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Futuristic Skypirates- Character Sheets



Junior Member
Important Information before making a character listed beneath, please read everything before making your character!

Skypirates within the world of the game are criminals, however they live by a certain set of codes enforced by the Skypirate Confederacy which places the most basic of tenets regarding flying their colors. Those rules are as such.

  1. Any target flying World Government sails are free to be engaged, along with larger groups aligned with them (corporations, and other such groups such as hired bodyguards). Any attack on pure civilian, bounty hunters, or other assets outside of the World Government will be considered a flagrant violation of the rules outside of special circumstances. Ships with a bounty on them should only be targeted for attack through proper channels. Violation of this rule will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
  2. Once an enemy surrenders truthfully no further harm should be put against crew members, through Captains and unruly elements can be dealt with freely. Scuttling a ship, even a World Government ship, once it has surrendered will be seen as a violation of the rules outside of special circumstances. Violation of this rule will be met with a single warning before being blacklisted.
  3. Any attack committed against another members of the Skypirate Confederacy will result in immediate blacklisting unless outstanding circumstances are put forward. Not aiding a fellow member of the Confederacy is not considered an attack.
  4. If a warrant is put forward by the Underworld vessel against a ship they will be considered retroactively blacklisted from the Confederacy.

    So long as these rules are observed ships under the Confederacy enjoy protections from the group such as access to information, hidden port access, and discounts at all affiliated organizations.

    Combat Roles
All players will take on one combat role at a minimum. While it may not be their most important role all members of the ship are expected to fight should the need arise.

Flight Frame Pilot- Those with the technical know-how to pilot Flight Frames, mid scale humanoid war machines equipped with a variety of weapons and systems. Flight Frames themselves can be roughly put into three groups. Fighters, Ship Killers, and Balanced. Fighters are designed for anti-Flight Frame combat and any other mobile defense (drones, single seat ships, etc.). Ship Killers are heavy duty and designed to deal with Airship defense systems and breaching maneuvers. Balanced Flight Frames are a balance between both but doesn't excel toward either one.

Soldiers- Those who enter into ships and defend their own vessel, roughly put into armored and unarmored. Armored Personal wear heavy duty defense armor to protect against oncoming fire and mainly focus on ranged combat, while Unarmored Personal usually focus on hand-to-hand combat using bladed weapons and small arms.

Ship Pilots- Those who focus on manning the airships onboard defenses, whether they be drone pilots, ship guns, or the defense matrix. While not seeing direct action they are an important part of any fight against another ship.

Non-Combat Roles

While not strictly needed these roles will inform what your character does between missions and how they interact with the rest of the crew. Ideas for this could be an onboard Doctor, a Cook, an Engineer, or a Navigator. This is where you will have a bit more freedom. These roles aren't necessary, but provide a fun bit of flavor for interactions and allows a wide range of fun story beats. The only unneeded role will be Captain, who will be staffed by an NPC.

Character Sheet

The character sheet is a variable system and should be modified to fit what you choose to have your character do. For instance a Soldier has no need to describe their Flight Frame, and someone without a Non-Combat Role will have no need to have it. That being said the basics that will be needed are: Name, Age, Envoker Status, Combat Role, Appearance (either described, a picture, or both), Backstory, and Personality))
  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Envoker Status: (If your character is an Envoker or not)
  • Envoker Ability: (How your ability manifests. Some Envokers can move faster then others, use some psychic ability, or even change the world around them in minor ways)
  • Combat Role: ((Flight Frame Pilot, Ship Pilot, Soldier))
  • Non-Combat Role:
  • Soldier Kit: (Soldiers can be Armored (wear heavy powersuits) or unarmored with a personal defense field system. Beyond that list any weapon or tool they take into combat.)
  • Flight Frame Class: (Place category (Fighter, Ship Killer, Balanced)
  • Flight Frame Kit: (Place various weapons and systems along with what they do here or in a bullet point list beneath)
  • Flight Frame Appearance: (What your Flight Frame looks like)
  • Pilot System: (What the pilot uses from the safety of the ship to be a part of the action. Combat Drones, Ship based guns, etc.)
  • Backstory: (What lead your character to being a Skypirate?)
  • Personality: (The core of your character, how they think and feel)
  • Appearance: (What your character looks like.)
  • Etc: (For anything not directly linked to the rest of the sheet but you want to put down.)

Example Character Sheet

  • Name: Violet Moorse
  • Age: 42
  • Envoker Status: (Non-Envoker)
  • Combat Role: Soldier
  • Non-Combat Role: Captain
  • Soldier Kit:Unarmored
    • Single shot Bang Pistol- A small handheld gun that fires a single high explosive round at a time.
    • Energy blade- A long saber type energy blade for use in close combat situations.
  • Backstory: Violet was once a coddled noblewoman whose only value in life would have been who her parents married her off to one day and how many kids she might produce to extend their family line. Having always been possessed of a wanderlust far exceeding her desire to help her family she renounced her title and went on to become a soldier under the command of a Skypirate named Caleb Kreel. After two years of service she became a Captain after a raid gone wrong saw her own captain killed in action. She is known for hiring on newcomers and experienced soldiers both and focuses on bounty missions and low risk raids on World Government food ships.
  • Personality: Cautious and even handed Violet could be considered quite well mannered for a pirate, but when pushed she can show a hidden steel that makes it clear how she survived almost twenty years as a Skypirate. She values her crews safety above the big score and isn't afraid to pull the plug on a mission she feels will result in unneeded death. While she frowns on excessive violence she has a reputation for throwing World Government Captains who insult her off their ships and to the toxic ground beneath.
  • Appearance:

