Story Sins-Story in Progress!


Queen of Broken Hearts
My bare feet padded over the broken cement, bits of sharp glass and rocks stabbing at my skin. Smoke, along with the metalic scent of blood and sweat, attacked my nose, nearly causing me to gag. My skin looked yellow with the fires covering the city reflecting on my sweat. Everything was horrible, but I could handle all of it, if only I would go blind. The sights I see would forever haunt me if I lived to see the end of this hell.

The city was too bright, completely destroyed beyond recognition and still buring to the ground. Screams split the air and every second, a new one would be added and cause the ringing in my ears to increase. I was walking down a torn apart street, my body numb and my mind racing. Why was I seeing this? I'm in hell. What happened? I couldn't stop the frantic questions my brain asked in search of logic. I also couldn't stop myself from seeing all the cruel things happening around me.

In front of a collapsed store, a little ten year old boy with long, chesnut hair and fearful dark eyes screamed. A large wolf -like beast that made my hair stand on end howled and pushed the boy to the ground with his large, ugly black paw. His claws dug into the boy's back, making his screams turn into high pitched wails. Then the beast ripped off the small little arm. I never heard anyone in so much pain, and he was just a child. I needed to help, I thought. You'll die, whispered fear.

I kept walking.

There was a large crater in the ground filled with a bubbling, yellow liquid. It was cooking oil. I heard distinct, raw sobs and I looked to the right of the pool of oil. Wavy pink hair and hazel eyes, a girl a few years older than me sobbed, desperately trying to escape the unrelenting grasp of a woman clad in a sickingingly beautiful diamond dress. My sobs caught in my throat as the woman pushed the girl into the pool. Sizzles and pops pierced the air as she shrieked and her skin bubbled off. I had to try and get her out before she burns, I screamed at myself. The woman will push me in too, warned fear.

I carried on with my shameful stroll.

Surrounded by piles of rubble, a large stake stabbed the ground. On it, a teenage boy with olive skin yelled out to me. He was wrapped in barbed wire, he's brown hair matted with blood and eyes full of tears. A man with perfect, slicked back blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes smiled at me, showing row upon row of pearly teeth. he sent me a wink and the stake, including the person tied to it, burst into flames. Throw water on him, my mind cried to me. Stay away from that man, insisted fear.

I went as far away from him as I could.

A girl with strange purple eyes and a mop of untambed, frizzy black hair whimpers as a bloated, pink-skined man lifted her up in the air by her throat. The man, bald, with a pig-like nose and ugly smile, proceeded to pry open her mouth. He reached to one of the vomit-inducing piles of rotten food near him and started shoving fist fulls down her throat. She coughed and cried, but nothing helped her escape the man. Her pale face started turning blue as she choked and vomited around the mess beign slammed down her mouth. Get the man away from her, I pleaded with myself. He's a beast, he'll do the same to you, fear chuckled.

I kept going.

What met me next seemed like child's play compared to everything else. Two people, a man and a woman, walked toward me. I stopped and studied them, fearing the worst. The woman's features morphed and bubbled into random traits. One moment her eyes were pale blue, the next a wicked red. Her hair was a stringy brown until I blinked, then it was bright yellow. She was skinny, she was fat, she was bones, it all happened too fast to comprehend. It gave me a head ache. But I liked it better than the man's apperance, even when she showed off razor sharp teeth.

The man's thin lip curled up into a sneer, revealing yellow or missing teeth and slimy black gums. His eyes, so horrible, were the color of urine and his body was thin and gangly, like he barely fed himself, and was covered in a layer of dirt. Rags hung off him in make-shift clothes and he smelled of rats. His gross hands reached for me and I recoiled in disgust. They were like everyone else, I noted. And they can preform their own tortures, added fear.

They let me pass and I tried swallowing my sobs as more glass caused my feet to bleed.

I was shivering, whether from shock or cold I lost track, and tears streaked down my cheeks. I couldn't keep going, I can't handle this. My legs shook with each step I took. I felt like fainting, but didn't have the energy. I wanted to lay on the concrete and dream this burning hell away. But fear kept me from my salvation of unconciousness. it whispered warnings, mocked me for being weak, playing on my agony.

" Stop it! Leave me alone! " I cried out to nothing, the horrors ceased. " Make this end! "

" You want it to end? " a voice questioned. " Why? You started this. Don't you remember? "

The horrrors weren't over. A fifteen year old girl, short for her age, stood smiling politely in front of me. Doll-like ringlets the color of dried blood fell delicately over her shoulders to the small of her back. Large, expressive eyes a shade of mossy green with dark vines glittered with hidden malice and full lips trying to fight a grin. Her cheeks were full and made her look childish. It was me.

" You caused this, this hell is your's to rule. Enjoy. "

Chapter 2-

I could taste something foul in the back of my throat. My eyes flew open while my mind screamed, still trapped in my nightmare. Luckily some part of me knew I was going to throw up and I shot out of bed to my bathroom. I clinged to the porcelain toliet as my sweat covered body heaved up last night's chicken dinner. My arms shook and I couldn't see past the tears in my eyes, but I heard my door opening and closing faintly. The curls plastered to my face were gentley pulled back and familiar hands rubbed my back.

After a couple minutes of vomiting, the sickness passed and I shakily leaned against the counters. My eyes closed, but opened to the feeling of a cool washcloth rubbing the bile off my mouth. Dark, wrinkled eyes looked at me questioningly and full of concern. It was Nell. Nell is my caretaker, she's been with me since birth and her pressence instantly calmed me. I found myself relaxing in her motherly comfort.

" Are you alright, 'arriette? " she asked in that french accent I've grown to love.

I nodded as she finished with my face and handed me some water, which I quickly gulped down. My nightmare seemed to have faded and the shaking was stopping. I handed the glass back to Nell, " What time is it? "

" 5:30. Your fazer just left for work and your mozer 'ad to fix some emergency wiz ze bride. "

I said as Nell helped me stand, " Jasper going undercover? "

Nell's lips lined with wrinkles pulled into a smile, " Yes, 'e iz taking down a mez lab. Don't tell 'im I told you. " She winked her brown eyes at me.

I smiled and ruffled her shoulder length, salt and pepper hair, " Secret's safe with me. "

Nell rolled her eyes and squeezed my hand, " As usual, I find you bending over a toliet and afterward, your smiling. What will I do with you? "

" Um, keep me from school today? " I asked hopefully.

" No. Now go get ready. " She kissed my forehead before walking out.

I let out a groan but did as I was told and started peeling off my nightgown. I took a steamy shower before padding over the wood floor in a fluffy towel. I opened the doors to my large, messy closet and started shifting through clothes. Pulling on a pair of black jeans and a silver tank top, I proceeded to get dressed. The smell of eggs and bacon made my stomach growl as I sat at my iron vanity to put on make up. I went light, with eyeliner, mascara, pink gloss, and pale white eyeshadow. As per usual, I looked like a little doll. It's my signature I guess.

