case at hand." Her eyes narrow "Did it even need mentioning? Did it even have to cross your mind?!"

Her face goes a little red, obviously embarassed.
Hearing raised voices from the table of seniors, Alistair looks over from his desk, coughs and taps his watch when he gets their attention. They seem like good kids, all of them wanting to help the Dragon with her current situation, but it would be difficult for them to do so if they were in trouble with their form masters.

And I can't leave the library unlocked and unattended while I'm getting a coffee machine...
Aoibheann sent Katy a look telling her to scamper off and James, knowing how things could be between the two, elected to take his leave as well.

"You brought up the iron," she said trying to keep her voice lowered, "and yes, my mind went there, it always does." She rolled her eyes at the librarian and moved out of the area, towards a hidden nook that no one ever really noticed. Once safely there she turned to Lata. "Look, the last time I spoke to you you were, let's be nice and say difficult and you were on a tear on newbies, and we both know how you can be and you do love to shove it-" She paused and allowed herself to lose some of her imperial resolve and slumped down to the floor, her back protected by a pillar. "You're right and I'm sorry. You know that I have nothing against your parentage. Come on Lata, we've been friends since kindergarden, despite my father's protests."

She looked up at the ceiling. "My mother has left again and Father has been making things difficult, he was not pleased with my latest reports in Earth Minding, he was even more furious that you beat me." She smiled weakly. "Eoin is getting married next year and Father is already choosing my future husband. The twins won't be so trapped, nor will Eeamon but Eoin and I are. Sometimes I envy you, no one expects you to be perfect."

She looked up at her friend. "And I really could use your help. I have no idea what's going on but something is. And I had to let Father know. He's on the board, he'd be furious if I didn't tell him, besides, it's best if people who have a wider range of information are made aware of this now, before it gets too big for us. I'm not perfect Lata."
Lata let's herself be led to the isolated nook, taking in the rather ramshackle state of the place. She crosses her arms and leans on the shelf behind her. She seemed to be listening but with contempt, scoffing at the mention of Aoibheann's Father.

"No one expects you to be perfect just as much as no one expects anything but misfortune of me. At least you get a chance at it. I get shafted and shut out. You think your Father's pull is limited to your family?! My mother is half crazy-"

She puts her fist to her mouth, stopping herself. Lata turns, silent for a moment.

"I'm helping on my terms hon. I'm not going to play by your rules or your fathers or Katy's or even the damn Dragons. If I help at all that is." She taps her foot in irritation. "What did you even have planned. You think something is happening? Like something big?"
She chuckled. "You don't expect me to be perfect, except for when you do," she looked up and smiled as dozens of memories assailed her, "But that's different. And yeah, I think this could be big. She found something in one of those books she was looking through, and she wants to show it to me. I still have to show her how to shield against- things. As far as helping out, well, I'm not going to sit there and tell you what you must do, I learned that one the hard way when we were in sixth grade. Of course, if you were willing to do that to me what would you be willing to do to the other kids? And Katy? She's harmless, dull and a bit over socialized but harmless. James is James and always will be. He's lucky he's not the eldest son. He might be able to do what my uncle did and marry someone who isn't as pure as we, the 'proper' family are. But this might be big. I know not to try and force you to stay and help out, but if you do find your attention wavering, just keep what you know a secret. Not that you aren't good at that. And I won't blame you if you fly off if/when my father shows up.

"How is your mother, by the way?"
"Poor. As usual. She keeps insisting that I go dance in Fae rings and babbling nonsense about making deals. Gossamer doesn't leave much behind..."

Lata's homelife had been unpleasant at the best of times. Her mother had been something of a black sheep and in a misguided attempt to reverse her fortune had dabbled with the Fair Folk and subsequently Lata was born and her mind somewhat lost. Her fortunes did shift though, her family coming into wealth but leaving only a rather lonesome and impressionable Lata to enjoy it.

"I don't think we need to involve her in this. As for everything else...If I was going to help, and I'm not saying I am, what would you have of me?"
She shrugged. "To be honest? I have no idea. I don't know why she's drawing stuff she can't, during lunch she rushed out to draw something and it was a picture of me alongside a rune in ogham script. I dunno, can you read it? And then, of course, there's a guy who's all angsty because his grandparents were murdered by fire elementals, though he's not told anyone and I have a feeling that there's more to that story than anyone's bothered to look into. I thought a summoning would help figure out why they were targeted but he's still on the fence about it."
"No. I can't read it. " Lata takes a step back "What makes you think I'd even want to see that horrid filthy language? I'm not a Fae"

She moves in very close to Aoibheann, pulling her hair up to reveal the slightly angled ears. "Do these look Fae? No, not even a point" she covers them up again. Almost eye to eye, Lata rests her hands on Aoibheann's shoulders "I don't care for angsty kids, Aoibey. Did you think he might be lying? Lots of younger kids do that sort of thing. I even did. The stolen cat thing?" She tuts "Let them have their fun, we can figure out this mess with the Dragon"
I rushed into the classroom the girl I had been following walked into. I sat down in the front with Jessica. Yay fire lesson! I thought to myself. Somehow, Aoibheann had made me look forward to the fire lesson. I listened to the teacher as he told us our task. "I want you to find a way to have water and fire in the same creation. This is quite hard, so I just want you to experiment." I sighed, and turned to Jessica. "What are you going to do?" I smiled at her. "I'm happy that you're here to help me around you know." I smiled again, and started thinking of something to do for the project.