The Ship Itself

: Valley Hail


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Name: Dotimir “Dotz” Zazton
Age: 44yrs
Evoker Status: Yes
Evoker Ability:
Energized Wavelengths- Dotimir can receive, Send out, and intercept Radio communications and his brainwaves operate on a wavelength that allows him to channel his thoughts through any kind of speaker system, likewise he finds himself able to alter his frame of vision to look through cameras with a very wide range. By focusing on a particular target he can unleash incredibly potent lighting bolts capable of punching a hole through an armored target, though this takes a few seconds to build up and must cool down for about a half a minute.
Combat Role: Soldier
Non-Combat Role: Comms officer.
Soldier Kit:
Evoker amplifier- A mechanical device affixed to Dotimir’s brain that vastly increases the range of his evoker abilities making them usable in ship to ship and other long range. this shuts off during his Lightining bolt cooldown period.

Elite Guard Rod- The first Captain slain by Dotimir back when he was in the iron angels held this staff. Made of a molecularly reinforced metal this staff is both light weight and durable. The Eye pattern can fire a laser from it, while the Eagle generates a decently powerful personal shield. In a pinch it also makes a great cudgel.

Utility belt- A belt filled with pouches containing small cameras and Speakers, Tools for repairing electronics, and hacking equipment.

Plasma Pistol- A standard side arm that fires a bolt of super accurate penetrating plasma. While very effective at penetrating flesh and armor this weapon is particularly weak against shields.

Backstory: Dotimir Zazton was born in the Ulgin mine city in Norihime, though it is no longer a city. Once rich with a valuable component of infernium the city grew wealthy and powerful, with that came high taxes but with the wealth the city produced that was no problem. It was home to many evokers but it notably possessed the largest populations of Silic Humans, a genetic offshoot known for their grey skin white eyes and high evoker rate. Dotimir was born into a very wealthy family that owned one of the largest deposits of the infernium component. Disaster loomed however as the Veins began to deplete one by one and the cities economy started to crumble. Crime skyrocketed, inflation and Devaluation made even the wealthiest of people struggle, appeals to the world government for aide and lowered taxes fell on deaf ears and the madness continued. Eventually a political figure rose who spoke of secession from the world government and high emotions would push that to open rebellion.

By this time dotimir was 22 and had just finished his officer training for the Ulgin security force and despite his best efforts to plead for reason the Mining colony would send its petition to the world government who would respond with a heavy hand. They brought in their newest engines of war and launched a brutal campaign to obliterate Ulgin, there was no warning or tome to evacuate. The government skyships simply blitzed the defensive line crippled the anti air defenses, and proceeded to bomb the city into ruins. Dotimir managed to survive the bombardment with only a few of his fellow guards after debris blocked them into a tunnel. The last bomb cracked the tunnel enough for dotimir to climb out and witness the carnage that was once his home and his people.

After that Day dotimir dedicated himself to revenge. He surgically augmented himself, harnessed his ability and honed his skills as a warrior and tavtician in the hopes of one day bringing down the world government. He would join a group of sky pirates who shared his views on the government called the Iron Angels. They waged a bold campaign attacking military vessels and raiding their weapons supplies. Yet the fire that burns brightest often burns out the quickest, and the iron angels were no exception. Their pattern was recognized and an ambush was set up where their vessel as shot from the sky to come crashing down on the grounds of Norihime. Wounded and surrounded by carnage and death once again Dotimir learned the folly of letting his rage guide him and he managed to crawl to safety where he would spend a few months recovering before Returning to the Skypirate federation and putting his name out there as a comms officer seeking a crew. While jo longer controlled by his drive for vengeance he was still hoping to cause the world government trouble and the best way to do that was to join a crew. Before long he found himself aboard the Valley hail under rhe command of Captain Violet where he has worked to this day.

Personality: Dotimir is a strange blend of Passionate and Rationally Collected. He makes his decisions based upon logic and reason, but sets his goals based upon his heart and emotions. He is incredibly loyal and loves to apply names and personification to artificial objects such as his staff or the ships satellite dish. He hates to fight and finds ship to ship combat needlessly risky preferring to crush the foe before they even know a fight has begun. He has been known to be a bit nosy and seems arrogant in his knowledge and expertise. His greatest personality flaw by far however is the vitriolic hatred he has towards ranking officers in the world government, to the point where he almost always requests the permission to execute the captains of captured government ships.
Etc: The injury Dotimir took in the crash of the Iron Angels ship healed but not completely. Dotimir walks with a limp still and uses his staff to balance himself which is part of why he keeps it around. He refuses to undergo cellular reconstruction due to his wound being a permanent reminder of the cost of letting oneself fall into their thirst for vengeance.​
Name: Neari Cantum
Age: 31
Envoker Status: Unknown
Combat Role: Soldier
Non-Combat Role: Engineer
Soldier Kit:
  • Improvised Weaponry
    • Whatever tools Neari has laying around, if she needs to fight she'll find a way to turn it into a weapon to deal (non)lethal damage. Part of growing up as a scavenger means having to fight your way out of any situation. Neari's favorite is beating someone over the head with a wench.
  • Energy Dagger
    • Useful for making toast. And stabbing enemies!
  • Smoke bombs
  • Very unstable gun of sorts
    • Neari's passion project. She's not yet sure if it's supposed to fire energy or projectiles. Whatever she needs to repair it, it's not found on Ranram