Quickly I brushed my teeth and shoved my feet into black high-tops before heading to our huge kitchen. Jasper works with the CIA and Elenor is a famous wedding designer, ergo we have tons and tons of money. Our house is styled after a log cabin-wood floors and walls, marble counters, and huge windows with acres upon acres of undeveloped woods- with modern things like flat screens, laptops, and a pool out back. The kitchen has one wall of marble counter space along with the chrome fridge and stove. There is also a matching island and if you look left, you can see the wrap around deck and curvey pool through the frosted glass back doors. You have to go through the living room to get to my room, the next hall, and the kitchen and dining room though, so you have to walk up three steps because the floor of the room is sunk in.

Anyway, I made my way to the kitchen where Nell, dressed in a pale orange dress with long sleeves, was finishing up breakfast. She turned at my footsteps and smiled at me, her face wrinkles crinkling. I sat at the island, already into the taxing routine of school even though I've only been back a week, and ate the food Nell put in front of me. It was good, like Nell's cooking always is, and by the time I finished seconds it was seven a.m. I heard Alex honking outside and I ran to get my black and pink lacey bag then ran out to his black car.

" Took you long enough, Hare. " He chuckled and backed out of my driveway as I huffed in the passenger seat.

" Sorry, I'm distracted. You look nice today, " I commented, looking over his plain t-shirt and jeans. He even had his usually shaggy black hair combed out of his eyes.

He glanced nervously at me, " Yeah, thought I'd be presentable when I ask a girl to the dance. " Alex's thumbs tapped at the steering wheel. It was completely unlike him to be this unconfident.

" Presentable? " I gave him a questioning look. " Alex you've never looked presentable for anyone. You can get any girl in school any other day. What's up? "

" This girl is special. " He replied cryptically.

I rolled my eyes, a little jealousy of this mysterious girl, and stared out the window. Alex has been my best friend since third grade, when we moved here. Even now, when we're both sixteen, he still stays the night and we sleep in the same bed. It's not like we do anything, we just have a really strong friendship. But I must admit, now it's become increasingly difficult to be near him, my heart starts to race, my palms sweat, and my stomach does cartwheels. And when he flirts with other girls, I try not to get annoyed. I guess, as much as it scares me to admit it, I have a crush on my best friend.

Lovely, isn't it? The only thing stopping me from saying anything is the fact that I don't want to ruin our friendship. That, and the fact that Alex can be a bit of a player. He's gone through more girls than Rue has gone through hair colors. I wonder what color she'll go with this week. Last week was a bright pink.

" Hey, Hare? "

" Yes, Alex, you will die alone. " I joked, sending him a smile.

He rolled his blue eyes and ruffled my curls, " No, we both know that would be Greg. " We both laughed at Rue's current boyfriend before sobering up. " But seriously, I look good right? "

I looked at him, dumb-founded, " You must really like this girl to be finally doubting your non-existent hotness. "

He tried not to snort at my playful insult, " I've liked her for awhile actually. I was just too much of a-"

" A chicken, scaredy-cat, stupid dumbo? " I suggested. " Alex, you look handsome. No girl can resist you. "

" And now your just feeding my ego, " he smirked. Alex pulled up to our three-storey high school and tried to find a parking space.

I groaned, " Man, I promised not to do that anymore! Your head's already too big. "

We laughed together and he took my hand while parking. Instantly, I started feeling giddy, but tried to put on a calm facade. We sat there for a minute or two in comfortable silence before he squeezed the hand he was holding and started to get out. I did the same, grabbing my bag, and started looking around for Greg's van. The black monstrosity pulled in next to us, nearly running me over.

" Hey! Watch it stupid. " I hit the driver's window as the door started opening. Greg, with his wild brown hair, stepped out laughing. " Jerk. "

Greg's big hand ruffled my hair and patted my cheek, " Ah, just enjoy the feeling of almost death, bunny rabbit. "

The rest of the car doors opened and slammed. " Greggie, you almost killed Harrietta! " Rue screeched, hitting Greg's arm. " And you know how special today is! "

" What's so special? "

" Nothing, ignore her. " Greg gave Rue a anxious look. " Shut up, babe. "

Rue clamped her hands to her mouth and giggled looking at me.

" Honestly, you can't tell her anything. " Alex remarked, sounding very annoyed, as he leaned against his car next to me.

Purple-eyed Fay drifted over to our group, the same dreamy smile as always on her face. " But she saves your life, Alex. "

We all looked at her....And went back to talking. We usually ignore the odd things Fay says, even though she always ends up being right. Rue gave Alex an evil look, which he returned quite well. " Get on with it Alex. "

Alex mumbled, " Shut up, rainbow head. " He took my hand, took a deep breath, and started leading me towards a secluded school garden.

" What's going on, Alex? " I asked.

" Just..." He ran his fingers through his hair nervously, not looking directly at me.

My eyebrows knitted together in comfusion. " Just? "

Alex met my eyes, a faint blush settling over his cheeks. " Harrietta....I've liked you since eigth grade but I never had the guts to tell you and I didn't want to lose your friendship. Rue found out and blackmailed me to finally tell you, I've been putting it off since freshman year, but I love you and it kills me too much to see you with all of the pricks who treat you like a piece of meat. I seriously want to punch them.

" Anyway, my point is, I can't stand not knowing if you feel the same wa- "

Our lips met. All of that ran together in one long sentence, but I did understand what he meant and I was too happy to let him continue babbling on like an idiot. It was nothing special, just a quick peck since Lora could show up at any moment, but it shut him up.

A huge, boyish grin spread across his face and he picked me up, planting another kiss on my lips. I laughed, letting him squish me and smudge my lipgloss, before finally making him set me down. " So, Rue blackmailed you? "

He rolled his eyes at me still wearing that cute smile, " Yeah, she did. Come on, we have to get to class soon. " He obviously didn't want to delve futher into the subject, so I didn't push it and let him lead me back.

" Finally! " Rue squealed.

Greg high-fived Alex, " About time, dude, we were worried someone else would snatch her up. "

" Yeah right, she's too picky. " Rue stated.

" And your not? " Alex joked. They continued bantering, which I tuned out, as we walked into the school. The High Creek High School's colors are gold and red, and the designers wrongly decided to deck the whole place out in gold, red, and some black. It's rather ugly, really. The walls are a gold brick and the lockers are a deep red, with our mascot, the snake, is painted almost everywhere. Rue and I always joke that the founders were a bit drunk while making the school, but it's a great school nonetheless.

My locker is on the south side, far away from the others, so I split from the group to get out my books. " I'll see you guys later. " I sent a wave to Alex and the others as I jogged so as not to be late to my first period.

