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Long ago, everyone lived down below. 350273.jpgThe races of Karma didn't live in harmony of course... Like most medieval fantasy worlds there was a unspoken hierarchy, a pecking order between the four races (sentient races anyway)

The Elves ruled over the lands of Karma with magic, their inherent ability to manipulate mana let them sit on top of the world unopposed. (Their own hubris brought about the end of karma)

The dwarfs could be summarized fairly easily. The dwarfs despite being the shortest of the races are stocky, strong and smarter then any other when it comes to engineering and smithing.

The humans race in general is less impressive than the others, though they lack innate gifts such as the elves skill for magic or the dwarfs natural strength. With spirit and effort the humans have the potential to be Spectacular.

The Beastkin of Karma include any humanoid animal capable of speech, there be to many "races" to count, so despite the discrimination most of these races fall into the category of Beastkin.
Lizardman = beastkin
Mermaid = beastkin
Avian bird man = beastkin

You may have noticed I used the word "ruled" instead of "rule" when it comes to the elves in regards to Karma, not a mistake as most elves are referred to in a past tense. For it was the elves own doing that brought the end of the world and themselves.
The elves created unatural twisted monsters. Warriors like none could imagine, fiends so cruel one might think they crawled out from hell itself to spread nightmares. These monsters called themselves Orcs, long story put very short...
The Orcs conquered the world of Karma.
The war lasted longer than a humans life, the Orc forces pushed in every direction. Though the races of Karma fought for their homes bravely, none won the battles...
Those who didn't escape with their lives met the same fate. Every man was tortured to death then eaten, the woman were captured and forced to spawn more monsters. The Orc army grew larger with each victorious fight, their appetites forever hungry wanting more chances for violence and food.

It was the Dwarfs that saved the races, (some of them anyway)
Using magic crystals and genius the dwarfs created ships that could sail the skies of Karma, flying away from the hell that was once their world. The refugee races eventually found islands in the sky.
It's unknown how many ships made it off the planet, it's unknown how many islands are floating in the air supporting life from below. What is known however is...The world belongs to the monsters and the sky islands will not serve as a safe haven forever.

But that's enough lore,
Our story begins with the Skyracers. "What's a skyracer?" Well I'll tell you, A skyracer is a warrior whose able to fly...
Skyracers come in two types of badass, the more common of the Skyracers are known as Beast tamers. It's unknown who where and when the practice started, but the what and why were simple to comprehend.
"Use their wings to fly in the sky."
Their wings referring to any kind of flying creature able to support the weight of a person.
Call them crazy or brilliant but some had the bright idea to try and ride the various breeds of birds and winged creatures that lived up in the sky, some of them survived. Be it from some magic that allows a bond or knowledge that comes from experience, the beast tamers are those who can befriend and control a animal.

The rarer type of skyracers are known as something different, Wind readers... Skywalkers... Wing-ed... sky-elves.
One able to fly without a beast, one with mana gifted from the skies.
Able to see the colours of the air from a breeze to a gale, able to control the wind or grow wings made of magic.
A Skywalker is one who can control wind with their mana,
A Wing-ed is one who manifests wings with their mana,
Both are known as Wind readers as both fly by reading and riding the wind...
(Sky elf is more of derogatory term implying a skyracer is to prideful or a asshole)

In present times the Skyracers are soldiers honored by those living in the sky islands.
The men and women who ride from the safety of the clouds to explore the hell that is karma below.
This rp is about a group of skyracers going on quests for the sake of their island, if you choose to play your character would be a skyracer who is apart of a scout team that discovers a mysterious way to save the lands from orcs...
A journey across the skies and oceans of a ruined world.
I'm not sure on how many players I want to start with and what the cut off will be but I'm thinking it's between four and six.

Ask questions here or claim you want a spot.
Claim your spot by posting
"This looks decent, I'd like to claim the first spot" Or whatever really, I'm not to fussed.

The post requirements is two paragraphs or more twice a week.

Cs page is here


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Cs page is up, you don't need me to say hey on this thread before you post here.

Rp will start when I have four accepted sheets
Ooh, much inch rested! By chance could I be a dragon rider?
People can ride dragons, but they would be smaller than actual dragons.

Call them drakes or dragoons, either way flying reptiles are a choice
Cs page is up, you don't need me to say hey on this thread before you post here.

Rp will start when I have four accepted sheets
Fantastic, will work on tomorrow.
Ooh, much inch rested! By chance could I be a dragon rider?
Dragons are big creatures, what characters can start with would be more along the lines of a drake or wryven.
Smaller flying reptiles,
Like a bit larger than a horse.

Or a very large bird or insect
Ok, so then I'm thinking, what if my mount is actually a very young dragon, but as we bond more the dragon grows quicker to its matured length and size?

Also, I decided that I maybe shouldn't have too many RP's where I use fire-based characters, so that's why I made an ice-based one for this. ;)
So Flow, scared of wyverns huh? Well you'll be in for a wild ride when you meet Viren's beast...
WHoa! I adore beast tamers and our characters riding creatures in the sky is a really cool concept! This seems really fleshed out too! Color me interested! Do you plan on making a Discord or anything? Can I sneak into your DMs to ask some questions?
xD Oh dang it seems like everyone here uses archery, I guess it's understandable though given you're kind of riding on a beast in the middle of the air and need some viable way to attack your enemies
Since only half-elves are allowed, what happened with full-blooded elves? Are they still on the planet, away from the islands?

And second, just to make sure, is alchemy a thing? As in, having the possibility to craft healing potions or other kinds to support the party.
I'm honestly really excited for this concept! Does anyone want to discuss character ideas? I always enjoy sharing with people and learning about each other's characters

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