Neari originally comes from Norhime, where she and her parents lived until she was about eleven years old. Her parents weren't too fond of the World Government. They found them to be corrupt and symphatised more with the Skypirates and smaller rebel groups that lurk in the dark alleyways of the cities. They mostly kept their thoughts to themselves though, to make sure the family could live a relatively safe and stable life. One unlucky day however, her parents spoke their minds to to the wrong people. Or maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Neari's parents were arrested by World Government forces. Those very same people came to take Neari away when she was just minding her own business and playing with a friend.

The family was promptly stripped of their home and most of their belongings. Afterwards they were put on an airship for a one way trip to Ranram. Life was harsh, but Neari and her family managed to scrape by, albeit barely. Living off whatever they could scrounge and scavenge together meant there was neither the money or resources to put Neari through much of an education. She's had a form of basic education back in Norhime, but most of her knowledge consist of street smarts and whatever she taught herself over the years. The latter largely through trial and error.

Although she's definitely old enough to remember, Neari has suppressed most of her memories of Norhime. It's likely that a bit more happened than just her family being exiled to the Forgotten Realm. On Ranram Neari makes a living off scavenging, trading whatever useful things she can find or repair for food, rumors and other useful resources. After her parents, alongside many other unfortunate souls on Ranram, died in an explosion because someone wasn't cautious near a chemical leakage, Neari is growing more and more desperate for an escape of what Neari semi-lovingly calls "this complete and utter shithole". She's looking to the sky, hoping that through some sort of miracle she gets picked up and taken far away from the place that taught her a lot, but also cost her a lot of grief.


Despite not exactly having had an easy life, Neari tries to keep an optimistic attitude. Kindness towards others is often hidden behind a layer of sarcasm. Once someone earns her respect and trust, Neari will be loyal until they no longer prove worthy of her trust. She gets excited when offered the opportunity to tinker on gadgets. This applies both to repairing things, or attempting to create something new entirely. Neari can be quite stubborn, especially when she's set her mind to something. She's become so accustomed to having to figure out things on her own that she's not used to ask for help. When she's upset about something she will get a little reclusive. This is not to be mistaken for her anger, which manifests as calm, cold-hearted fury.


Due to not having much of an education, Neari struggles with reading and writing. She can do the basics, but anything more complicated than 6th grade level goes beyond her understanding. She's better in expressing ideas by sketching it out.
Neari occasionally suffers from vivid nightmares, likely re-experiencing some trauma from the exile to Ranram. She doesn't like talking about it too much. People rousing her from said nightmares are at risk of being punched in the face. It's her fight-or-flight response taking over, no offense!

  • Name: Jae Cheon
    Age: 29
    Gender: she/her
    Envoker Status: Envoker
    Envoker Ability: Enhanced reaction time, ability to see and alter trajectories and probability.
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 110lb
    Combat Role: Flight Frame Pilot
    Non-combat Role: Mechanic
    Soldier Kit: Light armor, compact railgun (most of her combat time is spent inside her Flight Frame, but she's made a point to not be useless without it)
    Thin but on the muscular side for an Envoker as strength is something she works on. Dark, purple-tinged straight hair chopped into a bob, muddy green eyes and fair skin.
    Serious, dutiful, determined, utilitarian, stubborn
    Jae's calm, even-headed exterior hides an inside which is in a constant state of alertness and analysis of her surroundings. Life has taught her to hold tight to the things she has, turning her into a possessive, controlling person.

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𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓓𝓲𝔃𝔃𝔂

Dizzy | "Chaser" | The Fabricator


Girl/She/Her(s) | 23yrs | Borne Envoker | Liyum
5'9" | 120lbs | Purple/Blue/Black Hair | Blue Eyes | Thin Build

Combat: Ship Pilot - Drone Mother
Non-Combat: Mecha/Robotics Chief
Field Tactics: Transport Driver/Pilot

Envoker Ability: Techno-Shaper
Diz has the innate ability to shape and build inanimate materials into mechanicalized forms through telekinesis. She has engineer training but when working with tech, especially mecha, she puts things together better with tools she fashioned herself. It all "just kinda' makes sense" to her and her creations usually work well. It is not an instant building process; it does take time, thought, fabricating materials and of course inspiration for her to shape mecha. Buuuuuuut... her designs leave a lot to be desired. The girl is a spark of positivity but her dark past seems to manifest with that which she fabricates; there is a sinister look about the mecha she shapes.​

A secondary property of her Envoking is that it seems that there are psychic Infernium signatures in the mecha she has created, consistently works on/with and gives a pet name. These mecha seem to have been imprinted with a personality and respond almost like a pet would to their adoptive mother. Yes, it is her manipulating and puppeting them to be a certain way, however, there are times when other crew will see certain mecha eerily respond to them upon their own volition.​
She has Infernium reliance and constantly needs to inject liquid boosters at least once a day. Her internal organs have been compromised due to being an experimented on Borne Envoker and needs specialized diets and needs to constantly be in contact with the medical professionals aboard the ship. "Squiggle" a cat sized mecha crawler follows her wherever she goes. The bot carries extra stores of sustenance, medication, oxygen and Infernium doses wherever she goes and seems to be quite protective of her health.​