Chapter 3- Fay

Fay watched silently as her firends slowly drifted apart, taking their pictures with them. She sighed sadly and walked as if in a trance to her own locker. Students passed her, each had their movie reel floating and wrapping itself around them, and distracted her. Fay had always been able to see their life line, the pictures moving around the people, and she never knew why. It drove her mother insane. That's why she tried murdering her and Elliot, her little brother, and went to jail.

Usually Fay could keep herself from being pulled into the lifelines, but every once in a while, she couldn't help it. Fay didn't mind it though, even if it did make her a little spacey, but she hated that she couldn't tell anyone of what she saw. When she tried telling Alex about Rue saving his life, she felt a sudden pain in the middle of her forehead. It wasn't very bad, but Fay knew from experience that it would get worse if she kept talking. Sometimes it was so horrible, she would faint or collapse. So her gift, or curse if you prefer, was rather useless.

A boy, rather normal looking, walked past Fay. He looked so plain, with very short blond hair and brown eyes, that it was very odd that Fay noticed him. But she did, and she stopped walking to turn and watch him go. Suddenly Fay felt a sharp tug in the back of her mind. It happened so quickly that she didn't have time to realize his lifeline was pulling her in.

In an instant, Fay was no longer looking at the boy, or even in the school for that matter. Instead, she was walking down a desserted walkway. Fay knew that it wasn't her who was walking, she was looking through the boy's eyes. But either way, she was stuck until this memory or piece of the future let her go.

I recognize this, Fay thought, it's the walkway from the gym. It goes to the parking lot by the east wing.

she was, indeed, right. She walked towards a girl in a shimmering gown standing alone in the parking lot. " Harrietta..." Fay heard the boy whisper to himself.

Harrietta turned around and smiled a little, her green eyes darting nervously to his hand then filled with fear. Fay raised an arm and noticed something shiney in the boy's fist, which he proceeded to plung in Harietta's stomach before she had a chance to do anything. Blood seeped through the gown as Harrietta fell to the cement, clutching the knife.

Fay felt a hard shove and she was back in her own body, still standing in the crowded hallway. Saddness weighed down her heart. Something bad will happen to Harrietta and there was nothing she could do. Fay knew not to mess with what was supposed to happen, but she couldn't just let Harrietta, the person who takes care of her and Elliot, get hurt.

No, she resolved, I'll do everything I can to make sure this doesn't happen.

With her face set in a stoney expression, she reached her locker, only to forget her combination. Fay stared hard at the lock trying to remember when the bell rang, causing the students to rush to class.

36-4-29? That combination didn't work because it was Alex's, Fay realized. After three minutes and going through her friends' combos, she decided to just go to class. It was biology and she had it with Alex. Fay walked in and the teache , Mr. Grindle, just glanced her way and waved her off. Alex sent her a questioning look as she sat by him in the last row.

" I forgot my locker combo. " Fay said distantly, as her mind and eyes were drifting around the lifelines of the people in the room. She heard Alex laugh a little before getting to whatever assigment Mr. Grindle had assigned them. Fay was too distracted to work, she had to think of some way to tell Alex.

She grabbed one of her pens and a sheet of paper and tried writing it.

Harrietta is in-was as far as she got before her hand cramped up and the pain between her eyes throbbed. A small whimper escaped her as she dropped the pen and crumpled up the paper. That wouldn't do. Fay knew she wouldn't be able to say anything, so she just looked around hopelessly. This would have to wait until she could come up with some other solution. With a heavy sigh Fay tried to focus her thoughts on the paper in front of her with no luck, the lifelines were too distracting. So instead, she let herself float through her classmates memories.

Chapter 4-

I sat in math quietly banging my head against the desk. I heard Rue, who went with purple by the way, giggle next to me. "What's wrong this time?"

"Look behind me." I nearly groaned.

She turned around then burst out laughing. The tearcher hushed her and she leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Lora's glaring a hole through your head!"

"I know I can feel it! It's like....she's imagening my death...but failing at it. And that makes it worse!" I huffed as Rue smothered her laughter. "It's not funny! ....Wait, you don't think it's because of her finding out about me and Alex, do you?"

"One way to find out." Rue got up before I could protest and skipped up next to a slim, tan, bleach blond girl. She whispered something in Lora's ear, causing Lora's firey brown eyes to narrow at me even more. Lora said something I couldn't hear before Rue skipped back, smiling apologetically at the teacher. "Sorry, Miss Gandims, I had to see why Lora was glaring at Harietta. It's because Harry's finally dating Alex!"

The class erputed into a mixture of groans, cheers, and "I knew it!"s as I continued to bang my head harder on the desk. "Thanks Rue!"

"You're welcome." She chirped, sitting back in her seat.

Miss Gandims, a young, black haired woman, gave us an odd look before going on with her lesson about factorial equations. Rue slipped her jacket under my head to stop me from bruising myself. "It was bad when he dumped her for calling me a bitch, and now it's going to be worse!"

"But just think, all those picnincs as friends now romantic picnics ending make out sessions. Or the dance. And someday, little bunnies and little Alexes running around!" Rue squeaked.

A small smile appeared on my lips as the bell rings, signalling lunch. We got our stuff together. "...Yeah, you're right. I can deal with Lora Gonzalis."

"Oh can you now?" Lora sneered from behind me. I slowly turned around to meet her eyes. "I'm going to make your life a living hell."

"Honey, I'm Satan's Mistress. I already live in hell." I pulled my shoulder bag on, turned on my heel, and walked out of the classroom.

"Holy smokes, Harry!" Rue high-fived me. "Nicely done using your old nickname."

"Thanks." I grinned at her. We walked down the crowded hallway, towards Greg, Alex, and Fay. Back in ninth grade, Alex had said I would scare the Devil himself. But I replied "I don't scare him, I'm his Mistress, I rule Hell." Every since then, it was common knowledge I do all the work in Hell while Satan does nothing.

"Hey bunny rabbit." Alex smirked at me and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him. "How was Calculus?"

"She just totally OWNED Lora!" Rue answered for me. "She was all like, 'I'm Satan's Mistress. I already live in hell.' Gawd, you should have seen her face!"

"What'd she do?" Greg humored his girlfriend. We started walking outside, Alex's arm around my waist and Greg's draped over Rue's shoulder.

"She looked like she got hit with a twenty pound rock! Lora totally didn't know what to do!"

I tuned Rue and Greg out and looked at Fay. She was frowning at me, her black eyebrows scrunched together. "Are you okay Fay?"


"What' wrong?" I squeezed her hand a little.

"....Something-Something bad." She whispered, rubbing her temple. Tears welled up in her purple eyes but she continued talking forcefully. "To you.....Alex please...stop it...."

By now we had all stopped in the hallway looking at her with concerned looks. Alex picked her up bridal style, "I'll keep her safe. Just relax Fay."

Fay looked at him, tears streaming down her pale cheeks, and smiled a little. "I know you will. Thank you." Her eyes drifted shut and her body relaxed as she fell asleep.