I scrunched my eyes up and thought of fire. For a second I could feel the heat around me, in the people, in the tables, in the walls. I thought of an orb of fire. Suddenly it was floating on top of the table. Then I thought of an orb of water. Suddenly I felt as if something had gone. I opened my eyes to see the fire orb had disappeared. I sighed. This was hard.

I tried a few times again, when I had created fire and a circlet of water encasing the fire, but not touching it. I punched the air, and waved the teacher over. "Sir, I've made something...!" I smiled at him as he came towards me, and stared at my work.

"This is good. Really good." A second after he said that, the fire disappeared and the circlet of water collapsed onto the water. I sighed, irritated. "Don't worry. That must've taken up a lot of your energy. That's enough for today. You can silently read a book or... just sit there." He smiled at me, and as he walked towards another student I heard him muttering something about a 'dragon'. I knew what that was about. I sighed again, annoyed, and leaned back in my chair, relaxing. I slipped a book out of my bag and started reading.

Before I knew it, the bell rung. I looked up from my book at everyone packing away. I put my things back and slipped my back over my shoulder. Mysteriously, Jessica had disappeared. I looked around, but I couldn't see her. I was just about to walk out the door when the teacher called me over. "Crystal, I know Jessica's been helping you around, but now she's moved school. So, I'm sorry. I know she just disappeared, but it was kind of ... urgent. You were to busy reading so she didn't want to disturb you so she left."

I gasped, and pushed my way to nature class, following where the rest of the crowd was going. Why hadn't she told me? Ishrugged it off, and sat down in my nature class, listening to my teacher lecturing to us about nature. I slowly took notes, and thought of why Jessica had suddenly disappeared. "The plant will be created when you think of it, and concentrate, but as soon as your energy loses that focus..." I tuned out of what the teacher was lecturing and thought about Dad. I would call him as soon as I got to my dorm at hometime. I scoffed to myself. He had really picked a good school for me, huh? I tuned back in and wrote notes. My hand was hurting but I still jotted everything down. When the bell went I quickly slipped out of the class. Where was my dorm? I looked at my timetable. It was room 145A. I asked someone where it was. They vaguely pointed in the direction of the canteen. "When you go past the canteen, take the first left. There'll be some dorms there. You should find 145A there." He smiled at me and continued in his determined direction. I got going and found my dorm easily.
Aboiheann gave her friend a hug and left the library to attend her own classes. She thought long and hard about what Lata had said, what was going on with Cyrstal, the others and even with herself. She yawned through her own fire class and then made her way to her last class of the day. She read her way through it until finally the day was over and she was able to just be alone, or get outside stuff done.

She knew she'd talk to Lata later, fill her in in whatever was going on but she'd opened up a wound and her friend needed time to deal with it. That was one of the things with Lata, it was easy to wound her, to strike at her most tender spots and she either reacted with anger or with sadness. Aoibheann hated it when she reacted with sadness, it always made her feel guilty. She never felt guilty over anger though.

She returned to her room, dropped off her books and then sought out Crystal. She didn't have any iron but there was no time like the present to get the girl to learn to shield. After making a few inquiries she found herself knocking on the girl's door.
There were assurances given and apologies made as Aoibheann had to leave for class. Lata smiled and played the part of the excited friend but truly felt rather hollow.

Not so much as rushing but gliding from the library and into the halls. Perhaps now would be a good time to visit James. With a storm brewing outside, he'd be much more malleable and particularly easy to talk to. An Earth Warden had to have some sort of clue as to where to find Cold Iron.
As the last of the girls left, Alistair waited and listened to the sound of the library falling silent again. It was a strange but true fact that rooms still had noise in them after people left. The echoes of voices and footsteps would continue to reverberate some time after the original sound had gone, loose floorboards compressed underfoot would relax and tap or click as they moved back into place, books on shelves might slip and fall over after a neighbour had been removed. Little noises, but they persisted. But Alistair could not wait for them all to fall silent. He gathered up his lunch dishes and carried them to the kitchen door. From there, he went to the carpark and then drove into town to but his coffee machine.
I was lying on my bed, tired, my mind racing through all the things that had happened. I sighed. I was a dragon... There was a window right next to my bed and the warm sunlight washed over me.

I propped my head up and looked around the room. The room was quite to be honest. There was a window, and the bed next to it. Next to the bed was a sidetable. In the corner there was a floor lamp and in the middle of the room was a table with a chair, and a table lamp. Probably for working or homework.

The room was bare, and everything was white. I sighed. I looked at my suitcases which were propped in one corner. I would unpack, but not now. I was tired.

Suddenly, a heard a knocking on my door. Aoibheann... I smiled to myself, and got up. I opened the door and smiled and Aoibheann. "Hey Aoibheann!!" I ushered her in. "Come in!"
Jessica sighed as she started walking to Fire class. She had been left behind with everyone back at Aoibhean's room. Witch was fine. Aoibhean and her friends seemed off to her. She had rather not get to close to those people. She would be friendly, just not friends. Thats what her mamá tought her. She walked into the class room a bit early and sat down in the back. David walked in not long after her. Jessica sighed and looked down at her back pack taking out her notebook to doodle. David sighed and sat down in the front of the class room.

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