Ship Pilot - Drone Mother: "Sliders / Seekers / Stompers"
Pilot Callsign: "Chaser"

Internal/Personnel Defense: 'Slider' Drone


Drone Kit - small drones act as safe guard for crew inside ship. "Wrapper" is lead drone.​
  • Tendrils - Multiple flexible appendages meant to grapple or strike soldiers/mecha that manage to enter the ships hull.
  • Taser - Tips of 4 Tendrils are charged and ready to incapacitate
  • Mandibles - Plasma cutter equipped for close combat armour penetration.
  • Mouth mounted cannon - Fires mid range repulsor energy beams
  • Reconfigurable frame - Able to squeeze and move through small spaces like an octopus

Aerial Defense: 'Seeker' Drone


Drone Kit - mid-size drones act as safe guard for immediate airspace surrounding ship. "Spits" is lead drone.​
  • Imaging - scanners and sensors to read multiple signatures.
  • Tracers - Mag-Splat rounds to hit and stick to targets to increase friendlies' chance for visual/targeting lock-ons
  • Rocket Launchers - 6 dorsal based missiles for armour penetration.
  • Tail mounted cannon - Fires mid range plasma energy beams
  • Infernium+ Gyro Propulsion - speed and nimbleness to fly in any axis with minimal sounds


Outer Hull Defense: 'Stomper' Drone


Drone Kit - huuuuge outer hull patrol bots. "Mack" is lead drone.​
  • Magnetic clawed feet - Strong legs to keep the massive Stomper from falling off the ship.
  • Graspers - a pair of arms to do larger-than-human tasks that require hands on outside of ship.
  • Heavy Railgun- powerful ballistic weapon for long range targets (or vs. Frames and Ship2Ship combat)
  • Side mounted pulse cannon - Fires rapid-fire plasma energy beams
  • Rocket Launcher - single blossoming launcher equipped with armour breaker explosives / anti-projectile missiles / napalm / electro nets

+ | Hard-working - work harder and smarter. This is that girl. She reaps the rewards and accolades of the fruits of her labour. She will always be found fixing, upgrading, optimizing, or building something in the shop/hangar.​
+ | Considerate - sweet and polite despite her health shortcomings. She is a team player and takes care of her own whether made of flesh or metal. She tries to pay attention to the needs and likes of others.​
+ | Driven - beyond the coin and fixing her health, there is something else that pushes her onward, ceaseless and irresistable. Up first thing and 110% until the job is done. There is a glint in those blue eyes when a challenge is dropped before her.​

- | Obsessive - then there are those times she becomes hyper-focussed and everything else falls by the wayside. Being hard-working and driven is a sweet drink but also a cocktail for annoyances as well. She also cannot help but be a thorn in the medic and cook's side with all her 101 questions regarding her health and any other random question she fancies.​
- | Cowardly - with a frailty of health comes an over reliance on the tools, implements and mecha that have become intrinsic to her life. Without any tech, she is ill equipped for the fight and will crumble and flee given first opportunity.​
- | Destructive - how is it that such a sweet girl takes great pleasures in blowing things up or causing massive amount of damage. There is a sinister darkness that pervades Diz once she gets into the field as a transport pilot or when she controls her drones. Some have seen her wanton ways border on bloodlust.​

  • Not an active soldier in the field but rather plays role of pilot/wheel-woman and mobile eyes/ears for sorties away from the Valley Hail.
  • Loves Impulse powered two-wheel or hover-bike riding
  • Actually an excellent dancer and acrobat when at optimal health
  • In the closet Asexual.
  • Speaks the Ranram trade language the siblings call 'Trashcan.' Also speaks own language called 'Ingraved' with her siblings.
  • Named 'Dizzy' by her siblings cuz when asked how she feels, she always started off with: 'feeling really dizzy but..."

𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓮

Marquee | "Pixie" | The Interfacer


Girl/She/Her(s) | 23yrs | Borne Envoker | Liyum
5'5" | 125lbs | Indigo Hair | Dark Eyes | Toned Build

Combat: Flight Frame Pilot (Ship-Killer)
Non-Combat: Bosun (Supplies/Equipment)
Field Tactics: Hacker/Saboteur

Envoker Ability: Techno-Possession
Quee {pronounced = Key} has the innate ability to interface with working operating systems/machines through melding both physically and mentally. Using full concentration, she will enter into a self-contained and self-sustained metaverse by where she will pull herself into and project into the OS or Machine. It is a form of hacking but incorporates a physical factor as well. This means that she is embodying what she possesses and actually will control and process internal systems and motions at a super-human level. It is what has allowed her to be so efficient with the Frames she has piloted in the past and currently with the Infernal.​

