News Site & Staff Changes

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the traitorous queen
Site Changes

Hello ladies and gentleman of RpNation,

I'm sure, by now, you have noticed that the style has changed. While it is very similar to 3.0 in colour and layout, there are many differences you will probably notice immediately and over the days to come. After messing around with the colour, the banner, and a few other visual portions of the site, we have more or less settled on how the site should look.

But why did we change styles again?

We changed styles because the previous style (3.0) had a lot of bugs we couldn't fix. We reached out the developers of those styles and were met with little to no success. By moving to 4.0, we have direct access to the developers of the style at all times, as they are clients of @The Dark Wizard, and they are on deck and ready to help out with any hiccup the site experiences at any given time. This means less bugs and faster fixes for bugs that do arise.

Why is the site sluggish?

The site may be sluggish for a while because admin working in the back-end takes away resources from the site. This should resolve in a few hours once everything is running smoothly.

Will the style change again?

We will not be changing the style until Xenoforo (the platform that runs the boards) updated their system. I will make sure Wizard keeps this promise. :P

Can I still have small avatars?

Yes. We kept the ability to switch between the "large avatars" and the "small avatars." You can switch between the two by going to the bottom lefthand corner and selecting your preference.

Staff Changes

As the site continues to grow exponentially in size, we, the staff, have realized the need for more help. Instead of adding new moderators, we have decided to break apart the moderation team into two groups: super moderators and forum moderators.

Super moderators will be the moderators you already know and love: @CloudyBlueDay, @welian, and @Ignitedstar. They will continue doing as they are doing and be moderates for the site as a whole. They will always be a resource for your questions and concerns, as usual.

Forum moderators will be a new group of the moderation team. They will each be given a section of the site (ie: 1x1 roleplays, fandom roleplays, etc.) and will only have moderation powers in that section. The forum moderators will be a larger group (between 7-9 members) and will be a resource for their section and their section only. They will be unable to see or respond to reports outside of their section. Forum moderators will be instated soon. (: You will see them around with their purple usernames once we have them organized.

As always, if you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to anyone on staff or ask here.

Note: The new forum moderators have already been selected. While we appreciate interest, we are not taking requests or applications to become a forum mod.


RpNation Staff
I feel the war of trying to gain moddom starting soon... *waits*
Mordecai said:
purple usernames
Musician said:
Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurple. (<3)

Auren said:
I feel the war of trying to gain moddom starting soon... *waits*
We've already selected the team that will be moderators. They will be announced soon enough. They are currently being prepped.
We've already selected the team that will be moderators. They will be announced soon enough. They are currently being prepped.

Aye. That should be in teh announcement to prevent the begs. xD

EDIT: Nevermind... skimming will kill me one day.
Auren said:
Aye. That should be in teh announcement to prevent the begs. xD
EDIT: Nevermind... skimming will kill me one day.
Thank you, as always, for your helpful advice. (: I have made the changes to avoid confusion.

though, I do have a question about the font *Is smacked*
Gona be Honest wen i Posted and sudently wen it reloded and saw this i was like

"...The hell?" scared me xD

But anyway Love it and Purple!!! Love that too!
Haha... I'm still fighting the war of fate that'll decide whether or not I'll find a few long-lasting RP's...



That's about 25 Shades of Purple.

I'll find more.
I hope to get my twin interested in joining the site...*sigh* if only she would rp more often or even like it outside D&D
A pre-congratulations goes out to all the new mods! ^-^

And Lures likes the colour purple. Yes, she likes it very much.
LoveLures said:
A pre-congratulations goes out to all the new mods! ^-^
And Lures likes the colour purple. Yes, she likes it very much.
Yay, thanks for the congratulations! ... or I'd like to say, but I'm still just a normal user participating in the site-wide struggle for long-lasting RP's... xD
So can we change the top banner to the black at all times? That's really pretty!
I like that we can still have small avatars,but woah...this new layout it...hmm...not my favorite xD .Guess we can't all have our cake and eat it,too!Thanks for all of the work you guys put into the website :) .It's great to know that the staff always wants to improve the site.
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