Alex sighed then looked at me. "What do we do?"

I thought for a moment, "Let's lay her down outside, we can use our jackets to make her a pillow."

He nodded and we kept walking. It was silence until we reached the lunch tables outside, behind the school. "...What do you think she meant?" Rue asked timidly, stealing a glance at me.

"Something's going to happen to me. It's as simple as that." I said with a calm facade. On the inside, I was freaking out.

Chapter 5-

Alex looked at me worriedly, seeing through my facade, and set Fay gentley down on the grass. Greg balled up his sweatshirt and placed it beneath her head before leading Rue off to the cafeteria. Alex sat next to me on the picnic bench, "Are you alright?"

I looked down at my hands, which he took. "...What am I supposed to say? She's never been wrong, Alex. And she says something's going to happen to me. I'm scared, Alex. What if it's worse than last time?" My voice cracked on the last part as I remembered when Alex took a bullet for me.

"I didn't let you get hurt then, and I'm not letting you get hurt now, not after we finally got together." Alex whispered, wrapping his arms around me and letting me bury my face in the crook of his neck.

Breathing in his spicy colgene, I relaxed slowly. He rubbed cirlces on my back until my breathing had settled and I straightened up. "I can't have them panic, it would just make things worse."

"Yeah, especially Rue and Elly. Do you still want our movie night tonight? I'm pretty sure I can convience Rue we want to be alone."

"No, it's fine. I just want to go about things normally." I decided briskly, dropping the subject as Rue and Greg came back with trays of food. "Why'd you get cafeteria food guys?"

"Nell didn't cook lunch." Greg stated.

"But my mom did." Alex brought out a smaller cooler full of Mrs. Collin's yummy pasta and cookies. We all laughed as Rue dived for the bag of chocolate chip cookies only to be tackled by me. "Cat fight!" Alex whistled as Rue and I fought for the desserts.

Lunch passed like every other day with the pack and I took up our trash since I had a free period. Fay had woken up in the middle of it and was now headed off to English with Rue and Alex. Greg gave me a wave before leaving me by the trash cans.I watched my friends merge into the colorful crowd before turning to the trails leading into the woods.

It's been ten years since I met them all. I remember it perfectly because they've changed my life so much since then. Alex was first. He saved my life, like he always seems to do, by pushing me out of the way of a car. After that, we were unseperable. Through him I met Rue about a month later. She had been partners with Alex in English and gave me my first Rue makeover. Then came Fay and Elliot. I had seen their mother snap when Fay told her the vase would get smashed by a baseball thrown through the window. I called 9-1-1, got them both out of their with only minor damage, and have felt responsible for them ever since. Greg is the most recent, just last year, and we met him through Rue.

Snip. I whirled around at a twig snapping. I wasn't too far from the school, but far enough where people don't usually wander. Everything was silent, besides the small hum of insects and wind. Then I noticed a head just a few feet away, barely noticable at first glance. I quietly walked closer and more features came into focus. He was plain, with short blond hair and a slightly crooked nose, and I didn't recognize him from school.

"Ahem..." He looked up panickedly. "Hi, I'm Harrietta Jones." I akwardly stuck my hand out.

The sophmore looked at it then studied me before slowly shaking it, "...Jacob Rather..."

Jacob didn't ring a bell. "Is there something you wanted?" I asked, kind of freaked out to find him hiding behind a tree behind me. He shook his head silently, the calculating brown eyes sending unpleasent shivers over my skin. "Well, I'll, uh, be off then." I could feel his prying eyes on me as I walked back towards the school. I don't know why, but I felt violated by his stare, like there was something so wrong about him.

One thing was for sure though, Alex doesn't need to know how I feel or someone will end up dying.

Chapter 6-

I had forgotten all about that strange encounter as the last bell ran and I followed the blob of students heading toward the front doors. Lora had steered clear of me since the math incedent and as I neared my locker, I found out why. Freak was spray-painted in bold black letters. Lora was grinning smugly amongst the crowd.

I blinked back tears and stopped before the mummuring crowd noticed my appearance. It hit me hard for some reason, being called a freak. I felt like crying as I watched the oblivious students laugh and mock me. I suppose having the whole school ridicule you can do that to a person.

"Hare?" Rue whispered behind me. I snifffed and she wrapped her arms around me. "I'll fix this. Just try and pretend you don't care, okay?"

I gave her a watery puzzled look as she walked to my locker, her purple head held high. After a few deep breaths and blinking back the tears, I followed her, careful to keep a blank face. On the inside I felt like throwing up like this morning.

"Like it?" Lora sneered as we entered the inner ring.

Rue clicked her tongue while taking out her cosmetics bag. "Not very creative. A bit dull actually. Want to help me spice it up, Hare?" She held out her hand for my art bag. I curiously handed it over. "I say silver, purple, and green. Slytherin colors. Sound cute?"

I smiled, "Sounds perfect."

The crowd watched in awe as Rue skillfully grafitied my locker, using FREAK as the main vocal point in the collage. A silver rose opened up around the word and morphed into a flock of purple mocking birds, which in turn faded into jagaur with bright green eyes. The jaguar finished the picture in a sort of protective stance.

To add the final Rue touch, my best friend sprinkled green and silver glitter over the wet paint. "There, much better, wouldn't you agree?"

"It looks beautiful Rue." I grinned.

The cluster of uneasy students decided who to side with and started clapping. Lora's face turned red as the school decided I had won another round and she flipped her hair, leading her clones to the parking lot. The students who, just a minute ago, were against me came up offering high-fives and congratulations. Hypocrites.

But as infuriating as it was, Rue and I played the heros, smiling and acting like we didn't notice their laspe in caring. We did this just to infuriate Lora more. When they drifted off, I turned to my locker and listened to Rue chat away happily. I rolled my eyes, not really paying attention until my backpack was lifted off my shoulders. "I'll take that sweetheart." Alex said giving me a lopsided grin. "Need anything from your locker?"

"No I just opened it to look at the beautiful new carpet installed." I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me and stood as I switched out books and grabbed my coat.

"Hey, can we have dinner at your house before movie night?" Rue asked, pecking Greg on the lips when he came up.

"Sure, meet you there after we pick up Elly." I answered, already walking to Alex's car. We climbed in silently, no words needed at the moment, and started driving to the middle school.

Chapter 7-

Hand in hand, Alex and I stood outside the middle school waiting for my little man. "How was your day, Harietta?"

I glanced suspiciously at my boyfriend, "Okay I suppose. Just like every other week day, why?"

"The whole freak-locker thing seemed to hit you pretty hard." He looked at me thoughtfully.

"I'm fine, now. Honestly." I insisted, "Rue taught me a lesson today."

"What lesson, Hare?" my little Elly shouted as he ran toward us.