She is loathe to possess any creations of Dizzy that her sister has named and 'imprinted' with. There really is a residue and a personality that has developed and melding with such mecha feels... like forcing them out of their bodies 'against their will'. This happens when she battles for control with certain AIs. It is very unnerving and traumatizing to her and after the mission she has to be alone and just lets all the emotions fly out of her with all abandon.​
As an experimented on Borne Envoker, she has Infernium reliance and needs boosters but not as often nor as intense as her sister. But the major issue is that she needs to meld once a day with a machine or she begins to lose control of her own personality. Battling and possessing other 'intelligences' has given her a form of schizophrenia. It is mild and combatible but she has never been without melding for more that a week ever. And that was bad enough, so she always seems to be sporting or integrated with mecha of some kind on or around her person.​

Flight Frame Ship-Killer: "The Dread Infernal / Boom-Boom"
Frame Squadron Pilot Callsign: "Pixie"

Flight Frame Kit:
  • - Daemon Incisors- Dual Forearm mounted plasma hull cutters
    • Used in a 'can-opener' technique but also used for close combat slashes
  • - Hell Shriekers- Dual Shoulder mounted energy cannons
    • these guns are able to fire in near 360 degree range and long distance capability with options for burst, spray or focus beams. Powerful but will overheat and need cooldown time. When fired the resulting noise sound like multiple souls screaming as they are set on fire.
  • - Daemon Flower Launchers- Hidden leg mounted Missile Launchers
    • Quadruple blossoming launchers equipped with armour breaker explosives / anti-projectile missiles / napalm / electro nets
  • - Metamorphosis- Reconfigurable Chassis and Structure (Techno-Envoker Assisted)
    • - By shifting armour plates and parts, The Dread Infernal may transform into a more aerodynamic form for flight speed and efficiency or shift to carry up to 2 small Frames for transport or rescue purposes. In these forms, the Infernal only has forward facing attacks and defense is greatly compromised.
  • - God-Stopper Wings- Prized stolen tech from Sector XTC
    • Multi-Purpose implements that also gives the Dread Infernal its namesake
    • Used as maneuvering and propulsion systems with dual bleeding edge Infernium+ power generators.
    • Shield use against energy weapons, impacts and explosives
    • Medium power drain turns wings into giant energy blades that act like giant shears or slashing fly-by weapons.
    • Dread Infernal Tech - Fully charged up, creates a swirling blue and orange orb around the Frame for 5 seconds which Pixie then flies into another target/ship with a hellacious impact. Systems shut down for recharge and recalibration immediately after leaving the Dread Infernal frame quite open and vulnerable to all attacks. Basically a last ditch effort maneuver.

+ | Welcoming - The girl loves company and is always making others feel at home in her cluttered part of the ship. She is a hand talker and will become too comfy with others and so she will constantly touch a hand or shoulder, sometimes smack it, or invade personal space while talking. She will ramble on about anything and everything and always have an opinion on something.​
+ | Strong-Mind - Yes, physically she is stronger than she looks but she is also mentally tougher than her smiling face and shiny dark eyes show. She is confident and calculating in her abilities, endeavours and risks. Even though she is messy and a scatterbrained she has the mental fortitude to not succumb to trickery nor flattery. Speaking of messy, she has an 'organized chaos' system to run inventories that works really well for her but is frustrating and incomprehensible to others.​
+ | Loyal - Part of the crew, part of the ship and all that aside, if you have bled for her you better be damned sure she will bleed for you but sweat and tears will be for you as well. Quee gots your back.​

- | Motormouth - Sometimes she just does not know when to shut up. Whether it be because of lack of filter or whether it be because she has a motor mouth, Quee just gets bouts of verbal diarrhea a little to often.​
- | Substance Abuse - whether it be that every downtime should be a righteous reason to celebrate or whether it be to escape the mindful reminders of the horrors of her past and of wars, she goes overboard with the substances. She is not addicted but onlookers that witness the messy girlie she becomes know that it is a problem that can get out of hand.​
+ | Defensive - Part of the crew, part of the ship and all that aside, if someone she considers friend or family is threatened, she will be the first to get up in the 'threatener's' grill and that hand-talking becomes like an orchestra of whirlwinding outrage. It is hard to talk her down and is usually needs to be picked up and pulled aside.​

  • Not an active soldier in the field but rather plays role of hacker/saboteur and leaves combat tactics to the soldiers proper​
  • Loves racing of all kinds and will go out of her way to watch or bet on them (can take over vehicles to fix races too!)​
  • Actually pretty good as an acting mechanic but does not want the responsibility to be one​
  • Can get pretty flirty with all the cute girlies​
  • Speaks the Ranram trade language the siblings call 'Trashcan.' Also speaks own language called 'Ingraved' with her siblings.​
  • Named 'Marquee' by her siblings cuz when trashtalking, she always said: "...I'mma make you famous... you gunna be known as the one that gots absolutely lit up by yours truly. Up there on the marquee. Yeah, that's me...!

𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓫𝓸𝓽𝓱 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼...
Another child lost from another mining colony in the lands of Liyum. Most likely she had wandered away. Perhaps the Screechers took her and ate her whole. Perhaps her parents could not afford to keep her and so they tied a heavy cinderblock to her ankle and took her swimming to the deepest part of the lake one fine and moonless summers eve.​

None of those were the case for either of the pair of 4 year old friends and playmates. Dizzy and Marquee were but just two out of mulitudes of children kidnapped in the dead of night for one reason and one reason only; strong Infernium signatures.​

They were all put into camps divided by generation of Envoker. Both Diz and Quee were 3nd generation Borne Envokers whose parents did not yet have their special abilities manifest. But that mattered not, the child abducters would rip the ability out of the young girls regardless if either wanted to or not. And oh how they pushed them to the brink during all those years of their young lives. Test after gruelling test, experiment after invasive experiment, it all took its toll on mind, body and soul. But the rewards for unlocking such prized envoker abilities would be reaped by those who captured the young girls.​

Some said that they, the survivors, were the lucky ones. They were but the small handfuls that out-lived the hundreds upon hundreds of other children that just could not endure their 'treatments.' Those others had either died or were culled before they reached their adolescent years. But no, the survivors were not the lucky ones. They were going to be sold into the deep underbelly of the black market as breeders; the 'successful' survivors were going to procreate into existence an army of Borne Envokers whose abilities could be pre-determined and cultivated while still even in the womb.​

No, they were not the lucky ones. At least they were not the lucky ones yet... Not until the night of the breakout.​

Little did their captors know that Diz had the ability to 'imprint' upon her creations and little did their captors know that Quee could actually meld into mecha. And with that, the would be escapees of teens and pre-teens co-ordinated their abilities around Diz getting 'favours' from her mechas and Quee taking over the humongous Overseer mech.​

When all was said and done, half the surviving kids escaped onto an outbound airship and the other half made it onto an escaping submergeable vessel. The kids on the airship with Diz and Quee agreed that their best plan they had was to separate into equal groups of seven and try to make it out there in the worlds. The sad reality was that the kids had their memories wiped and could not remember where their original homes were nor even their real names.​

And so upon the walls of the sheltering caverns they had etched all their names. Not just the ones present, but even the ones that had fallen before them. Cut hands bled upon walls and then held together in a grand circle, a chain to commemorate and acknowledge that they were all 'siblings' regardless of homeland, family and distance between them forevermore. During the night, into the wreckage of the airship they all went and took as much equipment and supplies as they could. Just before daybreak, they had their final moments together, tearful, sorrowful, but nonetheless hopeful and each group of seven went their own separate ways.​


The group of runaways survived by stowing away and living in the garbage heap of a city upon the continent Ranram. After eeking out a day-to-day system of survival, by chance they met up with an older, motherly-type lady that discovered the kids envoker ablilities. She managed to wrench them away from their abode and onto the deck of an airship. And here they were given the opportunity of a lifetime off of the garbage heap; serve aboard the ship for a year, make money and move onto bigger and better things. They all agreed and soon found themselves in the underbelly of Norhime with the older and kindly lady that went by the name of Scura. She took them to her son's boat, The Indignant Git.

By then their number had been whittled down to 5 siblings from the original 7, yet they were already toughened teens. And little did they know that such toughness punched their tickets to lead the life of SkyPirates! And so for a year they had served aboard the Git and after that year, they were re-introduced to Scura. But she was no longer the older and kindly lady pitter-pattering around the garbage heap lands. No, she revealed herself as Allegra, the Scourge of the Sky-currents of Valen Ra. And the young envokers had earned their keep to serve with the Scourge.​

As an infamous SkyPirate captaining powerful and elite vessel, The Widowmaker, the teens learned vital skills and techniques to survive the high skies. They were well into their 20's when they partook in the Heist at Pivolta's Gate. And it was here where Dizzy and Marquee were separated from the Widowmaker and their siblings aboard the vessel.​

Diz was onsite with her drone and mecha swarm clearing out the tunnels to get them into the city. The defense system caught wind of Diz and instead of aborting, the Drone Mother continued on; the prize was too great to give up at that moment. Captain Allegra gave strict orders to all her crew to never question her commands and directives and so the Widowmaker was to flee and leave Diz to her own devices and face the music for insubordination. But Marquee just could not bear to lose another sister again. And so she took the Dread Infernal and went on a solo near suicide mission to rescue her sibling.​

It was here where the power of the Infernal was unleashed and blew open the cliff side. The opening allowed Diz to escape and with the help of her drones, they dragged Quee and the Infernal into the water and fled the scene. Abandoned and left for dead, the pair had no choice but to flee from Pivolta and never look back. Not only had they disobeyed the infamous Scourge of the Sky-currents of Valen Ra, but they had her property; the Dread Infernal...​

...and the prize that Allegra had originally intended to steal and so dearly desired to claim for her own.​

When fully operational again and fully dried out, the Infernal was reconfigured to take as many drones as possible and the sisters took off to lay low for a bit until things blew over. But they were blooded SkyPirates by now and adventure screamed their names, beckoning them back to action! The call was answered and the sisters finally found themselves a new home aboard a grand airship.​

And so here they are; a year to the day serving aboard the SkyPirate ship, the Valley Hail under direction of Captain Moorse.​

