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Fantasy Skyracers of karma cs page


More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
You can add more to it if you want (know I might ask you change or edit things) but the sheet below is the bare minimum I need to accept a character. I'll post a character when I can be bothered. If you want to iron out details feel free to ask me on the check or in a PM and I will respond as soon as possible.

Race: (choices being human, half elf, dwarf and beastkin)
Age: (race determines this somewhat. Half elves, dwarfs (and some beastkin) live around 250-350 years. Humans and most beastkin live under 100 years. )
Appearance: (picture is required but either way give a small description of shit someone might notice at a glance...height, hair colour, notable features)

Skills/talents: (whatever you feel is relative be it combat orientated or something more pleasant like cooking or music)

Flaws: (it could be a fear of some sort, a distasteful quirk or habit... no one is perfect.)
((Mind you if it's REAL edgy shit or seems unlikely this character could join a exclusive team which relies on cooperation and whatnot i will ask you edit or change it.
For example I doubt a silent ominous murder hobo with a knack for attacking/killing any who look/speak the wrong way at them would be joining the Skyracers))

Gear: (what they have on them when traveling/at most times)

What you ride: (prefer if you pick some sort of large bird but big flying lizards/insects are options as well)

Mana: (you Get one type that was listed on the check, to summarise it...
Beast tamer- able to befriend/control a animal to fly. You cannot "see" the wind but can feel it.

Skywalker- you control and conjure wind to fly ironically the slowest of the skyracers but able to utilise mana in combat situations. you can see the wind, you are a wind reader.
Wing-ed- able to make wings out of mana, able to read the wind. Can fly with ease and speed.)
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Race: Human!
Name: Viren Cryoval
Age: 19 (he's a youngun)
Gender: Male
He's not too tall, only about 5'7", and comparatively slender. He doesn't have any other immediately noticeable features but his skin reflects with a frosty light when hit by the sun the right way.

Skills/talents: He is somewhat skilled with bows and other ranged weapons, but cannot work melee-range combat for the life of him. He is also skilled with medicine and healing. He also has a passion for playing the flute and violin.

Flaws: He harbors a deep hatred towards those who use their status as Skyracers to put others down, and he sees those people as cruel and barbaric as the Orcs he's been told about in folk tales. He also has a slight fear of heights, but that fear is mostly of falling from heights, as opposed to the heights themselves.

Gear: He always has his flute with him. He also keeps a bow and a quiver of arrows, as well as a light crossbow with a box of bolts, at the ready, with a few throwing knives and daggers thrown in there too. He also has enough rations and medical supplies to last a good part of a long adventure.

What you ride: Drake! The drake's name is Tundra and he has a telepathic connection to Viren.

Mana: Beast tamer!

Short backstory: Viren's father, as well as his father's father and generations before since the sky islands became inhabited, were Beast Riders before him, and his father would take him on flying trips every once in a while. However, when Viren showed no signs of being able to tame and fly a beast like his father had, his father was a bit more than disappointed that he could not fulfill the legacy. So his father took him on one last flying trip, dropping him off in the middle of an icy wilderness island to die alone. Soon gripped by hypothermia, Viren called out to anyone or anything to save him, and in his moment of need, while inches from death, came a response. The icy drake named Tundra descended towards him, picked him up and carried him to warmth and safety, where he could make a quick recovery. Viren thanked Tundra for saving him, but thought nothing of it until he discovered the telepathic link between him and the drake. After this, Viren decided to make his father's dreams for him come true, if only for himself... he could never forgive his father for abandoning him like that. And so Tundra became his loyal companion and his wings.
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Race: human
Name: Shiki Naza
Age: 25
Gender: male
Appearance: 5ft11, messy black hair, rough beard, tanned skin, in great shape. Long scar that runs diagonally across his face.


Archery, a tradition from karma that those in the cloud still hold to is that everyone learns how to use a bow and arrow. Shiki practiced to a tremendous degree, confidently hitting targets whilst airborne.
Boomerangs, a hunting tool turned into a deadly weapon when one can manipulate and conjure the wind.
CQC, Shiki has been trained to fight in close quarters with a weapon and unarmed.
Sneaky, moves fast and quietly for a man carrying multiple weapons.

Fear of wryvens, after a chance encounter with one as a child Shiki was whipped and left with a wound across his face. At close encounters Shiki becomes agitated or violent, refusing to trust the flying reptiles with whip like tails.
Selfish, be it food drink loot or whatever, Shiki doesn't like to share.

Gear: various boomerangs of different shape and sizes, most metal or bone but the largest being wood.
Short sword, bow and arrows, armor and hooded cape made from many different slain beasts.
A dwarf glider, stored as a folding staff that can snap into place in a instant. One can glide with this but a Skywalker can use a glider to fly.

What you ride: Dwarf glider, baggy clothes cape, anything but a Wryven.

Skywalker, able to conjure and control the wind. Able to see natural sources of wind aswell, to read the wind allowing one to fly on certain trails of wind.

(One with wings or a beast see or feel these trails to fly faster, a Skywalker can fly on these wind trails by conjuring wind to carry them and then manipulating these trails.)
In order of flight speed,
Beast tamers usually win.
Winged would be second.
Sky-walkers are the slowest.

In combat it's subjective, but in a one on one fight sky-walkers are seen as the most formidable.
Race: Human

Name: Hermione Bluedream

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: She is 5'4" with a generally slim body and white hair with blue eyes.

Skills/talents: She is pretty agile and most of her strength comes from her legs and good aim. In her spare time she practices her small harp, a hobby she's had for years.

Flaws: Hermione is timid, she doesn't do well with aggression and finds comfort in riding birds, she always wanted to ride a drake but her fear of intensity always seems to get in the way. Her curiosity usually brings her into situations she can't handle.

Gear: She carries her harp almost everywhere, a few small thin knives, water bottle and forgotten coins in her bag. She sometimes carries her bow and arrows or her long sword with her depending on the situation.

What you ride: Mostly any type of birds

Mana: Beast tamer
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