Alex grinned and tossed him in the air. I laughed, "Oh, just that we all need to embrace our uniqueness. "

Once his feet was on the ground, Elliot studied us. His eyes widened, "Finally!"

"Finally what, Els?" I asked. Alex, Elliot and I piled back into the car.

"You two are finally dating."

Alex and I shared a look, "How'd you find out?" he asked cautiously.

I saw Elliot shrug in the mirror, staring out at the moving landscape. "I just saw you two. Something shifted, I can't explain it. Like the air around you guys changed."

After an akward moment in which I worried Elliot was crazy, Alex decided to take it in stride. "You are your sister's brother."

Elliot grinned at us and started telling us about his day. His eyes would light up and his dimples would make an appearance at a mention of a certain little girl. Alex reached back, laughing and ruffling Els chesnut curls. "You got a crush."

"Yes, I do." Elliot announced proudly.

I rolled my eyes, "Enough, I don't want my little man growing up. Plus, we're here."

Elliot giggled as we exited the vehicle and headed toward my cabin-styled mansion. Alex lited Elliot over the stairs, leading him to the den in the basement. I stayed behind, putting our bags in my purple room then went to find Nell in the kitchen. "It smells good, what's for dinner?"

Her dark eyes met mine smiling, "Ve are 'aving chiken wiz mashed potatos, corn and noodlez and cheeze."

"Mac and cheese?" I asked. Nell nodded and I laughed at her strange talk. "What's for dessert?"

As an answer, Nell stopped stirring noodles and pulled a chocolate cake out of the oven. "Black Forest cake. You like? She grinned, the smile wrinkles crinkling around her lips.

'Very." I could tell my eyes were wide.

She put the unfinished cake on the counter top and shooed me out, "Go 'ave vun wiz your vriends. I vill call ven it is done."

I rolled my eyes and called over my shoulder, "Love you too."

I turned left out of the archway and walked down the hall to the library. Inside, hidden between the cieling high bookcases, I found the spiral staircase leading down to the den. Before venturing down, I lingered by my mahogony desk. A folded cream colored note lay inconspicously on top of other papers. I unfolded it and started reading, my hands shaking slightly as I finished.

Dear Harrietta,

Such a lovely specimen you are. I believe I will be starting my doll collection soon, and you will be the first.

With deep love,

Doll Maker.

With my hands still saking, I carefully put the horrid letter in a draw and drew deep breathes. What the hell was that about? It must be someone's idea of a prank. Maybe Lora, though I knew she wouldn't do a thing like that. She'd rather humilate me in front of a crowd. Should I tell my pack? I bit my lip and decided not to. They would get scared or worried, plus they had other things to worry about. I highly doubt I"m in any danger.

I shook those thoughts out of my head and walked down. Laughter of my family enveloped me. "What's so funny?"

Rue giggled, "Making fun of you and Elliot's love life."

"His non-existent love life." I stated firmly before plopping down on one of the many large leather couches. Elliot rolled his hazel eyes at me but grinned with the rest of my friends. "So, what movie are we watching?"

We all looked expectantly at Alex, who looked at Elliot. "Well, little man?"

"Um," he scratched his head and scanned the shelves of movies by the flat screen. "How does Freeway sound?"

"Try something a little less violent. " whispered Fay, looked straight at me.

I frowned but kept my mouth shut. You never contradict Fay. "Hairspray?"

"Yes!" Rue squealed.

Elliot laughed and put it in. Rue sat on Greg's lap in an armchair and snuggled up with a blanket. Fay and Elliot sat on pillows in front of the couch I was on. Alex joined them on the floor, sitting by my feet. It wasn't until Tracy's booming voice filled the room that Alex pulled my down next to me. He whispered in my ear, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I sayed rather sharply.

Alex's blue eyes flashed with hurt but didn't press me. My frown deepened, thinking of that stupid letter in the library and the fact that this is the only secret I've ever kept from my best friend and now boyfriend. I kind of regreted not telling him.

"Just know I'm here okay?"

I nodded and smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you."

He kissed my hand, "It's my job, Hare."

With Alex here, I was perfectly safe.

My smile faded. It was a lie.

Chapter 8-

He smiled slowly. Not the pretend smile he wears to lure silly girls. Not the sympathetic smile he gives the women who turn to him. No, this smile was harsh, cold, and not pretend. This was him.

It had been a week, three days, and four hours since their encounter and her image haunted him. When he closes his eyes, looks in the mirror, or even in his sleep, it is her fragile image he sees. She was the one.

She wasn't the first he had been obsessed with. But looking at her through the crowded cafeteria, he decided she'd be his first doll. He could just imagine draining her body and preserving it, freezing her uworldy beauty for eternity.

Yes, he thought while smiling that cruel smile, she will be mine.

Chapter 9-

With the dance next Friday, only a week away, Rue was stressing the details. Today she was dragging Fay, Elliot, and me dress shopping.

"How many party dresses do I own ad you still drag me shopping?" I groaned. Rue grabbed my arm and dragged me through the doors with an annoyed look.

The smell of food and perfume engulfed us as Rue talked over the bustling noise. "Alex has seen you in all of them! You two will be dating for two week the night of the dance. It has to be special."

I saw Elliot rolling his eyes and chuckled. Fay and Elliot followed Rue as she had to drag me into a dress shop. Once she was satisfied I was completely inside, she left me to browse. I stood in the middle of the store akwardly. I sighed, obviously not getting out of this, and started wandering through the racks. I ended up in front of the dressing rooms and instantly regretted it.

"This dress is hideous. " Lora's voice carried past the door. The fake blonde started coming out and in a flight or fight reaction, I hid behind a rack of sparkly, poofy prom- like dresses. "Almost as ugly as the red skirt that freak was wearing."

I didn't dare move as Jessica came out. "I know, talk about Irish trash."

Frowning, I looked down at my plaid skirt and black sweater. I thought it was cute. "At least she has better style than the rainbow whore or the drug addict."

I clenched my fists. They were insulting my sisters.

Jessica giggled in agreement, "Wonder how she manages to get her fix, she lives in a box for goodness sake."

"I feel sorry for that brother of his." Lora laughed, unaware of the storm she was going to have to face if she said anything else. "His sister is a crack whore and he has Harry pretending to be his mommy."

I felt something inside of me snap. My vision went red and I pushed the rack over on the two girls. I stood up, glaring down at them. "Ah!" the girls screamed as they found themselves tangled in a pile of hangers and fabric.

Lora started getting up and looked at me furiously. Her gaze faltered when her eyes met mine. Those blue eyes turned cold with fear. I smirked vicously, "What, all out of insults?"

By now I could feel people surrounding us, confused and unsure about how to react. I didn't even look at them, my focus was on Lora and Jessica. I grabbed the straps of her blue dress and pulled her roughly. I put her face deadly close to mine. "I don't know what started this, nor do I care. But this fued, it stays between us. My friends stay out of it. You insult them again and I will make sure to ruin you. You won't even have those good looks by the time I get done with you. " Lora's eyes darted frantically to find someone to help her. Jessica kept her eyes down to the floor. Smart girl. I pushed Lora back to the ground and started walking out.