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Name: Taiga Ashari

Age: 33

Envoker Status: Non-Envoker

Envoker Ability: N/A

Combat Role: Ship Pilot/Reserve Soldier

Non-Combat Role: Medic

Soldier Kit:
  • Limited Armor Plating - A solid balance between armor and freedom of movement, these plates are located on his body to protect the most vital of areas while also providing support. Those being the knees, groin, chest and neck. An optional helmet can be included if Taiga can expect direct combat, but the hampered visibility is usually too much of a tradeoff for him to wear often. This is more of a just in-case if his personal shield is every ruptured
  • X3RD "Zapper!" Arc-Pistol - Originally a tool for self defense, Taiga payed one of the ship's engineers to make some modifications in order to turn it into a true combat tool. While it is still capable of rendering foes unconscious as it's intended to, by upping the voltage it becomes able to fry the nerves system of anyone unfortunate to be on the other end. Capable of shooting out shots of condensed electricity or firing off a short range arc, the Zapper is best used at a close range due to it's limitations.
  • Knuckle-Guard Dagger - A rather simple looking blade of about twelve inches, it's secured behind the wielders hip in a sheath with a knuckle guard. Unassuming and lacking any markings, one could look at the blade itself and assume that it is just another mass-produced piece of equipment. That is because it is such a piece of equipment, meant as a last resort in case of direct combat. Because of it being mass produced however a replacement is very easy to acquire should it ever be broken or lost.
  • TOS Stabilization Kit - A small bag filled with equipment meant to stabilize a wounded person in the field. Included are basic medical supplies in addition to a "SMART" harness. The Harness is placed on the wounded patients neck and quickly expands to keep the body in a stable condition, however it does not actually heal the patient. The harness is meant to stabilize them until they can receive proper medical care and as such it comes with deployable handles in order to make transport easier.

Pilot System:
  • GED 89 "STINGER" Drones - Small and lightweight drones, their purpose is to support flight frames in combat by peppering enemy frames with disrupting bursts of electricity. Deployed en-mass, their primary weakness is their lack of armor and inability to deal major-damage by themselves.
  • HDB 66 "BOMBER" Drones - Larger in size compared to the STINGER drones, these drones come with armor plating with a focus on destroying enemy drones. Equipped with both combustion and explosive weaponry, this drone excels when faced against smaller-sized drones that get caught in it's ordinances. While it's weaknesses are lesser than the STINGER drones, it still struggles to put a dent in flight frames.
  • APD 13 "HUNTER" Drones - The largest of the three types of drones at Taiga's disposal, the HUNTER drones sacrifice speed and maneuverability for overwhelming armaments and armor. With combustion, explosive, plasma and laser weaponry, this drone is used in order to deal massive damage to enemy ships, as well as flight frames. The obvious weakness of such a large target is that it draws attention, and if not backed up by other sources is an easy target to pick out. However, properly defended these drones are a credible threat to anything that stands in their way.

: Taiga Ashari was born in the farming town of Trivolt in Liyum, although calling it a town was a bit of a stretch. It's sole existence was to provide food for trade with other towns in return for other necessities. Everyone had to work the land in addition to any other jobs that they held in order to ensure that enough food was harvested. Taiga's parents worked as the town's doctors of sorts, although most of what they learned was from first hand experience rather than any structured education. Taiga grew up under them, working the land by day when he was old enough and receiving an education in medicine in the few hours that he had before he went to bed. His parents told him that if he ever wanted to be more than a laborer working the land until his hands looked more like catcher mitts than he should learn how to practice medicine from them. Truthfully Taiga didn't enjoy sitting through his parents lectures about the human body and how to put it back together, but he did enjoy getting to spend time with them outside of laboring in the fields.

It wasn't all that an exciting of a life, but it was at least fulfilling as far as Taiga was concerned. He continued to work the fields, and when his parents decided that he was ready began to assist them in their role as the town doctors. However unlike his parents, Taiga believed that the World Government was an organization that didn't deserve the support it deserved. Usually he was able to hold his tongue whenever the issue was raised, but on the eve of his twenty third birthday he got into a confrontation with another man over a few drinks. His memory of what exactly went down is still a bit blurry, but he did remember practically shouting out that the World Government needed to go. After that event the residents of the town began to look on him and his family with scorn and disdain. Being the only doctors in the town his parents were able to assert some sway over the public, but it wasn't enough to stop everyone. Deciding that it would be best for everyone if he left, Taiga packed up whatever belongings he had to his name and left his hometown behind.

He traveled around for a couple of years after that, finding temporary work as a laborer and offering his experience in patching people up if needed. During this time he was able to see more of the world outside of his town, see the faults of the World Government as it ignored everyone that wasn't in power or related to someone in power. Families working themselves into literal exhaustion just to survive only for those above them to swoop in and take a majority of it. Factories being pushed to output 100% all of the time, often resulting in horrific accidents that get swept under the rug in the name of meeting a quota. Taiga couldn't believe how these people who were supposed to look out for those who provide them everything they need to survive could be so callous. And yet, what could he do? He was a single man who's only experiences in life were farming and sewing people back together against an organization armed to the teeth with enough firepower to wipe him and his entire town off the face of the earth.

It wasn't until he was twenty eight while drinking at a tavern when he was approached by a man looking to hire him as a doctor aboard their ship. The pay was good and it would give Taiga an opportunity to settle down and not have to worry about finding a bed to sleep in. Unfortunately for him the man seemed to forget to mention that the ship he would be working on would be a skypirate federation vessel; as he later found out after the ship engaged a World Government supply ship. The captain of the ship misjudged the strength of the supply ship and was suffering heavy losses. Despite just being a doctor the captain ordered Taiga to man a drone terminal in order to cover their retreat. Without any proper knowledge Taiga was overwhelmed by the drone's controls, barely able to steer them much less use them to fight. It was only through sheer luck that he rammed one of the larger drones into the supply ship, cutting off it's main cannon and allowing for their ship to escape.

