Sinuous Harmonic Trance


Hit Me!
Cost: +2m, 1 WP

Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4

Type: Extra-Action

Duration: Instant

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Prerequisites: Undefeated Liquor Prana

Follow-ups: Triumphant Sober Attitude

Even when surrounded by her enemies, the master of Drunken Fist will never feel threatened. She improves her senses to learn which is the best movement combination to attack each one of her foes, moving in a sinuous and unpredictable trajectory.

This Charm allows the Exalted to attack a number of opponents. For each 2 motes spent in this Charm, the Exalted can attack a different foe. The number of attacks go up to the Exalted Martial Arts rating. Each attack gets a damage bonus equal to the Essence rating. The martial artist’s DV penalty will be the highest between her attacks and the Charm’s speed will be the highest speed of her attacks.

The attacks generated by this Charm are a magical Flurry and thus are not limited by weapon’s rate, but cannot be split into flurries.

This Charm requires the Exalted to have drank at least one dose of alcohol within the last hour.

Style: Drunken Fist
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