I stopped in front of the store manager, "Sorry for the mess, I'm sure they won't mind cleaning up." I motioned for Rue, Fay, and Elliot to follow me and led the way to the food court in silence. My anger started ebbing away slowly. By the time I had gotten a slice of pizza and sat down, it was nearly gone. In it's place was guilt. "Guys, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarress you or anything."

Elliot laughed, "It's okay, Hare."


"You were just sticking up for us." Rue smiled."It's not your fault we can't go back in the only good dress shop in this town."

"We still love you." Fay assured in her quiet voice, purple eyes glinting with unusual knowledge.

I breathed, "Thanks, I-"

"Wonder how Lora is going to treat you now." Rue cut me off once again. I mock glared at her and she giggled, "Sorry, it's just her face was so hilarious."

"Like a deer in headlights at first then like a the wicked witch melting." We all looked at little Elliot's serious face. Our laughter silenced the food court. Even Fay could be heard over our noise, unlike her usual fade into the background chuckle.

Breathlessly, Rue started dogging me about dresses. "But seriously, now what are we going to do about dresses?"

I was dumbfounded for a moment at the seriously furious look she was pinning me down with. A sudden idea popped in my head, like a lightbulb being turned on. "I'll just ask my mother's dressmaker to do me a favor. Consider it a Christmas gift."

"You mean..." Rue's voice turned ear-achingly high pitched, "Designer, one-of-a-kind dresses?!" I nodded and she caught me in a suprise bear-hug that ended up with both of us sprawled out on the floor.

"Rue what have I told you about glomping me?! And I'm in a skirt!" I detangled myself from my rainbow friend and brushed off the plaid skirt Lora had so recently insulted.

"Heh, sorry, I'm just so happy." She blushed an grinned so big I thought her thin cheeks would split.

I rolled my eyes and took my seat, taking a bite of greasy pepperoni pizza. "Just don't," I said between chewing, "Let it happen again. I don't enjoy getting thrown to the floor and flashing the mall while getting strangled by you." I smiled.

We continued joking and eating our mall grub until Fay stood up, smiling brightly. "I'll meet you at the car, I need to pick something up."

"Okay, want me to go with?"

"No, I'll be safe, I promise."

She walked away before I could insist walking with her. I was relunctant to let her go but she was already lost in the crowd. I frowned, worried about her well-being. "Well, let's go out."

Elliot took my hand as we walked through the parking lot. "She'll be okay."

I smiled, "I know." I kept my anxiety out of my face and raced him to Rue's Camaro.

Chapter 10-

"Fay needs to hurry up." I muttered while anxiously tapping my foot on the tire of Rue's shiny car.

Rue glanced up from texting and caught my eye. "Relax, Hare."

I felt the tesion leave my body through the tips of my fingers, like there was a leak. An unexplainable calm took it's place and I serenly glided to the back seat, waiting and wondering why I was even worried in the first place.

Elliot's brow furrowed at me before he looked toward the entrance. "Here she comes!"

I sprang back out of the car and saw frizzy-haired Fay walking with a middle-aged man. The bearded, warm-faced man was carrying a two crates, both as long as my forearm and wide as my calf. "Erm, what's that?"

"Presents." Fay smiled slightly. "I'll take them, Mr.Wilson."

Alex's dad gave them to her with a carefree smile. "Here you are Fay."

"Um, why-"

"What the hell did you get?" Rue peeked out the driver's window.

"Language!" Elliot chastised as he went to his sister's side. The family resembalance was barely detectable.

"One for you, Elliot." Fay nodded. She walked to the car, purple eyes growing distant once more.

"Um, alright then? I'll uh see you later, Mr.Wilson!" I waved out the window as Rue peeled out of the parking lot. She blasted Ke$ha music, succesfully ruining any chance for conversations, and broke every speed limit. Fay gripped her boxes tightly, as if they held something precious, as Rue hastily pulled into my driveway. I immediately exited the crazy woman's vechicle.

"You are insane! How did you get your liscense?!"

"I have no idea, actually." She mused.

I rolled my eyes and leaned down into Elly's open window. "Let me know what you got, okay? I'll see you later, guys."

"Bye, Harietta!" My friends waved back. I headed back in side my house, mummbling under my breath as Rue's tires squealed.

I stood in my living room and noticed the house had an unusual chill of loneliness to it. I saw my mother's coat hanging on the coat rack. So that's why Nell was no where to be found. She has a particular disdain for my mother and usually goes grocery shopping when she's home. Shrugging, I walked into my room and turned my T.V to South Park before plopping on my bed and pulling out my laptop. I signed on to Facebook but kept tabs open on and email.

I sent my mother's designer, Jasmine, a quick plea of help before taking some quizzes on Quotev. Facebook kept popping up messages, mostly from people at school I don't really care to talk to, but one puzzled me.

Quincy: Hey, how's your day been?

I don't know anyone by the name Quincy. He must have been someone I added at random. Mental note; that is not a safe habit.

Me: Um, fine. Who are you?

Quincy: Sorry, I go to a different school. The name's Quincy Munford. Just thought we could chat.

Okay, then, I'm talking to a random strnager. When did I become so idiotic?

Me: Well, alright? How's your day?

Quincy: So-so, I'm still breathing.

Me: So what's up?

Quincy: Listening to my dog bark at nothing. How about you?

Me: Being bored as per usual.

This is crazy.

Quincy: No boyfriend to keep you company?

My fingers hesitated over the keys, an uneasy feeling bubbling in my chest. Why did I feel like I shouldn't tell him this? Probably cause he's some stranger on Facebook. But what harm could he do, Alex can take care of himself.

Me: No, my boyfriend is at work at the moment.

Quincy: Aw, well maybe you should go for a walk. You'll get fresh air and excersise.

Me: Yeah, maybe I should.

Quincy: Talk to you later.

He signed off and I sat there, cross-legged on my bed staring at the screen. I clicked on his profile and scanned his pictures. He had no pictures of himself, just some black and white Husky and some bands. I closed my laptop, head starting to hurt from today. I decided a walk would be best.

I grabbed my handy-dandy compass before I slipped out the glass door leading to the back yard. I was quite surprised to find my mother bent over wedding invatations scattered about the picnic table. She glanced up before returning to glueing a ribbon on a card. "What are you doing up?"

"It's five in the afternoon."

"Oh." was the reply.

After a few mintues of me glaring at her, I decided to just go ahead and head out into the woods surrounding our house. If I ever ended up lost, I just needed to head north and I'd come back to my home or the road. With that knowledge in mind, I bravely ventured off the well-worn path. I climbed over fallen trees and pushed my way through bramble bushes well past sunset. I was very thankful it was a full moon or else I wouldn't be able to see my compass.