He parted ways with the group after their escape, while he disliked the world government he still wasn't keen on taking direct action against them. He took to wandering again after that, but there was always an inkling of doubt in the back of his mind. If he kept going as he was now, wandering without a destination nor plan would solve nothing. The World Government would continue along as they are, people would continue to suffer and he would just be another cog in the machine. When he turned thirty three he finally decided that he couldn't keep pretending like things would get better on their own. He needed to take action, no matter how extreme is may be. Eventually he was able to track down the old captain of the ship he served on, but by that time they had gotten out of the game. What they did do however was get him set up in the federation as a medic. And as luck would have it, having someone who can stitch you back up after you get hurt on your ship is seen as a huge plus.

Personality: Taiga is a rather straightforward individual who doesn't often mince words. If you're acting like a jackass and he can see it, well you'd better get ready to be called a jackass. He takes his work very seriously, be it his medical work or when at the seat of the helm commanding his drones. When he's not working he keeps an air of professionalism around him, however he is often much more open and friendlier. He hates to see people suffer and will offer aid when he is able, but recognizes that he can't save everyone. In addition his dislike for the world government is behind the system itself and not the people. As such he dislikes executing captured crew members of enemy ships, especially if they are cargo ships. In his eyes the way to win against the World Government is to show that there are better options out there, and that these ideas will never be taken seriously if they execute those who are against them.

Appearance: Taiga.png


  • adf7f14cf18aa7fe7866b634f709f110.jpg
    Name: Keith Riggs
    Age: 28
    Gender: He/him
    Envoker Status: Non Envoker
    Combat Role: Ship Pilot
    Non-combat Role: Cook
    Soldier Kit:
    • Tri-blast Gun
    • A gun that can fire three blasts of energy before it needs to cool off and recharge. Firing more than three blasts with this weapon is more likely to cause injury to the wielder than the target.
    • T0BY the Clockwork Cat
    • Keith's loyal companion. Can scurry around the ship (or enemy ships) to plant explosives that can be detonated from a safe distance. Has small but sharp razors for claws respectfully referred to as "death blades". Won't kill an enemy, but it can hurt them!
    Keith is a kind soul, polite to those around him and generally a bubbly person to be around. He has seen some of the worst sides of humanity but still keeps an optimistic outlook. Keith considers everyone a good person until proven otherwise. It may seem impossible to anger him, but you'd better not try. Once Keith decides he doesn't like a person it's going to be very difficult to change his mind. He may not show it on the outside, but he holds his grudges. He will go out of his way for the people he considers his friends and family, but will not show kindness to his enemies.

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All characters above this post have been accepted into the game and may freely post in the active game thread when it goes up. This message will be edited in one day to also have the thread itself linked.
All characters above this post have been accepted into the game and may freely post in the active game thread when it goes up. This message will be edited in one day to also have the thread itself linked.
Are we by allowed to make a second?
You're about to see them in action, too! Keith's bit is done. Neari is trying to get to the bar but people are bugging her.



  • Magnolia is a very calm woman, but not cold. She always seems tired, drained even, as though there was no energy left in the slimsy body of the woman. Her skin is entirely pale, except for the large purple bags one can always find under her eyes. Still, as tired as she may seem, she almost always carries a faint, yet warm smile on her lips. She is a great listener and will assist with any trouble one may have. When she talks, her voice is quiet and those that do not listen well may easily miss that she even said anything at all. Her words are usually kind and carry advise or wisdom i them.

    To those that do not know her well, it will quickly come as a surprise, how much energy and fire actually is hidden within the doctor. Be it during her profession or during battle, Magnolia is never slacking off or lagging behind, with her head in the moment and her intelligent mind focussed on what is important. Her soft voice can quickly get loud and even sometimes a bit commanding, when much is at stake.

    Magnolia is almost always found helping people and the attentive mind might notice that she seems to almost always be working. When the woman sleeps, nobody knows. During work one can often hear her sing, which she is quite good at. Though the singing usually starts when she got into somewhat of a working rythm, quickly stopping if talked to. It is more of a subconcious activity, simply because she loves music and she rarely has the free time to actually practice her favorite hobby.

    At her side, one can always find Silver, her cat. He is energetic and curious, however never roams far from her side. Silver loves to cuddle and play, which often brings joy to the patients of the medical station. The cat is very intelligent, especially in its ability to read people and their intentions.

Name: Magnolia "Maggie" Carter
Age: 31
Envoker Status: Envoker
Combat Role: Flight Frame Pilot
Non-Combat Role: Medical Officer


Further Information​
  • Magnolia is able to accelerate the natural regeneration of organic material to extreme degrees, being able to stabilize the dying. While theoretically, the healing that could be done this way has no limit in its potential, there is a physical limit. Using this ability is a kind of energy transfer. Its usage on medium to large scales greatly weakens Magnolia herself. While she can stabilize a mortally wounded patient without risking any side effects for herself besides exhaustion, doing so repeatedly and without breaks will make her show symptoms of major exhaustion, up to unconciousness even.

    As a side effect, magnolia always looks drained. Her body appears malnourished, no matter her diet and she always looks like she has not slept in days (Even though she actually sleeps sometimes!).

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