I stopped walking and slowly turned on my heel. Movement in a thorny bush caught my eye, causing me to tense, ready to run. "Who's there?" I called meakly.

A throaty roar answered me. I took a step back as the bush rustles more, my curioustiy not letting me turn and flea. A creature as black as night with glowing yellow eyes slowly exited it's hide-away bearing it's teeth. Fear pumped through my veins as the jaguar's powerfull muscles tensed, ready to pounce. It studied me, sizing me up.

How did a jaguar get to Florida anyway?! I can't outrun this thing! Oh, what do I do?!

I kept eye contact as long as I coud, terrified that if I blinked it would kill me, but soon my eyes disobeyed me. For just a millisecond, I was enclosed in blackness before snapping them back open and meeting the glowing orbs. The jaguar was gone. In it's place was a small kitten with black fur and a tail swishing playfully back and forth. It's eyes lit up like lanterns, burning with curiosity. "Mew."

I scanned my surrounding just to make sure this wasn't a joke before slowly approaching the kit. "But you were just...." I held out my hand which the kit started nuzzling. "I must be stressing out too much. You're adorable!"

I smiled and carefully picked the kitten up. It was a girl, she also had the loudest purr on a cat I have ever heard. She had no collar so I assumed she was a stray. "Where's your mommy?"

"Mew," She nuzzled into my neck.

"Yeah, I know a thing or to about lazy mothers. How would you like to come stay with me?"

"Mew." Her purr seemed to get louder, if that was possible.

"Good, I'll call you Diana, since your eyes remind me of the moon."

"Meow." Diana's tail flicked happily.

I made my way back to my house to find my mom still doing work. "I found a cat. I'm going to keep her."

"Okay, don't stay out too late."

I rolled my eyes, walked back into the house, and sat Diana down on my bed. "We'll get some stuff for you tomorow, okay?"

"Mew," Diana nestled herself into my pillow and watched me get ready for bed. She reminded me slightly of the Chesire Cat, for she seemed to be grining at me. I shimmied under the covers and petted her head, returning her smile before sleep claimed me.

Chapter 10-

I woke to Diana kneading on my stomach and purring loud at seven in the morning. The sun shone through my lace curtains, adding to my annoyance. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, "Go away!"

"Mew." Diana was persistant, moving on to walk back and forth on my chest.

"Okay, okay! I'm up!" I lazily pulled back the covers and slumped into the bathroom, starting the shower.

After the neccisary hygene routine, I dressed myself in a baby blue v-neck and demin capris. Diana watched me from the comfort of my abondended bed. Just to annoy her, I pulled the blankets over the sheets and started making my bed for once.

She hopped off, her moon eyes glaring at me while her tail flicked in annoyance. "Meow."

"Ha," I stuck my tongue out at her.

"...Are you talking to a cat?" Nell asked, a plate of pancakes in her hand.

I turned back to Diana, "Maybe I am."

She shook her head, setting the plate on my bedside table, "Vell, as zey zay 'normal ez boring'.

I giggled, "Very true, Nell. I found her out back, mind if I keep her?"

"I don't ze vy you couldn't," Nell scratched Diana behind the ears.

"Thank you!" I hugged her briefly. "Her name is Diana. I'm going out to the pet store to get her some stuff okay?" I sat on my bed and started eating away at the pancakes Nell had prepared for me.

"Alright." Nell closed the door behind her, leaving me to hastily devour the breakfast.

Once my belly was full and the plate was in the sink, I fired up my black Lotus, driving towards the mall once more. I found a parking space right in front of Wilson's Pet Center. As soon as we entered the air conditioned store, the polite, cheery face of Teresa Wilson greeted us, "Welcome to-oh, Harietta! It's lovely to see you, dear, Alex will be right out. Is there anything I can help with?"

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, "I'm just here to shop for this little girl." I held DIana up from her place in my arms.

"She's adorable, what's her name?"


"Well, try not to spoil her too much." Teresa turned her attention to a few people who had just walked in, putting her dark brown hair behind her ears.

I wandered the aisles with Diana in my arms, just looking at everything before getting down to bissiness. When I finally reached the cat section, I noticed big bags cat food next to bags of litter. I heard wheels creaking behind me and I turned to find my wonderful boyfried smirking at me, pushing a cart.

"You might need this, babe." Alex offered. He jokingly bumped it into my hip, causing me to laugh.

I stood up on my toes and gave him a quick peck, "Thanks, Alex."

"My pleasure. Need any help?"

"Nope, I have it all under control. Go back to whatever you were doing, sweetheart."

Alex smiled, giving me another kiss, "I'll meet you at your house then." My boyfriend turned around and went back to work, leaving me to handle my shopping.


I looked down at my cat, "Oh right." I set her down in that place where you put your kids and started piling things in the cart.

I put the litter and the litter box in the cart then noticed Diana was missing. Trying not to panic, I looked around to find her licking her paw on a bag salmon flavored cat food. I giggled, watching her hop back into the cart then put the food in after her. "Food bowls next."

I pushed the cart to the shelves of porcelain and plastic bowls. Her tail twitched as we both examained our choices. I pointed to a bright pink, heart-shaped bowl. Diana's eyes narrowed in disgust, "I'll take that as a no." All of the bowls were either too plain or too preppy for her. "Oh, you'll love this."

BY sheer luck, I caught sight of a set of black ones way in the back. I had to stand on the bottom shelf just to reach them. As I held them up for Diana's inspection, I realized they had gemstones in the shape of moons glued to the sides. Diana's tail flicked back and forth appreciatively.

"Told you," I chuckled, pushing the cart to the collars. "Now, pick a collar."

She examined them for a moment before pawing at a simple black collar. I put it in the cart next to where she sat. Before heading up to the counter, we loaded up on cat treats, a scratching post, and some catnip toys for her. When Alex saw us approaching his register with a very heavy shopping cart, he laughed. "You're spoiling her, Harietta."

"I know I am." I joked, putting some goods on the counter.

Alex rung it up, helping me put it back in the cart. I paid with my credit card and smiled when he started pushing the cart. "I'll help you load this stuff."

"Thanks," We walked to my Lotus in the parking lot. I popped the trunk for him and watched him put the bags in.

"How'd dress shopping go?"

"Bad. Now I'm getting Jasmine to make them."

"Isn't that going to be expensive?"

I sighed a bit, "Very, but I'm hoping she'll give me a discount. I did save her job before, ya know."

"Well, good luck, babe." He kissed me quickly, giving the butterflies in my stomach new life. "I got to get back to work but I'll see you tonight."

I watched my shaggy haired boyfriend in a bright red vest jog back to his parents' pet store. After waving goodbye, Diana and I buckled up then headed back home, a cold feeling killing the butterflies that once fluttered in my tummy. "...Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?"

Diana just curled up in my lap, not saying a word. Thanks for the help, I thought sarcastically.

Chapter 11-

After Diana was settled in and going at her scratching post with determination, I checked my email to happily find a reply. Jasmine agreed to make the dresses, even shaving off forty percent! Now that was a huge steal. I sent Rue and Fay a quick text telling them to be over here around nine tomorrow. This had really brightened my mood. Once I recieved okays from both of them-Rue's being in all caps about how excited she was- I decided to get on Facebook for a bit.

The second I logged on, Quincy messaged me.

Quincy: Hey, dollface, how's your day been?

Me: Dollface? Wow, and it's been just dandy. How about yours?

Quincy: Yes, I"m going to call you dollface. My day's been good.

Me: By the way, I took your advice yesterday and I found a kitten. I just got back from the pet store to get her some things.

Quincy: See? You should listen to me more often.

I laughed at that, earning me a wierded out look from Diana.

Me: Hey don't get a big head, it was a fluke.

Quincy: What's her name?

Me: Diana. Oh, and speaking of animals, didn't you mention a dog?

Quincy: Nice name, after the moon goddess I presume? And yeah, he's name's Yukon. He's a husky.

Me: You presume correct, it's because her eyes remind me of the full moon. I gotta be honest, I don't particularly like dogs. Two of my friends have one and I hate going over to their houses.

Quincy: Maybe you just haven't met the right dog. What breed do your friends have?

Me: My boyfriend has a pit bull named Romeo and Rue has a poodle named Blythe.

Quincy: Pit bulls are alright, poodles shouldn't be too bad though. Wierd name for a poodle.

Me: Dogs just seem to hate me for some reason though. Even Chihuahas.

Quincy: Maybe you're just unlucky?

Me: Let's go with that, at least it's an answer.

I spent the rest of the afternoon just chatting with friends on Facebook. Greg was on for a few hours and we talked about music. Quincy and I kept talking about animals, like which mythical animal we would want as a pet and other random questions. It was nice to just chat without a purpose. Nell shook her head everytime she came in my room, even Diana grew bored and went to wander around the house.

Around six I told Quincy I had to get off, a movie date with my boyfriend. Shutting my laptop, I wandered into the kitchen to find Nell putting her hair up, just about to start dinner. "You don't have to cook, I was thinking Alex and I could order pizza instead."

She turned around, that always present, motherly smile on her face. "Alright, do you vant dezzert?"

I returned her smile, "We can bake cookies if you want to relax, Nell. You do too much for me as it is."

"I do not mind, you are like a daughter to me, 'arietta." Nell gave me a brief hug.

"But even you need rest, mom," I teased, hugging her back. "You can join us watching movies if you'd like."

"No, no, I don't vant to intrude. I'll just finish up ze laundry before I return 'ome." I watched my busy-body nanny hurry off to the laundry room, that smile never leaving her face. I will never understand how she can be so selfless and caring all the time, but that's how I've always known Nell to be.

A knock on the front door interupted my train of thought. Walking to the living room, I yelled, "I'll get it!" I opened the wooden door and grinned.

There in the doorway, stood my olive-skinned, tosseled black haired, sparkling blue eyed boyfriend wearing a heart-stopping smirk. He had ditched the red vest for a black t-shirt, jeans, and black sneakers. Alex winked at me, walking into my living room. "Hey, babe. Ready for some horror flicks?"

"You bet. And I was thinking we could order pizza and bake some cookies." I offered.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll call up the pizza place. The usual?"

With a grin, I recited, "One large pepperoni pizza with green peppers and an order of breadsticks with extra cheese. We can make the cookies later."

Alex pecked me on the lips, making my stomach do summer-saults, "Perfect." He dialed up the local pizzaria and placed our order. "Less thank thirty minutes, shall we go pick a few movies out?"

I followed him down into the theatre,where we combed the shelves for movies. "To start a conversation, do you know a Quincy Munnford?"

Alex thought for a moment while pulling out a few dvds, "No, I don't, why? Someone giving you trouble?"

"No, just someone on Facebook I must have added without thinking."

"Silly, " he teased, putting down the dvds and wrapping his arms around my waist. " Let me know if he tries anything."

"Worried you might have competition?" I smirked. I turned around so I was facing him and my smile grew when his arms stayed where they were, keeping our faces close together.

"Nope, no one can compare to me." Alex boasted.

"I swear, your ego is so big it sufficates me sometimes. "I laughed.

Alex didn't bother with a reply, instead he crashed his lips to mine. I melted into his kissing, snaking my arms around his neck and letting my fingers tangle in his soft hair. He pulled me closer to his body, deepening the kiss. I followed along happily, his kissing making making my knees weak and my breath uneven. We stopped, resting our foreheads together, when someone knocked on the front door upstairs.

"I'll pay," Alex grinned breathlessly. I sat upon the couch trying to catch my breath and cool my cheeks off. A few minutes later, Alex returned with our food and set it on the floor. "Pick a movie yet?"

"Um," I lifted up a gory looking movie, "how about this one?"

"While we're eating?" Alex shrugged and put the movie in. After pressing play, he joined me on the floor. We opened up the pizza and breadsticks and dug in, laughing and commenting on 2001 Maniacs and the dumb people who ended up getting themselves killed.

"Now see," I said between bites of some crust, "if the people in horror movies would just listen to me, they'd still be alive."

Alex laughed, stealing my crust and taking a bite, "Of course they would."

"Are you saying I wouldn't survive a horror movie?" I dared him to say yes.

"Yes, I am. You would die within the first ten minutes without me. "Alex dramatically puffed out his chest before laughing at my face.

"Yeah, right! You'd be the one to die without me!" I stole my crust back, eating the last of it. "Now put in another movie, pup."

"Pup?" He raised an eyebrow but did as I said, putting in a Saw flick. "By the way, how's the cat? Haven't seen her since I arrived."

"Diana? She's settling in well, doing her exploring. How's, uh, Romeo?"

Alex rolled his eyes at my distaste for his dog, "Good. He misses you."

"I'll see him sooner or later." I added under my breath," Hopefully the latter."

Alex chuckled, hearing me. "What about the dresses?"

I perked up at that question, a big smile on my face. "She's giving me forty percent off!"

"That's great, Harietta. How much do you think they'll be?"

"Um, probably a little less than five hundred dollars?" I frowned a bit, realizing it still was pretty enxpensive. I'll just have to ask dad if I can borrow some money since I wasted most of my allowance this month on Diana. "I'll make it work."

"I'm sure you will, babe." Alex picked up another slice of pizza.

After a few minutes of watching Saw, I broke the silence. "This is nice."

Alex gave me a sideways look, "What exactly?"

"Being with you without all the uncertainty and not being able to really tell you how I feel."

"I agree. You don't know how badly I wanted to do this all those years, " And then Alex kissed me once again.

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